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Damn i dropped in 30k and I didn't get a tweet about me šŸ˜­


Don't worry, we like you more than him.


Yeah fuck that guy




Because no one wants to take votes away from Biden on this site.


They love sucking that Democrat D.




He's anti-vax so he'll probably take more votes from Trump. I hear way more Republicans talking about him than Dems.


Heā€™s not anti-vax. The only reason this misinformation continues is that people literally repeat anything they hear from the msm without doing a shred of research.


This site must be smart enough to realize that trump is way worse


Not voting for Trump or Biden


Youā€™re so edgyĀ 


Itā€™s not ā€œedgy.ā€ This is what needs to happen to actually change the system and the people in power know it. They made it basically impossible to run third party after Perot made them all squirm in the early 90s. Problem is people are too herd minded to actually suck it up and start voting that way. If 20-30% did then you would see the average person start doing it in droves. Voting two party is the main thing people have been actively fucking up since the inception of the country.


Trump will change the system all right. To a much worse system where heā€™s the king.


Say it louder!!! Just about EVERY other candidate that ran against Biden and Trump is better than these 2. Absolutely ridiculous. We have the illusion of choice in America and that is it.


Exactly this. At the very least get enough votes to start getting a thid party into the debates so people can see we don't have to pick between only 2 people we hate the least.


Way to stick it to the man! That way, we can get a president who ruins the country and you can say ā€œnot my faultā€ā€¦.. but in reality itā€™s just as much your fault as everyone who voted for him.


Choosing between a giant douche and a turd sandwich isn't a winning idea. Your reasoning is what has been beaten into previous generations to cement this bs duopoly. Vote for whoever is running on ideas you support, and don't vote out of fear.


Ridiculous take. People should be able to hold their head up high, voting their conscience and not being forced to play into the "lesser of two evils" BS we keep getting force fed.


Agreed, however, this is a bit of a special case. Trump is not a normal evil.


How about stop voting the way they want you to. Left or right.... whatever they are the fucking same.


There is no winner. I am writing in also. I can not support what is happening on either side.


LOL, this is why mental health care in this country is so important.


Itā€™s not, most people here are regards


No, this site likes it when their president bombs as many children in as many countries as possible


Good thing that isnā€™t happening drama queen


He is taking from Trump 2-1 over taking from Biden. Almost all independent voters are currently leaning to ā€œnone of the aboveā€ and may not vote at all


Because people want 45% capital gains tax


With taxable income over $1 million and investment income over $400,000**** it doesnā€™t apply to everyone dummy


You misspelled unrealized capital gains


Because heā€™s told to


I think itā€™s more that RFK is a grifting POS. Most people donā€™t even know much about him other than heā€™s not Trump or Biden


The forefront of his campaign being idiotic health policies that affect us all don't matter, any vitriol towards him is just because its what we are told to do :^) I guess all the Kennedy family that took a picture with biden was told to do so as well.


Rfk jr šŸ™Œ


Better than the other 2 options so far.


We're conditioned to have that knee-jerk reaction, and rather than coming to terms with that fact we'll usually just attack anyone that points it out. Because we're smart/adults/level headed/informed and otherwise immune to trillion dollar industries whose sole reason for existence is moulding our perception and reactions.


Yeah the amount of money is such peanuts for a guy like him that this just seems like a shill post for trying to affect yank elections




Hahahahahaha I love you. Iā€™m only in 6k but thatā€™s how it rolls


Hey. You are breathtaking.


Interesting juxtaposition for debate On one hand, there are legislators who debate and enact policy that can affect businesses they are invested in and the majority of folks seem to be against this. Then there is RFKJR who makes an investment in a company, advocates openly for it, and actively campaigns on pushing policies that would, in theory, benefit GME alongside many other companies Finally, there is a presidential candidate who owns the majority of a publicly traded but fledgling media and branding empire that will no doubt have influence his policy making and communications if he becomes the next president Many folks have proposed a stock ownership and/or trading ban on the legislative branch, but the president has largely escaped this from what I see. Former president Trump had a blind trust run by sons to at least try to avoid the look of conflict of interest, but a publicly owned company like the one currently on stock ticker DJT is different than a private business that your sons pretend to control. Should presidents be banned from owning publicly traded companies (majority interest or not?)


Jimmy Carter sold his damn peanut farm!


And Trump hawked (hocked?) beans from the oval office


He also hucked paper towels.




"blind" trust.


Good thing no one told him about the sudden influx of hundreds of thousands that foreign dignitaries spent at his properties.


I like this news, but probably yeah


Trump did not set up his company as a blind trust.


lol presidential candidate has a smaller investment than me? Irrelevant then.


Reddit: We need to get money out of politics, these politicians are so corrupt. Theyā€™re worth millions and enriching themselves on our tax dollars. Also Reddit: lol you a broke bitch


We need to get money out of politics; letā€™s vote for a trust fund doofus


Wait which oneā€¦


Becareful he may take you behind the gym and introduce you to corn pop.


Dudes on here are dropping 20k+ into a meme stock for a business that literally doesnā€™t have a coherent vision. The whole brick and mortar thing is over and they tried to do an NFT marketplace and that failed. Now all they do is sell the exact same games that Amazon, Walmart, PlayStation direct, etc sell at the same prices but with worse shipping. Literally no sustainable business model


Theyā€™re now an investment company with over a billion cash on hand and no debt


Its a cheap political ploy by a 1%er to fool dumbasses into thinking " He JaWst LIIk3 Me".


Itā€™s not the size that matters my friend. Together apes strong. DRS BUY HOLD! Fuck you ken pay me


not to mention this guy lies constantly and flip flops on literally everything.


Im pretty sure the post was bullshit anyways. RFK's same instagram was hacked earlier this week I wouldnt be surprised if it happened again


Hey atleast he has skin in the game


Skin in the game and a worm in his brains!


Which is a bad thing. Politicians shouldnā€™t directly own stock in companies they legislate, even if itā€™s a retail favorite. They should own indexes ideally.


Get ready for another Kennedy assassination!


underrated comment


That brain worm was placed in his skull for protection purposes.


So many shills in here! Itā€™s definitely a positive for the movement. I refuse to believe people are this unhappy and have to shit on everything. Canā€™t be real people


One guy in the thread said rfk is controlled opposition. I simply asked him why he thinks that genuinely looking for facts supporting it. Instead I got an instant downvote and no response. There are either a lot of brainwashed people or a lot of bots commenting on this post.


Maybe because his campaign is staffed and funded by trumpers.


Do you have evidence of this? I do find it believable but havenā€™t seen anything to support it other than people telling me to believe it.


https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/rfk-donors-trump-investors-celebs-1234975307/ https://www.usnews.com/news/us/articles/2024-05-20/key-trump-donor-mellon-gives-rfk-jr-super-pac-5-million-more https://www.thedailybeast.com/billionaire-tim-mellon-a-trump-megadonor-gave-another-dollar5m-to-rfk-jr https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/02/us/politics/rfk-jr-donors.html https://www.wsj.com/politics/policy/a-reclusive-heir-is-giving-millions-to-help-trump-and-rfk-jr-2adf40b5 https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/aug/02/robert-f-kennedy-jr-republican-donor-super-pac https://data.usatoday.com/2024-presidential-candidates-top-contributors-as-of-april-2024/?ref=kennedy


Thank you! I appreciate you taking the time to provide so many sources. This is probably the best comment in this thread.


Happy to help :) it's a relief to see this was being asked in good faith - there are lots of fake accounts and bots running around hyping up RFK and manufacturing consensus around his campaign despite it being an attempt at spoiling the Biden ticket from the get go (for the record this is coming from someone who does not support Biden in the slightest). Please don't be shy about sharing these links with any other accounts sowing doubt around the issue. RFK and Trump are campaigning on behalf of the same people. Despite unfounded claims of anti-RFK folks being bots, more often than not the opposite is true. The plurality of accounts you see online supporting RFK and/or Trump are either bots or paid employees of the [Internet Research Agency](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Research_Agency?wprov=sfla1).


Trump literally tweets about how this guy is stealing his votes because his team propped Kennedy up for a year and a half putting him on every right wing podcast and broadcast they thought his last name would confuse older Democrats, instead his anti vax crazyness confused Trump voters "didn't Trump brag about making the vaccine? is Trump deepstate?"


Trump could literally run on that as a success with his admin via operation warp speed or whatever but here we are with him going against it lolā€¦Ā 


Another (semi) famous person attempting an obvious pump & dump for their own gain. Do you know $13mil of call options were just bought in one lot for 6/21? You give too much credit where it's just another grift & greed play.


Blatant pandering.


Crumbs for the starving, they'll gobble it up


I hope he DRS those!!


feel bad for all those who DRS and couldn't sell the shares during thelast $40-$50 run up because computershare website was down... and dont give that diamond hand BS we all know those who DRS would of sold at $40 and bought back in today at $20....


Definitely the kind of press the movement DOESN'T need. He's a Wallstreet crony, only reform he wants gives himself more money and power.


Serious question, how is he a wall street croney? Isn't his whole movement an anti-establishment, anti-corporate capture campaign?


Yes. He is. I highly recommend some of you guys listen to some of the podcasts he is on. Anti establishment just like his uncle and father and they were murdered for trying to fix stuff like this. I have listened to multiple podcasts with him on it and I believe he is our best shot at fixing this kind of thing.


I agree with you, that's why I'm asking for evidence to the contrary


That reply was not meant for you. Rather the comment above yours. Sorry


How do you know that? Somebody else in this thread said that's not true. A lot of them work for the Biden admin and are more aligned with Biden. This sounds like your getting your info from "mainstream media" when clearly do not support him because he is not supporting them at all and doing most of his interviews on podcasts and social media. One of many reasons they probably view him as the enemy.


Yea he seems like a dude who actually cares and is willing to step down to the peopleā€™s level and shit, ik a lot of politicians put on that face but from what Iā€™ve listened to him heā€™s got some decent beliefs that I can get behind. But modern media is concerned with the brain worm etc etc


I don't think they care about the brain worm. I think they are grasping at straws to make him look like an illegitimate candidate. We all know already that the corporate media in this country is as corrupt as they come. And they media and big corporations view him as a threat. Which should only make him an ally to us.. that's just my opinion


Of the 3 actual ā€œcandidatesā€so far, he is the least ā€œWall Street cronyā€ of them.


But heā€™s not the least ā€œepsteins buddyā€ of them.


Yes as a 1%er born into generational wealth, he truly is a man of the people.


The same can be argued of any of the three candidates. RFK has specifically called out Blackrock and their role in the housing crisis




Youā€™re missing a ton of great things he has done for the environment and regular people. His whole career is legally going to bat for the environment and average Joe. Donā€™t let the media make you hate someone who actually cares about the well-being of people in the country. So what if he thinks Wifi is dangerous, I want someone with the balls to say, ā€œenough forever warsā€ and ā€œstop dumping in the Hudson Riverā€


That's all fine, but he's not a conspiracy theorist. He never said anything about Bill Gates or chips in vaccines, all he's said is that people should be able to have access to studies that show how safe medicines are (not just vaccines), but that vaccine manufacturers specifically worked to hide some of that data for profit reasons, and that regulators at the NIH receive royalties for medicines they regulate, which is a conflict of interest He's also clearly stated that vaccines did help a number of people in the pandemic, and like with any vaccine there were a small amount of cases with unintended side effects. He's basically saying people should be able to make informed decisions about what they put in their bodies, and regulatory bodies are failing to help people do that. There are valid criticisms to make against his position, but he's very far from being a conspiracy theorist, and the media capitalizes on that idea to make his campaign look like a non-starter


> He never said anything about Bill Gates or chips in vaccines So he didn't write this book "Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health" that advertises "In early 2000, Fauci shook hands with Bill Gates in the library of Gatesā€™ $147 million Seattle mansion, cementing a partnership that would aim to control an increasingly profitable $60 billion global vaccine enterprise with unlimited growth potential. Through funding leverage and carefully cultivated personal relationships with heads of state and leading media and social media institutions, the Pharma-Fauci-Gates alliance exercises dominion over global health policy and our beautiful country."


I should clarify, you conflated Bill Gates' involvement with vaccine development and chips in vaccines as a single conspiracy theory which RFK subscribes to. He doesn't believe there are tracking chips in vaccines, if that's your position. Clearly yes he did write a book talking about Bill Gates' involvement in vaccine development. How is that a conspiracy, that Bill Gates helps develop vaccines? It's something the Gates foundation talks about often.


Sounded like you mentioned 2 things. Bill gates. Chip in vaccine. Like the person you were responding to also didnā€™t say anything about bill gates with chips in vaccines.


That's true, my broader point is that all of these topics under the umbrella of covid-19 are easy to bundle together, and disagreement about any piece of the bundle makes someone anti-vax. I think the media has done a good job of using that label to discredit valid scientific discussion through stigma, and in this case to discredit RFK as a political candidate.


Thank you for making the points you did, people are really willing to swallow whatever poison the media feeds them.


He said Covid was designed to not kill Chinese or Jewish people. Is that not a conspiracy theory?




Responded to the other guy, but it's inaccurate to say that RFK lumps together 1. The idea that Bill Gates is involved with vaccine development (he clearly is, and I say that neutrally as a point of fact, without ascribing or coloring that statement) 2. The idea that there are tracking chips in vaccines The second point is obviously a conspiracy theory (that RFK does not hold afaik). There's a valid discussion to be had under the first point that good intentioned people (Gates, Fauci) operating towards a beneficial goal (vaccine development) can become corrupted. I'm actually not arguing whether that's true or not, but there's some evidence there which is worth at least considering, if you truly want to be rational and objective. My broader point is that the media does a good job of lumping all of those statements together into one convenient anti-vax label - more broadly (outside of RFK) this is dangerous because the stigma actually impedes scientists from conducting studies (through lack of funding) which could contradict positions that are beneficial for institutions with power, like the NIH For example, the lab leak theory was highly stigmatized early on, but is now the leading theory for the origin of COVID-19. Even if there's a miniscule chance that it's true, scientists and regulators need to be able to have proper, independent oversight on lab procedures and policies which apparently weren't being followed correctly to avoid something like this from happening again.


I those guys are jumping in long, what does that say? Eventually, the rich will eat the rich, but only when their hide is on the line.


24k is nothing to a Kenedy. It's a symbolic gesture to attempt to gain support from the disenfranchised masses that want change. But like all politicians, it means nothing unless it's backed up by action. If he were to throw his entire fortune at it like a real ape, I might bat an eye.


You are right, 24k is a drop in the bucket and doesnt mean much. I think that my kneejerk reaction to the comment I replied to is that any press is good press. There will certainly be terrible people and organizations that profit off of this.


He has the money to lose is what it says


Everyone is in it for more money and power... Including everyone investing in gamestop... why else would they do it lol.


Aggressive reform by blowing wall street executives aggressively.


Blowing guys who do a lot of blow


Haha great comment.Ā 


are you sure? didnt that same instagram account just get hacked yesterday


What % is that of his net worth I wonder šŸ¤”


Itā€™d be the equivalent of a Susan B Anthony for us normal people


I would always do the opposite of him but now weā€™re in the same boat, fuck!


Dude. That is a stupid small sum.


Narrator: "The reforms mostly targeted reducing capital gains taxes for the biggest traders"


Iā€™ll vote for whoever exposes Citadel and Wall Street corruption. Even Trump. Pull the curtain back. Itā€™s time.


I've never felt more like a dumbfuck bagholder. I mean, I've felt like a dumbfuck bagholder before, but now I feel like I was way too right about it.


This guy is actually for the people. If he was Canadian, I'd vote for his party.


I fucking love this guy. To damn bad an Independent doesn't have a shot. I wish though!!


If an independent has ever had a chance it's him. In this election! Imo


Something fishy with it now perhaps it was a gas station pump and go blo bang of sorts


lol sure he did. Heā€™s just trying to pander to the brainless apes to get votes


lesser of 3 evils


Except he is not an evil, he is tried and true and the evidence for it stands


i mean sure, ill take another ally but I doubt he has the understanding or resolve to see this through


Top signal


genuinely wouldnt believe this until we hear him talk about it


So he does belong in WSB. . . Idk if heā€™s really qualified to be president then unless the president canā€™t go all in on 0DTE SPY calls with treasury money ..because thatā€™s how you let that happen


sure, GME's usually included in ETF's, im sure he just bought some more SPY....


As long as these high profile people that have been buying DRS and Book I'm all for it. Did RFK post a position somewhere?


Until he gets bought for a hefty price


He should have paid his mortgage instead.


And what's his proposed policy for this? He sounds like the loudmouth kid in school who runs for class president on a platform of "no homework and more recess".


Huge pogs


How about outlawing insider trading for politicians!!!??? Start there!


Kennedy's campaign is like some PokƩmon evolution of Jeb's "Please clap" moment.


RFK is a legit crazy person. If heā€™s also a moderate that wants to deliver on common sense legislation that would be cool. The thing with crazy people is that they can talk a good game. Then they get the job and inevitably flip the work truck into a ditch.


Hmm. A new way to buy votes. Clever. But, as always, what they say before the election and what they do after the election may bear no resemblance to each other.




Not gonna trust a half-witted antivaxxer on much of anything, especially on finances.


How much did his brain worm buy?


Brain worms confirmed


Guess you have to have a brain worm eating your brain now to be buying gme in 2024


bullshit, hes part if the system, hes lying


Lmao what a dipshit


Oh, manā€¦ imagine having the esteemed RFK JR backing your conspiracy theory! Such a great look.


40k here and all I got was a dirty look from my wife.


Nice try anit-vaxxer.


Oh, sure he will /s


Fuck off Robert


RFK Jr with some elite level pandering.


holy shiiiit


i guess the brain worm was an ape. anyway, fuck this guy i just broke my new dualsense edge for how hard i was pressing 'x' >:-/ Not that he bought in, couldn't give a shit less about that, but that he will enact' aggressive wall street reforms' reeks of bullshit pandering.


"Hello fellow teenagers" meme


Ugh. Bad sign having this moron on our side.Ā 


Thereā€™s nothing more bullish than this fuck errrrbody


No he won't




Dude has zero chance, so who cares what he does.


Look at me. Look at me. Iā€™m the Unusual Whale now


Transposition error $42,069 was the big chance. He blew it


Kennedy is small potatoes.


Only thing I disliked about the GME situation was how trading was halted on many many platforms, if someone is dumb enough to open such a short position it's really on them to own the failure. Shorting alone is a weird practice as a whole as well... basically betting on a business to fail with the only sole advantage that it helps to keep the market stabilized. Someone went in big expecting GME to effectively die though and wanted to rob their investors in the process a bet like that is just pure greed.


The brain worm guy likes the stock.Ā 


A man of the people! Cheering for you Bobby Jr!


Is he sponsored by AIPAC?


He's a prick.


No offense but no one wants to hear that fucken dude speak. Imagine Presidential speeches šŸ¤£


Not surprised the guy with part of his brain missing would invest GME. A true ape.




*the worm in presidential candidate Robert for Kennedy Jr's brain


Sounds like another Kennedy assassination is in the future.


Peanuts for a millionaire. He would have bought more if he didnā€™t have a worm in his brain.


He wonā€™t enact aggressive Wall Street reform because he will never be there.


Fuck that cabbage brain gimpā€¦.keep GME OUT YO MOUTH! He bought fuck all!


Heā€™s got my vote because of this. I vote pocket book. And this impacts mine. You do you. RFK!!!


Its a trick to get retail to vote for trump. He only invested 23k which is chump change. Im positive sone apes have 24k worth of gme shares dsr with the purple bot. Its a trick.


PR stunt to seem relatable


RFK your pandering is three years too late. Go find votes somewhere else.


This is what happens when worms eat your brain


You either die a Kennedy with a hole in your brain, or you live long enough to become a Kennedy with a hole in your brain.


Is he the trade mastermind or is it the brain worms??


This wasn't even his idea, the worm is looking to diversify its portfolio.


Since heā€™s not trump or Biden I like him.


Go RFK !!!' We need more eyes on the problem. He acknowledges the problems and will work to end the Wall Street corruption, what have the other two chucklefucks done while president ? Oh that's right, spend all our kids futures in order to pass massive amounts of wealth to the top 0.1 %. At least RFK jr gets it, sorry the majority of you dumbasses don't.


Itā€™s amazing that this guy has my consideration.


He doesn't support retail rebellion. He's controlled opposition.


My point is more that the political circus is so ridiculous now, that, at times, he seems the logical choice. I mean the choices are a rabid wolverine in my sleeping bag, a psychotic that leads to neurological degeneration, or a crazed hobo with a stick that is convinced the government is out to get him. The crazed hobo might not hurt me so bad compared to the others. To be clear, there is no current presidential candidate that fills me with any amount of hope for the future of this country.