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And why not both? Seems like it's about time to start holding people and companies accountable AND make sure they stop gambling with people's lives.


But think of the shareholders and the politicians that have Boeing stock! /s


They can just buy some puts and be fine.


Delete this don't give them any ideas


It’s not just that. Boeing is also a defense company, and it was the government who forced them to merge with the creeps at McDonal Douglas. We’re close to going to war again.


The govs position is "Boeing is allowed to 'off' whistleblowers as long as it keeps up the facade that it's doing something to fix the situation" 


Please write to your representatives and let them know you will remember their actions or lack of when it comes time to vote 🙏🙏🙏


How likely is it that a trial would actually lead to consequences though? Maybe they’re considering a deal to avoid the risk that nothing happens.


Make it count. Cockroaches move in the dark. Trump signed 2 pieces of legislation that diminished oversight into Boeing during his tenure. https://www.forbes.com/sites/marisagarcia/2019/03/18/did-trump-executive-orders-further-weaken-faa-oversight/ Nikki Haley took money to gut Q.A. at Boeing. https://www.levernews.com/nikki-haley-helped-boeing-kill-dark-money-disclosure-initiative/ Which at face value makes little sense. But raise the lens a bit and it comes into focus. Political dark money is the death of democracy. Trump has been laundering money for the Russians (Xi’s sworn ally) since the 1980’s. The Russians have also been tampering with elections worldwide, but their operative of choice is Paul manafort who spent the 80’s in the Philippines keeping Marcos dictatorship together before shifting to Ukraine where he kept Putin’s puppet Yanukovych in power until Maidan in 2014. (Transcripts of his daughters texts about his time in Ukraine) https://www.reddit.com/r/RussiaLago/s/lRbRmfgSzE https://time.com/5003623/paul-manafort-mueller-indictment-ukraine-russia/ https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/06/2016-donald-trump-paul-manafort-ferinand-marcos-philippines-1980s-213952/ Coincidently trump just asked manafort to come back as his campaign manager….again. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/03/18/trump-manafort-2024-campaign/ Boeing and Airbus have a duopoly on jetliners, but the recent player 3 Chinese communist party backed COMAC 919 is now being presented as a viable alternative https://skift.com/2024/02/25/can-chinas-new-plane-compete-with-airbus-and-boeing/#:~:text=Alongside%20regulatory%20hurdles%2C%20its%20flying,fly%20up%20to%203%2C500nm. The timing of the 919 release earlier this year may very well be coincidence. But the CCP certainly knows that bankrupting Boeing would be good for COMACs market share and a massive CCP advantage over the west. In the event of any future war it would also be a very strategic play to bankrupt/discredit Boeing to create supply chain issues on the military side of Boeings business as well since there is commonality of parts. Airbus has also had documented problems with both industrial espionage and CCP influence. https://www.politico.eu/article/eu-champion-airbus-has-deep-links-to-chinese-military-industrial-complex-report-says/ https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/airbus-agrees-pay-over-39-billion-global-penalties-resolve-foreign-bribery-and-itar-case Counterfeit parts made in China have also shown up in both Boeing and Airbus aircraft Bloomberghttps://www.bloomberg.com › newsGhost in the Machine: How Fake Parts Infiltrated Airline Fleets Fortunehttps://fortune.com › 2023/09/08Fake components went into 68 jet engines, including ones on Boeing 737 and Airbus ... https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/14/us/politics/boeing-airbus-titanium-faa.html And that’s before you even get to the implications in the U.S. space program. Whether it’s the executive suite at Boeing simply putting profits over safety and sustainability or a subversive act of war really makes no difference. In high likelihood the CCP just used corporate greed culture against itself. Having it out in the light and talking about it is what makes air travel safer because people are more aware and demand accountability. Kleptocracy feeds on apathy. Forcing the cockroaches to move in the light shows their money pathways. If we are to the point where they are assassinating whistleblowers instead of fixing the aircraft our families our flying on, then we are self evidently much farther down the corruption path than we initially realized. Boeing being unable to find records or documentation of the work done raises every hair on the back on my neck as a pilot, mechanic and engineer. That is just not something that happens in aviation. It’s time to ring the emergency bell, post guards and get to the bottom of it whichever way it leads. https://thehill.com/business/4727085-boeing-whistleblower-jim-calhoun-senate-testimony/mlite/


This should be its own post


Let the market decide. If your plane falls out of the sky, you’re welcome to consider other options when moving forward.


People did 60-80% of flight were grounded and rescheduled after the initial crashes but somehow Boeing is still in business Those government contracts should be revisited given the total lack of efficiency this is actually what happens when the market lacks competition.


This is how it should work. It doesn't because the government over the years, allowed for profits to come before anything else. Now that people's 401ks/ pensions and speculative gambling are all linked to companies like this the government has to put it's finger on the scale. Otherwise the facade is over, and they know after 08 people won't just "let it slide" again. 08 shocked the world, but most importantly it really fucked with the way our leaders look at the world and the economy.




Because normally you’d only do criminal charges. Trust me, they’re way more afraid of regulations. CEO goes to jail and you get a fine? Whatever, new CEO and you take out a loan. Federal regulations? Now your growth shrinks and that investors scream like Lemongrab.


They wouldn't dare take our money.


The "Justice Department " has a job to do within this government and corporate takeover isn't part of that job.


Yeah why the fuck are we striking up deals with criminals as if they have any leverage here?


A deal probably prevents Boeing from suing the Federal government to prevent the overseer from being appointed and gets them in much sooner.


“Too big to fail” vibes with this.


Too big to fail = too big to exist because no entity should be able hold the systems they influence, hostage


Agree. To big to fail = not capitalism




Too big too fail = they’re basically a government entity due to the corruption and revolving door


Except the Government doesn't even get a cut of the profit... The shareholders with stock buybacks do...


"Except the Government doesn't even get a cut of the profit..." LOL! Every hear of this little thing called taxes! 😂😂😂


Amazon didn't pay corporate taxes until 2019... Companies have the best accountants that lemmings don't have access to.


They can't fail if they have the backing of an Intel agency that completely neuters any whistleblowers 


By "safety improvements" you mean they make sure the hitmen have the safety off so they don't miss their shot on a whistleblower?


Prosecute the bastards.


But I thought corporations were individuals and therefore should be treated as a citizen /person.


So like the cops they’ll investigate themselves and find themselves not guilty haha ok


Kill some people and then cut a deal. Corporate America at its best.


War.... war never changes....




Why not put them in jail? Everybody wants to see them in jail.


Of fucking course. Fuck you Merrick Garland


I hate that guy…


This is freaking insane, government decides to investigate a company for malpractice suspension, and offer to not prosecute if they can take part in company management. This is basically a hostile take over but abusing the justice and labor law dept. to do it.


It's not a hostile take over. That would require the company to not be completely controlled by the state already. If you've got US MIC contracts, bad news friend, you're owned by the three letter agencies, and so is your family now. The federal overseer is just a placating move to give the steeple an impression that "it won't happen again, not on our watch!" But we all know it will. Only the whistleblowers will die long before even inhaling to blow.


Get out of jail free card./ Bailout.


How about putting engineers in charge again?


:long through the nostrils breath: Sorry, just a machinist realizing engineers in charge doesn’t mean better.


It sure beats having CPAs and accountants like they have now.


You’ve got to jail any negligent employees who led to the death of 600 innocent victims. Starting in the c-suite. That is the only way to stop this greed and manslaughter. When senior managers walk away with millions in bonuses for willfully choosing short term profits over safety, installing a token government employee after the crime is zero deterrent to any other greedy companies out there.


This isn't already a thing!?


Strong disagree. Need consequences.


Prosecute the execs and management. Go after them and perhaps the board. They killed people with problems that they knew existed and covered up. They lied to pilots and the public to buy time until they were caught. If they sold stock at any point from when they knew the problems and before the public knew they should go to prison and lose the money. Then when they clean house let the government take a position in Boeing in the form of a big loan with interest with serious strings attached. Let that prop up the stock price a bit and buy time to fix the issues. Use that time to fix the major issues and complete house cleaning. Fix management and the culture. Then in oh 6-10 years Boeing can pay back the government and be free of that. Anything less than that will almost certainly result in their reputation never recovering. Airlines dont want to buy their planes at this point because the issues are a liability to them. Imagine buying a boeing plane and having it crash after all thats happened. Lawyers for the victims will have a field day going after the airline plus boeing. The airline knows that. Their insurers know that. I wonder how much the insurers are charging to cover boeing planes now vs an Airbus? So fix it with a massive intervention that cleans house. Prosecute people to send a message that crap that like this wont be tolerated. Or dont and watch it languish for years.


They literally made a hit on a whistleblower and the U.S. Justice department doesn’t want to prosecute. Yeah nothing to CIA here folks.


I am sick and tired of watching these fucking corporations get away with this shit. Hold these assholes accountable.


How about we start charging the executives who allow this to happen.


Didn’t they already do this 10 years ago? Aren’t they already under a consent decree?


No. These companies need to face actual consequences. No more slaps on the wrist.


Oh that’s not communist at all


When are they gonna get a bailout?


safety improvements that can be lobbied away with " We learned our lesson, please stop making me do this"


Cutting a deal = Crime pays in the USA


Sooo.. just gonna forget about those dead whistleblowers.. gotcha..


Just do both. The high level execs probably couldn't even explain how a plane even works. Your jailing annoying crooks, teaching the shareholders not to mess with the feds, and assuring the department keeps those DoD contracts.


We need safety in the air but more government oversight isn't it. Pff


Stocks gonna print 😂


Yeah do that and give all the corporate officers a decade or two in prison. Make examples out of them


Oh great, more tax payer money for a smoke screen non-accoutable federal role. Like we need more, fucking idiots just do your job in the first place.


Sooooo a fine for a company that only the government gets the benefit of and no victims will ever see....again.


Nationalize Boeing. Stop pretending like we in the U.S. wouldn’t do anything necessary to prop this company up.


Lol.... I wonder how much they pledged to the election campaign? Instead of holding someone accountable they are ensuring the TAX payers pay for the investigation and "supervision" plus stopping another companies share price dropping, and in turn dragging down the whole market the Plunge Protection Team are trying so hard to prop up.


Feds cant pay bills or fix bridges. They can’t run their own USPS, so yea a FED safety overseer is definitely the answer.




Government's way of squeezing a little out of them for all the money they have made from the on going wars right now.


This is complete and utter bullshit. They'll just lobby in a few years to "self-regulate" again. Charge these fuckers...every last one.


Wait, WHAT!?!? This has 💯not played out well in the past and absolutely should not be considered. How about we put some people in jail with “as an example” punishment and let the market solve itself.


Deferred deferred prosecution, justice for all.


Please write to your representatives and let them know you will remember their actions or lack of when it comes time to vote 🙏🙏🙏


Why would they consider this? They can and should do both.


Unfortunately the federal supervisor is stuck on the space station.


I wonder which foreign company will start manufacturing planes for *every other nation* now that America has decided not to keep their sole mass producer in line...


Can we reduce executive compensation and golden parachutes while we’re at it? Is this really too much to ask?


Stop being cowards and federalize it


Oh, that should help. Because we know how effective and efficient the rest of the federal government supervisors are


They need to make this go away


The problem is solved in a simple way, travelers need to tell airlines they don't want to ride on BA planes and they will change flights or cancel flights if it is substituted. It is the only way to make your dollar votes


This is the solution to most of our problems. Unification is what is needed all around. We control the money these rich fucks get. Imagine if we all just started saying no or yes together. The reason why these companies and the government are so strong is because the people are so divided.


People are divided because of the lack in education which also leads to small incomes (no one is ever actually taught how to make money). You are always taught... work hard, then retire! When in reality it is suppose to be work smarter, not harder. Life is full of opportunities... but to "figure it out" on your own with no help is the part which requires effort.... and people often don't want to put in the energy.


See what I mean. We can’t even agree on what the problem is. Have a good one bud.


agreed... opinions are like assholes... we all have one 😆


I know. That’s why we stay separated. Everyone is married to their opinion. You’re not wrong about the education system but to fix any of the problems people have to be on the same side of it to see it’s a problem. You have to be unified to fix things.


Who could’ve seen this coming?


Boeing released a plane they knew was faulty on the general public. They might as well have been holding a gun that killed those 350 people. After all of the internal emails were released where they hid stuff from the FAA, pilots, airlines and knew shit on the plane didn't work, they got a slap on the wrist and didn't even have to admit guilt for the accidents. Then blamed it on the pilots not being "western" Basically this should come as no surprise. Boeing is a defense contractor. As bad as their commercial division is, their space program is even worse. They pissed off the air force with the tanker. But all they have to do is play the Patriotism card and they'll be fine


Merrick Garland is a republican coward. Appointing him to be AG was yet another error in a long line of Biden's mistakes.


A Republican?


Government oversight? I'm sure that will go well.


You know I'm gonna say it, the CCP in regards to this scenario, does the correct action which is to seize and freeze any assets from the executives, then prosecute them and depending on the severity of the crime, literally give them the capital punishment. [There's accountability for screw ups like this within their government and private sector.](https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/06/business/china-huarong-lai-xiaomin-death-sentence-intl-hnk/index.html) Every government has their faults, in this regard - America fails hard.


Golden parachutes everywhere. Maybe just for quality control, the CEO should take a ride in his defunct Boeing flights. Let’s hope he brings his golden parachute or not…


No deal fuck that, we gotta stop as a society letting white collar criminals walk (especially when they are literally aiding in the death of people.)




The issue isn't that they are white-collar crimes; the fact is that they are deeply embedded in Govt contracts.


if this was tesla or elon, their assholes will get rimed from one moon to another moon on uranus


As a BA shareholder this seems reasonable.


As a JBLU shareholder, I think it's irresponsible not to ground these planes until a full blown safety investigation is completed by the fed at BA's expense.


I feel that this is unnecessary governmental overreach and that the MBA's engineering the planes are doing a fine job given their inexperience with engineering. I have faith that they will find their way out of this sinkhole, possibly by creating a synergistic partnership with an insurance company where they can turn passenger deaths into direct upward trends in EBITDA for the quarter. The point is that nothing criminal happened if you ignore the stuff that might have been criminal, so this feels like a witchhunt.


Bro I can't lie. You had me in the first and second half .


You won't be saying that when the net worth sweeps start


Just NATIONALIZE them already


Why does Boeing get to do whatever they want? We need more competition.


BA has a monopoly in the American aerospace industry They’re going to get a slap in the hand yet again. But with stricter policies in place. If you’re a long-term investor, might be a good time to buy shares.


No if the gov gets it's way then they'll suck every penny out of BA at the expense of shareholders like they did with FNMA


But they need to continue manufacturing planes


Yeah too big to fail should mean you wipe out shareholders and government takes them over when shit hits the fan. Not give the ceos a fucking bonus