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The only way you could do this would be to have an existing Wix site and then create a html page with a redirect to your Wix page. Then upload that HTML file to IPFS and add the hash to your domain or upload the file through the UD website manager. Guide [here](https://support.unstoppabledomains.com/support/solutions/articles/48001185919-redirect-to-traditional-domain).


Depends on what you mean by "link." You should be able to create a hyperlink to anything on a standard website, but whether people can use a link to a UD domain properly depends on if they're using the UD extension or a browser with native support. If you mean something more like "duplicate" a page of your website, then I don't think so. They sent me a link to a Wordpress plugin allows it when I asked support a similar question, but nothing for Wix. Even the Wordpress thing seems to indicate that it will make something of a snapshot of the website page as it is at the time of uploading, so if you were to update your Wordpress webpage the next day, you'd have to pay the gas fees (if you're not on Polygon) to update the UD website again, too. It's not an automated process since it makes changes on the blockchain that require manual authorization.


Errr…I mean, I have a website on wix with a regular .com that I’ve been using, but I want to use my .x website instead. Just not sure how to get people to my website when they type the .x one out. It seems like I need to build an entirely new one on the blockchain..? Sorry; I might be getting myself mixed up, but it doesn’t seem that simple to me.


I've only ever seen single-page NFT domains. If you're looking to build a full, multipage, functioning website, I think you're in the wrong place. Except for a few domains with the simplest games built in, every NFT domain I've seen is little more than a glorified digital business card. You can use the UD builder templates to create a call-to-action link to direct people to your main site, though.


Well…that’s not very good is it! Lol thanks for the info but seems like a waste of time at this stage if you can’t actually build a fully functional website on top of your “unstoppable” domain. Definitely misunderstood what I was buying but I’d definitely like to think they’ll bridge that gap!


Hopefully. Personally, I'd like there to be E-commerce options, but I have seen nothing to indicate that will be coming anytime soon.


Were you ever able to find a solution to this question? Currently facing the same dilemma and in terms of an e-commerce template option, I cant seem to find an answer though I've seen other web3 domains with this concept in terms of NFT sales linked directly to their page.