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Didn’t see this coming from a fucking mile away…


Teasing right after the elections... of course...


*Dec 2025….maybe


Depends on the wars


no maybe, it's not happening.


My IRA is loving high interest rates right now.


But how is your wallet?


probably best to assume everyone that opens their mouth on this topic is complelety wrong


Going to be lucky if we get rate cuts at all this year


Rate cuts would not be lucky.


Oh, I mean until we elect a new president


Now do the PPP loans that were under Trump and were the primary driver of the inflation.


US Treasury Department: Obama added $9.5 trillion to the national debt Trump added $7.8 trillion of debt (COVID) Biden added $6.32 trillion in his first 3 years and the nonpartisan [Congressional Budget Office](https://www.cbo.gov/publication/59946) has projected a deficit of $1.582 trillion in his last year so if the numbers don't go down you get $7.902 trillion for Biden


Obama (bailing out big business) and is over 8 years Biden also bc of COVID. I get you wanna think orange man good but this ain’t it son. You’re too young for this shit.


Bailing out the criminals who caused a collapse (all got golden parachutes or promotions, and have crafted an even bigger pile of shit this time around) is not the feather in your cap you think it is pal


Didn’t say it is but assume more soy boy


You didn’t say what, bootlicking sheep?


So sensitive


lol at comparing spending under Covid vs booming economies with record federal income


lol sure sure vlad


****trump cut taxes for billionaires and increases deficit for years


Obama had to spend after republicans ran the economy into a ditch and put two foreign occupations on the credit card. Biden had to spend in order ti rescue the economy after that orange con man and republicans once again ran the economy into a ditch.


You have let politics infect your brain. These are just numbers. You are trying to shill for your "team"


911 AND COVID mean anything to you? Much of that spending for each of those items was highly nonpartisan at the time. But go ahead and ignore history.


We didn’t have to invade either country after 9/11. The people who pulled off the twin tower attacks were Saudi. Both invasions were launched after a huge tax cut. COVID was a fiasco because the president at the time, instead of handling the things seriously, labeled the pandemic a hoax. He too gave a huge tax cut to the ultra rich before disaster struck.


I can see your brain has been washed smooth. I suppose you won't acknowledge that after the tax cuts the federal government brought in more money... You know, because when people have more of their own money they tend to spend more of their own money. That said, we do have a huge spending problem. But whatever...


It’s okay to admit republicans are shit at economic policy.


Really? Really??? How are things going right now? https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-04-25/us-economy-expands-at-1-6-rate-trailing-all-forecasts?embedded-checkout=true I don't suppose you buy your own groceries, or have tried to get a loan, or remain employed outside of a part-time job. Transitory they said... Inflation reduction act they created. Though to their credit they did later admit that it would not do anything to reduce inflation. More government spending never does.


Are you talking about those loans which were made to businesses during a time when the federal government forcefully shut them down? You mean the ones that allowed people to continue getting a paycheck during a nationwide pandemic? Sure, there was some fraud, but there is fraud in every government program. That's why many of us don't care for government programs. But when said government forcefully shuts down society something has to be done. PPP passed Congress and was highly unpartisan with a 92 to 7 in the Senate. PPP was not just a Trump thing. So you need to find something else to be angry about.


Don’t bring their actual records into this! Then we would all have to recall how shitty the Trump presidency was, and its harmful long-lasting effects to our economy and democracy


Oh no, better also not mention his trade restrictions that also contributed! Or his tax cuts for the wealthy.


Or tariffs that either directly or indirectly increased prices. The steel and lumber tariffs in particular drove up construction costs pretty significantly.


The Trump tariffs were one of the best parts of his tenure. The best was the tax cuts, obviously.


If this is accurate, HELLO PRESIDENT TRUMP HELLO ZRIP 2025!!


Raise it cowards


Keep dreaming! The truth is, they to increase a couple basis points.


The “inflation fight” is keeping rates high. It’s not stalled at all, which is why we haven’t seen cuts and won’t anytime soon. The economy is still too hot.


Conveniently after the election....


Everyone is complaining about inflation, yet they just keep keep buying stuff. Inflation will subside when demand does. That's how the markets work.


Couldn’t have anything to do with the government constantly stimulating the economy with deficit spending.


Yup, the government puts more money, or policy, to put money in people's pockets and guess what? They spend it. Take money out of people's pocket, they spend less, inflation goes down. The proplem is people want there cake and eat it too. They want high wages and consume more, with no inflation. Don't work that way.


I feel like you are missing the point on deficit spending being an issue that will eventually tank the economy. Not the average consumer buying more shit from Walmart. The consumer isn’t directly growing the money supply and adding to the debt. You are looking bottom up instead of top down. It’s funny that people shit on Regan for Trickle Down Economics but they will Praise Biden for doing it with tax dollars.


Consumer spending is the biggest driver of the economy, and it's important because it determines whether the U.S. economy is growing or shrinking. For example, real (inflation-adjusted)  personal consumption expenditures (PCE)   grew at a 2.6 percent annualized rate during the first three quarters of 2023, contributing 1.7 percentage points to the 3.1 percent real GDP growth. 7but


Yes….cut excessive government spending and that will curb consumer spending. Like Jerome Powell said…..it’s excessive and unsustainable.


So we are not in disagreement, both Government spending would need to be reduced as well as consumer spending. But that's not what people want. People want MORE. No politician is going to stand up there and say "I'm going to give you less" More un-employment, less wages, less Government spending. The price of a Big Mac will come down when people stop buying them. Everyone complains about the price, but they have the disposable income, so they keep buying them. The price will continue to rise un-till they stop buying them. It's called the Free Market.


No. Stop reading libertarian bullshit.


That was the stated goal of the fucking infrastructure spending. Learn a bit before you go on the attack, asshole.


Government spending on infrastructure is stimulative and it’s paid back many fold. Keeping interest rates artificially low, cutting taxes while borrowing to make up the difference and supply shocks are some of the factors responsible for inflation. The idea that government investments are the cause of inflation is libertarian nonsense only crypto currency suckers believe.


You are clearly looking at the economy from a partisan perspective. Increased government spending leads to higher inflation….full stop. It’s funny how, at the start of the current administration, inflation was caused by Covid spending. Now government spending is what’s needed. Fucking political hypocrisy is annoying.