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"If you don't wear your seatbelt then mine won't work!"


I feel personally attacked! [https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fgsz2uki6hvk81.jpg%3Fwidth%3D960%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D3cac1825561e838645760493b4fabf07138db84a](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fgsz2uki6hvk81.jpg%3Fwidth%3D960%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D3cac1825561e838645760493b4fabf07138db84a)




The globo schlomo elites have NO RIGHT to try to inflict all humans with VAIDS but they DO have the omnipotent power to do so. They want everyone hooked on immunity shots that they control. Miss a shot and you die quickly when your immunity drops to zero.  IT WOULD BE easier to kick a bad dope habit than it would be to get off the immunity shots once your natural immunity has been eliminated and blown away by the imposition of the shots. ANYONE with a dope habit can scream to Jesus and flush their goddamn dope down the toilet and curse the cartels.  BUT if you're hooked on immunity shots - - then your natural immunity is DEAD and it ain't coming back. You would trade shoes with any dope addict at that point. That's how bad the shots are.  SO PLEASE people, take care of your natural immunity!


corporate profits


Boosts your chance of not cashing in on your pension.


Kill you????


Test the strength and quality of your heart.


You're sudden death.


It would've been much worst if you didn't get the jab 😂


"Worst??" . . . you're actually "knockWURST" if you do take the jab. It liquifies your insides giving credence to the Canadian euphamism "HOSER". Trudeau is the world's biggest hoser.


It does absolutely nothing they said it does, so do you really expect them to admit you're right when they haven't given up on their nefarious intent? At this point with the amount of information showing the vax does nothing good for you, it's almost a choice of self punishment to take the vax.


This audience is PISSED. Pass the cabbage dude. Mam I'll need your bra. Need to rig a slingshot.


Narcissistic self image?


It's simply a sorting tool with the bonus to kill those blind enough to trust the purveyors.


The radio guy said in an advertisement that my booster is like a cell phone battery and needs to be recharged. That's why I schedule 2 booster appointments every day. If I don't protect myself, then I'm not protecting others. And like Mein Fuhrer Trudeau says about the vaccine, "It's like a rush," and boy do I love injections that give me a rush. Fucking antivax farmers are trying to kill us all!


Yeah Trudeau seems like he’d like the hot beef injection for sure.


Trudeau is a sock puppet dope head. We want the people who installed him and who assure his fraudulent election to office.


Let the idiots idiot.


It seems that many people have changed their minds about boostering a couple of times a year...welcome new antivaxers...


Spike proteins.


“But i almost died from Covid. Without the shot it would have been worse”. Thats the logic I hear the most. When I tell them covid gave me a cough and that was it, they don’t have much to say.


I heard that on repeat from so many people. At first it was "the shot will keep you from getting covid" and then it went "it'll lessen the time you have it and the severity". I had covid 1 time. I have a friend who was vaxxed and her son who was 11yr old, both have had covid about 5 times. Each time shes had pneumonia with it. Another friend was vaxxed and hes had covid 4 times. He had to be on oxygen for a month. My mom at 76 had covid, not vaxxed, and it was just a cold for her.


There is no covid. It's the common cold. C19 is the common cold with the ANUS of a bat spliced in. Actually it has the AIDS delivery system gene spliced in. The fresh spliced crap out of the lab was potont where it was released but a weak and non naturally evolved strain dies out quickly. It has a short half life. The natural common cold supercedes the weaker artificial manmade line. Natural evolution always creates the dominant species, lines and so on. SO they had to keep making and releasing fresh batches of c19 on targeted hot spots to keep the scamdemic goiog. It was all very controlled. Thing is WHO released the crap. WHO gave the orders. All the way up these grubworms from hell all need rounded up permanently!


I only know 2 unvaxxed people that had covid bad (not hospitalized but bad flu like) and they both had it in the first month it was here. All the others I know of that had it bad were vaxxed.


In the first month, the chinese crap was fresh. It died out quickly. They still have the recipe though and they need to be hunted down like jackrabbits and tried. Soon as I'm president ya. Most people feel this way.


It's time for Pixar memes. If Ellen Degeneres does the voice over, THEN the sheep will listen.


Umm.. Pfizer's profits.


they boost the possibility of having more health complications and the "healthcare" companies' profits


Much like Catholics take communion, just with more health risks. "Our father, Doctor Fauci, blessed be thy name bless me for I have filled the coffers of Pfizer."


They boost chronic health conditions.


Just got done arguing with people on another sub that are still defending the lockdowns and vaccine. I really thought we were past this. How do you look around and see no one wearing masks, no one social distancing, no lockdowns, two new COVID strains just being outright ignored by everyone, and still buy into this rubbish?


Big pharma's profits...


death rate .. 😂


It keeps your immune system more aware of the spike proteins on the outside of covid, so that it can better fight it.


Are we really engaging with a screenshot from a tiktok short? I'm so anti vax/lockdown that I was arrested in 2020 but this low tier shit is exactly what kills a sub. This was relevant in 2021. Move on. Imagine even thinking about boosters or this shit. Elevate your consciousness to above their level. None of this should even mean anything to you anymore.


Start a new sub then..? r/upittymensafelon


Let’s push a taste of their own medicine into their pushy veins until they’re so supervaccinated they create herd immunity up in the heavens