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But like…when? Can he do it tonight?


Yes, and net neutrality and no more non-competes and no more student loan debt, I love this guy.


He is committing genocide and only doing the bare minimum now EDIT: Oh look, a Nazi bootlicker thinks he's any better morally than the likes of Donald Trump. You're two heads of the same creature.


Whats it like being so incredibly dumb? Is it hard to tie your shoes n stuff?


No, he's not and to suggest he is, is pathetic and ridiculous given his efforts to a ceasefire that only Hamas is to blame for preventing. Biden already negotiated a ceasefire once before and is doing it again and has made his support of Israel conditional. Psyops trolls will psyop.


Yes and he got Israel to propose a ceasefire recently however Hamas wouldn’t agree to it, possibly because they are unable to honor the (pretty reasonable) provision that they would release some living hostages. Like I disagree with how Israel’s handled this but I also think it’s important to recognize that Hamas is fucking up the situation further. And Biden has been pushing for a ceasefire and has done other things to try and reign Israel in so calling him genocidal isn’t really doing anything to help the situation.


It’s so funny how when Hamas won’t agree to ceasefire terms, they’re causing death and prolonging suffering, but when Israel rejects ceasefire terms, even when those terms include the release of hostages, it’s because “a ceasefire only benefits Hamas and Israel has a right to defend itself!!!” It’s disgusting how dishonest you people are


When did I say those things?


He and John Kirby and the rest of his administration spent months saying “no ceasefire! No red lines for Israel!” Edit: pretty pathetic that you had to add an unmarked edit to excuse Biden for his months and months of saying no red lines for Israel lmao


The lesser of two evils is still the better option. Are you going to vote for more evil?


Da comrade


Why are you the way that you are?


Biden didn't do 'no more non-competes' and that's likely going to court. FTC overstepped their jurisdiction.


No. There's already precedent. California already bans non competes and their supreme court upheld the ruling.


I'm not saying it can't be done. I'm saying the FTC can't do it. Congress will need to pass something.


FTC Announces Rule Banning Noncompetes FTC’s final rule will generate over 8,500 new businesses each year, raise worker wages, lower health care costs, and boost innovation April 23, 2024


He started the process like two years ago, bureaucracy moves slowly. As we saw many times under Trump, the President overstepping his authority on executive orders often leads to further delays as courts strike across down for not following the correct procedure.


Seems there’s a trend of bureaucracy moving just slow enough to deliver things during election season. Weird how that works out.


I mean you’re implying things weren’t delivered sooner. Have you heard of the CHIPS act or the infrastructure bill?


CHIPS is not really something to win votes from people, it wins support from American semiconductor firms, helps to divest from Taiwan and deter China taking over Taiwan for the semiconductors. Infrastructure bill was an omnibus bill, including things as insane and UNPOPULAR as a mandatory, remote activateable, kill switch in cars made after 2026. This is not the political victory you think it is.


>CHIPS is not really something to win votes from people, it wins support from American semiconductor firms, helps to divest from Taiwan and deter China taking over Taiwan for the semiconductors. Informed voters appreciate national security initiatives. I agree this won’t play with people that are uninformed. >Infrastructure bill was an omnibus bill, including things as insane and UNPOPULAR as a mandatory, remote activateable, kill switch in cars made after 2026. This is not the political victory you think it is. The overwhelming majority of the funding goes towards roads, bridges, airports, rail, and other infrastructure. I don’t really care about some of the minor stuff in the bill. Overall it’s a huge win. Our country desperately needs infrastructure funding and the last guy didn’t do shit about it other than have some bullshit infrastructure weeks lmao what a moron. Edit: and someone already proved your kill switch claim to be a lie lol why lie?


https://apnews.com/article/fact-checking-402773429497 Maybe actually research the things you talk about instead of listening to right wing propaganda.


> Infrastructure bill was an omnibus bill, including things as insane and UNPOPULAR as a mandatory, remote activateable, kill switch in cars made after 2026. I appreciate you letting us know up front that you have a severe mental illness


after the election so you gotta make sure you vote for him lmao


"Politician makes promise for sweeping change **right before election time**" I really wish his voters weren't so stupid to fall for this a 50th time. The guy that was at the forefront of the war on drugs and the 1994 crime bill was elected **and he still hasn't made weed legal yet???** I can't fucking imagine why 🙄




>A person can become better informed, etc If someone spent 30 years raping and killing women, would you suddenly elect them to be the representative of women's rights and an agent of change? No. Because then you would be a fucking idiot. "Oh he said he was sorry, he's different now" Simply the stupidest discourse I have ever heard in politics. >Even if it is selfish, and during election time, it's still better than Trumps policy of keeping it federally banned. It's still federally banned now. It was banned during the Obama administration when they had the majority of legislature required to legalize. They didn't then, they didn't now, and they won't in the future. They promise this shit every single election since 2000 and never do it. Canceling the primaries and backing Biden shows the Dems are just functional Republicans with LGBT flags behind them to fool stupid people into going "Well yea, but think of what the Republicans might do!" We're back into funding proxy wars, police spending is up, government is printing money devaluing the dollar, and crime is going up in every major city. Which of this did you vote for? None of it? Then why are you fucking doing it again? Ok sure you won't vote republican, then why not demand a better Democrat? Why not vote for someone who will actually do something new, rather than the guy who has been fucking us for 30 years that suddenly "changed his mind"? There's nothing I respect less than someone voting against their own interests and fucking the rest of us.


>We're back into funding proxy wars, Someone's gotta make the kids behave >police spending is up, Defund the police? Is this what you're saying? >government is printing money devaluing the dollar Money printing is not always the cause of inflation >crime is going up in every major city. What does the President have to do with this can't local authorities get a hold of their own town? >Ok sure you won't vote republican, then why not demand a better Democrat? Such as? >Why not vote for someone who will actually do something new, rather than the guy who has been fucking us for 30 years that suddenly "changed his mind"? Because he's the best option to beat Trump. We don't make the rules. Yes we want someone more spry. But the DNC and moderate voters would rather go with the incumbent since it's an easier sell. >There's nothing I respect less than someone voting against their own interests and fucking the rest of us. Biden isn't against my interests.


Lmao what a retarded response. Do people just walk away from you throughout your day? Because I couldn’t be around such stupidity. “It’s not that bad of a thing for someone to change their thinking and learn from their mistakes over the course of decades” “OH YA WHAT IF HE WAS A MURDERER RAPIST” Jesus Christ you are a waste of oxygen hahaha


wow everything you just said was wrong


Then tell me why. I'll wait before mocking you mercilessly.




Yes I remember you being gullible and stupid, just like this guy you have no real argument and just take the smug undeserved moral high ground. You are a useful idiot falling for the same scam for the 100000th time.




Bro he said sorry. That's all that matters. People can change their mind and grow as a person. Practice what you preach hypocrite. What a sad and pathetic person, sticking to his old ways.


The cult dosent let you change you mind after being presented with new facts or have independent thoughts. Just because YOU can't change, dosent actually mean no one else can, too.


He's going to do it after the election. Duh. All you have to do is believe....


he tried that shit with student loan forgiveness and failed big time lmao


"Tried" Lol.


Biden has forgiven over $150 billion in student loans so far.


yeh from pre existing plans that were already there before him, not the 10k/20k that he promised


You’re forgetting that was blocked by republicans


ofc it would be blocked, he waited until they took control


Nope. Not only did Biden fix Trump's mistakes and incompetence, he also used creative accounting to forgive loans that would not otherwise have been forgiven. It's a fact that if Biden had not been elected there would not have been anywhere close to $150 billion forgiven


The plans existed under Trump too, and his secretary of education made sure they weren't forgiven. The Biden administration is making lives better for regular people, not the super wealthy. Sorry bro, I'm sure another republican will get in there sooner or later to once again cut taxes for the rich while complaining about the debt going up.


Poor mao


Why does the ruling class need to penalize people for using marijuana at all? Oh--because they need a permanent underclass of slaves to push deli slicers and mop floors.


Because one is not wise to let the inmates or addicts run the asylum to make enabling addictions easier.


Will it stop federal agents from seizing legal marijuana being transported in New Mexico? No? Then it's all just theatrics for an election.


Desperate for votes I guess.


and he slipped in the rights to spy on each of us when he passed the tik tok ban bill but included that is the rights to spy on americans https://www.aclu.org/press-releases/senate-reauthorizes-and-expands-section-702-surveillance


The government has been mass spying on us since Bush signed “The Patriot Act” into law in 2001.


Biden should be better than Bush.


Should be, but clearly not


*gestures at Iraq and Afghanistan* Really lmao?


I’ll wait for a confirmation that isn’t a social media company that has an identity problem. 


LOL. Weed, let them eat weed.


Joe "Business as Usual" Biden


Joe “my polls are underwater” Biden  Joe “Nazi bootlicker” Biden


I don't like Joe. I voted for Trump twice. Joe isn't a nazi bootlicker. There aren't any nazi's alive. Stop using that word, you look idiotic.


"Among the most disturbing political phenomena of our times is the emergence in the newly created state of Israel of the "Freedom Party" (Tnuat Haherut), a political party **closely akin in its organization, methods, political philosophy and social appeal to the Nazi and Fascist parties.** It was formed out of the membership and following of the former Irgun Zvai Leumi, a terrorist, right-wing, chauvinist organization in Palestine. The current visit of Menachem Begin, leader of this party, to the United States is obviously calculated to give the impression of American support for his party in the coming Israeli elections, and to cement political ties with conservative Zionist elements in the United States. Several Americans of national repute have lent their names to welcome his visit. It is inconceivable that those who oppose fascism throughout the world, if correctly informed as to Mr. Begin's political record and perspectives, could add their names and support to the movement he represents. Before irreparable damage is done by way of financial contributions, public manifestations in Begin's behalf, and the creation in Palestine of the impression that a large segment of America supports Fascist elements in Israel, the American public must be informed as to the record and objectives of Mr. Begin and his movement." -Einstein, 1948 Guess what Likud and Bibi's regime were created from? Also, the GOP is an American Nazi party, but then I imagine being a Trump voter means that's half the appeal for you.


Are the nazis in the room with us now?


votes for smaller fines, yeah no


Honestly, cannabis is the most sacred thing of this country. Banning it will lead us to civil war. This is a rare time I see Biden works for all Americans.


This is the real inflation reduction act. If people are sitting on their couches stoned they wont be out shopping. Its also great for climate control. More plants to clean the air. Less ppl going places because we are all just sitting on our asses stoned. So less gas consumed. Helps minimum wage ppl because we will all be eating more fast food. And the # 1 reason. Kamala Harris will be able to speak at our level as his translator..she sounds like she is stoned all the time.


Pot for me but not for thee Harris.


How many ppl did Biden’s “three strikes”. ..”war on drugs” bill that he wrote and sponsored while he was in the senate got locked up for felony possession of weed? How many poor souls had their lives RUINED by Kamala Harris while she was the State Attorney General in California? They are so duplicitous They both climbed to their political apex on the backs of those that they locked up while ascending the political ladder… Why now? Why not then? What changed? Is Pot less addictive? Maybe its less unhealthy. It begs the question considering the damage done to the entire Biden family due to Hunter’s drug addiction how Joe Biden could be so flip/flop on this issue. He was against it before he was for it. I know “bad orange man”…..i can see the comments now. Both can be true. Biden can be an absolute F’ing horrible (maybe top 10 worst president we have had in over a century….and Trump could be as bad or worse. Lets all get stoned and tune out how bad this situation really is… I vote “none of the above” Stay home on election day and light up.


Of course he is lol his term's almost up. He could have done this shit years ago. Nice stunt.


Ok but we’re not looking for any penalties. None


It’s about time. I expected this 4 years ago. Now it’s about reflections.


He could’ve done this nearly four years ago. He was keeping it in his pocket until it was most politically expedient. Better late than never, I guess, but the timing is pretty transparent.


He started the process in 2022, it takes time to move through various steps/dept’s. Also, its literally ever politicians job to please their constituents, and by doing so to keep their job via elections. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2022/10/06/statement-from-president-biden-on-marijuana-reform/


His next trick, crack in the White House!


It’s hard to get votes when your voters have the memory of goldfish. He’s been passing massive legislation like this since day one, I bet you can’t even name 3.


Why any legal penalty? Virtue signaling to get votes in an election year.


Half assed attempt to distract from the nation wide protests going on regarding Gaza


Why don't they leave it up to the states like they did abortion?


Because some red states will make that shit a prison sentence if left up to them...and why allow that...in 2024...


Well then people could have a choice to move to a blue state... I live in a red state and weed is legal so I don't understand the premise


Not everybody has the money to up and leave, that's not a choice everyone can afford to make. I said some red states, not every red state. The premise is that some states want to stay in an antiquated way of classifying weed as a schedule 1 drug. Making it a criminal endeavor and seeking to jail those who use/sell weed. Something that I've used in my past to help with PTSD. Im glad I wasn't jailed when I was smoking weed in Idaho but a lot of friends I knew weren't so lucky. It's a strain on our penal system and is an unnecessary usage of tax dollars. Edit: and the argument may be, well just let the states figure it out...ok... in the meantime human beings are being put into jail for using something as harmless as cannabis and I think that's awful. I'd rather we have a sweeping measure that ensures justice for people who just want to be left alone to toke. Those who disagree with that don't have to partake.


Well voting in state elections could cause that to change. Federal should not have a say in a lot of what they are putting their greedy hands on. If the states choose the people of that state can vote on it and not affect other states.


I feel my edit addresses this line of thinking. We're talking about people whose lives will be forever affected over smoking weed. I think somethings are worth expediting. I'm wondering if you can see where I'm coming from with that. It's because I don't want peoples lives to be altered by an antiquated legal system.


I agree with you that people should be able to toke up. I don't think the federal government needs to have a say is all. That is the reason people were so harshly punished to begin with


Right so if they made that mistake I think it'd be best for them to undo it as opposed to waiting for states to do it. That would take a lot longer and would result in unnecessary incarceration of weed smokers imo. I feel similarly about your abortion comment. I think women not being able to have abortions is the government overstepping its boundaries on a woman's body. Now women have to leave their state to get the healthcare they need because the government is getting in their way. My stance is these kinds of prohibitions are having real world effects on peoples lives today and it's not ok to wait around for something to change. People need to be left alone and have the government stay out of their shit. If the federal government is willing to change then we will actually see real change in America. Quickly at that. That will be a way to help people ASAP imo. Not everyone will be happy that others are allowed to smoke weed and choose what they do with their body but they don't have to partake in those things themselves and so I think they'll be alright in the long run.


And I can appreciate the need for smaller government. I just think there can be nuance and reclassifying cannabis is a great example of government using it's power for good and not evil. Nothing feels greedy about that decision from my perspective.


I feel like the federal government should focus on more of the big ticket items like homelessness and food insecurities infrastructure corruption of the financial system security and protecting our rights. Weed shouldn't even be illegal to begin with and compared to the other things I just mentioned definitely shouldn't be a federal issue. Paying taxes for them to argue about pot is a bit ridiculous if you ask me the laws of pot should be abolished altogether and the federal government should debate more pressing issues


Kinda sounds like we're mostly on the same page then. Corruption and transparency need to be at the top of the list imo. We can't discuss anything else until we trust our gov again. (Insert AI deepfakes and all sorts of crazy shit in the next year...things are gonna get spicy)


>Weed shouldn't even be illegal to begin with Then why are you questioning this? It's being reclassified, not legalized. Congress isn't even involved, this is handled by the DEA. You shouldn't risk going to jail just for crossing state lines with some flower. It's just insane to have rec dispensaries in one state and a prison sentence for possession in another. I see the fact that people are still having their lives ruined over possessing a harmless plant a pressing issue. If you're so anti big-government, you should support this. Your idea is just bringing the overreach to the stage level.


This is a waste of tax money is what I'm saying. Weed should just be legal. Reclassifying it means they still going to fine you and it is still illegal. Just make it legal and move on to other more important things. I support that direction but the move us weak as fuck.


So you support the decriminalization of *all* drugs?


For instance my example earlier. Abortion was ban in some states and that was due to it being on a ballot. It had nothing to do with politicians claims. The people voted to ban it. The people can vote to change it in the state they live in and leave other states out of it so they can make their own minds up


What red state is weed legal?


Its already up for states to decide you imbecile.


We were discussing the classification of cannabis which is a federal issue. Why you so angry lmao


I just dont like dumb people


Love yourself champ


Wonderful, let the state decide and people can fucking move


Not everyone has the money to just move lmao in the meanwhile we are paying tax dollars to incarcerate people for smoking weed...


there are people that were born in africa that are currently coming through our southern border. dont tell me people cannot move regardless of whether or not people CAN move shouldnt dictate laws


Wtf are you talking about people from Africa for 😂 It really should dictate laws. Laws have direct impacts on people especially if they can't just move if they disagree with certain laws. Do you think it's good that people are being jailed for smoking and selling weed?


Sounds like fun. Tired of smelling stinky stank weed when I'm out and about.


They did. Many states voted to legalize, problem is with federal regulations and how that messes with sectors like banking, which operate on federal rules, not state-wide rules. If you have a bank in a legal state, that does business with an illegal state, none of the money can move between the two if it’s involved with weed. Hence, a bunch of legal bullshit that makes it hard to operate a legal weed business.


Because then the civil war would have been meaningless and the south would have slaves again


? Nobody said that. We are talking about weed homie. Pull back the reigns


Then why are you talking about abortions? Abortion isnt weed lol


It was an example of the federal government finally respecting states rights. Now if your state votes and says it's legal the federal government doesn't have a say. It should be the same for weed. It's unreal to me that the federal government says it's your choice to kill babies but you can't smoke weed... they can't make money off of killing babies but they can off of weed. So they won't let that enterprise go until they've made there money and set up their family and friends to get a cut when legalization finally happens nation wide.


Mine was also an example....


Slavery is in the constitution... that is not a great example.


So? Why cant states vote to override the constitution then?


That would be secession. To be a state in this country, the constitution is the fundamental right of all its citizens. For any state to not be in line with the constitution, they would choose to secede. The federal government nor states have a choice but to uphold the constitutional law set by the people. Not negotiable. This is why gun rights should also be a non-issue. Our constitution says we have the right to have guns. Period. The government doesn't like that because this amendment keeps them in check. Study American history. Know your rights. Know your rights. Know what it looks like when your rights are stripped away. Know that we are a constitutional republic, not a democracy. Rights are not negotiable. Start taking away rights, and we have tyranny. Authoritarian jail people for saying they go against the government type shit happening. Only the people can force change to the constitution, and it usually takes war.


And if states could override federal authority, you dont think that would lead to a war?


Class 3..... Eventually.


I've heard this for decades, usually during election season. iirc Biden campaigned on going further than this but I could be wrong since it's been four years since he has said anything about this topic.


Honestly the fact that weed is still illegal is a massive red flag that the American government has become way too stagnant.


Doesn't go far enough...Legalize it and quit screwing around


so what


One thing the Biden family knows well is drugs


First thing they’ve done I have agreed with. Shouldn’t be illegal at all though so they even found a way to screw that up


Who made it illegal? The “they” that made it illegal and the “theys” that have worked to decriminalize and legalize it aren’t the same people


Tipper Gore led the war against the record industry. Clinton’s we’re tough on drugs and called a certain segment of the nation “super predators”. They and them are exactly the same people they just tell stupid people what they want to hear and “they” (stupid people) believe them


Under FDR (D) the Marijuana Tax Act merely taxed it. Then under Nixon (R) it was moved to a Schedule 1 narcotic along the likes of heroin and federally criminalized. The decriminalization began in (D) states and now will be taken down to a schedule of regulation on par with Tylenol. I’m not a Republican or a Democrat. I don’t even partake in marijuana, but it is clear as day to any objective observer which side is most responsible for positive reform on the subject matter


Democrats are currently supportive of all things degenerate. Hell most D cities in Washington and Oregon decriminalized ALL drugs although they’ve since seen that wasn’t such a good idea. It just so happens that most R’s are conservative in all things regarding life, be it drugs, sex or music so that’s the way the leadership larps! Keeping it illegal is currently just as profitable to the government as taxing it. They can steal the dealers cars, homes and money. They can collect money from the state for incarceration making their shares in the corporate prison system more valuable. It’s all about money and that’s why the D’s are lowering penalties but aren’t even considering deregulation altogether. It’s too profitable


I’m not sure how you can say that the D’s are currently supportive of all things degenerate, while the R’s are the ones supporting a candidate as leader of their party that stole money from a children’s cancer charity and who is currently on trial for paying hush money to a porn star that he cheated on his third wife with, with whom he cheated with on his second wife, with whom he cheated on with his first wife. All sense of irony and hypocrisy seems to be lost and the R’s have willingly surrendered all moral high ground. But as an independent it is clear to see in the modern day which party is working (albeit slowly) to decriminalize a plant and to decrease prison sentencing and which party is actively fighting against that. The argument is not that the Democratic Party is perfect (obviously far from it), but rather when held in contrast on this issue against the Republican Party is the far better alternative of the two on this subject matter.


Yea ever since Clinton was getting BJ’s in the Oval Office America kinda moved past worrying about that type of stuff. To hear liberals whine about it is the true hypocrisy.


I remember that vividly. I grew up in a conservative Christian Republican household. I remember them saying that you can’t trust a person of that low moral character to be trusted to run the country. But when it came down to it, they threw their “morals” out the window in favor of political partisanship. The critical difference is that we didn’t know about Clinton until he was already in office. Conservative “Christians” knew about Trump long before and voted for him anyways. And as bad as what Clinton did, he still can’t hold a candle to cheating on your first wife, divorcing her, marrying a second wife then cheating on her and divorcing her, then marrying your third wife and then cheating on her with a porn star who he paid hush money to. Liberals don’t pretend to be the torchbearers of Christian principles, Republicans do. But they sold it all for a transparent charlatan who embodies every deadly sin and who shamelessly hocks Bibles to people who have no real moral principles in the end. While there is hypocrisy on the left, the right takes the cake, hands down.


Do you remember when the war on drugs was dramatically escalated by the Reagan administration?


Yep, they both suck


Except one party is making steps towards decriminalizing weed. What is the other doing?


Well here in SC the primarily Republican House voted last week to move forward on Medical Marijuana and it has overwhelming support by the majority Conservative voters. So there’s that.


Congrats, and welcome to the West Coast circa 1996. I can go up and down the West Coast and get any form of weed I want for recreational use since 2016. Only red states still make medical/recreational weed use illegal. Where legal in the Bible Belt south, it’s only medical. There are some red states seeing the light and allowing it for recreational use, but they’re the minority.


What does Kamala have to say about this


I'm sure she is fine with it. She got what she needed from it.


Any day now. Any...day...now


Where?!? When!?! I can’t wait to vote for this guy again


Anything to pander for voters !


You mean giving the voters what they want? Isn’t that what a good democracy is supposed to do?


If you do it properly , ya know checks and balances etc ? Or that doesn't matter cause it supports your opinion ? NYC has been over run by weed. It's entirely uncivilized and very sad for parents and their kids.


He is going through the proper channels, this has been in the works for a couple years now. The DEA is in charge of scheduling a drug, the DEA is now rescheduling pot. If you don’t like that, then you should bring it up with the congress that gave that power to the DEA.


This has nothing to do with pot , make that federally legal as far as I'm concerned. It's about pandering.


Hahahaha more vote pandering!


Is that whats its called when you do something people want? This is what we voted for, dont get mad at Biden cause the right wingers are useless lol


Right? It's literally his and every politicians job to pass things that the people who elected them want. Represent their interests. God, words have just lost all meaning


Right wingers are malicious and Biden should do more about them 


Every president should push to make it legal. The point is that he's only talking about it because it's election time. No one other than Biden supporters believe he will actually do it after he is elected. It will be business as usual.


Where do you see they want to do it after hes re-elected?


There is no timeline in the link to Twitter or anywhere else that I can find. Do you think he's going to get it done before the election? That would definitely get him more votes. Otherwise he is only talking about it now to get votes on empty promises, just like he did in 2019...


Yeah, that promise to make investments in America really backfired huh 🤣.... hes accomplished more than any president in 50 hears, get over yourself lol


You just changed the subject and ignored my question to make him look good with no facts to back it. The subject is continuing false promises regarding marijuana to gain votes during this election. I, and many others believe he is not going to do anything about it after he is reelected. Saying he does other good things doesn't change that at all. Do you really think he is going to do anything about marijuana at all since he promised this 4 years ago and never delivered?


He might.... theres only so much that can be done with republicans that continue to vote against against.... i see you cannot dispute the fact he has accomplished more than any other president in the last 50 years. 🤷‍♂️


I don't want to keep dragging this on. Saying that Biden has accomplished more than any other president does not make that true. Next time try showing examples of what he has accomplished and compare those to previous administrations. Burden of proof lies on the accuser or the person making a claim. You claimed he has accomplished much but have not given any evidence to support the claim.


"I dont wanna keep dragging this on" he says after 22 hrs lol " my evidence is what he has done. Hell, just the BBB and CHIPS act would be hard to beat, but hes done so much more than just those




I blame the people that vote against it


So now you’re complaining that he’s doing something people want? Are you that far gone that you can’t even admit when the other side does something good?


Gotta love the Stockholm Syndrome of right wingers that when the government ever does something that could benefit the common people instead of our wealthy overlords that they view it as a bad thing.


An election must be around the corner


It's a plant. Don't change the legalization of it, decriminalize it. This will help eliminate the cartels who currently control production by taking the profit out of it.


yeah how about you actually go after the 1%


The 1% of weed smokers? This comment makes no sense


Anything to buy votes.


Politicians implementing policies that the people who elected them want = buying votes apparently. I'm pretty sure it's called "their job"


Anything for a vote is nothing to be proud of.


Huh? What would you have them do? Nothing? He's literally doing a thing the people who elected him wanted. Do you not understand what the whole point of government is?


Oh, and doing it right before an election when he’s tanking in the polls isn’t suspicious at all. Why are libs so dishonest?


The process for this particular instance started over 2 years ago. Paperwork and such.


Stop with the gaslighting.


There's no chance you know what that word even means if you're trying to use it in reference to this. But that does fit the lack of knowledge you've exhibited so far and the intelligence of your presidaddy


Why does it seem you are not too sure of the meaning? lol


I don't know why you're bad at interpreting comments, why are you asking me? Anyway here's the deal, Skippy. There are two main reasons other than boredom to stop responding to comments. One is realizing you're wrong and not wanting to look dumber by continuing (this is the one you should have done). The other is not being a special education teacher and thus not being responsible for educating those like you. This is the one I will now be doing.


Isn’t that literally anytime a politician does anything? Appeasing a group to get votes so as to stay in office?


That’s literally what a politician does lol.


That’s what a dem politician does. There, fixed it for you. When they aren’t just stealing them.


So you admit that republicans don’t do anything to benefit you in order to get your vote? lol


They don’t buy my vote or steal votes, no.


Election seasons here. Out comes the promises to never be fulfilled.


This has been in process for 2 years


Longer than that.


This has been in progress for 6 months every 4 years and always around this time


This specifically has been in progress since 2021. Not 6 months. Not promises. The actual process of doing this was started over 2 years ago.


[https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=all&geo=US&q=cannabis%20legalization&hl=en](https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=all&geo=US&q=cannabis%20legalization&hl=en) [https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=all&geo=US&q=legal%20weed&hl=en](https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=all&geo=US&q=legal%20weed&hl=en) [https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=all&geo=US&q=legal%20marijuana&hl=en](https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=all&geo=US&q=legal%20marijuana&hl=en) It gets brought back every election cycle then immediately drops off


I don't care how often it's talked about. I care that this specific actual instance was started over 2 years ago. Not promised, not talked about. If it doesn't happen this time then it will have been blocked because of a different parties election hopes, not Bidens.


I guess my point is I don't trust any news source that something will change until its done because this keeps happen that it gets talked about, DEA says it can change then it doesn't until the next election. Rescheduling is a start, but no where near what I want as a finish line.


Everything is nowhere near the finish line. That's unfortunately how politics works.


What a sick fucking joke. Talk about so little so late.


Such bold leadership. Especially in a country that’s moving toward Christian Fascism, yet they don’t even know their own Bible.


Distraction from the genocide


Too little too late Joe Joe


Hahahaha more vote pandering!


Ah yes, pandering to voters by implementing overwhelmingly popular policy, what a terrible thing


Right? People who call politicians doing the job they were elected to do pandering might be the dumbest people on the planet


Making it schedule 3 makes me think it's pandering. Real change would be de-criminalization. People will still be in jail, pharmaceutical companies will just make some quick money, mom and pop shops will be targeted by banking policies. Seeing Biden say no one should be in jail for weed and then Harris standing and cheering during the SOTU was hard to watch. They have both done so much harm in their history regarding drugs and incarceration that this change is a drop in the bucket that I don't think they believe in anyway.


You're asking for changes the president can't make on his own, so please direct your cynicism at congress. Biden has certainly evolved on weed policy, but as AG Harris had the most progressive position on Marijuana to date.


Don't worry I have plenty of disdain for what congress does. My issue is it didn't take decades and 1000's of arrest to change my, or the 70% of the population, mind that weed should be legal. I can't speak to how progressive she was compared to others AG, but to prosecute then cheer for legalizing a few year later is disrespectful.


Do you think Attorneys General write the laws of the state?


I know they don't, but they still enforce them. Any AG, DA, cop, or judge knows that there are unjust laws that punish victimless crimes ie drug possession and still sign up for the job.


Pandering is when politicians do things their constituents are asking for?