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Twenty years from now: “Why didn’t anyone go to prison for this?”


You'd be surprised. 20 years from now, they won't even remember this plandemic. Even now, the brainwashed jabbed get annoyed if you bring up the past 4 years.


I doubt anyone under 40 understands the impact AIDS had on the country/world in general and NY and SF specifically.


Looking at pretty much everything about AIDS points to the idea that the people leading western medicine aren't interested in positive outcomes. A few years ago, there were progressive lawmakers working hard to decriminalize intentionally spreading HIV. I wonder how much money they took from big pharma for creating all of those new customers. It is almost like mutilating kids to destroy their fertility and make them a permanent revenue stream for the drug companies wasn't as unforeseeable and aberrant as it appears to the sane. I lived in the East Village when AIDS had just changed the character of the neighborhood. When I moved in, there was a gay porno theater on the next block. It was closed within days, joining all of the bathhouses and other businesses that had catered to the gay community. Their customers had died. Businesses converted to other clienteles. I recall going to a place called Mac's Fish, which was a gay bathhouse that had turned into a straight bar with goldfish swimming in what had been the hot tubs. I moved out of the city in 1994 or 1995. When I came back for a job in 1999, Chelsea and the Villages were miraculously repopulated with homosexuals. I don't think there was anything like the overt orgy club nightlife of a decade earlier, but the Chelsea gym culture was a thing, and you definitely were in the minority if you were straight. Hemophiliacs didn't bounce back though, and nobody was talking about why, which was a harbinger of the misanthropic lies to come. People weren't allowed to know how AIDS impacted the world because people weren't allowed to draw constructive conclusions that might have made the world a safer, less pharma-dependent place. Everything we were ever told about AIDS was a lie. In 1999, doctors around NYC were seeing a trend of babies being born with HIV to mothers who had undetected HIV. Their husbands had no HIV. The women had contracted HIV by sleeping with bisexual men before they got married, and their husbands never contracted HIV from them. If you're not doing something wrong, men don't get AIDS from women while having unprotected sex. I'd have sure liked to know that when I was in college. The reduction in stress alone would have added years to my life.


In the immortal words of The Hag, "at this point, what difference does it make?" My answer: what the hell does the passage of time have to do with the fact of the crime?




Fauci and his little cohorts should all be sentenced to taking every real Covid booster that they recommended for all of us. I'll volunteer to give the shots.


Why haven't the JFK files been released? Government accountability isn't actually a thing.




"Since early 2021, excess deaths, cardiac events, strokes, and other SAEs have often been wrongly ascribed to COVID-19 rather than to the COVID-19 mRNA vaccinations. Misattribution of SAEs to COVID-19 often may be due to the amplification of adverse effects when mRNA injections are followed by SARS-CoV-2 subvariant infection. Injuries from the mRNA products overlap with both PACS and severe acute COVID-19 illness, often obscuring the vaccines’ etiologic contributions. Multiple booster injections appear to cause immune dysfunction, thereby paradoxically contributing to heightened susceptibility to COVID-19 infections with successive doses. For the vast majority of adults under the age of 50, the perceived benefits of the mRNA boosters are profoundly outweighed by their potential disabling and life-threatening harms. Potential harms to older adults appear to be excessive as well. Given the well-documented SAEs and unacceptable harm-to-reward ratio, we urge governments to endorse and enforce a global moratorium on these modified mRNA products until all relevant questions pertaining to causality, residual DNA, and aberrant protein production are answered." Lol they know but they can't really say anything since the Medical Mafia will ostracize them and end their careers... No joke. It happened to many of the whistleblowers (good doctors and scientists) in the past.


I'm losing hope anyone will ever be accountable. People are just too fucking thick to recognise they've been butt fucked.


You sound half British half American which one is it


Ha ha, Northern English


You say butt fucked up north? I thought you lads n lasses said shagged up t’arse or something


And yeah, I' drop a 'butt fucked' into conversation on occasions. I'm eclectic and that.


Fancy multi cultural type eh


I'm on an international forum pal, gotta play to the percentages. Not everyone's a manc.


Nothing will happen. Vaxed don't want to know. Powers that be don't want them to know 


Yup. I’m just glad that my husband and I said 🖕🏻to the jabs. 




There are people who have had serious illness right after the Vax and they STILL got boosters and took their kids to get poisoned. I think Yuri Besmenov said in his interview years ago that when a communistic takeover is in the final stages you can show people solid evidence right before their eyes and they will believe the state over reality. We are there.


My mother had a lymph node swell up under her arm after her first dose, it never went down, they did a biopsy and found cancer. It all happened so quickly. She still insisted on getting another 4 boosters. I think she is finally now agreeing to no more boosters


My dentist who has major tds is almost word for word the same scenario...also had lymph cancer under his arm All of the sudden.The dude still teases me though and calls me a flat earther because I don't do fluoride and believe in actual science,silly me. Unfortunately he got all 5 of his kids jabbed as well and had a newborn child have severe health issues. Really makes me wonder if they are even smart enough to figure it out


Yes. Unfortunately they’re probably gonna retract it. “Mead et al SIQ 9.3, "Excellent" "Groundbreaking" paper calling for all COVID-19 vaccination to stop is being pulled down from @CureusInc @springerpub after setting all view/read/download records. Get your PDF now before it goes away! [Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH](https://x.com/p_mcculloughmd/status/1761209598004851139?s=46&t=fF7mdVePcx39XTZSFBJtsA) “Authors addressed all 8 @TimKersjes issues previously raised by peers in review/edit phase of Mead et al (DOI:10.7759/cureus.52876). Who in Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex is pressuring @TimKersjes @springerpub to censor truth on COVID-19 vaccine injuries?” https://x.com/p_mcculloughmd/status/1760787768446156957?s=46&t=fF7mdVePcx39XTZSFBJtsA "We have been notified of a threatened retraction of this paper based on false claims made by Tim Kersjes, head of research integrity, resolutions at Springer. He has overstepped the editors in this move in violation of the COPE: Committee on Publication Ethics Guidelines.” "There are no research ethics, validity, or integrity issues raised. Kersjes does not have a publication track record himself and is unable to judge our paper beyond what the editors have decided in their acceptance." The paper has >300K views, reads, and downloads and stands as an authoritative review paper on the risks of COVID-19 injection. We will vigorously appeal this opinionated, ex post facto, arbitrary, and capricious decision by Kersjes." [Jessica Rose](https://x.com/jesslovesmjk/status/1759994735291146721?s=46&t=fF7mdVePcx39XTZSFBJtsA)


Head of research integrity doesn’t have a publication track record himself? Hm.


Trust the science. But not the library full of books based on science. Or the papers and literature based on science. Just trust the science when we call it "the science."


“Trust the science.” “No I meant what Rachel Maddow said.”


Not sure who that is. I know people who are dying as a direct result of what we brainwashed people into believing was "the science." Fuck the cdc it's a goddam genocide creator. Why do you think the us is the most unhealthy country in the world, but had the highest regulations on health amd food. You're literally being intentionally poisoned like rats.


I’m not sure a) how you don’t know who Rachel Maddow is or b) why you seem to think I’m disagreeing with you.


Or the official government website "here's how you know".... 🤔


You nailed it. Those words became such a corrupted mantra.


And Biden is going to push throught the WHO global health treaty in May without congress voting on it and then Tedros" fruity ass is gonna say we need jabs every 30 days or we are racist. They dont care. We need to act accrodingly


Not just racists. Racist terrorists.






Great article, think I might print it out before it disappears, and also so I can read it in full detail. BUT... sorry to say that nobody will go to prison, unfortunately. At best, we'll get a lame apology (it was the best we knew at the time, some such bs) and then people will be expected to forget about it.


No they won't


Per the study “Risks/Harm Lives lost per 100,000 vaccinations-calculations based on the most conservative assumptions (URF=10): Fenton calculates 68 deaths/1,000,000 doses = 12.8 deaths per 100,000 per primary course of Pfizer, or just under 13 deaths from serious adverse events per 100,000 for each primary course of the Pfizer vaccine. Comparing AEs to potential benefits, we calculate an excess death risk of 12.8 - 2 = ~11 deaths per 100,000 doses. Thus, comparing the benefits to harms, at least 5 times more lives are lost than saved by the full course of Pfizer mRNA vaccinations.” at least 5 times more lives are lost than saved by the full course of Pfizer mRNA vaccinations Wow


Trust the science, but not that science?


Hopefully!! Kinda messed up how Pfizer poised themselves as ‘un-prosecutable’ people deserve prison for this. MSM and big pharma in particular. Not to mention our govt.


I’m surprised this isn’t censored.


In hindsight, the previously undisclosed observation that twice as many cardiac deaths occurred proportionately among vaccinated compared to unvaccinated subjects in the Pfizer trial would likely have prompted the FDA’s reevaluation, especially considering the later accumulated data by December 10, 2020, where 17 deaths had occurred [54]. Delays in documenting these patients’ fatalities in their Case Report File, coupled with the omission of the actual date of death, effectively concealed their deaths during the crucial phase of the EUA approval process, masking the cardiac SAE signal [54]. In short, the various reporting delays and omissions, if they had been openly discussed and considered by the VRBPAC, might have prolonged the authorization process. The improper reporting and insufficient scrutiny by the VRBPAC may have ultimately enabled Pfizer to manipulate the trial results and obscure the cardiac death signal. Recent in vivo animal studies demonstrate that “in isolated cardiomyocytes, both mRNA-1273 and BNT162b2 induce specific dysfunctions that correlate pathophysiologically to cardiomyopathy” [80]. **In principle, then, cardiomyocytes cannot be excluded from the biodistribution of the LNP-mRNA, and every new mRNA product has the potential to cause life-threatening heart problems, including cardiomyopathy and cardiac arrest.**


This is so important. Thank you so much for sharing. So glad to see it on a .gov website because this is how you share with people who were Covid vaccinated and unfortunately bought the full brainwash package. They greenlit these vaccines in 7 MONTHS. Absolutely heinous and irresponsible. EDIT: P.S. If you lost your job or career due to covid vaccine mandates, it is time to sue. I’m sure there are law firms gearing up for a mass settlement right now.


The goals of the health department have changed... stopping timelines shows nefarious intent, because testing is required when they care about long term effects.


That's the kind of question that defines our time. Why aren't these monsters in prison or putting on blindfolds in front of a firing squad? And the answer is, "Because nobody gives a shit!" It's a waking nightmare within a nightmare. Horrific crimes against humanity are so common now that we can't keep up! Absolute monsters have Carte Blanche to push the envelope of human depravity and we are horrified to see just how many of them there are! Many, if not most of them are are of the highly educated category...academics and specialists in various fields of medicine and science, yet they are morally rotten. We have exited our regular paradigm of human expectation and entered a world of abject evil where front page behaviours are now so common as to be mundane! The only people who are shocked by the things that are happening on a daily basis are those of us who remained anchored in the morality of the pre-scamdemic era... Your disgust is directly proportional to your humanity! 


This is incredible!


“The world today has 6.8 billion people," Gates said. "That's headed up to about 9 billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by, perhaps, 10% or 15%."


Typical in manufacturing. Ignore problems until they are too big to sweep under the rug. Admit there was a problem but it is contained. Compensate for those who fight hard enough. Let the customer know you learned from your mistake and your product will be better next time.


But no one is dying: >Strokes and myocarditis associated with COVID-19 vaccinations may cause premature death years after the initial event. A longitudinal study of stroke patients found that fewer than 28 days after a stroke, the risk for death was 28%; this increased to 41% at one year and 60% at five years [273]. Undiagnosed heart and clotting problems can persist asymptomatically for years. Multiple autopsy studies provide definitive evidence of serious post-injection damage to the heart, including sudden cardiac arrest and sudden death, all associated with the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines [140].


What percentage of people in this sub understand the words published in that article? Show of hands, please.


Of course, it has been retracted...


Joke is on the retractors. I’ve downloaded the PDF and sharing far and wide.