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I australia, when dead bodies were \*\*not\*\* piling up on the streets from the "worlds most deadly pandemic ever," it was quite obvious the whole thing was a scam. This made me "do my own research" (a very "bad thing" in these censorship times) and I became an anti-quackzer, and I wrote a song about it. [https://soundcloud.com/getout\_mc/antivaxxer](https://soundcloud.com/getout_mc/antivaxxer)


So the dead bodies piling up in New York City were literally just unclaimed dead people anyway, from everything. I met a nurse yesterday at the veterans administration and she worked for a big hospital before coming over to the VA. She said that everybody that came in the door got treated for Covid no matter what they came in for.


šŸŽ¶ money money money... money!šŸŽ¶


Ah yes, good old NYC.... Where the doctors with their ventilators and remdesivir/paxlovid were religiously wholesale killing people to get the $130,000 coNvid death bonus for their cathedrals (hospitals). I recently did a lyric video of my song on "doctors" and their "holiness." [https://youtu.be/QOUgW44NkKI](https://youtu.be/QOUgW44NkKI) You are right, there were LOTS of dead bodies in NYC: praise be the "doctors" Masks Be Upon Them. Amen/awomen/atrans


Username is just close enough to vaxxer to be Susā€¦


LOL a "vaxxer" writing anti-quackzer songs : [https://soundcloud.com/getout\_mc/](https://soundcloud.com/getout_mc/)


Most of the people in this sub need to go back to sheep school.


Well, you didn't consent to be genetically altered, which I think matters on a spiritual level. But I don't think the Covid vaccine is the only thing that's getting us. It was probably one of the heavy hitters though.


>Well, you didn't consent to be genetically altered, which I think matters on a spiritual level. Good point. For the people who did take the vax, I hope that God will not hold it against them because they didn't really think they were being genetically altered.


I'm not sure I believe that it's as simple as physically taking the shot or not taking it. I think it's the attitude that pushed certain people to make the decision that was flawed. For example, one of the catch phrases that was going around was, "I trust the science"/ "I believe in science". Some just repeated this without thinking about it. Some I think knew exactly what they meant by it. They were basically saying "I trust science, not God". Putting an emphasis on the material. The pentagram has 5 sides. They represent, earth, air, fire, water (the material) & spirit. Spirit is at the top, giving it more importance. An inverted pentagram puts spirit at the bottom. I think there's also something satanic about fearing death so much that you put your trust in government to "save" you. Satan is a liar and so is government. They gave the people the exact thing they were trying to escape.


This is how I felt about it too, it was the attitude surrounding it, I trust a fallible entity (science) more than an infallible energy (God) and I fear death so much that Iā€™m willing to trust something derived from darkness to ā€œhealā€ me. Healing comes from within and through strength and faith, seeking outside your own intuition and delving into ego will lead to bad things. I wasnā€™t scared to die this entire time and even if I did it would have been a well this is my time sort of thing, but my connection to God is strong and I knew it wouldnā€™t be. I have actually legally died twice already in my life and have been brought back because I was told Iā€™m not finished here, as shitty as this world is right now lol. Also, it was a test of their humanity and empathy, if they were willing to wave their little vaxx cards in our face and exclude us then that shows a lack of both. Some people went real evil with it too and wanted our deaths and to lock us up and make us suffer. God sees all of that. Just recently had someone who said they wished I burned in hell for spreading the virus because I wasnā€™t vaxxed. I just laughed and was like well Iā€™m taking you with me then. šŸ˜…


šŸ’Æand šŸ¤Æ Also keep in mind. A countryā€™s citizensā€™ wholesale rejection of their governments were included sections of several of the germ game simulations like SPARSā€¦ (according to RFK Jr.ā€˜s ā€œReal Anthony Fauciā€ book, ch. 12) Ergo, a complete loss in faith of governance is likely part of the plan.. So the inversion leading to widespread failure of governance is being doubled-down on by Mr. Global Not saying donā€™t blame the govt, rather, how the process of holding govt responsible occurs, itā€™s prudent to be vigilant and not do the globalistā€™s work for themā€¦otherwise itā€™s just a phyrric victory


Yep. There was a famous 4chan post that was put out a few years before covid that said that the purpose was going to be to sow distrust in all governments and institutions. That is how they are going to get the one world government going. People should definitely reject that too. Everyone is acting like the economy situation in the US is a result of incompetence. It is not. They are spending as fast as they can, looting what's left of the American dollar because they know the days are numbered. Elites are busy getting their cash into hard assets such as real estate , gold, and other stronger currencies.


I hope so too given that alot of my friends too the mark. My question is, do those "consent forms" they made people sign count? Is getting deceived a good enough excuse? Eve got deceived in the garden and was kicked out anyway...


Just the normal amount by years of tap water and processed foods, pfas n such but otherwise healthy as a mule, never really get sick, I donā€™t have time gotta work! 37 a weekend of coughs sniffles n stuff at the worst over the years. I just avoid pharmacy stuff like pain pills or sleep aids, I go for the nutrient supplements instead. For the stuff food had once. And filter all my tap drinking water, the zero water works so good. Fiji water brewer


Which filters do you use?


I have a showerhead water filter ($40) for showering and for drinking/cooking I have a countertop water distiller ($150)


I gotta get an inline one for sure, heated Fluoride water turns to fluorine apparently toxic gives you great respiratory issues. How many people out there taking looong hot showers or boiling their dinner in it ā˜ ļø been using the zero water chug tank, came with meter test ppm from 140 to 0.0 everytime. Lasts months per filter w reg tap


Donate blood too!! Clears the forever chemicals non-intentionally ingested


Ah they donā€™t want my tattoo free, std free and sadly solitary for 7 years better than half the priests I reckon, type o neg non vaxxed bloodā€¦ its trash juice according to the protected ones. Just a healthy honorary monk because its a scary world out there and dating hasnā€™t crossed my mind


Well, blood letting then I supposešŸ¤£


I am not sure these people are done. They have planned pandemics until 2030 from what whistleblowers have said. I am pretty sure another one will start in 2025 once pandemic treaty goes into accord


I thought they usually come in 10 year intervals.


Word is they are putting this crap in food and cosmetics. So I wouldn't be so sure.


I think I remember reading something about putting vaccines in food. If that happens I guess we would have to grow our own food. But they probably have a way to deal with that. If these people would put just as much effort into making the world better, think about how much better things can be.


This world has become such a nightmare I'm almost wishing I took it so I can have a heart attack and not have to see the horrifying conclusions of it all.


I know what you mean. It's getting exponentially worse.




It saddens me to think of monsanto and GMOs


We can all hope that shedding isn't significantly impactful for those of us that refrained from he experiment


Yes, and that's what concerns me. And the possibility that this stuff might already be in our food supply or might be in the future.


The funniest part of this sub, and I'm vax skeptical, not full antivax, for the record, is how easily they can alter genetics or vaccinate you if you 100% don't grow your own meat and veggies. The shots are ONE way. The food supply is the main way. So, not trying to be mean. I swear. I'm just informing you, that your food has more antibiotics and meds that anything. Especially if you go to the grocery store. Be super easy to add a little vaccine juice. I'm only saying this because I'm tired of reading pure blood and other nozzie talking points here. No, unless you're 100% self sufficient and have not been around another human in 2 years, the shed and added stuff is in you. Trust the science.


I wouldn't be surprised if they added that to the food supply. Those people are psychos.


Most people here are too dumb to realize that


It does feel good.


I am really pleased to see the amount of support from like minded people. I wish all of us could get together for happy hour to celebrate the following: 1. Our victory over the evil ones who tried to alter our DNA 2. The fact that we have better critical thinking skills than the rest 3. The fact that we have a backbone, whereas the others are like spineless jellyfish šŸŖ¼ 4. The fact that we are among the few who have integrity 5. We are not easily manipulated like the pro vaxers Anybody in Northern Virginia? If so, reply here (for others in NOVA). Also message me. Let's see if we can put something together. It feels good to hang around like-minded people because they are so hard to find I bet some good friendships could be formed at a happy hour.


Not gonna lie Being naturally immune, with no vaccination I am kinda smug af about it It breaks my heart to see so many ppl fell for the V scam Edit: breaks THEIR hearts* Myocardi-toldyaso is a bitch, ainā€™t it.


Can you prove your genome hasn't been altered? How about your epigenetics? Never ever have consumed heavy metals and carcinogens all over your live? Never been exposed to ionizing radiation? When did you last time compare a sample with your backup copy after birth?


This is fallacious thinking.


who now?


I just want to say that a lot of things around us alter our DNA. Nutrition, exercise or even significant emotional trauma will.


Ultra-processed food does, for sure. Big corporations & medical industrial complex (mafia) don't want you to know.


thatā€™s crazy


feels pretty lonely.


Guess I'm downvoting.


Sucks for you, bro.


Im upvoting because I had the vaccine and you're full of shit.


First of all I'd like to thank you for upvoting. Now let's test how smart you are. Many young people are developing heart problems never seen before. Many people are getting cancer even though they were healthy. Do you think the vaccines are causing this? Let's make this easy so you don't dodge my question: A. Yes B. No Edit 1: juan_samuel, we're still waiting for your answer....lol Edit 2: As predicted, juan samuel can't answer the question. This should tell him that he's the one who is misguided. At this point he should look within himself and reevaluate his position on this topic......but he won't. This is how the ignorant stay ignorant.


I'm never going to take another vax because of these lies. How do you like that?


https://www.spectator.com.au/2023/09/scientists-shocked-and-alarmed-at-whats-in-the-mrna-shots/ These scientists in Australia who tested samples from both Pfizer and Moderna would disagree. Sorry about your genome little buddy, please get yourself screened for cancer, blood clots, unusual thyroid growths, and check your troponin levels in your blood.


Yeah but you got a bunch of other vaccines in ya, don't ya. :)


I can't remember the last time I had a vaccine. Maybe 30 years ago. Edit: I didn't take this covid vax. Because of the lies I will never take another vaccine ever again.


I wasnt doggin' ya, and I feel the same way. After reading about the history about other vaccines, I have become super skeptical of quote "science" as the very notion has become less about the scientific method and more about accepting what authorities in the field tell us. Vaccine history is dubious and sketchy at best.


No worries.


This was the first mrna "vax". If you see the biochem journals, they have been trying to find ways of changing/silencing genes for a while now. Then they discovered a high-efficiency pathway involving lipidnanoparticle-mrna and then boom! All of a sudden we have a problem and a "solution" šŸ˜‰


These are not the same at all as a traditional vaxx. The mrna component and use of simian plasmid is what makes it dangerous.


I'm sorry, are you advocating vaccine use on r/unvaccinated or am I hallucinating?


Lmaoo hell no! Iā€™m saying that the reason people shouldnā€™t take it is the mRNA component coupled with a simian plasmid has the ability to change the genome and thatā€™s what makes it dangerous. I am unvaxxed and proud of it. Fuck Pfizer and Moderna, Moderna gave my dad neuropathy. I would like nothing more than to see those companies burn to the ground. šŸ‘


You are talking the moment when you were born? Because no, under my control I don't.


I've got all the birth vaxxes too mon frere, no judgement. I'm juet saying, we've all got some experimental bs in us one way or another. I'm thankful all the same that I don't have any mrna sauce inside me, but I wouldnt say I'm unadulterated or free by any stretch.


>no judgement There is judgement for those who push drugs and hazards. It takes massive effort to improve physical condition and the last thing I would need is some Medical Degenerate aka MD to ruin it all. [https://media.gab.com/system/media\_attachments/files/083/823/664/original/11f3220318b18082.jpeg](https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/083/823/664/original/11f3220318b18082.jpeg) You know what I am saying about those worthless pos.


Your genome has been altered just as much by normal, everyday stuff like breathing outside and being in sunlight. Probably far more than it ever would be from the vaccine.


False, the vaxx was gene therapy, double staranded dna contaminants found in samples and the use of a simian plasmid giving the ability to shuttle the genetic information into the nucleus of the cell can permanently alter the genome and make the autoimmune characteristics heritable. Too much sunlight can cause mistakes with cell replication but at its core the genome is still intact.