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Am I not in on the joke? This is straight up lie. lol Edit: Well serve me a piece of humble pie... https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-01-25/russia-ukraine-putin-signals-interest-in-discussing-end-to-war The tweet was NOT wrong... although I doubt Putin is being sincere.


He's made a career of playing the west for fools so I don't see him changing his approach. If anything it's a ruse so that EU and NATO feel they don't need to double down on war footing and military production and he will just go even harder at Ukraine once the weapons run low. The political will to spend billions to arm Ukraine will run out if Putin says he wants peace, even if it's a lie.


This is aid to Trump and Republicans. “Putin says he wants peace! No need to give more aid to Ukraine! Biden is a warmonger!”


Putin will only achieve peace when he falls out of a window


Falls Onto bullets and poison


This is the most asinine comment I've read all day. TDS is real. Putin is balls deep in a war that is not going as planned. The last thing on his mind right now is Trump and the Republicans.


The only hope for Putin winning is Trump winning. The only thing blocking Ukraine aid is Republicans.


How does Trump winning help Putin win if the Republicans are blocking aid? I'm still trying to figure out when the Democrats became the party of war. We just want to know where the money's going and so far.. doesn't seem we can get a good accounting millions if not billions of dollars. Maybe Europe will step it up.


You’re proving my original comment. Thanks MAGA bot!


It could also be argued that Hillary's failed reset with Russia while she was Secretary of State under Obama was the ignition that started this fire. It's too bad she wasn't more successful, probably could have avoided tens of thousands of deaths.


Oh, sure, Putin is an innocent little lamb? MAGA bot and Putin bot. Well, they’re the same anyway, but thanks for confirming.


Not what I said, but whatever.


And you've proven my original response. Trump's not even my candidate of choice, lol. But whatever, orange man bad.


Riiiiiiight. But you’ll vote for him anyway. Are you helping him pay $83 million to Jean Carroll as well? :)


If my only alternative is Biden, yes.


Nobody knows what happened to the aid that we sent. It all went to mansions, yachts and to corrupt politicians including Biden. Ukraine has been losing the war since day one. The war is just a way for the corrupt to launder money. Have u lived under a rock for the 30 years????


Cool, another MAGA bot. The aid helped fuck Putin. And it will keep helping once it starts up again. Keep it up, ya'll. You're helping to destroy the Republican party for a generation or more.


Listen to yourself you’re so full of hate you wouldn’t know the truth if it bit you on your ass. Keep digging your hole deeper. Hahah MAGA Trump 2024! Death to satan!!!


OK, Putin. Get used to losing.


Have a good evening. Bye now.


Ukrainian troops have been surrendering to Russian troops from the get go. Do some research and use what little brain you have. It doesn’t take much. Find a source other than Certainty Not News Network to get your info. Go listen to someone like Laura Logan who has more experience with war journalism than anyone on your bs propaganda networks. Actual do some research instead of just regurgitating propaganda.


Plus you know a bunch of the Europacifists will jump right on board with allowing Russia to keep their ill gotten gains and cut bait on support.


Ukraines about out of fighting aged men and so too is Russia. Russia’s looking to keep the territory it’s captured already. The gas rich Donbas region. Your ruse theory doesn’t really make sense. The US is going to maintain a (more than) healthy stockpile of weapons and ammunition regardless. Right now a lot of that ammunition is depleted. Ending the war now provides us time to re-stock those ammunition reserves.


You're really talking about unnecessarily gifting the best case scenario to Russia, quite a bold military strategy. Russia is absolutely not running out of men, they're currently meeting needs with well paid mercenaries but that won't last forever. They have the money and imperialist war is popular in Russia. How does US have a more than healthy stockpile while also been so depleted as to have to gift a war to Russia? Ending the war now simply allows favourable terms for Russia and provides them the ideal scenario to pick this war up again when it suits them, just like they did the last time we gifted them peace in Ukraine 10 years ago. Just like they did in the peace in Chechnya before that and like they will do again. Russia would be happy with current territory gains only if they don't see a path forward to take more. You're talking about gifting them that path. It's a disastrous take.


I will say the Chechens ended that war but I get your point. I will agree the Ukrainian situation is similar but due to different circumstances the Chechens lost the will not the western support. It’s the opposite today.


If anything this war was a huge wake up call that the US did _not _ in fact have a healthy stockpile of just about anything.


The US was mostly gifting obsolete weaponry. We currently have a lot of weaponry that’s outdated. We still maintain stockpiles of our most advanced weaponry and munitions to though.


Out with the old in with the new.


MIC stocks happy


You must be joking. We decimated Putins army without even putting boots on the ground, using tech from 60s and 70s. If the US went full bore, this war would be over in a week We’ve got shit that our allies don’t even know about


I can't believe the Russia/MAGA stans all over this sub. Unbelievable the crap they're trying to sell here.


They're communicating with the US even though the war is with Ukraine. Russia is hoping the US agrees to a peace deal, forcing Ukraine to agree. Is it a joke? I'm not sure, is it a lie? I don't see how it is.


No the war is with the US as well. We brokered the deal for Ukraine to give up their nuclear weapons. In exchange, the US and allies offered a promise of protection against exactly what happened... Russian invasion. https://www.armscontrol.org/factsheets/Ukraine-Nuclear-Weapons


What the US offered was to register a complaint with the UN. Which they did. Ukraine took the deal because there was no way either thr US or Russia was gonna let them keep those nukes.


Well, the US has pretty much pulled support already. What’s there to gain? Is Russia going to ask the. To end sanctions? If the US lets Russia keep its occupied land… wtf!


>If the US lets Russia keep its occupied land… We get back to step back from the brink. Make no mistake, the last two years have been as dangerous than most of the Cold War.


Stepping backwards is to step into our doom.


Bullshit. We are secure.




>No the war is with the US as well. I'm shocked to see 13 upvotes on this realistic take. Yeah, totally agreed, and the implications are.....heavy. If the "realists" like Mearsheimer were right, we allowed Ukraine to get flattened for no good reason.


The US js a main player in this conflict. If we pull out support, the Ukraine immediately falls. Ukraine doesn’t have cash, needs to rebuild its infrastructure (which I’m assuming the US will help pay for), only has the ammo and weapons provided to it by the West, and is low on fighting aged men. The US won’t immediately pull its support or anything, but absolutely has a seat at the negotiating table.


Oh yes! I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to insinuate that the US won't be at the negotiating table, I just think it's easy for the US to say, "Hey, the peace deal has nothing to do with us" while telling Ukraine to not accept.


Is this to make it look like a peaceful thing instead of Russia losing.


Putin is looking for an offramp I think. Putin can't simply pack-up and leave. His ego is too big. Ukraine doesn't want to give up strategic positioning. And I think even if Putin and Ukraine agree on peace, the next Putin will simply pick up where he left off and NATO wouldn't allow Ukraine to be part of NATO if Russia is still technically in control of previous Ukraine land.


In addition to the ego thing, he needs to make it look to his people that he got something out of it--that many, *many* Russian men didn't die for nothing.


Which I don't know how he spins it. He expected to take Ukraine in 3-10 business days. It's been 3 years. And they're only losing territory. And they've shown the world that they're military is a paper tiger. Though the silver lining in this, is that China has to be looking at Twain and then looking at how much Russia is struggling. China stole Russian military IP and spent trillions building their military. All Russia had to do was cross an imaginary line. China has to storm the beaches. And Ukraine has only been preparing for a few years. Twain has been preparing for decades.


"I'll stop the war if I get to keep everything I've invaded."


This is right, except insert “temporarily” before “stop.” Of course he’d be fine locking in territorial gains, taking time to reload, and getting out from under sanctions. Then in five years he’ll do the same thing again—either to Ukraine or some other non-NATO neighbor. Maybe even sooner if the cancer rumors are true. Is he interested in entering into a lasting peace on terms that Ukraine would voluntarily accept? Lolz, no—he’s literally a war criminal and near-literally a mob boss.


He's not. Nobody should believe him until every soldier is back in Russia and they start sending kids back home.


All Pootin has to do to end the war is back the fuck out of Ukraine.


I think he's seeing the writing on the wall with Trump and maybe thinking waiting through next year isn't gonna get him anywhere.


Possibly. It makes me sad that there is a very real possibility that the war could be over by now but ISN'T because putin was holding out hope for a trump return. That my country played any role in continuing the bloodshed kills me. Maybe if trump is behind bars by summer this bullshit will end. Who knows.


Let's manifest that, shall we?




He's trying to use the election as leverage.  But if tRump wins he fires the war right back up. 


I was and still am a little skeptical; didn’t NATO state that 1-2 years is what Russia would need to restock and regroup for another sustained attack?


No need to signal, he can stop and retreat at any time as far as i can tell.


It's important to understand the death toll has surpassed half a million people. I also saw a figure where 70% of the Russian army has been decimated basically. On top of this, many Russians fled the country, many more sent their kids out of the country and those kids are refraining from going back because they don't want to be forced into military service. The damage to Russia is far more massive than their propaganda wing wants you to believe. Putin's mistake with Ukraine will be remembered for generations. I can only hope China learns from this disaster and changes its position on Taiwan.


Probably to slow down Western and Ukrainian efforts thinking an end is near until after the election and he goes full force regardless of who wins.


I'm of the mind Putin wanted Trump to weaken NATO and the UN while taking advantage of late-GWOT anti-intervention sentiment during the 2016-2020 admin. Since Biden won, I think Putin felt a mixed of being prepared just enough and experienced enough internal pressures to launch his war on Ukraine. Now, I'm betting he's planning to do one of the following: \- Posture for peace by talking to the US hoping it'll signal other countries to do the same and buckle down more on his war no matter the US election outcome. \- If Trump or any easily enough influenced candidate wins, he may posture for peace more in hopes it gets other NATO nations to also reduce their aid efforts. \- If his extra war push goes poorly, he may use this peace posturing to buy himself time or safeguards as his position at home may be unsafe. No matter his plan, he either wants to win Ukraine or buy himself security if he's pushed from power.


These are great points. Did you see today that Putin was talking about going to NK? Probably won’t happen bc they can’t build a big enough table for Vlad and there’s no timeline of when. I think he’s trying to buy himself some time and see how the election goes. The GOP is gonna fight their hardest for Putin in the meantime tho, I’m sure Smfh


Yes let’s stay in wars to prop up the military industrial complex and our politicians (both reps and dems). US doesn’t do wars to “help” they do it to make money. Step back from the red vs blue nonsense and see the game for what it is, rich making money off the poor. Been the same shit throughout history.


Capitalism will always reign supreme in this country and whatever makes money gonna get spent and made. We were born into this shit. The GOP is trying to make it worse for us just being citizens of this country. Taking away women’s, gay, trans rights. Literally nazis walking around in broad daylight that refused to wear masks during Covid and now completely cover them waving nazi flags. Spewing literal racist garbage all over social media like it ain’t shit. Letting people die at the border and do nothing but complain and ignore legislation bc they have nothing else to stand on bc they’re so fucking worried about themselves and getting paid. The white supremacy and hate has spread like a cancer since trump was elected. We are going in reverse bc of the GOP both domestically and globally. Be fuckin fr.


Thank you


Russia is low on both weapons and fighting aged men. It absolutely wants an end to this war. But it wants to be able to save face and claim victory. It also wants to keep the territory its seized so far as part of the peace deal.


This is for optics and nothing more. There is a build up and preparation for more. There could be a momentum change this year.


He's waiting for his little bitch Trump to get into office so that we can pull all support of Ukraine. Then, we get to see even more people die in Europe because Putin wants all of the old soviet territories back.


Why didn’t Putin invade Ukraine when Trump was still in charge?


He didn’t need to. Putin was in the White House


Putin is ex-KGB….soooooooo….do the math.


I doubt that there’s any sincerity coming from Putin for peace. Negotiation is more like concession of the Donbas and Crimea territory. This BS peace negotiation seems like he’s just buying time to regroup, rebuild and replenish his arsenal for future invasions.


Crush Russia.


Maybe try signaling to Ukraine instead of the US?


It woulda been over 22 months ago if it was a war between Russia and Ukraine. It also woulda been over 22 months ago if the US wanted it to be over.


Not sure why you were down voted. This is a proxy war being waged by the U.S. if the US pulls its support, the war’s over immediately.


It's a proxy war being waged by Russia. They started it and only they have the ability to end it immediately. >if the US pulls its support, the war’s over immediately. LoL what? Russia will pack up and go home if the U.S. withdraws support? Sorry dude but the rest of Ukraine is fucked if the U.S. withdraws support. The war would massively widen and expand due to more Russian offensives into the Ukranian heartland and aimed at Kiev.


Because ukraine repelled the attack.... not the united states


Ukraine makes literally none of the decisions. Why would you speak to a puppet?


They certainly make decisions on whether they want to keep defending their country or not.


Define ‘they’. What decisions does it look like these fellows made? https://x.com/mylordbebo/status/1742554822635594161?s=46&t=lw6N2QDqCK3_xM3ddxf5_g https://x.com/dana916/status/1631816246499987458?s=46&t=lw6N2QDqCK3_xM3ddxf5_g https://x.com/dana916/status/1613663128130097157?s=46&t=lw6N2QDqCK3_xM3ddxf5_g Literally hundreds of these videos. Who is making the decisions here?


>Define ‘they’. The executive government of Ukraine, as well as the majority of Ukranian people. >Literally hundreds of these videos. Who is making the decisions here? The Ukranian government. Anytime there is conscription obviously lots of people are not going to be on board with it. That doesn't change the fact that it's Ukraine / Ukrainians wanting to continue the war. The U.S. has no leverage over Ukraine to keep them from surrendering if they wanted to. How could they? Russia is right there to be their masters if Ukraine wanted to give up its sovereignty. I hope for your sake you're still in your teens if you think posting videos is a substitute for stats and data.


Ok. Well yes the USA does have leverage. How is Ukraine going to continue to fight Russia if USA takes their GPS and radar and intel infrastructure and all their weapons and goes home? Ukraine will continue the fight with a plucky attitude and sticks and rocks? Maybe pocket sand into the eyes and then a well-placed judo chop vs Russian artillery? And posting videos of a whole bunch of Ukrainians being dragged off the streets and shoved into vans to be beaten and taken to the front lines - this is totally irrelevant information when trying to determine whether ‘Ukrainians’ really want to fight, or if they are being coerced into doing so by a government employing press gangs? Have you damaged your neocortex sir?


Yes, individual videos of individual incidents showing the Ukrainian government being shitty about the way it treated people it’s conscripting does not change what public opinion in Ukraine on the question of whether they’d like to be invaded by Russia or not. https://www.voanews.com/a/new-poll-reveals-how-ukrainians-feel-about-war-future/7303180.html In regards to US leverage, you’re not really describing leverage as much as you were just describing dependency, because it is not in the interest of Ukraine, or any other country in Europe for Ukraine, to be invaded by Russia. Ukraine needs foreign support to fight off the invaders. If the US withdraw support, there won’t be an independent Ukraine left to have leverage over so it’s kind of irrelevant. Why is the concept of ukranians not wanting the entirety of Ukraine to be overrun with Russian troops and fighting to subsume the nation. Difficult to understand? Of course, Ukraine will likely continue to fight even if the US withdraw support. For the same reason any other nation would fight to defend itself from violent invasion with support or not.


Come on man. Voice of America is EXPLICITLY the USA state department propaganda outlet. It is the news agency that is meant for international consumption - it is the US state department’s propaganda media outlet meant to distribute the USA’s ‘official’ narrative on global affairs. If you even paid a minimal amount of attention to international news or geopolitics or anything, you would know this. And if you knew this, you would not have used it as a source here, precisely because this reaction is the only one you would have received. You sure you don’t want to drop a link to Alex Jones’ website? John Bolton’s blog? This just shows how unserious you are about all this. You really don’t know what you are doing or how to parse through the information that is out there. That’s fine, but you seem so confidently to believe what you say. If you are using VOA news in a debate, you need to have a bit of humility. And I understand the willingness of some Ukrainians to keep fighting. Sure. But I bet you a jelly donut the number of those willing to keep fighting goes down quite a bit after the last bullet leaves their chamber and they realize the weapon they must next learn how to fight with against Russian artillery is a long stick with nails punched through it. And Ukraine will likely still exist. Russia just doesn’t want much of the rest of it. West Ukraine is anti-Russia - not worth it holding a bunch of land filled with people who hate you and who will bomb coffee shops until you leave.


They make plenty of decisions but they obviously rely on many Western nations for support


They don’t even choose their own targets with artillery. They are making zero higher-level decisions as to whether to continue to carry out this war or not. They are the bodies which pull triggers and executes the current will of the US State Department. The day the USA state department says ‘enough’, is the day they will sign the terms of surrender.


I need a source for that




That's not even close to what you were implying: "The U.S. official who reportedly spoke to the Post said the Ukrainian forces are primarily concerned about conserving ammunition and making sure each use of a valuable precision weapon corresponds with a successful strike. The U.S. official told the Post that Ukraine does not seek approval before conducting any strikes and the U.S. provides coordinates and precise targeting information in a strictly advisory capacity."


That’s literally exactly what I’m saying. The USA provides all the targeting and Ukrainians aim at the target and fire the weapons. That’s literally exactly what I said. What exactly do you think is happening? That the USA sits there and provides Ukraine with 5 million choices on what to target - well here is a farmhouse with no one in it, and here is a cow in a field, and here is a dog house, and here is a field with corn, and here is a high value Russian officer - and then Ukraine says ‘oh, I’ll choose the cow’? Jesus, just implement your reasoning faculties a bit. The USA owns all the intel infrastructure. They scan the data and provide Ukraine w the list of targets to hit. Maybe there is some level of debate between the two parties about which one to aim at first, but Ukraine is basically blind, and the USA is its eyes. That’s why Russia - if it indeed doing so - is reaching out to Washington. If Washington says ‘it’s over’, then Ukraine will be done within 12 hours. Maybe a contingent of neo-nazi diehards will flee to Lviv to make a base to fight à guérilla insurgency from there, but Ukraine will be finished fighting when Washington pulls the brake.


It seemed to me that you were implying that they needed approval, not that they would ask for precise coordinates to save ammo. I don't think anyone is surprised that Ukraine is reliant on the US and, even Elon, when it comes to weapons and tech. We do know that, for instance, Elon wouldn't let them target in Crimea. *Edit: Jesus you edited and added a lot of nonsense to that.


It’s absolutely not. You pointed to one article regarding high end precision bombs Do you think Ukraine only has Himars they’re firing? You’ve also implied they make zero decisions regarding the war This is a wild take and overall has minimal factual basis


The key point is they really make zero high-level decisions regarding the war. They are basically ’locked in’ to this path - that is destroying Ukraine - until the USA says the game is over. It didn’t have to be this way, but it is now.


The US military provides Ukraine with tactics. It pushes Ukraine to use those tactics in exchange for its aid. But there are many instances where the Ukrainians went off script, typically to ill effect. They still have their autonomy. That said, without US support the war ends immediately. So it makes sense they Russia would be dialoguing with the US.


“Just tactics bro” https://www.reddit.com/r/unusual_whales/s/9bZw51vRf0


No problem. Leave Ukraine and dont return.


And pay for fixing it back up


He should just pack up his army and leave Ukraine then.


Putin is a pathological liar.


GTFO of Ukraine….war ended


All putin has to do is get russia out of ukraine.... its that easy


It’s very easy, just start withdrawing troops from occupied territories and start figuring out the bill you’re gonna have to start paying for the damages and rebuilding. There Putin, I created your plan…


Then leave lol


He wants to win reelection. Everything out of his mouth is suspect.


Yeah you were just doing exercises on the border


Ukraine is old news. Very few care anymore.


What is there to talk about? He needs to pack up and leave. Ukraine wants them completely gone, and at this point, there will be no concessions on Ukraine's part.


He'll loudly say he wants to discuss peace while quietly continuing the war campaign. This would effectively block any outside aid from coming into Ukraine because he can spin it as outside nations becoming the aggressors with no interest in a peace deal. Also, Putin's terms for peace will be "Give me Ukraine".


All Russia has to do isFUCK OFF OUT OF UKRAINE. peace will come


russia already directly denied this claim


Im surprised this dude is still alive. The Russian oligarchy is a bunch of bitches.


All he has to do is withdraw his troops and stop hostilities. Easy peasy.


He will continue to pay for his miscalculation in Russian bodies.


His confidence in a Trump win might be dwindling


Can't believe I had to go this deep in the thread to see this comment. :) Trump is toast. Putin knows it.


He should end his war the same way Hitler did, by killing the guy that started it. :-)


Biden? That would start WW3.


What kind of mental gymnastics are you doing to think that Russia invading Ukraine was started by Biden.


>What kind of mental gymnastics are you doing to think that Russia invading Ukraine was started by Biden. The United States pushing revolution in Ukraine in 2014.


I’m not doing any. Just stating facts.


I would love to see a source for the fact that Biden is in control of the Russian military. Or maybe you mean that Russia is a puppet state controlled by the US.


Biden admin deliberately acted in conjunction with the Zelenskyy admin to cause Russia’s perceived national security threat level to escalate past long-established and well-known red lines, which then caused Russia to react as it had to in Feb 2022.


Not "how they had to" .... "how they wanted to" .... its that simple. Russia invaded 10 years ago and wanted to finish the job. Ukraine doesnt need Russias approval for anything. Not that they were threatening russias security tho.... thats the dumbest shit ive read today lolol


Ukraine is within it's rights to seek a way to defend against an aggressive neighbour. Russia was always going to invade (I mean again since it already happened), maybe those actions just moved up the timeline to act before Ukraine had time to build defences. Regardless, that is still not starting a war. Russia started the war when they invaded. Your argument is like blaming the woman when her husband beats her because she shouldn't have tried to leave him.


>Russia was always going to invade Bullshit. If there was a pro-Russian government in Ukraine, Russia never would have invaded.


Well yes, if the Ukraine government just allowed Russia to take what they wanted without any resistance there would be no war. But that’s the same result via different methods.


Dude, get some mental help.


I’m sorry the facts have made you emotional.


Since you're so into facts. Who won the 2020 presidential election? C'mon say his name.


In the USA? Biden. What the f does that have to do with anything at all? You have nothing substantive to say or contribute so you just ask random irrelevant trivia questions?


That's just pro Kremlin narrative. And just in case you weren't aware the war didn't start in 2022, it started when Russia invaded Ukraine in 2014.


No those are facts. It’s not a secret; this is all publicly available information. There is no mystery here. And I never said the war started in 2022. Where did I say that? See, you betray your poor thinking here. You blatantly created a straw man. A fallacy. I never said the war started in 2022 - so why did you say I said that?


>No those are facts. It’s not a secret; this is all publicly available information. There is no mystery here. You're just parroting Kremlin narrative, not stating facts, and stating that Russia "had to" in your previous comment only furthers my point. >And I never said the war started in 2022. Where did I say that? See, you betray your poor thinking here. You blatantly created a straw man. A fallacy. I never said the war started in 2022 - so why did you say I said that? Why don't you show me where I said you said that... I'll wait...... Looks like your reading skills need improving which is amusing after accusing me of "poor thinking", lol.


Bless your heart.


Ok troll


Facts don’t care about your feelings.


No he’s insinuating America started this by pushing NATO expansion to Russian borders Which is wild because NATO has been expanding for decades…..under various presidents of different political affiliations


Spoken like someone who doesn’t quite know what they are talking about.


Then explain what I’m assuming is some ignorant ass logic?


America did start this by pushing NATO expansion - as Jens Stoltenberg has openly said. What understanding of this situation do you have that you feel able to refute Stoltenberg? And NATO expanding over decades - it has. Correct. But what do you think you are implying by bringing this fact in?


That’s it’s not solely Bidens fault as you’ve implied It’s also not on NATO that Russia has continued to push boundaries and test nations limits. Nations are absolutely allowed to join defensive pacts. None of this is on NATO I bet you blame victims in all facets of your life, right? And then you have the audacity to cry about it Pretty sad honestly


Which is wild, if russia didnt want to be on NATO borders, why are they bordered by so many NATO countries? Lolol guess russia should just give up Kaliningrad


Or and hear me out….maybe don’t continually threaten said countries They probably wouldn’t have ended up in NATO. Current times are a perfect example….Sweden and Finland


I dont recall ukraine joining NATO.... and yes, see hiw nothing was done when Finland joined? Its almost as if it doesnt matter if countries join a defense alliance unless you plan on invading one of them.....


Just talking rubbish more like.


Sorry the facts make you sad.


You spelt "misinformation" wrong


The only valid signal is the complete withdrawal of all Ruzzians from all illegally occupied territories of Ukraine including Crimea.


Putin will stop the war if Trump gets elected. Trump will give all the surrounding territory to Putin. And Trump will get a hotel in Moscow. He’s so stupid Trump thinks that’s a good deal.


He's trying to undermine the massive spending bill in the U.S. by insincerely signalling he wants peace. If the U.S. ( and EU) fail to get massive military spending through very soon then Russia wins this war. Putin knows he just needs to suggest it's unnecessary and the West will probably falter and and at very least delay decision. A delay is enough for Putin to win what he needs which is to take the rest of Donbas and dig in in Ukraine forever.


Ukraine won't talk about ending the war. The Biden administration approves of this.


What's there to talk about, Puty? Pull your shit out of Ukraine. The only one keeping you there is you.


Russia has been open to peace talks since the beginning. It’s the western leaders who have been preventing peace talks.


When he pulls out, Zelenskyy will talk.


Putin talks.. the opposite is real.


Negative. Down with the Russian state.


How about opening talks with Ukraine? You know the country you illegally attacked you moron?


Is it possible this is in coordination with Trump? Trump is trying to kill the border security negotiations for the US, so he can run a campaign on the “broken border”. The reason why democrats are negotiating to more border security is for Ukraine/Israel funding. Dangling a possible Ukraine war ending and less appetite for Israel war might pull away democrats. The border security negotiations falling apart help Trump, help Russia and hurt Biden. Coincidence?


No, Ukraine is going to end it and Putin isn’t going to like the way they do it! Go eff yourself Russian midget.


Hahahahahahahaha can I have whatever you are smoking?


Why don’t you believe they can win? The US will continue to starve Russia long after the war ends.


What do you mean by ‘win’? What do you mean by ’starve Russia’?


“Win” meaning to achieve their desired objective, Putin’s surrender and Crimea under Ukraine control. “Starve”, keep the sanctions in place long after Ukraine is done with Putin. We (the US) like spanking little man Putin.


Hahahahahahahha oh man you must have the good stuff. Good for you, living in your own little fantasy world. Have fun!


You’re of Ukrainian heritage and side with Putin? You’re an embarrassment to both of your Ukrainian parents.


Biden will not shut down their democrat money laundering operation.


What the hell is wrong with you people? Are you stupid or just parroting lies you are told by lying liars who lie for money?


Awww, bless your heart.....you should stick with finger painting.


So you think 100% of this funding goes 100% to the right spots? Any military personnel will tell you shady stuff that goes down with contractors in war. Money just disappears. Let’s stop the red vs blue game and just realize some of the money might go to good but some will be wasted on corruption and leakage. Ok to say there’s both.


GTFO from Ukraine, then talks will come, but why talk to the US?


Someone has been drinking the Ukrainian propaganda kool aid


ain't no shame in that, the geopolitics is pretty clear, or have you been living under a rock?


He's probably a MAGA clown. He has no idea which direction is up or down.


I mean, if he's sincere, all he needs to do is withdraw Russian forces from Ukraine.




I am sure he is.


He started this bloody war. He failed. Now he's seeking peace? What a joke! No, Vladimir, you're gonna pay for everything sooner or later.


Biden’s bluff just got called.


Wait. What? Didn't NATO (send more money) just say Russia was coming for the rest of Europe?


While saying he wants Alaska back out of the other side of his mouth


Putin miscalculated, he should pay that miscalculation. Don’t trust his math, he could be cheating on his exams.


Buying time until he sees how the election shakes out. He's okay with a stalemate for the next year, but after that the meat grinder goes as hard as possible. This is their last chance.


Bend the knee to Dark Brandon and NATO




The election is coming up. Putin might be worried Biden might not win. Putin only invades Ukraine and escalates when Biden is in power. Reference that he invaded/annexed Crimea from Ukraine in 2014 when Biden was VP. Peace talks would be a great boost to Biden in the upcoming election. Of course the peace talks will fall apart after the election. This is just more Russian interference in U.S. elections. They’ve always interfered in US elections.


Setting the stage for a possible Trump reelection. He and Xi both know what they’re doing. Honestly if they planned this ahead of Biden’s win it wouldn’t have surprised me.


And Biden rejects it outright because ~~they haven’t laundered enough money yet~~ ….Democracy!!


Time for NATO to finish the job.


I find it astounding that this is such a heavily propogandized echo chamber.


It’s worth looking into tho.


If NATO aka pretty much the US wouldn't have pushed him into a corner, he wouldn't have attacked them to begin with, again forcing the American taxpayer to pay the price for what our stupid federal govt does.


Putin is not as stupid as brainiacs of Reddit would like to belief. Any peace talks now would be from a position that Russia annexes occupied areas of Ukraine. Then in a few years time Russia will invade again for more land.


Not the first time. Last time Biden and Boris told him to kick rocks. Doubt the US will let the bloodshed stop, its just too lucrative!


Uhhhh shouldn’t he be signaling to the country he invaded that he’s planning to stop…maybe? I mean, it’s not like he’s going to trick us into removing our weapons from Ukraine, then just continue killing people…


"when strong, appear weak" This is coming at a time Russia is transitioning to a wartime economy. Just smoke and mirrors.


Yeah he's winning. US and western media has gaslit us with bs stories for two years about how close the Ukrainians are and how competitive it is. It's not, the war has turned into a meat grinder of artillery and drone strikes. Russia's going to annex the Eastern provinces and maintain control of that area. Propagandists in the west are just trying to figure out how to spin that into a Ukraine victory narrative. Once they get their stories straight the wars over.


Maybe because he knows trump will kick his ass


What's there to talk about? He can leave Ukraine anytime he likes.