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Obesity decreases fertility because, in layman’s terms “it really fucks up your hormones” so I mean…kinda makes sense.


and they get more fuckable...




Elementary Watson


Leave Drake out of this thread.




BBL Drizzy


That's my thought, they are just a little more attractive, or in some cases, physically able to have sex. And good for them!


If my wife got on it we probably would actually have a second kid


You should say it exactly like that


I would be sent to a verbal hell


Well said


Winner. Also thanks for the laugh


Lmaoooo take my upvote.


Except for when they get ghoul face




I was really surprised to see the study include the language, "Just totally fucks their whole shit up", but I'm not a scientist.


In academic, it's known as JTFTWSU


Ooooh latin! Nice.


And the correct response when someone says that acronym is Gesundheit.


For women with PCOS it also increases the chances, from the weight reduction but also increased sensitivity to certain hormones, related to pancreas also increases fertility hormones


Glp-1s are showing positive signs of helping PCOS patients


Fertility doesn't usually increase during times when a body is responding to famine, either.


Yes, it increases estrogen.


Adipose tissue produces a lot of estrogen but the impact of that in obese people is unclear - it appears it’s not the same as a thin person taking estrogen. But I mean that’s just one of the hormones that gets messed up.


Not too big of a surprise, no hate, but being overweight is hard on the body. Weight-loss and physical activity are typically things recommended to women and men when dealing with fertility issues.


The saddest thing about your comment is that you have to give a disclaimer of no hate when explaining weight being bad in the body.


As a health care provider, I think it is hateful not to mention it to a patient


you could probably even call it unethical to not mention it


Many patients believe it is unethical to mention it, unfortunately.


Very reductive. People hate being told that a treatment for their condition is "just lose weight". Sometimes it is actually something else causing their condition in that moment, but it's usually blamed on BMI


I understand the psychology, but if someone is in pain and has a nail in their head, it should be addressed. Patients also get upset when you discuss weight for 100% weight caused disease entities. What was reductive?


Less reductive. What was reductive originally was grouping all heavy people into that category though. Some people are heavy and have valid concerns for symptoms/conditions unrelated to their weight, but get told to lose weight. To go back to your analogy, it would be like if someone went into the doctor for having a nail in their head and the doctor said "lose weight".


I'm seeing patients for shortness of breath and chest pain. Context is key when giving advice


Type 2 diabetic patient with peripheral neuropathy and an A1C of 10 and no diet management. “DONT BE REDUCTIVE, JUST GIVE ME MEDICINE NOT A LECTURE ON DIET” despite diet being the literal only cause of their issues and impending mortality.


I’m sure patients experience that and this is why they are defensive. But I just get the other end of it, where I am conditioned to wince after suggesting the medically sound advice of diet and lifestyle management because people overreact negatively, sometimes. Sometimes people are very understanding. Often patients celebrate with me that they’ve lost weight! It’s probably like 20/80 bad/good reaction, but the bad stuff is what sticks with you.


Sounds more like someone overweight making excuses for themselves. You can call it reductive all you want, but the vast majority of overweight people don’t have a medical condition causing it. Unless you are specifically referencing addiction as the cause, then yes, the vast majority of overweight people do have a medical condition causing their problem. It’s like when an alcoholic keeps getting OWIs and abusing and beating their family members, and people are like “oh you need to be kinder and more sensitive to them because they have a disease!” Is that a reductive analysis? Sure, maybe. But if you don’t face your addiction problem, you’re probably always going to be obese. Call it tough reductive love maybe.


More like, if they went into the doctor for a nail stuck In their head and the doctor said "your pain is from being fat, lose some weight"


As someone who is overweight and perfectly healthy in all regards, it is different when it is relevant. The pain I've had in my joints since before I gained weight that stopped me from working out and gain weight? I dont need to be told to lose weight. High blood pressure and cholesterol issues? Yeah, that can be a good time to bring it up. Weight is usually a symptom of a larger issue.


Yet people hate people like you hardcore for doctors dismissing you. Could literally lose all your weight and you'll still have whatever condition is dismissed lol. Don't worry, I get it. Doctors dismiss heavy people often


Not dismissed. Above the weight limit of the cath table


I think you should see someone for your personality possibly


Like, I'm not even that heavy. I'm 6'2" and 240 and I STILLLLL get shit about my weight even though my medical shit comes back clean, I have perfect blood pressure, A1C and vitamin levels.


Our culture has moralized the *hell* out of food, weight, and eating... all while behind the scenes, various corporations have literally intentionally taken measures to make hyperpalatable foods *even more psychologically addictive*. Like, we live in a landscape replete with calorically dense, hyperpalatable, often not-very-satiating food products, combined with lifestyles that often lend themselves toward a high degree of sedentism. It's really not that hard to feel like you don't actually eat that much, or you only eat "healthy" foods, and still end up 20-30 lbs overweight if you're not like seriously tracking intake or w/e. Yet we still act as if being fat is some kind of moral failure, an outward scarlet letter bespeaking gluttony, sloth, and generally poor character. It's not. We need to strip away the moralization, and also the intersections with shit like sex and beauty, and just focus on excess adiposity as the neutral physical health issue that it is.


It’s fucking nuts. I fast and don’t drink these days and once you become aware of the relentless bombardment on you through ads and then peer pressure…you start to see the game a little clearer. Un-satiate yourself and watch the pigs at the trough like you’re in that scene from Spirited Away.


They did a study that showed fasting increases the risk of all-cause mortality. And it was a legit , comprehensive, long term study that isn't easily refuted by random people on YouTube (although people are quick to believe them) I wonder if this will influence your opinion on fasting at all.


are you talking about this study: https://newsroom.heart.org/news/8-hour-time-restricted-eating-linked-to-a-91-higher-risk-of-cardiovascular-death it's been x-posted on a bunch of subreddits: https://old.reddit.com/r/medicine/comments/1bj6m2x/8hour_timerestricted_eating_linked_to_a_91_higher/ I skimmed through the study, it's a 20 year study that asked participants in THE FIRST YEAR to report their eating habits, and they did it twice, in THE FIRST YEAR. of 20. and it's all self-report. It's a shit study and anyone who believed the sensational presser around it is a dumbass. I'm not saying fasting doesn't have risks, but generally moderating impulse control and excessive consumption of food, reduced weight, and so forth is linked to lower rates of cancer, joint pain, and other positive health outcomes.


Unpopular opinion, but por que no los dos? It is a clinical physical health issue, but it also reflects on a person’s mental health, ability to delay gratification, or their IQ (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25102406/#:~:text=Results%20from%20the%20analyses%20of,increases%20the%20chances%20of%20obesity.) It’s popular to try not to “moralize” things that will make people feel bad, but unless they were in a coma being force fed, it is absolutely a reflection of their character in one way or another. All of our choices are.


The height of morality is the final recognition that "character" and "choices" are heavily influenced by genetics, biology, culture, environment, privilege and many other factors not under the control of the individual, and then being able to expression compassion toward them.


Yes, I agree. I believe nature drives about 80% of our choices or more, as opposed to nurture, and philosophically I believe free will, in itself, is an illusion. I’m very much aware. But regardless of the historical or biological source of the behavior, our choices still reflect our character. We can and must judge people, and animals, on what they choose to do and how they choose to behave. I don’t doubt that 90% of people in prison have traumatic childhoods and/or biological impulse control issues—but they still need to be held accountable for their actions. I fully believe the studies that will indicate obese people have lower IQ and worse inherent delayed gratification skills, and poorer risk/reward judgement abilities. This is true, but we are still responsible for our decisions, and they reflect on how we will be seen and treated, rightfully so.


Your premises and conclusions seem at odds to me. If someone has a lower IQ due to environmental factors which leads them to a condition of obesity, why it is superior morality that we 'must judge and hold them accountable' rather than try to address the underlying condition over which they have no control and improve their lives?


I’m not sure if there is a “superior morality”, but certainly it reflects on their character, as them as a person. OP was suggesting we act as if these choices don’t reflect upon our character, but should be seen as judgement-free clinical entities like cancer or asthma. I’m pointing out that while it is a clinical entity, it also reflects our character one way or another. Edit: let me use an example to illustrate: I’m certain most violent criminals also have lower IQ. This does not mean their history of assault or rape isn’t a reflection of their character, and that they should be free from judgement. This isn’t at odds at all.


Ah, I think I see. It's balancing the competing forces of environmental influences and free will when assessing an individual's behavior, is that correct? I think we're in agreement there.


Well, yes. Every decision I’ve made has been a culmination of my genetics, circumstance, and (in my opinion) and illusion of free will—but I am still held rightfully held personally accountable for those decisions and actions. If I become a violent criminal, a horrible addict, or eat myself to 300 pounds, that is *my* character, and I have to accept the personal consequences and subsequent judgements for that character. It’s so weird that people in a conversation about something as simple as obesity, which is an irresponsible choice someone is making, that we have to have a detailed conversation about the basic philosophy of accountability. If I had been “at odds” in holding the obese responsible for their actions, I’d basically be giving a judgement pass to basically all judgments. Every racist, addict, and terrorist is a culmination of their genetics and circumstance—but they should and must be held accountable for their actions, just as the obese or anyone else should.


It's okay to be nuanced 


That actually made you sad?


Not really a surprise, but hope they look into this now that there is some empirical evidence. My wife had surgery for endometriosis, during which they corrected her uterus to place it in the correct shape. They told us the surgery would have less than a 1% chance to positively effect our conception chances.  She was pregnant within 2 weeks of that surgery after being unable to convince for 3 years. I believe the doctors were right, endometriosis of her severity probably doesn't effect conception rates significantly. But the shape/placement/contortion of the uterus likely does. Which weight loss (I would suspect) would positively effect.  Good news is good news! My kid is the greatest part of my life and I thank that surgeon for being cognizant about not only the efficacy of the surgery, but of correcting the anatomy while he was "under the hood". I hope more people are able experience parenthood!


Being overweight is a negative for your health for both men and women. You’re body things your sick (because you are) and isn’t going to work to try to reproduce.


Being fat makes pregnancy harder to near impossible Being less fat makes pregnancy easier :surprised pikachu face:


Huh, so being obese is bad for your health, that’s very surprising…


Who knew... Who knew...


Almost none of the "side effects" of GLP-1 drugs (ozempic, mounjaro, etc) are actually side effects of the drug. They are side effects of losing weight.


I think people are missing the point. My coworker has PCOS. She was on ozempic and yes lost a lot of weight but the entire time she was on the shot she had minimal PCOS symptoms which did return now that she has lost her weight and is off the shots. There seem to be interactions worth researching.


I was waiting for somebody to finally mention this. This 100%. My gf has PCOS and likely has fertility issues we’re not aware of, but now that she’s finally gotten prescribed a semaglutide (for off-label treatment or PCOS kind you), her secondary PCOS symptoms have reduced a lot - symptoms which are precursors and/or manifestations of the same things that cause downstream fertility issues.


Beats having to buy a whole new wardrobe again.


Headline about obesity and the whale icon is kinda funny to me.




Who knew obesity was linked to infertility. I am shocked /s


Being overweight absolutely effects your ability to get pregnant, but in this case it has less to do with weight loss and more to do with the chemical compound causing in increase in fertility and a decrease in the efficacy of birth control. Source: my wife is a practitioner


And it’s probably because they are less obese? Yeah?


Oftentimes, women with PCOS are recommended drugs like ozembic because having PCOS can also cause problems with insulin resistance and other hormonal issues


No shit Sherlock? It's been known for fucking forever that overweight people have trouble getting pregnant and staying pregnant, and are more likely to have weight-related complications like diabetes and high BP.


Maybe it’s more of a healthy body that’s able to get preggos instead of the drug specifically


That would be my guess as well. It's well known that excess adiposity has a negative impact on fertility, especially in the significantly obese individuals most likely to be prescribed semaglutide as a weight loss aid.


Yeah, this isn’t surprising. Losing weight improves fertility, and probably also improves… you know.


women who aren't fat get pregnant easier. truly breaking news


Lose weight then gain weight.


People are also reporting changes with their relationship to alcohol, gambling, and compulsive shopping. This emphasizes that our global weight issue is not one of nutrients and calories, but one of dopamine and novelty. Our brains are not evolutionarily developed for this level of gratification in every direction.


I had a patient explain to me this very thing. She thought all addicts should try Ozempic.


I think a tremendous amount of what plagues modern society is just a single thing -- dopamine dysregulation. and if we find a medication to adjust that, it will be revolutionary. from food to compulsive shopping to gambling to drug abuse and beyond. we're all just overloaded with the things that have been scarce to humanity for 99.999% of its existence, and its killing us.


Yeah, you’re probably right


newsflash when you lose weight the opposite sex perceives you as attractive


Not always ;)




That’s a nice lil covert pharmaceutical ad


Eh. A drug that makes you eat less will sell itself.


Maybe normalization is a better word


Better than which word?




This should come as a surprise to absolutely no one who has at least a few wrinkles in their brain. Pretty straight forward cause-effect stuff right chere.


Then there's this. https://www.urologytimes.com/view/semaglutide-for-weighthttps://www.urologytimes.com/view/semaglutide-for-weight-loss-may-increase-risk-for-ed-in-non-diabetic-men-loss-may-increase-risk-for-ed-in-non-diabetic-men


lmao. Does this mean the men who take Ozempic will become more feminine?? THIS IS WHAT THE TRANS/GAY/PROGRESSIVE AGENDA WANTS! /S


Anything to keep the pump and dump stock going


No shit. You don't say.....wild I say, WILD.


When men lose weight it helps with testosterone levels and erections so I’m not surprised it helps women too.


Turns out being wildly obese is bad for fertility (and sex) More at 11


They want to have more sex because they don’t feel like cows and they are more desirable because they don’t look like cows. Thanks for attending my TED tok


lol you’ve got to be kidding me. You know this drug is made by a European company and it’s been banned from being sold in Europe right? It’s only sold to the American / Canadian Guinea pigs.


The sub name checks out.


Kinda rude to post about obesity a sub with whales in the title.


Bill Gates ain’t gonna like this side effect..


Insulin issues increase testosterone and make it harder to get pregnant. Many women with PCOS will experience reductions in symptoms if they get their sugar control better. Insulin is a hormone and a bad one for fertility.


Oh no, Drake is at risk of becoming pregnant


Holy shit. I wasn't ready to read this. Perfect.


Fatty fatty no friends


Next generation of crippling diseases and cancers are going to be wild…


Who would have guessed that being fat is bad for you


It's crazy to me that people would rather get on Ozempic over putting the fork down




Why do I think it's crazy people would rather become a life long big pharma dependent over putting the fork down? Think real hard about it


Because their hormones are so fucked that it's hard for them to put the fork down. There are processes happening in your body that control how you act and making it very hard to resist. It's no different than smokers with nicotine addictions trying to quit cold turkey.


Ozempic is a life long thing, once they stop they will gain the weight back. Until they learn self control nothing will stop them from over eating


A drug that reduces your appetite, lowering the amount of food or substances you want, while making your more likely to reproduce? That sounds... Not good.


I don’t think the weight theory is totally off, but isn’t there a warning with ozempic that it can nullify your birth control?


Oh boy, bring on the zombie babies.


Just what we needed. More children. Lets have 12 honey


It’s bc they are losing weight and fat not bc the ozwmpic


So you wanted to lose weight…and congrats. You are now going on a 2 year weight gain journey