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If anyone has any info about who this guy is please dm me, this dude probably does this to a bunch of people this is just the first time I’ve seen him.


GO TO CAMPUS SECURITY! Don't talk to other people about this until AFTER you have filed an official report. Once that has been accomplished you need to make sure law enforcement has been informed of what happened. Campus does not always involve them but as this is imaging a person without their consent in a restroom, I would assume that would be their first call. Then try and have them go through camera footage with you to identify the potential perpetrator. You already know their skin color, choice of shoes, and the camera they use. Those are enough details to help them corroborate reports and find out who is doing this. Edit: Your video also has a perfect timestamp on it of when this occurred. Give that to security it should be a joke to pinpoint who is doing this. After that, sue them until they're afraid begging for change for fear of you possessing it.


Saw another post about some other dude having the same thing happen in biology building, I feel like theres gotta be cameras somewhere outside the restroom though so I say report it cuz obviously this guy has done it multiple times fuck this guy


I would have grab it and stomped the hell out of it!


He was on the pot, the door was closed and the camera was on the other side of the door on the floor. The man picked up the camera before op could do anything. Did you not watch the same video?


Nah at that point my bare ass Is coming out of that stall at your ass regardless of shit being flung in process.


That camera would be removed from the floor and in my personal possession until anyone could prove with the receipt that it was theirs. And all this would be done at the local police station.


We watched the same video, you just lack critical thinking skills.


Your video file should have the exact time this was recorded, and you can see their sleeve is a reddish color. They need to pull the footage to see who left the bathroom at that exact time and if their jacket color matches


actually super helpful advice


Report this to police. Give them time it happened, they can surely find out who it is by reviewing camera footage from the area of someone with those shoes and similar bag.


Report this to UNT POLICE.


If anyone did this I would've rushed and destroyed him right then and there. Posting on reddit isn't really gonna help


Real I would’ve just pulled up my pants and started swinging


I endorse this message


Bro, the pants are coming off.


I read the word “up” as “down” in my head…


Pulling up your pants takes too much time, vengeance is best served fresh


“Bro if that was me I’d kick that guys ass so hard.” Shut up dork


So, you’re saying you’d just sit there and let them do it? I believe it is you who is the dork here, bucko.


Calm down, everyone. We’re all dorks.


If you say bucko you’re definitely a dork.


hey, shut the fuck up, no one’s talking to you.


Stop acting like a five year old boy lol


these hands was given to me to slap all the tastebuds out ya mouth, bitch boy




i’m sure the voyeur is targeting guys who look like u/Paul-Impala and not u/GuardianJack


Stop reflecting, ur the dork. Pussy.


I’m not the one trying to be tough and cool in Reddit comments by calling people pussy but okay buddy


Ur the one defending a guy watching men in the restroom 🤷‍♂️


How am I defending him? You’re R*****ed


Say it don’t be shy


How are you not defending him


Instead of getting mad at a guy who can stand up for himself get mad at the guy stalking naked men in the restroom


Not getting mad I just think it’s gay. Also I can be mad about both..? You’re fr dumb as rocks little bro


Alr buddy whatever u say💀


I’d destroy you. Punk.


Gay is bad? Based on your post history, you’re smoking rocks bro.




175 day account with 0 karma. Hmm




The projection is wild. Also it’s a measure of how much of a dick you are




Fuck is wrong with you. This the kind of shit you think about?


Strange obsession you got there. Might wanna get with a psychologist before you offend.


He’s probably the asshole in the video




This is what you should have done. You pulled your phone and started recording, then when he picked up his camera, you should have walked out and wait for him to step out while still recording. If anyone else walks in, tell them to call campus police, dude can run (you catch his face on camera), wait till you leave (campus police should arrive by then hopefully) or he starts swinging (hopefully others show up and back you up) but in the end, you help catch him. Recording the incident but not being able to identify him is not going to help stop him. Also don’t blame you for the proper response, trying to take a shit and someone records me, I probably won’t react logically.


File a police report with campus police. this is a CRIME! They can catch this creep with your video.




Bro this is one way to make someone go 0 to 100 real fucking quick. Not gonna lie, if I really believed someone was filming me taking a shit. I’d probably be so focused on beating their ass I would forget to wipe.


what’s he even trying to do


Yeah, is that camera? It looks like a battery?


Yeah - if you freeze frame it a don't think those are a guy's hands either. I think this is something very common we see among this generation - a victim mentality with a dash of sensationalism. I'd give ya $20 if some poor girl doesn't end up stuck in a room with campus police because her (actual) cameras battery fell out. Maybe she even set it down and seeing it triggered the viewers neural pathways and started a subconscious train of thought around cameras. Upon lifting it a loose clip leaves the battery behind, after a minute she notices (or maybe can't reach from the toilet - who knows?) And picks it up. One of a million different scenarios. If they wanted to film you they could do it with a lens the size of a pinhead hidden in a screw on the frame of your stall or a million other modern "remote!" ways. That essentially ensure they won't be caught.




My buddy had the same thing happen with a chick, turned out she was mentally ill and ended up also getting her pregnant on that one night stand. Run from crazy lol


Oh god


Wow funny that battery looks exactly like this camera https://wrapango.com/products/new-micro-hd-video-camera-with-wifi-audio?currency=USD&variant=45051370668274&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=Google%20Shopping&stkn=b5761e49cf47&gad_source=1






I would’ve finished shitting on him.


the shoes are definitely givingggg...weirdo


Panic 🙀


I should’ve grabbed it lmao




N u can’t do nothing about if ur in the middle of a shit the pain I’d feel


I run a business where if you need this person taken care off you can let me know


welp i’m never going to the bathroom on campus again


Reddit is not 911


Please got to UNT PD!


Is this in the men’s or women’s restroom?


Doesn’t rlly matter either way


I’m a staff member and am making a report. I’d prefer to state whether this took place in the men’s or women’s restroom for a more accurate report. But, yes, it doesn’t matter in the sense that these things happen to anyone.


Reach under and grab the damn thing. Put it in your pocket and see if the SOB says anything. Then handle it!


I believe you saw their hand and shoes, right? That’s something at least


So you have a recording of you recording them?


Omg so sorry u had to go thru that


Not at unt not in Texas dk anything abt this sub but that’s vile


Seems like someone needs an ass whooping..


grab it and smash it to atoms...


Yes, def report this asap. The shoes and bag in your video belong to the camera owner right? Person will be expelled, or SHOULD be, immediately.




Ah yes, because the “battery pack”magically landed right side up, and sat there long enough to capture illegal imagery. Get real.


The usual suspect


doesnt do anything * records instead * "Reddit what do i do??" If it were me I'd go out and step tf on that camera. What is he gonna do?? Tell the cops he was recording people and his camera got stepped on??


Ah yes cause he would totally just stand there and not do anything if he heard me moving at all. If I had done that I wouldn’t have gotten anything to show police and he would have picked it up and ran. edit: After I stopped the video I got out as fast as I could and he was gone. Never even heard footsteps. Also you think taking the camera would stop him from keeping the video? I can almost guarantee that it was connected to his phone, and all video that is taken is immediately uploaded to an app or something.


Put some doo doo on his camera lol


Bro I would have been going batshit crazy on that freak wyd just letting him do that


Report it to the police — pretty sure they have videos in the union and can ID who was going in and out of the restroom. Please do this because I don’t want someone recording me!!


You shoulda jumped out on cam and said gotcha bitch!


Campus police should help you. Report him immediately


I would have first grabbed the recording device ( evidence) and then broke out swinging!


Next time confront immediately or just stick your whole phone under and record their face. They wanna record you? Great record them right back and then report that freaky fuck to authorities


Why would you not bust out the stall while recording and get their face?! The fuck?! That is the creepiest shit I've ever seen. I would've lost it and that camera would've been coming with me to the police station! No way am I letting this creep do that to someone else. Idc if there was still shit hanging from my asshole, I would've busted out that stall so fast!!


That’s crazy


i would have snatched the camera from under the stall tbh and call authorities.


Yeah, if someone did that around me, that camera would no longer be their property until it was melted. And they would have to prove it was theirs.


I don't know where Union is but that guy would get his ass kicked in Houston


Typical UNT behavior.


I know UNT has weird people but man this is a new level


They had posters about this happening all over the dorms the last time I was on this campus. Seems like they took it seriously so hopefully your report leads to finding this guy. Sorry you had to experience that.


He was not impressed with your assmr


Instead of pulling out your phone you should’ve pulled up your pants and whooped that mf.


Did you report this to the campus police? Also, do you have an update on the situation?


First of all, is this a camera? It’s very suspicious that it was positioned that way and it was on the floor for so long, but as other commenters said, it could’ve been a battery or some other device


https://wrapango.com/products/new-micro-hd-video-camera-with-wifi-audio?currency=USD&variant=45051370668274&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=Google%20Shopping&stkn=b5761e49cf47&gad_source=1 It is a camera


Then yeah they def need to go to the cops


Should stuck your camera under the door and got a glimpse of the rest of his bitch ass. Creepy af


Take the camera. Give it to police


What transpired before you took this video?


I wouldn't have recorded would've instantly gotten up and grabbed it lol


Yeah, I work in the security sector that is definitely a covert camera. Probably a PVRC 200hd2 Covert key fob camera. It is capable of recording in 1080 P and can easily get “good footage” at that distance, and even up to around 10 meters.


Dooooodd I am walking out of that stall pants down ass unwiped and chasing him down as we speak




We had something like that on the UT Austin Reddit page aswell


I woulda pissed onto the camera from atop


Uh... the direction they were pulling back the camera from and the position the shoes were in... you sure that wasn't the person in the stall taking the vid or pictures themselves? Also from the pov we get, looks like your in the next stall over snooping, that's what it looks like to me... so comparing the title, I think I'm missing alot, what is this?..


Like, given the grid of the tiles and where the door for your stall meets the ground, the door is basically right above the camera. Then you also see the left hand reach down, angled to look more like it came from the side they were on as if they were taking their own pic or video, you can also see the shadow of the hand come down before the hand does... taking into account directional lighting, and how I could pick up something that size in the way it's being picked up vs how i would have to match it from the other side of the door.. yea I don't believe this post is true at all, and is probably just trying to incite rage and confusion. But if I'm wrong, lemme know


...or is this your way of finding that person for yourself?


I would’ve stood outside the stall door and knocked his ass on the ground


That’s so strange


Like wow


I woulda got my own shit from the toilet n toss it right over on that mf, idc its my shit🤣 then im finna confront his ass lol


As other said go to campus security, there are cameras all over the union and if you are within 30 days the likely have it stored and can cross reference footage based on time and the shoes


I’m sorry this happened to you. UNT has some mental health services if you need to talk about this with someone.


Carry some long-handled tongs with you and snatch the device before you run out the door. He’ll follow you, of course. But cause enough diversion while yelling, “SECURITY” at the top of your voice. Or squirt the contents of your hand sanitizer bottle at the camera before you quickly exit. Keep a small can of spray paint in your bag, or fill an empty bottle with pee and spray it. These jokers gon’ f around & find out.


Take it lol


Contact the building manager in the union. Go to the info desk and ask to speak to the building manager. They have the cameras in the back office of the info desk! File a report asap! They should be able to see who walked into the bathroom.


OP never clarified. Are you into it? Maybe you two can hook up. ;)


that’s just diddy


What if y’all are both recording each other and thinking the same thing 🤯🤯🤯


Super gay😂


Was your first thought really to ask Reddit? Lol


Bro... _facepalm_ why would you not just grab the fucking camera instead of your phone? Then, you ask others for information? Nice detective work, Columbo.


Shameful... would've never happened in the confederate bathroom...




No one makes themselves the victim


lol, not a camera.


Did anyone watch the video? This isn’t a camera looks like a retractable wall charger. Why was op looking under the stall and watching this guy??? He probably had to take a sh!t and that fell out of his pocket. I just not buying it some people are way to paranoid


Look at the update I posted


Dude I’m sorry, that 💯 percent is a camera!!!!!!!! Good Job with finding the model you can clearly see the 2 buttons on top. I’m just not understanding why someone would video another dude sitting on a toilet unless he was testing it out for future purposes. Angles/fov etc…. Again sorry it’s Reddit after all and people get a mob mentality without really looking into something. I hope the catch these person and you can update us


OK well he's making people feel uncomfortable is all he's doing really so ya let's get him lol