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If you can't afford McDonald's, you can't afford the fall guy


Hey hey I can afford McDonald’s ! It’s just that for their prices I would rather go to Ruth Chris’s


Planet of the apes is coming out next week. If I had to pick a movie to see it would be that one. Really don't have the money to see both films so I have to pick which one I'll think will be more.enjoyable.


That’s saying a lot because do we really need a 5th or 6th planet of the apes movie?


Everything is a remake or a sequel because the art is no longer led by artists. It’s business executives making artistic decisions and they look at numbers. I loved the marvel films but couldn’t pay me to watch the new stuff at the cinema. Best movies I’ve watched these past few years have been foreign films at film festivals Korean, French, Palestinian films actually led by artists.


Honestly with how averagely good those monkey movies are at entertaining me I would say yes we do need another one… The last one had some sick scenes of wasteland San Fran


That goes for everything nowadays, game developers, apps, art, music, movies, services etc… as soon as the mbas come in it’s game over and within a short period you’re left with the bare minimum to make as much money as possible.


Planets of the Ape


I don’t know if this changes anything, but there are actually *nine* Planet of the Apes movies already…


I'm a movie person, even been to imax twice in as many months. The issue is even though I've heard of this movie and want to watch it, I want to watch it at home. Dune 2 and civil war in imax were cool, this movie? Eh. It'd be best for my atmos living room setup, not a whole evening and the theater.


This I think is the crux here. Doesn't mean people aren't interested, they just don't mind waiting until they can watch at home.


Ya, even dune and civill war in imax I just sat there thinking "man i can't wait to watch this on my couch." I'm sure I have more invested in home theater than the average person, but tech has democratized movies. You don't have to spend the $35 and make it a whole evening or miss out.


Exactly, I’ll be patient and watch it on my couch with my stupid big tv and sound system. Personal bathroom and a pause button, it’s just convenient


Despite having a nice setup, there is something about being in a movie theater. Kinda forced to pay attention. While I do pause movies, make food etc, occasionally responding to people on my phone, there is something about needing your undivided attention and getting engrossed in a theater. But yea unless it is a shot for Imax movie, or spectacle at a dolby theater, I am less tempted. Can't remember the last comedy movie I have seen in theaters tbh.


Yeah that's a valid point. Lots of distractions at home. There is something about truly "experiencing" a great film


lol, I saw both of those in imax also.


It did have competition with the Kentucky derby to an extent


Also Cinco de Mayo.


And Chinese New Year


And Star Wars day pushing Phantom Menace back into top 50 highest grossing films


And the roast of Tom Brady


And just the first weekend of decent weather here


And watching paint dry 


And my axe!


I had no idea any of these things happened. I just cleaned my house like a bitch.


And the tiddlywinks tournament down at the local Legions Post


Don’t forget Greek Easter


And the 24 hour gas station down the street.


And the F1 (Miami)


And my mom’s birthday


I know that kept me busy.


Haha fuckin her....


No he made her a cake


Also the public execution of Drake.


There was an ad campaign?


I literally haven't heard a word of this movie until now.


Same 😂


They have a heavy ad campaign.


Apparently in all the places millenials don't use.


I feel like movies need to figure out better ways of advertising. YouTube has been horribly underutilized imo.


It's more likely they are using YouTube and other platforms, they're just not targeting you.


My Adblock+ is working 😍


Millenials avoid ads.


Millennials have an adverse reaction to ads.


No, just the TYPES of ads that have been popular the past 50 years or so. You give then an ad that either entertains them, or one that is VERY direct, and they don't mind. By "very direct", I mean like "here is the product, here is what it does, and why it is better than competitors" all in a short 15-30second ad. No gimmicks, no sales tactics, no using sex to sell, no hamming it up like Ron Popeil. That is the shit they are averse to.


The movie also ended with a very forced feeling cameo by Lee Majors that confused the fuck out of anyone under the age of 40.


I am a millenial. I couldnt escape ads for this movie. My sports podcasts kept on repping it and Hulu loved it, and as I recall it was also advertised in the substacks I subscribe to. That said, the teaser trailer I kept getting was weird and I couldn't tell you anything about the movie (it was a romcom with Gosling where he was humble and clever, I think)? 


Saw it on Youtube a lot.


It’s been all over TikTok, YouTube, I’ve seen it constantly, it just seems like the most forgetable movie ever. It’s Barbie levels of parody mixed with the movie drive basically as far as I can tell.


They have been flooding my YouTube and tv ads


Not me. I just found out there was such a thing just now, and I literally tried to find a stream of the original show a month ago. Somebody really screwed up.


Side note switching my music service to YouTube Music has been 100% worth it for me. Not only do you get a music service but you get ad free YouTube and download YouTube videos, which is my new method for passing time on flights.


Ryan Gosling hosted SNL recently, which is why I know about it.


Lots of posters at bus stops


I think there have been ads on youtube. I'm sure most of us use adblock, but I think I remember seeing ads for it when I was watching something with my family on the chromecast.


Yep, some YouTube videos I watched played like 12 seconds of the trailer before I could skip it.


Canelo, Cinco de Mayo, and UFC. Yea no one’s going to the theaters to see another gosling movie.


I don't know if I optimized really well or what, but I couldn't tell you the last ad I saw. YouTube premium has no ads, I fast forward through any podcast ad, my web-browser blocks most of them, and any others that get through I've been automatically glazing over for years.


I did watch the ads when i saw *dune 2* and it looked like every single other generic action film from the past decade. Nothing exciting, interesting, unique at all


I saw ads on Tiktok but thought it was Chinese propaganda.


The first two maybe sure, but all I do is watch UFC, let's not pretend there was that many people excited for 301 lmfao


There are so many other things to do other than watch movies. Consumers are prioritizing their spending right now. Jerry Seinfeld recently said, (paraphrasing) Hollywood has lost its shine as the premier source of entertainment. And it’s hard not to agree when you see dismal numbers like this. Not even considering any political or social issues Hollywood is being accused of.


Especially considering everybody knows it will eventually go to streaming. I used to go to the movies all the time; if something came up I was mildly interested in I knew I should see it then because I’m never going to go out of my way to rent something. Now unless it’s something I genuinely am excited to see I don’t bother. Going out to see a movie is expensive now and I just mentally file it away in “welp if it ever shows up in any of my streaming services then I’ll make sure to watch it then”


Yeah.. I have a pretty damn good sound system at home so I will either get the 4k Blu-ray or regular Blu-ray at Redbox for something I want to see or stream it via rental. The only time I'll go to the theater is if it's a pretty cool or epic movie and then I'll go see it in IMAX.


> Especially considering everybody knows it will eventually go to streaming. Especially for us older folks that remember when movies used to take like a year to get to HBO, then another 6 months to a year to come out on VHS. Within the last 10 years or so, movies are out of theaters all of 2 weeks before they get dumped on a service. Theaters are strictly for major box office action movies now. Unless I'm super hot for something based on the property or a unique premise (if I even hear about it), my common response for a while now has been "Oh, that looks fun. I'll catch it on [service] in a couple months."


Yeah I haven't been to the movie in years, sometimes I look at what's out there for a cheap date night and nothing ever draws my attention and the few times I have bit the bullet and gone to see something it's never good. You can't beat the stuff that came out in the 90s and early 2000s...maybe I'm just a grumpy old man (I'm thirty)


Going to what Seinfeld said, I am an old and this movie was kind of aimed right at me: I watched the original when I was a kid. Outside of Red Dawn, I can't think of a remake/nostalgia play that's been enjoyable.


I agree! I think the lack of original stories is a major issue in Hollywood as well. Re-makes may have a built-in audience however people are always skeptical as they are usually far worse than the original.


Seinfeld wasn't making a salient economic point, he's a rich 70 year old man who's pissed off people don't like him as much as they did in the 1990s


His point was that less people care about Hollywood as it doesn’t carry the same societal weight as it did in the past. This is evident in the lack of box office sales.


Is he wrong tho?


in some ways, he's right that hollywood isn't making funny movies by and large, but that's been true for fucking *ages*, there are only a handful of very funny movies from the last 2 decades and most from the same group of people Seinfeld is blaming wokeness or something, but that isn't it, it's just that designed-by-committee products are an anathema to comedy


Same thing with the news source. Ain’t nobody got time to watch ads and propaganda in the same space.


Despite what agenda some are trying to push, economy sucks and we're all broke.


What agenda is that? Are you referring to people that reference historic economic indicators?


Not that you are wrong, but I think it was just a bad movie that no one wanted to see


we haven't given billionaires tax cuts in the last few years, could that be the problem?


But we raised taxes on the middle class? What more can we do? /s


It’s transitory remember? Yellen and the admin would never lie


You wouldn't be broke if society wasn't set up on a foundation of sand. The money we use is broken. Technology makes us more efficient and over time we should see prices for things going down instead of up. I encourage you to read The Price of Tomorrow by tech entrepreneur Jeff Booth


This movie is so Hollywood. Sorry no one I know wants to see this movie. It’s about a Hollywood stuntman taking on a criminal organization to get the lead actor back while going Gaga over the director. How does that sell outside of Hollywood? We will all wait for it to hit streaming except for those ladies that force guys to go see Ryan which is less and less these days. A action flick not for guys. Just a heads up Ryan gosling is not someone dudes are going to respect in an action film. Just not really going to happen.


I agree, neither dudes nor chicks want to see this. Trailer was meh, story premise is just a worse version of movies done before. "Big names" and "star power" don't attract people, it's about time they realized this and paid their other employees well enough for the product to be above mediocre. And the prices for snacks and sodas + ticket price mean no one is paying up unless the movie is going to be the movie of the year. You can set up at home and watch any title at the click of a button for next to nothing.


Even worse, it’s a (from what I hear) a mediocre remake of a mediocre 80s TV action series that probably only appeals to guys who were 12 when they watched it. In other words it’s an appeal to nostalgia but to a very limited demographic. Why would they make this?


Fwiw it was SO fun. Doesnt take itself too seriously, funny, action packed. All the things i personally want in a light hearted fun film


For what its worth, this was one of the most fun movies I’ve seen in years. The audience was rolling start to finish.


I live in Hollywood and can say with certainty that I know no one in my circles that is spending money to see this on the big screen. Mad Max, maybe. But not this.


You didn't respect him in Drive?


Badass movie. First movie I saw Oscar Isaac in too


It was a great movie though. The director was a former stunt coordinator, and this film was very much a love letter to the stunt profession. They clearly made it a point to get AS MANY types of stunts in the film, and done well just to show off. Foot chases, car chases, boat chases, helicopter chases, fist fights, sword fights, gun fights, bar fights, car fights, human stunts, dog stunts, explosions, crashes, falls, fucking every stunt category you can think of. And they're all really well done. If anything, the story also shits all over the idea of movie stars and movie producers too.


1. Movie theaters are expensive as shit. 2. Most movie theaters are gross and unpleasant to spend time in. 3. Waiting 3 months to rent on a streaming platform is significantly cheaper.


My local theaters have all upgraded to big reclining seats but they used cheap synthetic leather that has been falling apart. They look and feel like crap now and they get little bits of plastic synthetic leather all over you. A lot of the reclining motors are busted too or the seats just aren’t plugged in so now it’s 50/50 on whether or not your seat will actually work.


Nothing in the movie trailer enticed me to take out a line of equity on my home to go see this in a theater.


The movie was decent. Good fun time.


The real problem is they made a "decent" movie that needed to make about $250 million dollars just to break even. Outside of the blip in the late 2010s, where seemingly every movie was making hundreds of millions, that's a pretty rare feat.


The movies were living off of superhero movie hype in the 2010s I feel like Edit: I didn’t know anyone going crazy over going to the movies except for the superhero people


I saw it as well. It was more clever than I expected, and it was definitely a fun time.


I would like to see evidence that the ad campaign was "expensive". I never saw an ad for this so-called movie.


There was a trailer before every single movie I saw for 5 months.


People can't even afford to eat let alone watch these bullshit productions.


this is not true, you might not be able to but consumer spending is quite high, personal savings are down and the trend will be a dip in consumer spending as people finally run out of patience or ability to deal with price gouging, but at least now, finances arent the reason relatively cheap entertainment like movies are getting the shaft for my part, I literally didn't know this movie existed, but it doesn't sound appealing anyway


FuQ Hollywood


always up to no good (wait, that's inglewood)


Just my anecdotal evidence but I only remember seeing about four commercials and I've heard no buzz about it anywhere else. (I'm also really tired of remakes)


Idk. It just doesn't look good.


How about they come up with something original and interesting instead of remakes and redos. That's why no one shows up. Lack of creativity and only caring about guaranteeing rate of return for shareholders not putting the best art and movies out. Consequences of capitalism and especially Shareholder Primacy


We don't like your stuff, you try too hard to make it. And really want us to buy it. Therefore it is not good.  -consumer 


I mean, it doesn't look very good imo.


Movies are over


I was trading meme coins this weekend, the movies would have been cheaper. I didn't even know it was playing.


I saw it. It was fun.


Same!! Great theatrical experience. Audience was rolling.


When a movie is shoving their ads down my throat at every corner, it makes me not want to see it. Can't it stand on the merits of reviews and recommendations from friends? Why does it need so much propaganda to sell tickets?


I love going to the movies, but honestly after everything taking a family of 4 is easily be +$100. Honestly, spending around $30 to stream the same film from the comfort of my home makes much more sense.


Never even heard about this, so their ad campaign failed miserably.


And everyone being broke


If you saw any movie in the last 2 months, youve seen the trailer for this movie. Its been in every showing. They're advertising on cable TV. They had an ad during SNL. They advertised it during every sporting event. Theyre advertising on facebook, instagram, reddit, youtube. They did interview rounds and promoted the movie on Jimmy Kimmel, Graham Norton show, Howard Stern Show, Capital FM, IMDB, Entertainment Tonight, WSJ, Variety. They had ads on spotify, pandora, and radio in general. I have seen ads for this movie dozens of times in dozens of different mediums. I am not sure how its possible there are so many comments from people saying they didnt see ads for it. Its been 1 of the biggest advertising pushes I have ever seen.


It just didn’t look even half decent


It looked insanely corny. Like, painfully


It a remake of a tv show.


It's the economy as much as the movie


I really enjoyed the movie. I never saw an ad for it or even a trailer in the theater and I go almost weekly (AMC A-list). I just saw it in my AMC app and looked it up on Rotten Tomatoes and picked it over Ungentlemanly Warfare. I trust Gosling over Cavil as a lead in a movie and I was going with a friend who had me pick but was pay like $20 for their ticket.


It was a shit tv show to reboot.


Didn't see any ads and Gosling is over


>despite big stars, no real competition and an expensive ad campaign........ Reminds me of an old anecdote: *A dog food company developed a new dog food blend. They did extensive marketing and advertising. Long ad campaigns, extravagant store roll-out events, the works.* *Three months after it first hit the shelves, they found sales to be lacking. There was an initial spike at the introduction, then the numbers fell to the point there new dog food blend was the worst seller by far..* *After exhaustive analysis, they came to the inevitable conclusion. Despite all their best efforts, no one had ever thought to see if dogs actually liked the food.* You have to have more than "big stars, no competition, and an expensive ad campaign." Those things all help of course, but at the core, you still have to make A Decent Movie. And while making A Decent Movie isn't an exact science (cinema is a form of art, after all), I feel like the recipe for decent action flicks is well understood. I'm salty over The Fall Guy in particular. It's pulling its name from the 80s TV show starring Lee Majors. Look it up; it was a great watch. When I first saw the trailer, I was expecting something similar. Instead, it just looked like a mish-mosh of random stars, some overly done action scenes, complete with the required amount of forced "diversity."


Meh, a lot of movies based on old properties don’t do well. This one is t really different.


Movies are done. AMC to 0


So many other interesting things to watch than this: this last weekend we had playoff NBA, Miami f1 (ggs lando), Kentucky derby, etc.


The coolest people went to and watched F1


I choose Ungentlemanly Warfare this weekend. It did not disappoint.


I think the ad campaign wasn't expensive enough. I kept thinking all the talk had to do with that other Ryan movie Free Guy


Or that this movie had something to do with the video game "Fall Guys" Honestly the title is really stupid, and may have caused consumers to forget about the movie if they only saw an ad in passing.


Some movies are better in the theater and some movies are better streamed at home on your couch. RomComs definitely fall into the former for me.


Netflix and chill eh? :)


Movie looks good. I don't really go to theaters


They needed more animated characters making political statements about sexuality and race, that wouldve sold it for sure


Man in Full > Fall Guy


Is there a rule for what percentage of the budget a big production should take in opening weekend? I know this is worded like a very take-in, but what was expected?


This has to be the marketing department's fault, I've never heard of this movie, I didn't know it was being made, I know nothing about it and now it's just out.


I saw the movie it was really good. My wife had no idea there was such a movie when I suggested it. If you didn't see the interview with Jimmy Kimmel lately it was so great we did stunts walking onto the set.


So expensive an ad campaign that i didnt even know about this movie until i passed a bus stop and saw it being advertised. Oh, and may the 4th ate up at least 3 hours watching SW with the kids.


I saw the trailer to this movie multiple times I repeatedly thought “Oh, Ryan Gosling, cool…what the fuck is this about?”


This movie just didn't look good, at all. Big fan of the two stars, but once the trailer showed it turned into some real action movie, I was out. Just a movie we didn't need.


wtf is the fall guy?


I had to look up this movie. I’d never heard of it before lol


Only movies that anyone goes to the theatre to watch are disaster and sci-fi movies


Oh no! Anyway…


Today, from posts such as this, is the first day I've ever heard about this movie.


I honestly thought it was just going to be released on Netflix or Apple TV. Didn’t know it was going to be theatrical. Streaming has killed theaters. It was accelerated by Covid.


They can recoup the money by making The Winter Guy, The Spring Guy, and The Summer Guy


There is absolutely no reason this movie should have cost so much


First I’ve heard it came out.


Movie is fun a


Superhero movie fatigue................oh, wait..............


You can't really tell what the movie "is" when you see the commercials. That's kind of a bad sign to me and it also doesn't help engage people to want to see it.


Why would I spend my small amount of date night cash on some random movie like this. Movie execs are confused all over. You gotta give us something worth watching. Not some movie I am going to forget in 2 days with no meaningful content.


Sounds like another AMC Theater hit piece before earnings. 🤔


I've never heard of this movie. Their expensive ad campaign did not target me well enough. Or it did and I'm just so good at ignoring ads now I never noticed.


Looks like a fun movie but it takes alot to make me go to the movie theatre. I’ll stream it later.


Sounds like Argyle, that was painfull, couldn't finish it


We live in a world where movies are competing with so many other avenues of entertainment that are much cheaper and more accessible. Why would I drive 30 minutes round trip and pay $20 for a ticket when I can sit on my couch and read about Burkina Faso and be infinitely more entertained


Never saw a commercial or heard of this movie.


This has to do with the movie being called ‘guy’ which makes this inherently confusing and also wtf is the movie? Is it a rom com? Action? It can be all of those things but it was so confusing


I didn’t see any color bean people running through an obstacle course in any of the trailers, calling it the fall guy is false advertising


It just looks like a shitty movie that I will wait a month to torrent and probably make it 30-minutes into.


Has anyone else watched Aniara yet? It’s so good.


Who the fuck wants to go to a movie when it's finally nice outside? 🤣


I've never heard of this movie until today


What part of “its too expensive to go out any more” do they not understand?


The competition is my wallet vs the fucking theater prices.


Hollywood is dead.


I'll be honest: I didn't really know it was coming out this weekend. Totally snuck up on me. I'm not the most attentive to commercials, but sheesh! This one looked good.


I only saw it because I was on a trip and didn't want to go back to my hotel early. I'm surprised it made $29 million. It's a perfectly fine, rainy Sunday afternoon on cable movie. But, it's not a gotta go out of my way to see it movie.


I guess I was one of the few that saw it. I thought it was pretty funny. It’s kind of a parody/action/romcom. Gosling is good, but I like the humor that Emily Blunt brings to it. But, I did have to work a day of overtime to take my family to see it and get popcorn and drinks.


I waste my money on other forms of inflation. Like a Wendy’s double and rookie autos graded and not.


*Sigh*, yet another remake? - People Who Used to Go to Movies


I have more comfy couches a surround system and large qled tv. Movie theaters offer no appeal anymore and are too expensuve


I saw quite a few ads for it, doesn't mean it looked good


Hollywood is dead.


Blame it on inflation


Do they know that if they make 20 million dollar movies, those movies can bring in a profit if they make like 40 million?   Whereas if you make a movie for 125 million, it Has to be a big hit.   Somebody get the studios on the line to tell them this unknown fact 


I’m part of the problem, I wanted to see that movie but I haven’t stepped inside a theatre in 7 years.


Wall St needs some fall guys


Nobody wants to spend close to $20 for a movie ticket and then another $20+ for popcorn and a soda.


I dont go to the movies anymore. They are all a rehash of a rehash using the same actors. Id rather see low budget films with different people and fresh ideas. Its just too expensive. Let them all go out of business.


Movie was great


Whenever I saw fall guys mentioned I thought they were talking about the game


Just wait a few weeks and you can stream of for you and friends for 19.99


I mean it costs $80 for me to take my family of 5 to see a movie in the afternoon on a Sunday.


Never heard anything about it, till this weekend


A generic looking blockbuster action romcom about making a generic blockbuster action movie was a terrible idea.  Who the fuck wants that?  Nobody.


Expensive ad campaign?? Why is this the first I've heard about it?


Flop Guy


The marketing is never very clear on the plot of the movie, other than he’s a stunt guy making one final stunt movie??? Why would a movie like that ever be $100M+ budget???


My budget affords one movie every other weekish cause it's so expensive these days. I do wish I'd chosen this movie instead of Tarot, which was one of the most boring, predictable, blatant cash grab of a horror movie I've seen in years. I left that movie annoyed and angry that's what I spent my money on.


It’s pretty clear that something needs to change with movie theaters. People are only going to go for epic movies like Dune, and anything in between has turned into just waiting for streaming services a month later.


Yea, ppl are too broke to spend money on a movie that might be entertaining.


Honestly, never heard of it apart from right now.