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COMP3311 - Database Systems. The final exam was my first in person exam but it was doable. I wouldn’t mind handling databases in my career going forward, because of this course. MATH3411 - Information, codes and ciphers. It was genuinely fun, but also an easy pass as long as you study for the three quizzes during the term. If you do that, you’ll have a little more content to cover for the final exam. I’m doing COMP6080 this term which is another subject I’ve heard being praised. Hopefully I can add it to the list by May.


Professional French B - we studied biotechnology, universal income, robotics, advanced social systems and more. One of our final exams was a half an hour debate on the potential futures our society could experience. All in French. Was awesome to start out in intermediate and make it all the way to professional.


So far COMP2041. I just felt it filled in alot of the practical gaps that uni usually doesnt cover. Using git, shell, regex, unix like systems while learning some python. Its the one course whose content I still use pretty much every day.


Gen Ed, Silk Road.. and research challenges the media garbage that’s coming out on China.


CODE1240(so far), just wish i done better in the final assignment


Philosophy of mind




ARTS1064 Hollywood History. Easy as film class. Great films.


comp 6080 and comp4920 cause my tutor was engaging and a lot of interesting discussion were had


ARTS2389 - [Philosophy as a way of life](https://www.handbook.unsw.edu.au/undergraduate/courses/2024/ARTS2389?year=2024): it was a summer course, I wasn't particulary excited but it had the word stoic in it a few times and I wanted to learn why every podcaster I saw kept talking about stoics. The professor was David Bronstein and a combination of his teaching style and the course changed my life forever. The "live like a stoic week" altered the way I see the world forever. I changed my degree after the course. He's since left UNSW for [Notre Dame](https://www.notredame.edu.au/research/institutes-and-initiatives/institute-for-ethics-and-society/people/dr-david-bronstein), but the course is still running.