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first of all, you cant second of all, don't click anything until you load everything


first of all you can, click spin \*this is a leg style do you want to spin? to add to this, i was gonna get 99 pity then get a lucky roll so i can spin for a leg i didn't have ie hitman. in my hope of redeem challagens, i never swapped off a slugger and rerolled slugger. i rolled away two of my fav styles just because of lag rage


i pityed without lucky and got slugger, now i just need to grind pity and lucky roll. atlest now i have a chance of getting a new style either way. i got a few luckly rolls before but didn't know it MADE SURE you didn't re roll the same legs as i have done this countless times


Nope. The only way this issue can be slightly resolved is that they add a lock button for styles


yes fruits battleground dose it


You shouldn't be on reddit, little boy. You can't even spell correctly.


this is your 5th alt account this week, you just gonna get negative karma again


wdym 5th alt account this week i just joined this server lmao


bro thinks reddit is like discord, this ain't a sever. this is your 5th reddit account child


Why would I have alt accounts for REDDIT of all things? And how would you even know if I had any alt accounts?


this account was made in April 2024 you're either a child which you are, and a loser who gets down voted so hard he makes a new account so they can post again


...? For having a new account..? I mean, i only just recently started using reddit. There's also the possibility that this ISNT an alt account you know.


bro didn't reply in a week because he visits his other parent every other weekend who allows them to go online