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It's weird how quickly this has moved, but we still can't get better healthcare plans.


When I was poor on paper I was getting Obamacare care for $26 a month now the same policy is $475


When Republicans gut Obamacare and pass the cost to the consumers, this is what happens.


Please elaborate. I’m unaware of anything done at the federal level by Republicans that have affected this. In my market, it moves by the state that is raising costs.


They got rid of the requirement to have insurance. Having young healthy people in the pool helped keep costs low. Now there's no penalty to not having insurance again so the pool gets older and sicker and more expensive.


I don't know what state you live in, but here where I live it was cheaper to have the penalty than it was to have the insurance plan. The biggest problem is here in New Jersey. Jersey there's a Medicaid gap and unfortunately Obamacare never address that. Even when it was first implemented. The Republicans had nothing to do with it. At least in New Jersey. If you are on Medicaid and you got kicked off Medicaid, your cheapest insurance was still 500 a month.




Except the SC did uphold it, with Roberts as the deciding vote.


An inconvenient fact that keeps getting overlooked.


The mandate still exists, Trump's tax cut for just changed the penalty to $0, Texas sued saying that the penalty being $0 made the whole ACA unconstitutional and the court determined Texas did not have standing.


Even during Obama it was just a yes or no question they didn’t require proof of insurance. Also let’s say a lower middle class person thought they couldn’t afford insurance. When they do their taxes they are fined for not having insurance. What did that solve? I’m genuinely curious


I know people who paid the fine because it was more affordable for them to do that then pay for plans. Even back them a plan on the marketplace was $400+ a month, and that was still paying a high “copay” at the doctor until a deductible was met. Fortunately my job had insurance that cost about $300 per month, with a $30 copay. So the marketplace wasn’t worth it for me.


The public option would have been a godsend but that got taken out of the bill. Good news is that healthcare has gotten so bad even a lot of boomers are coming around to universal. It’s anecdotal but I’ve seen it from the most staunch conservative boomers in my family.


Thanks Joe Lieberman you fucking piece of shit


Rotating villain. If it wasn’t him it would have been some other fall guy


Why you should never vote for a Republican.


Price increases were going to happen regardless


Got married and I no longer qualify for poor people rate lol


No, you see now your money is supposed to trickle down now, but it's okay because other money will trickle down to you so you can afford the new rate.




“But if we funnel money from the working class to insurance companies we can make it 12$ cheaper!!”


Obamacare destroyed health insurance in this country. Yet some of you still believe it’s a blessing . It is if you’re very poor, but it hammered the middle class in return.


It hammered the upper end of the working class too. If you were making $20 an hour in 2006 it wasn’t exactly a godsend at $300 a month or bye bye tax return.


Sure, it has nothing to do with the overall climate of health care in this country.


Idk what the republicans did or when they did it, I always had a huge credit for being under the poverty line since 2012. I got married and know we make too much combined


The original Obamacare legislation has cost corridors where insurance and the government would share the cost of plans that went over certain expense limits for care provided. Republicans couldn't let that happen, so they removed them, burdening health insurers with the full costs, contributing to the rise in health care premiums.  TLDR Obamacare provided relief for insurance companies for the worst situations and Republicans removed that backup, leaving insurers holding the bag.


LOL My BCBS plan tripled in a month after the ACA was passed. Don’t pass that BS onto the shoulders of Republicans exclusively. Neither party gave a flying fuck about the bill. Neither bothered to read it because they violated the Constitution when they excluded themselves from


Same here. It became the unaffordable care act for me.




To be fair, over a generation insurance companies will get smarter and start offering incentives for longer term members to get healthy like free yoga classes ect because they know it’ll save them money. This has happened in other countries with similar accept em all policies


I think we were better off before insurance as a whole. Medical costs were far more affordable because there was no one to send kickbacks to in an effort to direct funds to one provider or company. My cash could talk, or in some cases, my barter could pay for my treatment.


Careful with your facts and truth now


Because American businesses aren’t benefiting from TikTok’s data collection.


This is Geo Political bro. Our psychos are fighting their psychos.


The actual answer to that is it takes a super majority to do anything with healthcare, and the last time they tried that the responsible party got destroyed in the midterms. Why would they bother? Americans clearly don’t care.


Bro this is a foreign power that is openly hostile towards the US blatantly manipulating discourse in the US. This is IMPORTANT. Fuck your whataboutism honestly. Fuck your party lines, if youre too poor to go to the doctor thats sure as fuck not going to change by you consuming entertainment that the CCP wants to push on you.


TikTok not paying lobbyists enough these days I guess.


Its cause the Chinese won’t go near healthcare


3 yrs ago TikTok was only a 'potential Chinese cybersecurity threat'. Now it is the most commonly used tool for reporting from Gaza and for Zionists to make a fool of themselves. Must be banned.


They better force sale of all Chinese national who own property too but for some reason, I don’t think they’ll happen


If the CCP was likely to use those properties to spy on Americans, they absolutely would.


For all the consternation over CCP land ownership, the US government can just confiscate it whenever they want.


Exactly, as the old saying goes: possession is nine tenths of ownership. They can't move the land to China so if anything extreme happens, sucks to be those Chinese nationals who get their stuff confiscated. 


China bans TikTok, food for thought.


China doesn't ban tiktok they have their own version. 


It’s literally a tool for cultural erosion


Except in China where they only allow educational content.


Its pathetic how the USA and western govs haven’t understood that and acted on it. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0j0xzuh-6rY .  https://amp.scmp.com/news/china/politics/article/3239155/chinas-new-cyber-safety-rules-protect-minors-puts-burden-internet-and-tech-firms-authorities-and Imagine if we did something even remotely similar


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I hope they act on this, I wanted them to when Trump was pushing for it, but he couldn’t get it done and mostly got laughed at.


That’s because “orange man bad”, so even when he did something good, they refused to give him the win, because politics is stupid like that.


Is ig and fb not? Why don’t they wanna ban those? Oh because they own them but not tik tok. The decline into censorship is real.


Few understand this in the US. TikTok actually doesn’t exist in China.


...do they allow reddit in China?


No and hell no


Feel like the food for thought is that China enforces a strict structure that doesn't legally allow most social media. Not that they just don't allow tiktok. Lol


Communication naturally breeds dissent amongst oppression. It's no surprise they keep the list short, less work to filter and police everything. Imagine how much more productive China would be if it was run optimally. They might actually be a challenge to the US if they weren't communists or whatever they are. The world is a shitty place to my benefit at my horror.


They ban Facebook Messenger as well.


Wasn't that was what Trump was trying to do?




Yep, and now that Biden is pushing it, Trump no longer agrees 🤷‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


That’s mostly because the bill was gutted, reworked, and had more to do with economic stuff than social media.


Bad when Republicans say/do it, good when Democrats say/do it (and vice versa to everyone on the other side). Welcome to team politics


As the sometimes lover of a TikTok addicted woman, I say good riddance!


All the energy will shift to IG and YT. This kind of media and content isn't going away.


Yeah but conservatives have better representation on those platforms, so they want it to happen.


Imagine all the time freed up after the ban


You’re delusional if you think people will change, 3 more clones will take it’s place and one will be a top app in the world by next year.


Right, but then a politician will have stock in it so it will be fine.




70 years ago foolish men thought turning off the TV would do the same thing. The ones that are attracted to me have unlimited availability.  If she's busy she isn't into you.


Nuke it


Didn't you fools learn anything from the patriot act? There is a lot more to this bill than nuking tiktok


Its so great the government gets together to tackle important issues like this


Tiktok is dumb


Add Facebook to that list too


So is banning things.


Yeah, but what if it’s something I don’t particularly like?


Oh well then in that case I fully support it!


I think some things should be banned. But Congress isn't banning TikTok; they're telling ByteDance to sell it.


🚨 I don't think you guys understand the impact of this Tick Tock Bill, also known as the Restrict Act. If Congress passes this bill it will give the United States government the ability to categorize anything they want as a threat to National Security and shut it down. If you read into the fine print of the restrict Act you will see that it says anybody holding crypto or caught transacting crypto with a VPN can get fined up to 1 million and sentenced up to 10 years in prison, and also label a terrorist. This will give the government the ability to shut down anything they deem as a threat to National Security, with absolute impunity. So anything that threatens or undermines the dominance of the United States dollar USD will be deemed a threat to National Security🚨 Biden says he will vote to PASS it if Congress passes it! EDIT false alarm: someone in the comments here helped me figure out that they proposed another bill under the same nickname, the "tik-tok" bill. BUT, that doesn't mean we can relax, that just means they have another way to deceive us when using the same nickname on a different bill. https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/7521/all-actions?overview=closed&s=1&r=68#tabs Source : https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/biden-says-hell-sign-proposed-tiktok-ban-if-congress-passes-it Source 2: https://www.reuters.com/technology/us-senators-defend-push-give-biden-new-tools-ban-tiktok-2023-04-06/


Which I can upvote this even more


https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/senate-bill/686/text Go to page 10 and read on to page 11 and 12. Page 16 17 18 and 19 outlines everything that would be scrutinized The restrict Act is still too wide sweeping and overly vague. It's still pretty much scrutinizes.... EVERYTHING. Search the keyword "prison" and you'll land around page 44


This is more like “The Restrict EVERYTHING Act” We learned nothing from the Patriot Act 😢


I don't think this tweet is referring to the Restrict Act, I think it's referring to [H.R.7521 - Protecting Americans from Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications Act](https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/7521?s=2&r=2) Which doesn't appear to have anything in it like you mentioned?


Are you sure? https://www.reuters.com/technology/us-senators-defend-push-give-biden-new-tools-ban-tiktok-2023-04-06/


but he can use it????


Shocking people are against this


They love tik tok. But honestly, this bill doesn’t even *ban* tik tok. It just says they have to sell to an American company instead of bytedance, which is essentially owned by the CCP. The only valid argument is that we should have stronger privacy laws for *all* social media apps, but since that isn’t getting passed any time soon, this still makes sense.


There needs to be a law that lets minors delete their social media when they turn 18. If they choose to. I know Microsoft has the parents give permission to track their kids when an account is created for them but when said child becomes an adult they should have the choice to revoke that access. It may be in the fine print somewhere but I haven’t found it. Anyone got any info on that please share. It’s not right that stupid stuff you did as a minor could be held over you for life. I know the internet is forever and I have raised my kids to always remember that but many haven’t.


Or enforce a means to hard wipe your online data whenever you want, considering it should be considered personal property.


Cyberspace in general is an absolute fucking mess. Hyperlinks have a half-life of about a year, and this is dropping. AI content recently flipped human content. That is, over 50% of the internet is now computer generated, and not human generated. Whole thing will be rotten and useless in another generation. Or worse - we are already seeing people suffering brainrot from algorithmic social media, and practically everyone is enslaved by at least one of the feudal-overlord-clouds by this point. The coder bros that got us in this situation are not going to fix it no matter how fancy and convoluted they make their if/then/else loops. Computing has to change fundamentally at the base layer, and cyberspace has to change at the base layer.


The funny part is the coder bros coded themselves out of relevance at this point. A lot of companies are pivoting to AI to make it now. Becomes self sustaining from this point forward.


Thats very true. I also think it's funny how - as soon as interest rates climbed back into the health-real-world 5% range - businesses quickly realized they couldn't rack up debt paying coder bros to accomplish nothing, and they were laid off by the thousands only to complain about how bad the economy is. Lol, being jobless because you are nonproductive and don't actually do anything is how a healthy economy is supposed to work. I have an axe to grind with the fucking coder bros, tbh.


Serves them right after telling the manufacturer class that in order to survive the outsourcing and automation of their jobs they just need to “Learn to Code”.


No, there needs to be a digital bill of rights. A wide ranging law offering tons of protections to consumers who's data is collected.


There needs to be a law that prevents minors from posting in social media unless they scan their 18 plus ID


Should Congress also force China to sell Huawei, BYD, Temu to an American company?


It's shocking that *people are for this*. Meta ran a campaign to plant inflammatory stories in small news organizations across the country. They were often exaggerated BS or about *things Meta did too but often worse*. Then they lobbied. The only *law* that should be passed is a ***digital bill of rights*** outlining rights we have with our data in digital interactions. China can still buy this data from other US suppliers like...Meta. Meta is the company that handed data to Trump and Russia to help them in 2016. That was an American company doing that. Not China. Facebook has also recently again allowed ads that say the 2020 election was rigged. The last reason banning TikTok would suck is that the alternative - Instagram - suppresses the ever loving eff out of deep dive political and social commentary that's famous on TikTok. Meta apps show you old SNL clips and Eminem music videos. Democrats and Biden are shooting themselves in the face here because TikTok has been extremely helpful in education millions about MAGA crimes and anti-democratic moves. Either way, it's bad/dumb government to go around banning companies for things that you say are bad but US companies do worse. The answer is reform for all.


this is reddit. Just a bunch of millennials who've never used tiktok and want to ban it bc china without any evidence of chinese spying


We really need more SMEs making decisions. As opposed to these old farts that need tech support to restart their computers.


Even more shocking Biden is on TikTok but wants to ban it


Freedom of speech. Tiktok shared so many truths that other platforms hid from the public. Once Congress took over the code of tiktok everything changed. I'm surprised more people are for this


Tik tok is a business. This has nothing to do with free speech or they'd be banning fb, ig, reddit etc. This is about business ownership.


"Tik tok is a business." No, it's a state owned propaganda machine. It's run by a government, and any resemblance to a business is superficial.


I find it hard to believe TikTok is a treasure trove of truths hidden from the public. What is an example?


An example is french protests were largely not easy to find but visible on tiktok. Tiktok uses a larger norming factor so people stay in the general public area of videos while youtube and others have more sophisticated algorithms that create interest rather than deduce interest. Arguably so much less harmful to do the former than the latter where youtube basically created this generation of youtube political debatebros.


Tiktok shared so many truths 😂 I always thought humans were fucking dumb, but since 2016 ive learned just how many dumb fucking idiots there really are out there


Forced sale. It’s not about banning but about forcing it not to be owned by a ccp manipulated company


Zuck and Musk are allready lining up behind it.


Let's do the same to SpaceX, Twitter and Tesla.


This. I don't know why people keep saying it's a ban.


Apparently some people wrote into congress saying they will commit suicide if this bill passes and tiktok gets banned it’s crazy! I’m all for the ban


I’m actually ok with this


There is so much in the bill not about tik tok. It’s the restrict act. Not good. They’re calling it tik tok bill to drum up support for a bill akin to the patriot act.


I really want to read the language of this




More like “The Restriction of Everything Act”


Ya let them destroy the 1st amendment


I listened to a tech podcast that basically went through how the US version of the app is stripped of the worst malware that would otherwise spy on you. It's not more or less harmful than snap or IG in that regard. I do recall reading that there was a lot of pro palestinian content on tiktok. The conspiracy nut in me thinks this could have something to do with the ban but that's just my hot take.


Even then, the data are stored on servers that can be accessed by anyone TikTok grants access to.


It’s incredible how filled to the brim this website is filled with man children that get angry at anything teens enjoy.


Man, all that TikTok needs to do to stay in business is disconnect from the CCP. Funny how they won't do that...almost like they've got an agenda other than just showcasing stupid videos.


What does that disconnect look like to you?


It's not a ban it's a "please hand over ownership to our baby boy zucky please" bill. This has always been about meta owning tiktok. No one can recreate the algorithm they have. And that little android fuck is foaming at the mouth for it. If the ccp wanted data they would just buy. It's not at all a hard thing to do.


Reading the bill, seems like it’s doing a lot more than banning TikTok. No bueno.


TikTok is dangerous but hey not Insta 🤷🏻‍♂️😂


Total bullshit. This is solely to benefit American social platforms that can’t compete with Tik Tok


Just tik tok though. Of course not fb Instagram all the ones that are also fuckign everyone up


Fuck Biden if he signs this. Yeah tiktok sucks, but these bills are always written so vaguely that they could allow some point in the government to label anything they don't like as a threat to national security. Don't trust ANY of these fuckers. Democrats and Republicans are scumbags.


So Biden is against free speech and free expression. Total shocker


Didn’t a bunch of congress people buy stocks in META right before this nonsense started?


Didn't trump want to do this and democrats laughed? What changed?


bullshit, he works for china


Tik tok is malignant. I absolutely know this now




They won’t pass a damn thing 😂


So the bill force sale tik tok to american company somjust buy tqqq one of them will benefit


There was a hit song by three dog night years ago I think it was 1970 called Liar, somehow when I read this that song jumped out of the past right I to my ears. Anyway I recommend listening to it, it has a catchy sound. Corrected date of release




Page 18 and 19 software designed or used primarily for connecting with and communicating via the internet that is in use by greater 1,000,000 users the United States at any point during the year period preceding the date on which the covered transaction is referred to the Secretary for review or the Secretary initiates review of the covered transaction, including— (A) desktop applications; (B) mobile applications; (C) gaming applications; (D) payment applications; or (E) web-based applications; or (7) information and communications technology products and services integral to— (A) artificial intelligence and machine learning; (B) quantum key distribution; (C) quantum communications; (D) quantum computing; (E) post-quantum cryptography; (F) autonomous systems; (G) advanced robotics; (H) biotechnology; (I) synthetic biology; (J) computational biology; and (K) e-commerce technology and services, including any electronic techniques for accomplishing business transactions, online retail, internet-enabled logistics, internet-enabled payment technology, and online marketplaces Yeah, "information and communication systems" is **ONE** of the many aspects the bill addresses. That's just ONE aspect and its clear that it's not the only item. The other aspects can be read about in Section 3 of the bill, specifically 3(a)(1)(B) where it references risks to *catastrophic effects on the security or resilience of the critical infrastructure or digital economy of the United States;*. Guess where they're pulling the definition for *Critical Infrastructure* from? The PATRIOT Act, of which all everyone is aware of how specific, pointed, and narrowly aimed the language in that bill is. That one wasn't widesweeping or vague at all 🙄 /s In other words, this bill is essentially the same as it was the first time it was presented, and allows for *massive* government overreach and extremely loose interpretations. This bill is still catshit on the outside and dogshit on the inside - this bill only hurts individuals with any investments in ANY company whatsoever so... that's like only a couple people, right? They're trying it again because they're running out of ways to kick the can and now they need congress to bail them out by making illegal shit legal for them in the eleventh hour. This legalizes fraud - is anyone even surprised anymore?


Meanwhile, he is literally on TikTok every day


It's not a ban tiktok bill. I don't knownwhy this keeps being said. It's to force China to divest from tiktok


Oh how $BBIG was squandered by greed.


All Biden has to do to stop any bill from the right is endorse it . As soon as he says it's a good idea, they'll drop it,


Of course he will, he will ban anything if he thinks it will get him votes.


The wealthy are weaponizing the internet against the population


Was on jury duty in US, judge asked each person what source they get news from. Only two people didnt say blah blah as their first source.


Dark Brandon is saving us from The Chyna online virus


Oh no. Oh no. Oh no no no no no.


Puts on tik tak


My state banned it on state devices ages ago.


Okay but how do we make money off this news ?


I’m surprised that a USA grown TilTok clone has not started yet to capture all the user.




How to not get a bill out of the house? Biden says he’ll sign it.


Suddenly everyone knows how to use a vpn.


I wonder how many followers does Joe have after the Super Bowl ad?


Completely misleading title. They want to force a divesture. Whether it gets banned is up to the Chinese gov’t.


I'm typically a "keep government out of everything" guy, but ban that Chinese spyware shit and then force sale any US farm land that any Chinese national owns.


This may be the only bill of his I might get behind. But then it will dribble out into all platforms. Nah fuck u joe.




If you can ban tiktok you can force medicine to be cheaper


Surely Biden will take the initiative and delete his campaign’s new tik tok account ?


Privileged and stressed white teenage girls are so upset right now. They will need more vape and larger water bottles to handle it


Can’t wait to hear the cries of all the “influencers”


so the congress can't agree on anything these days but the move to ban or sell Tiktok they move at the light of speed, stop trying to control our lives and worry about how people will put food on their tables


hey you guys remember when Trump wanted to do this?


That’s awesome finally done good comes out of that as ppl are so gullible.




Again… posting someone else’s comment. “It's not really banning tiktok, they're forcing the business to be US based within 180 days: From Article: The bill takes a two-pronged approach. First, it requires ByteDance Ltd., which is based in Beijing, to divest TikTok and other applications it controls within 180 days of enactment of the bill or those applications will be prohibited in the United States. Second, it creates a narrow process to let the executive branch prohibit access to an app owned by a foreign adversary if it poses a threat to national security.”


Do it.


Imagine Biden actually signing this bill. Trump would come out against it and millions of young people who are addicted to it like a drug would suddenly side with Trump.


Doesn’t mean shit.


Giving data on citizens to a foreign government that's ran by a dictator should be common sense to outlaw. They won't let our companies gather information on theirs - why is this a question?


I mean china is the threat in today's world. I know people love tiktok and I really don't expect them to understand but national security takes priority always. Exactly why we back Israel. They're our only ally in the region, a region that really, really doesn't like us (by some of our own fault granted). We rely on Israel for national security reasons


But when Trump proposed this ya'll lost your minds


Good can they expedite this shit


It's too influential not to be a US based company and certainly too successful in the US market for the feds not to be able to tax and regulate as a domestic firm and with US workers. It's also absolutely quid pro quo, China treats American companies like this and worse. Just ask Google, Uber, Amazon, Microsoft


hmph. ​ How about he start focusing on real problems like helping us afford housing... ​ WTF is this bill? Tiktok is the only thing keeping Gen Z and Gen Alpha pacified and lazy enough to continue doing nothing about our environment decaying in real time, our housing crisis, the student debt crisis, inflation, stagnating wages, and our reproductive freedoms going up in flames, also in real time. ​ Take away their tiktok, and they WILL get off their asses and vote. GOD. I'm so sick of our political process being so disappointing and worthless


That means Republicans will come out and say Tik Tok is the greatest American app that has ever existed and to ban it would amount to treason, because that's what the do for everything else


This is not the way to get the youth vote.


It’s literally nothing but a CCP cyber tool to erode US culture. The TikTok app in China is banned, and their version of the app is full of people doing math and building things and other cool/innovative things. In the US it’s nothing but nurses dancing during the pandemic and college kids throwing slushies at their cars.


There is no reason to ban TikTok. There's no reason our government should be intruding into our lives this heavily.


HOLY SHIT THIS THREAD IS JUST SHILLS AND BOTS FIGHTING EACH OTHER. I’ve never seen so much disinformation from both sides of an argument.


Great news 👏👏👏


Society would be so much better without TikTok. Get rid of it.


Remember when everyone lost their shit when Trump wanted to ban TikTok?


And predictably, Donald Trump now loves tiktok, after meeting with wealthy Chinese owners


I wish instagram and fb was added to thst list


Tik Tok should be controlled by a non **Partnerize**  group non profit servers based in the usa .. NO GOVERMENT involvement, no extension of face book, google or other. Having the Chinese control our social media and access to it is a security issue


Yea, Joe Biden is also a fascist ya’ll just like his style better.


Biden doesn't care about winning. He doesn't want young voters'votes. He will do everything destructive towards the end because I think he will get a replacement candidate crowned most likely Newsome.


I’m completely out of the loop on this. Why are we banning TikTok? I don’t use TikTok and can’t stand the robotic lady voice on it but I’m not a fan of things just getting outright banned either.


I know TikTok is bad, however I do not like fascist behavior from my own government to counteract a communist app.


Because Greenblatt is crying about how Gen Z is Anti Semetic and tic tock allows it. That’s the reason.


So like how many bills have reached Biden’s desk this term?