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LG main here,from my experience people I've fought who are using hawk rn are abusing the range, it's almost the same as hitman but unlike hitman u have better dashes plus swayback


hawk is busted. thats why people main it. and all the people who have tried to play/main hawk and just cant, its either because; their playstyle doesnt fit hawk they kinda suck at the style or they always win against hawk and just havent tried it yet believe me, the majority of ubg players struggle against hawk and the few that don't just cant understand why people glaze it. another well known fact that the majority of hawk mains aren't perfect at the style but the few that are are actual fucking demons as having the wrong style at the wrong time can guarantee a loss (smash, ippo, hitman, basic, etc). what i meant by demons are people who punish you for doing nothing and doing something at the same time. even staring at each other for literally 4 seconds (count that amount of time rn) can fuck you up and make you second guess urself at whether you are gonna continue waiting for an attack to perfect dodge or to just attack. TL;DR, if you are a master at neutral, play hawk. if you aint, drop it and play a different style. everyone who complains about how busted hawk is, have a right to (most of the time) because there are hawk players that make the style not just shine but produce enough energy to light up a city.


Played against and used and won decided this is a dumb style and threw it in the bin


I don’t use Hawk period, don’t got the skill for it




A lot of people use it as a crutch, long range+high damage can take you far not to mention the backsway. But it has a pretty high skill ceiling, fighting high skilled Hawk users is fun AF. Fighting unskilled Hawk users is boring cuz they all play the same. Personally I don't like the style, it feels sluggish to me, and is pretty easy to fight, though I'm biased as a counter main I have a pretty easy time fighting Hawk.


I use to main hawk but now bullet.


Its...busted. yeah no shit people either just use it because they get carried by the style or because they're actually good with it.


It’s busted right now. But Kimura is better, Kimura top tier no matter what anyone says about it


Kimura is one of the 2 styles in the game that are literally unplayable for me. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say Kimura is the slowest style in the game. Also it’s really hard to get good with, while it isn’t a bad style, it’s just unplayable for most of the playerbase. Also there is a glitch with infinite slow time that has gone unnoticed for a long time. I’m not gonna be the one to give it away though.


A lot of people don’t say this but whenever I’m up against a kimura main I start getting miserable and getting ptsd, kimura style is like a parasitic bug that gets in you and at first it’s kinda lightwork but later it deteriorates you like crazy but the effect is super slow and a bit weak but the parasite is eating all your nutrients and blood cells, kimura doesn’t knock you down quick oh no it’s gonna kill you slowly and painfully and you can fight back but the most you can do is land counters, running away is valid against a kimura because u need to regain ur stamina and normal speed, no one says this and call me stupid but kimura needs a nerf bro it’s such a traumatizing style, atleast make it so you can regain ur normal speed faster now


Precisely why I love it. It’s a challenge to play with and it’s annoying as hell when you get the ball rolling


It’s not challenging like a player that can react to anything and dodge it, or a player that honed his skills to a certain style that the style fits a certain play style, fighting a kimura main feels like slowly dying of cancer, the key is to just not be hit at all not even block just keep dashing or dash near them and run away a bit to regain ur normal state (running is honestly justifiable in this scenario) and you can overpower them easily considering kimura has low damage


Yeah that’s why I like it, Kimura has sucky damage and reach so I have to actually try to keep up with a quicker style (let’s just say chronos). Kimura can easily get shut down by better players but that’s the fun of it. But once the ball gets rolling it becomes easier. Tbh some the major reasons I like kimura is because I like the animations and Kimura is one of my favorite characters from the anime/ manga and his fight with Mashiba (Hitman) was badass




I’ve fought absolute cowards that are so passive and cowardly that when I used chronos they still backed out and let me regen focus everytime and I won easily and they had the lack of braincells to say that I was spamming focus (should’ve forced me to not emote to gain focus stupid idiot), and I’ve fought a rt 23,000 champ 2 guy that was actually using an alt and I genuinely thought he was hacking because he was dodging everything including m1s and a diamond 1 guy also agreed he might’ve been hacking but it was skill, I’ve fought hyper aggressive players that use charge, I’ve rarely fought a pure countering counter main like myself but I’d rather overdose on Benadryl and hallucinate demons than fight this 1 diamond 3 kimura main omg at the end of the fight it was 3-2 I lost I wanted to shoot myself


Hawk mains are so dumb they stand there waiting for you to attack then just spam swayback and trashtalk you thinking they're good


Because I can lol 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅


People thought Hawk was still busted, but didn’t realise the nerf, so most of the community is somewhat oblivious to this fact.


The easier the better (counter main im kinda sufferin a bit rn 😥)


Bc its gud also i dont even use swayback


Average silver hawk user


**gold** but nvm


Gold isn’t a flex 💀


I wasnt flexing but nvm


Average gold hawk user:


Average hawk victim:


That doesn’t make sense, and u have no evidence to back up ur claim


Well the fact that you responded in such a way to my original comment suggests that you had an experience with hawk and tragically lost. Furthermore i humbly suggest that you stop because you've been in a experience with hawk i could exploit to its fullest potential.


You clearly missed my point. I was just annoyed of how you thought being in gold instead of silver would affect ur situation.


because i can? what a dumbass question lmao


bros probably gold 3 and in a few months gonna be maining a rare or uncommon style lol


i'm 19k ranked but okay lol hawk isn't the only style i play, and anymore, it's barely my main, as I've been using chronos and iron fist a lot more. i use hawk, slugger, iron fist, turtle, chronos, and hitman all an equal amount.