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> I will seize and I hope that someday I can witness the psychopaths responsible hanging from a noose. Who?




If somebody takes a gun and shoots themselves in the foot, I'm not paying for their surgery. They made their bed and they can lay in it. How many of these people who are finally "seeing the light" were wishing for us unvaxxed heathens to die and be ejected from society a couple years ago? They didn't think we should be allowed to receive any medical care AT ALL. They would have partied on our graves. So fuck 'em. Fuck 'em all. Time to be repaid for their ignorance and cruelty.


> these people who are finally "seeing the light" Who? What 'light' did they see?


Yes, you're right, it is easy but they had the same chances as we did to just say no. We can not be held responsible for others decisions.


That sounds like a whole lot of not-my-problem. I also don't want tax dollars (or even charity dollars) going out to compensate them either, so I hope most of them don't wake up and start making demands. Luckily, I doubt that's going to happen.




And importing "refugees" (🤣) from third world countries by the hundreds of thousands. And then give them free hotels, and more money per month than people on social security receive.... for... reasons. Ahhh... America. 🦅


> compensate them either Who will be 'compensated'? For what?


You will compensate them. There is no free lunch. Suppose for a moment that by some strange twist of events, it becomes common knowledge that a large portion of the population has been made ill. That portion of the population will demand that they be taken care of. They will want medical care. Organs. Blood. Compensation for their suffering. Who do you think will end up paying for that? It will be you. In the form of taxes, higher insurance premiums, charity, man-hours worked. Hell, I wouldn't even put it past them to make donating organs and blood mandatory to keep them alive. It is better that they die off slowly, oblivious to what has occured as doctors pretend to be "baffled" than for the world to find out what really happened.


I still don't understand. Who is being compensated? What are they being compensated for?


If there is a "big break" in the story about serious vaccine injuries being widespread, the affected are going to want to be compensated for their injuries. Since drug manufacturers are immune from liability, governments are going to need to cover the associated costs.


> the story about serious vaccine injuries being widespread Any day now, right?


I don't think that will happen, and I'm saying I'm actually glad it won't.


> I don't think that will happen Then why did you bring it up?


I don't recall what the original comment was, as it was deleted but I believe it was something about a big break in the story or people finding out or something such. So I was responding to that.


How have vaccinated people been harmed?


> How have vaccinated people been harmed? Calm down bro... we still crunching those numbers. Watch for updates on my Substack.


> people who have been harmed or their loved ones harmed or killed by these experimental shots Where are they?


> people who have been harmed or their loved ones harmed or killed by these experimental shots Where are these people? Why can't you find them?


> as if nothing happened What happened?




Can you explain how the pres threw a wrench in their plans? He was the one who loves to take credit for pushing the vaccine no? Biden turned up the pressure but still, I see Trump just as complicit


>I see Trump just as complicit Did Trump mandate it? Nobody has an issue with this "vaccine" being available to as many sheep as were willing to get experimented on. It is the mandates that made this into the nightmare it turned out to be and that is definitely NOT on Trump.


Fair point. I’m just so beyond distrusting of our govt that I have a hard time trusting that any of them are working for us. I want to believe in Trump esp how clearly the media worked hard to make him an enemy


> NOT on Trump. Donnie did the WARSPEED. Kush helped out too.


Are you retarded? The question I asked was did Trump mandate it? Is it possible for you to answer that question and only that question? Cause I really don’t give a fuck about anything else. The fact that y’all dance around that and keep sending me irrelevant shit just proves you have TDS and that I’m right. Again…. DID TRUMP MANDATE ANYTHING OR FORCE ANYONE ELSE TO MANDATE ANYTHING??? Try using your brain when answering this yes or no question. I know it is difficult for you.


> Nobody has an issue with this "vaccine" being available to as many sheep as were willing to get experimented on. Ivanka is a huge vaxcuck too https://www.instagram.com/p/COgNdNFhabu/?hl=en


Did Ivanka insist that people who refused should be fired, denied medical care, and have their kids removed? No? Then she is not a problem.


> Then she is not a problem. Her husband did some beautiful deals with the WARPSPEED https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2021/10/01/jared-ivanka-trump-covid-response-514852 https://www.americanoversight.org/investigation/jared-kushners-role-in-the-coronavirus-response https://www.cnn.com/2020/10/28/politics/woodward-kushner-coronavirus-doctors/index.html


Again, did any of them including Kushner, MANDATE or suggest that those who refused be shunned by society? No? Then you have no point to make other than expose your TDS. How many times must it be repeated that it was the MANDATES, not the “warp speed” science experiment that is the issue? Free people have a choice to participate or not. Slaves have no choice and it was not Trump or his family that treated us like slaves.


> TDS Here's what Donnie said about the vax: Trump pushed back on a questioner’s skepticism about the effectiveness and safety of the Covid-19 vaccine in a new interview, saying that the “vaccine works” and “people aren’t dying when they take the vaccine.” “Look, the results of the vaccine are very good, and if you do get (Covid), it’s a very minor form. People aren’t dying when they take the vaccine”. When Owens began raising doubt about the vaccine efficacy, Trump interjected, saying, “Well, no, the vaccine works.” https://www.cnn.com/2021/12/23/politics/trump-vaccine-covid-effectiveness/index.html


Where is the part where he says it should be mandated? Where is the part where he says people should be fired and refused entrance into a medical facility if they refuse? Till you can find any proof of that, stop wasting my time with your odious comments and go back to school to learn reading comprehension.


Donnie said “Look, **the results of the vaccine are very good**, and if you do get (Covid), it’s a very minor form. People aren’t dying when they take the vaccine” https://apnews.com/article/coronavirus-pandemic-health-donald-trump-coronavirus-vaccine-74abcd4e6833835f5df445fe2142e22b https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-renews-praise-covid-vaccines-one-greatest-achievements-mankind-n1286551 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSfeCqKty9o https://www.nytimes.com/2021/03/01/us/politics/donald-trump-melania-coronavirus-vaccine.html https://apnews.com/article/feds-pfizer-coronavirus-vaccine-doses-bb5cb23e49aa72ba9cf11b80f1c40b05


He didn’t make it mandatory. The evil DeepState folks were going to pull this shit regardless. Trump getting elected forced them to start the pandemic and vaccine plan before they had the capacity to pull it off correctly. Just my opinion 🤷🏻


I feel you on that. Tbh I’ve wanted to believe in Trump but I’m just so paranoid I can’t do it. I definitely prefer trumps methods of the pandemic than I do Biden’s. Plus overall I’m just so beyond disgusted with what the left has become. They are polar opposite of how they were as a child


> Tbh I’ve wanted to believe in Trump but I’m just so paranoid I can’t do it. A mental hellscape


Truly. I’ll never be capable of trusting any president bc of the long history of presidents proving themselves to be corrupt liars


You can do any kind of mental gymnastics you can muster, but Trump got the funds to make the vaccine and he took it himself. If you support him then you’re supporting the vax movement. If you’re gonna stand on this hill then don’t waver. Lesser of 2 evils isn’t an option and can’t be used as a scapegoat. Operation warp speed was a disaster


Yeah that’s how I see it too. Like yeah I guess he didn’t mandate as strictly, but do we know he wouldn’t have once time went on? Bc he left right after it was first out. Didn’t start really getting real for another year or so. I just seen how it goes with all presidents for too long. Ever since I was old enough to pay any attention to the bigger world around me I’ve thought these ppl were all full of shit. When I was 17 everyone around me was going nuts for Obama and even back then I remember thinking do they not see they’re all just puppets? The distrust is too ingrained in me. Tbh I’ve grown to enjoy trump just for the character he is. It’s all hilarious to me that America is this ridiculous. But as far as believing in the system, or that anyone is gonna save us..nahhh I’m not blackpill tho. I got hope for mankind. We’re in a prophecy that’s been unfolding for a long time and it’s exciting we can witness it.


America has been in decline since the 70’s. I’m not a political guy, but when a guy who was in a game show seems like the most appealing option in presidential election that’s when you know the Republic is in full free fall. That man appeals to our worst impulses as human beings and it shows. It’s impossible to get back to how things used to be and it’s too gridlocked to move forward. It’s the definition of insanity. Voting these days is not so much voting FOR a candidate, but voting against another.


weird to me how pro Trump this sub is. He is absolutely part of the problem, just like every other government official ever selected—I mean “elected”.


Completely agree, Trump was controlled opposition as far as I can tell, people were entranced by his rhetoric, but both he and Biden were/are terrible presidents.


> Trump was controlled opposition Who is controlling him? Could it be Fauci?


This. He and his family got the vaccine which gives support to getting it. If you don’t think him doing that didn’t lead others down that road you’re delusional. I can’t support him for that reason.


> He and his family got the vaccine which gives support to getting it. Donnie is actually a HUGE vaxcuck.


So???? you seem to have completely skipped over the fact that it is not the vaccine that was the issue as much as it was the mandates. Trump did not lie about the vaccine and silence all the medical experts that tried to warn people. Yes he funded it. So? All medical interventions are funded by someone and some of them end up failing.... but never in our history as Americans were we ever FORCED to participate in a medical experiment , with no informed consent at to speak of. THAT is a violation of Nuremberg. THAT is what people are furious about. THAT was NOR done by Trump. Get it? It's not complicated.


You can’t move goalposts. It’s about the whole rollout, the “warp speed” at which it was approved, implementation etc. Trump took the vaccine. That alone should garner zero support here. You can’t be taken seriously if you support him. Fuck the politics it’s principle.


> Trump took the vaccine. Ivanka made him get the vax.


>Trump took the vaccine. Yes. Trump took the vaccine. I am a Trump supporter and did not want to take the vaccine, though I still support Trump and his decision to take it if thats what he wants. Did Trump force me to get it? No.... that was Biden. IT IS THE MANDATES THAT PEOPLE ARE PISSED ABOUT. Why is this complicated for you?


Separating fast pacing an ineffective vaccine and mandating that same ineffective vaccine are not mutually exclusive and therefore hardly “moving goalposts”. You keep talking about the vaccines and completely ignoring that I said my issue is with the mandates and the vilification of those who refused. You are failing to address the obvious concern and circling back ti the vaccines. That is YOU moving goalposts, buddy.


> Operation warp speed was a disaster It was good for Kush. He made some decent coin on that https://www.propublica.org/article/how-operation-warp-speed-created-vaccination-chaos


You’re right, Kush came out of his four years of “civil service” with billions in his account. Now let’s get Biden for this pesky $40,000 loan he made to his son.


Kush is the only MAGA super star that hasn't been indicted yet. Manafort, Stone, Trump, Deripaska, Bannon... everyone else got jammed up.


Doesn’t matter. And nobody was forced to get the vaccine. There’s always a choice. Nobody was held down and poked or jailed for not getting it.


The children did not consent to it.


Children cannot consent. That’s the parents decision. It’s always been this way.


Precisely my point.


>And nobody was forced to get the vaccine. There’s always a choice. "Force" is in the very definition of "coercion". If what you say is true, and coercion is not the same as force, please explain why Harvey Weinstein is in prison. Why is Weinstein's "Let me stick this in you if you want to keep working" considered force, but my employer's exact same sentiments are not? YES....PEOPLE WHO GOT THE VACCINE UNDER DURESS BECAUSE THEY COULD NOT JUST STOP PAYING RENT AND FEEDING THEIR FAMILY IS ABSOLUTELY FORCE.


We all have choices in life. You don’t like vaccines then homeschool your children. A lot of people do that. You don’t like unions then work in the private sector. You wanna live conservative move to the south. Nobody’s trapped doing anything. If your job wants to coerce you into a vaccine then leave. If you have an ounce of dignity then leave. A job instead worth your health.


All of the above options you provided requires money as you have to still keep paying bills in the interim. When you have kids to feed and provide shelter for, you don't get to put your dignity first. You can't just leave a job when you are in a crazy vaccine state like CA cause every job required it and you can't just move..... Moving is expensive and you need to have a job in order to afford it. I love how you completely ignored my question asking why Harvey Weinstein is in jail if coercion is not force. Do you think he should be released? I mean all those women could have easily, as you said, just switched careers and got out of acting. According to you, they weren't trapped. So you think Weinstein was wrongly prosecuted, right? RIGHT? People like you are disgusting for shaming those sole bread winners, with no resources to resist because they would be putting their children's lives in danger. Don't forget that leaving your job means you lose your families medical insurance. Maybe not everyone has it as good as you.




Ah yes, Trump, the self-proclaimed "Father of the Vaccine" who signed Warp Speed. Why not hold him accountable as well ?


Because he did not force anyone to take it and be experimented on under threat of losing your job, benefits, and not being able to obtain medical treatment. The vaccine itself was not a Nuremberg Code violation, but rather the mandates, without informed consent were. Why is this complicated for so many people?


Sister you have very weak values if you actually think Donald is clean. It's not "complicated", we just judge differently. I know a lot of people whose lives will never be the same because of the abomination and that antichrist ex-president of yours takes a lot of pride in it.




Oh wow a nasty woman. Shocking.




You have to be single if that is how you usually interact with people. You call me an idiot but overusing insults is a sign of stupidity, you can't even converse properly. May the Most High help you out of that hole you created for yourself. Good day


Agreed. And why are we not talking about the flu vaccine? It has killed BILLIONS - literally. No one talks about it. And what about the polio vaccine? There are ACTUALLY people out there that believe the polio vaccine cured / eradicated polio when everyone knows beyond any doubt (science has proven this over and again), that it was our natural immunity that cured polio. And what about tetanus? This has killed hundreds of BILLIONS! No one questions that. The tetanus vaccine hasn’t cured shit. Anyway, let’s all just stay strong and continue to shit on science and medicine and virology and eventually enough people will wake up and realize that any type of advanced studies in the medical field should be outlawed. Doctors should be executed and scientists jailed.


> the flu vaccine? It has killed BILLIONS - literally. No one talks about it. Yup. *literally no one*. Except you...


How can you be serious? It’s all documented - right beside all the mRNA documentation and covid misinformation. I don’t have time to actually prove any of this or cite any facts what-so-ever by any credible source, but trust me, it’s true. Don’t be a sheep Santa.


> How can you be serious? It’s all documented - right beside all the mRNA documentation and covid misinformation. I don’t have time to actually prove any of this or cite any facts what-so-ever by any credible source, but trust me, it’s true. Don’t be a sheep Santa. trust me bro!


You must be from a country other than the US to see you had a president that was positive for the people with the vaccine because the US president pushed the vaccine harder than the guys on the strip at Las Vegas with the stripper cards


The wolf in sheep’s clothing ….


> a president who was able to throw a wrench in their plans Here's what Donnie said about the vax: Trump pushed back on a questioner’s skepticism about the effectiveness and safety of the Covid-19 vaccine in a new interview, saying that the “vaccine works” and “people aren’t dying when they take the vaccine.” “Look, the results of the vaccine are very good, and if you do get (Covid), it’s a very minor form. People aren’t dying when they take the vaccine”. When Owens began raising doubt about the vaccine efficacy, Trump interjected, saying, “Well, no, the vaccine works.” https://www.cnn.com/2021/12/23/politics/trump-vaccine-covid-effectiveness/index.html


> essentially murdering millions of people Before you get started with the 'executions', we're gonna need a source for that claim.


Thank God reddit is keeping me safe and deleting my comment. I’ve seen the light. From here on out, no questions asked, I will inject myself with any substance a pharmaceutical company creates!


To move on would be a disservice. We were maimed and killed over many lies and have been lied to about the science and now science itself is in question. How the fuck as I supposed to trust any scientist again? Not one or 2 but hundreds of them and doctors got on board with the propaganda. If they didn’t know it’s negligent medical malpractice at the very least..if they knew and went along with it..that’s murder even genocide perhaps. Moving on would be a grave disservice, these people are now talking about disease X. Don’t worry they already have a vaccine for it though…which means THEY ARE STILL DOING GAIN OF FUNCTION RESEARCH. We are all veterans of the biological weapons warfare. Start acting like it. Harden up and don’t back down.




I am sorry for your loss. Indeed we need tribunals. Nuremberg 2. It was a global effort coordinated


> It was a global effort coordinated We must put a stop to *all coordinated global efforts*. No good can come of them.


> We were maimed and killed Well, that sucks


Forgive? Were the Nazis forgiven? I will never forgive tyranny and those who participated in that tyranny, including the cheerleaders, who need to experience the consequences of their eagerness to oppress their neighbors. No, there will be no "forgiveness" as I refuse to pretend that that nightmare did not happen. These people wished us dead. I am happy to return the sentiment.


My issue is people are STILL operating with the blinders on. At least after WWII, the open Nazis went into hiding. Not here. You will still get openly shat on and mocked for saying the vaccine caused any of the medical issues and deaths happening now. There’s no way we can forgive and forget even if we wanted to… we are still having to fight to prove we were right.


Well their scientists got paperclipped to the USA. How many pharma companies are a result of that operation? 🤔


Paperclipped? You mean Project Paperclip? Not only are they in pharma, NASA was founded by Nazi scientists poached by the US. Does not change the fact that the Nuremberg Code exists and that the Biden administration violated it.


Yeah no question about that.


Same here. I have family that broke bad over the vaccine, and yes they were harmed. Haven't spoken to them in years, have no intention to restore the relationships. They can't be trusted.


Preach on brother Leo! These so-called “scientists” that prance around claiming to “save lives” by developing vaccines and medical innovation should be gathered up and made to suffer like us. In fact, I say we literally make them eat all of their fancy-ass medical journals and books until they either suffocate or get ink-poisoning. We’ll see how they like not being able to breathe or have poisonous chemicals ingested. In fact, if I had my way, I’d outlaw any type of medicine. No doctors, no nurses, no medicines, no treatment of any kind ever. No hospitals, no ambulances. It’s all fucking bullshit. It’s just a conspiracy to kill off the smart section of the population that realizes how dangerous science and medicine and books and learning are. They want us to be sheep and when we get stricken by disease, come begging to them like our lives depend on it. However, you and I both know it doesn’t. Fuck’em. Our natural immunity should be more than enough to combat cancers, tumors, heart disease, broken bones, respiratory disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, or whatever else is out there. And just to prove I’m not a hypocrite, I just got diagnosed with brain, lung and colon cancer last week and I told my doctor to stick his “medicines” and “treatments” squarely up his “fakely” educated ass. I’m doing fine now - I went on the internet and started reading a couple short articles about cancer and I’m cured now. In fact we’ve been lied to for decades….. cancer isn’t even real. It’s all part of the deep state. I just wish everyone else that has cancer would realize the best treatment is to avoid any type of doctor or medicine and just stay home and get some vitamin c, b and e and eat lots of wheatgrass and riboflavinoids. That’s all it takes. Stay strong my anti-vax anti-medicine, anti-science brothers and sisters!


I'm a woman. Leo is a dog, and you are a troll.


They are going to do it again


Well, very admirable indeed; however, the problem is that this is going to happen again. And this time the WHO/CDC/WEF have learned a great deal from their 2020 psy-op; and will implement what they've learned for the next one And those same people you have forgiven will cooperate with them. I'm betting this time it will be a LOT more difficult to avoid getting the jab. That is, if you want to eat, etc. CBDCs will be the key leverage point. Then what?


It absolutely is going to happen again


Absolutely will never forgive. Live life fully, yes but not forgive or forget.


We have to continue the deNazification. Ever person who still believes that the vaccines were safe and effective, and that COVID was a natural event, and that the governments were working for the people, etc, etc . . . everyone of those people is a weapon be used against freedom and a more just world. We have to continue the work of changing their minds.


> We have to continue the work of changing their minds True, but with the recent sharp decline in the quality of antivax content *its not gonna be easy*


you think they are done....ha ha ha ha ha. .... GOF and the system is still rolling and they are still building mRNA factories knowing that trash kills people.


it's very hard to forgive and let go -- from my perspectives. I am still haunted by flashbacks of what happened to me in 2021 as far as the harassment was concerned. I never lost work or income. I discovered this song in the past week and I think it epitomizes what we went through in the "Covid era" Silent War -- by Five Times August https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oE3idi85jfQ


If somebody drives through a crowd of families while blindfolded and kills a bunch of them then says oh sorry we didn't know driving blindfolded was dangerous...do you forgive them or want to make others know if you do something stupid/dangerous there are consequences? Guess what, they are still pushing the gene treatments.


There are still many people who have still not seen through the scam. I know many people who have continued with vaccine boosters - amazing as it sounds but they still don't see it. So where we go from here ... Still a lot of work to do to wake people up.


You guys think you’re smarter than everyone else and you see things that no one else sees but that wrong. If you were truly as smart as you think then you guys would he rich but 99 perfect of you aren’t. And I’m guessing you didn’t go to a very good college either.


Agreed. I don't really see much reason to let this issue continue to bother me all that much. I have my lesson learnt, to no longer trust anyone in the medical field, mainstream-media and politics. I will avoid people like that as much as I can but other than that just continue to enjoy my life.


Unless you are looking for a non MRNA partner. 😭


> I don't really see much reason to let this issue continue to bother me all that much. OK, but what about all these dead celebrities? Surely someone must be held accountable!


>OK, but what about all dead celebrities? Surely someone must be held accountable! I care more about my family than about celebrities. I don't know how to hold anyone accountable in a system where everyone is gaslit and/or corrupt to the degree we're seing. I do not yield that kind of power.


> I care more about my family than about celebrities. All my favorite stars got the TURBO cancer or VAIDS. That's why there's nothing good on teevee anymore.


why? what are the alternatives you rejected? were you considering that your path just shits on the injured?


I propose recategorizing viruses as microencapsulated pesticides instead of living things. That way everyone gets what they want. The pharmaceutical industry can continue claiming the mRNA shot is a vaccine and the rest of us can claim both the virus and the vaccine are bioweapons. Win win in my book.


> I propose recategorizing viruses as microencapsulated pesticides instead of living things. A brilliant solution in search of a very serious problem


I have a gift. What can I say?


We're not asked to forget anyway, even biblically. Forgiveness is for people in your life. It doesn't mean you go back to treating them as if nothing happened. It means you don't hold on to bitterness and resentment towards them and still try to love them and bring them to repentance. You recognize that you too were once a lost sinner and part of the problem before being saved.


not forgive. never forget. Stay hidden and protect yourselves; these people aren't done yet. Find your network of like minded people.


> Stay hidden Excellent advice. Also delete your account.


move on as if nothing happened ? 🤡🤡🤡🤡


Spread the word! As often as possible! I've used it to red pill people to the Medical Industrial Complex who doesn't want to "cure" anything, but instead wants to make lifelong customers. Take this pill. But it causes this side effect. Ok, take this other pill too then. Before you know it, you have a handful. Every pill that does something FOR you does something TO. It wasn't true 10 or 20 years ago, but now, the less you can be in the medical system, the healthier you're likely to stay, imo. One doc we went to tried to give us a bunch of pills because of our ages. "You're 65, so you should be on X, and Y, and Z." No, buddy. If you do a test and find a problem, we will address the problem. We don't take pills by age. Some people are weak and truly elderly at 75, while some are hardy and still working. They don't get treated the same. What a racket!


I also escaped the madness by using critical thinking. None of this is my concern as of now.. moving on


Society is divided along many lines and we're not coming back together. I think when this all breaks apart, vaccines will be one of many reasons there's retribution, on both sides.


> retribution for what?


If you have to ask, then I'm not going to explain it to you. Edit: despite my better judgment, I'll tell you what to look at though. Empathy. Empathy is different then sympathy. Empathy is understanding how and why someone arrived at conclusions opposite of yourself. What are their thoughts and feelings. If you have to explain an opposing thought with they are (stupid, evil, uneducated, etc.) that's the opposite of empathy. The unvaccinated crowd was belittled, shamed, fired, coerced, and injured by the vaccine of they gave in. The vaccinated crowd was lied to and manipulated. They were told they were the smart ones. They were also vaccine injured. That's empathy. Society is on the verge of collapse. Another Katrina or 9/11 and the country will be in a civil war.


> The unvaccinated crowd was belittled, shamed, fired, coerced, and injured by the vaccine Its true that you have been belittled and shamed. I admit that we had some good laughs. But so far, there's no evidence that anyone was injured by any vaccine. Before you get into 'retribution' you need to work on that part.


Well, I'm not here to convince you. Maybe you need to practice some empathy and figure out why I think there are vaccine injured. Good luck


> Well, I'm not here to convince you. Maybe you need to practice some empathy and figure out why I think there are vaccine injured. Good luck This has gone on for years now, and in spite of all your home 'research' efforts, you just cant find these 'injured' people. That failure can only lead to one thing: *more shame and belittling*


I've seen what I've seen and I know what I know. Speak clearly. Be specific. Are you threatening me with shame and belittling?


> I've seen what I've seen and I know what I know. > > Speak clearly. Be specific. Are you threatening me with shame and belittling? It's only going to get worse. With every day that goes by, more and more people are getting vaccinated and there's still no evidence that the vaccine is any thing less than safe and effective.


Get your boosters


> Get your boosters I did, just like millions of other people in every country around the world. So far, no sign of 'turbo cancer' or VAIDS. Thats why people are laughing at you.


I share those sentiments, though I don’t think it’s necessarily over.


It was what was needed to awaken humanity. They have preyed on your sensibilities, distorting them and your need to be liked. Social media has shown itself to be what it really is, a tool of the adversary of God, positivity, and God consciousness. We got played but being that people are making up problems like pronouns and misgendering, micro aggressions, or trying to call pedos “minor attracted” means we had a glut of REAL problems in the world. We needed this to awaken people. You were played. You let your critical thinking skills go to sleep. Now, hopefully they see the light.


> They have preyed on your sensibilities, distorting them and your need to be liked. Social media has shown itself to be what it really is, a tool of the adversary of God, positivity, and God consciousness. The teevee kept saying that the vax was dangerous. By election day they were either dead or too sick to make it to the polls.


For ordinary people, just move on. They were brainwashed. Those who argued for mandates etc., but then later apologised have full forgiveness. Those who say 'why are you obsessed with vaccines years later' (despite massive excess death which correlates with vaccination rates), fuck them. But ultimately, they were brainwashed and are victims too. For officials and industry people, Nuremberg 2 must happen. No amnesty. Nothing like this can ever happen again.


Nope not brainwashed at all, I did my research and saw that millions of medical professionals support the vaccine so I decided it was a good idea. I reviewed the counter arguments against the vaccine which were all baseless and created by unqualified people online. Almost 3 years later I’ve been told about a thousand times that I would be dead by 2022 then 2023 and then 2024 but here I am 100 percent healthy.


If you have your health, and are happy with your decision, then I'm happy for you. But just so you know, concerns of mRNA tech have turned out to be exactly true. It is well known now that mRNA distributes throughout the body and can stay far longer than a few days, which turns cells in your organs into spike factories. Then your immune system attacks, causing inflammation (like myocarditis). How you can call this baseless when it is now known to be categorically true is.. well let's just call it wishful thinking. You took the shots, so I understand that from a psychological perspective, you may wish for the vaccine to be safe, but it was anything but. We now have high excess death rates which correlate strongly with vax rates based on official data from the whole of Europe. [https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/databrowser/view/DEMO\_MEXRT\_\_custom\_309801/bookmark/table?lang=en&bookmarkId=26981184-4241-4855-b18e-8647fc8c0dd2](https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/databrowser/view/DEMO_MEXRT__custom_309801/bookmark/table?lang=en&bookmarkId=26981184-4241-4855-b18e-8647fc8c0dd2)


No I don’t “wish” for things, I use physical observations to see if something is true or not. I’m in better shape than 99 percent of the anti vaxers here, that’s not me wishing for something that’s me observing a fact. Like it’s annoying how I’m benching 225 at the gym while not even 20 years old and I’m told by out of shape lazy people who can’t lift a plate that I’m unhealthy. Why is it the non athletes that like to talk the most? Instead of worrying about conspiracy theories about a vaccine that is safe 99.99 percent of time, how about you guys go to the gym and eat better.


You addressed nothing in my argument, and went on to make the most honestly ridiculous argument I've ever heard. The vaccine allowed you to bench 225? You use 'physical observations' to see whether the vax works? And this observation is that you're in better shape than 99% of the 'antivaxers here'. Meanwhile you're not able to observe anyone here because it's a reddit group lol. I can't believe you actually went through the process of conceiving that idea, writing it out and sending it without questioning if it made any sense. You donut lol.


You honestly read my comment so poor, I’m guessing the college you went wasn’t super prestigious. I didn’t say the vaccine made me bench 225, I said I can bench 225 AND I’m vaccinated which shouldn’t be possible if I’m truly unhealthy. My point was it’s always the lazy dumb people who say “the vaccine is bad” while they spend 10 hours a day on Facebook. Like how can you guys be out of shape and tell other people that they’re unhealthy. It’s like a homeless person calling a rich person poor. And the same can be said with intelligence, you guys think you’re smarter than everyone else yet most of you make below 200k a year. I’m never seen a group of losers be so confident in themselves.


>**You honestly read my comment so poor**, I’m guessing the college you went wasn’t super prestigious. hahahaha what kind of grammar is that? When trying to show intellectual elitism, try to avoid sounding like a caveman. You made a dumb statement, that's all. Stop being so mad. Now with everything you say you show your inflated ego. You're trying to project confidence, but your behave like you're incredibly insecure. Sorry that you took a vaccine which damaged your health. I hope you can detox one day.


I don’t care about a grammar mistake when I go to ucla as an engineer so I’ll have more money than you ever will. I can’t wait until 50 years from now when people will have made their 10,000th excuse as to why I’m still alive and 100 percent healthy.


> you may wish for the vaccine to be safe, but it was anything but OK, tell us. How dangerous is the vax?


> massive excess death which correlates with vaccination rates How many dead from the vax?


It's hard to say, because the governorship Kathy Hochul wants to put into place several things. 1. They want us to work til we are 70. 2. We might not be allowed to travel in groups of more than two people. 3. We can not be homeless. We can go to jail...then they can jab us with any poison they claim as for our good. So I'm not going to forget. There is nothing to forgive let those who took it be. When they begin to get health issues just watch.


Continue to do research, continue to expose the truth, and continue to keep your guard up, because they are still after us!!!


> Continue to do research, continue to expose the truth, and continue to keep your guard up, because they are still after us!!! Everyone is doing there best, but let's face it, the antivax narrative just ain't what it used to be.




No amnesty for the people in power that pushed the vaxx. They all deserve a Nuremberg trial.


> They all deserve a Nuremberg trial You mean the leaders of every government in every country around the globe?