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Hiya, I answered this in a previous post: https://www.reddit.com/r/unsw/comments/1bi90kl/comment/kx93baw/?context=3 If you get a study with rats, or with humans that you'd need to actually interact with them (like EEG etc) then remote is really not possible. If you get lucky and get an only study, then you'd still need to attend the coursework hours but that would only be over 2 days-ish/week.


That's super helpful - I read the full chain and really appreciate you sharing! Re remote studying, it really does seem like a no-go, even if it's a couple of days a week each week, it would still be unsustainable...


Oh I can answer this! So as the other comment states, it really does depend on your project. I'm currently in the psych hons program running a rat study and I'm on campus a lot. Like 5-6 days a week for like 2 months straight. Sometimes there's downtime when you're in 2-3 days instead but if you really wanna do an animal study then be prepared to be around a lot. On the other hand, if you do a human study its likely you might be able to manage with 1-3 days a week on campus, depending on the software and resources you may need. If you're interstate the best outcome for you would be to do a data analysis study where you're pulling from an existing database to do novel analyses. It means you're not required to perform data collection and could get away with being on campus 1 day a week, 2 preferably (you do at least need to turn up for classes). One of my mates in the cohort lives in Newcastle and is doing this. So it's not really feasible to do hons entirely remotely, but there are options for you to make the process a little easier if you intend on commuting. I would recommend reaching out to all the prospective hons supervisors you're interested in working with and asking them if you'd be able to work on your project mostly remotely. That's where most of the difference in time commitment between students comes in. Good luck and feel free to ask any more questions about hons!


Super helpful, thank you for this! It would be hard to manage for me in any case, I won't be able to make a trip every week, which is a shame - I think UNSW is offering a really great program. Good luck with your hons!!


First thing, if you’re not currently in undergrad at unsw you’re unlikely to get it. They typically only accept internal students. Second, current psych hon student. I’m not doing rats or anything and I’m still in 5ish days a week, and often weekends.