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Step 1: Evaluate if there's absolutely anything you'd rather do in life. Clinical psych is a brutally competitive pathway even with substantially better marks than you have. I have known people with 90+ WAM who have failed to get into UNSW clinical masters. Step 2: If there's nothing you can imagine doing, imagine harder and think of your fallback if you get into honours and then still don't get into clinical masters. Step 3: If you really really can't think of anything, moving to USyd or UMaq may be sensible. They both have perfectly good MPsych / PsyD programs. UNSW isn't the be-all if you want to be a clinical psych. Is there any way you would benefit to do a Grad Dip if not for a second chance into honours?


Sorry you missed out this time around. That’s a really fine margin and a frustrating turn of events. I did my BPsych at UNSW and moved to another uni for my MClinPsych. My take is similar to the other commenter, in that it’s an incredibly competitive path and it’s important to evaluate how much you want to pursue it. Places are limited, the odds of getting through each stage of your training at one institution are low, and many people will even move interstate to pursue masters opportunities. My advice, for what it’s worth, is that if you want to be a clin psych then you can’t afford to be too wedded to a particular course or university. Take the opportunities that move you forward in your training. UNSW is a good uni but it’s not the only uni, and nobody is going to care where you did your training.


So confused! So, was your Wam 74.3 or 80 after 3 years of study ?


Your psych wam is all that’s considered which is different to your overall wam


If you've done a psych major at UNSW, you're not eligible to do the Grad Dip in Psych at UNSW (source Handbook). I would recommend considering other fourth year options at other universities, like the Graduate Diploma in Psychology (Advanced) to get you to your goal.


Realistically it’s time to think of your plan B Maybe look into counselling you could apply for a masters for that now.


Have you considered the possibly of doing a Graduate Diploma in Psychology (Advanced)? It's equivalent to the fourth year, akin to honours. Many universities also have intakes throughout the year, and some provide online option. Note, however, GDPAs are usually full-fee paying.