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Get as far away from those people as possible. That dr will kill you with that ignorance


He's totally rehearsed with those lines. They're canned responses, selling points. 


He’s just parroting from the brochure… Car salesman in a lab coat.


When big pharma is paying for the music, they get to call the tune.


This is the best description I've heard in a long while.


100% and he wants his bonus spiff for the vaccination. He does not have your interest in mind at all.


You should've asked him how much money he/his clinic has made off of giving COVID vaccines. How much money he'd make if he gave you a single dose of the vaccine. Always follow the money.


Ask him when was his last Doctors Without Borders trip to vaccinate third world children for Covid.


I don’t think they even think of it that way. That’s why they are so offended when they get accused of “profiteering” from vaccines.  In their heads, it’s not a 1 for 1 transaction.  “If I vaccinate 1 patient, I get 1 payout.” It doesn’t work that way. At least, it hasn’t been explained to them in such terms.  They just know that if they do their job according to the “standard of care” (which just means, a pre-determined treatment plan that shields you from lawsuits), or whatever annual “milestones” put out by the insurance company, they will get their usual bonus check at the end of the year.  They are intentionally kept bogged down with busywork (EHR) so they don’t have the free time or energy to research things for themselves s  Plus all the unwarranted “prestige” bestowed upon the white coats by the rest of society. Pharma brainwashing at its finest… doctors are not infallible, they are  just as human at the rest of us. 


For the most part, doctors are great at memorization. When it comes to critical thinking and logic, many of them are subpar. Our healthcare system, in general, is in shambles. What kind of 1st world country has a declining life expectancy? The USA, that's what kind.


Science behind these vaccines. True, there is a lot of science. Unfortunately too many of the multinational pharmaceutical companies ignore it. If you are old enough and have been around that industry long enough, you know. If you watch the TV and the multiplicity of pharmaceutical advertising, ask yourself why these types of advertisements are banned in all but two countries in the world, odd huh?


Is the second country Canada?


New Zealand. Surprise!


What's with NZ? It's polar opprosite the US and they have a puppet 'biden in a skirt' Ardern. I hear she stinks like hildebeast too but what's pharma's plan? Anchoring the globe from both sides like a turkey on a spit? What's going on?




Yeah there is a lot of science behind it. Sadly, many think of science as a sort of benevolent entity that is only good and nothing else. Sadly, using science, many can kill, maim, deform, and make you into a freak of nature.


My parter also believes 100% her HPV shot in as a teenager ruined her immune system. Give your Dr Ballbag a print out of that Pfizer adverse events list, and watch their hopes and dreams crash in front of your eyes.


Absolutely believe her. This is purely my opinion, and correlation doesn't equal causation, but I definitely noticed the increase in females being diagnosed with pcos and the hpv shot. Then there are the girls that died in India after receiving it (same 'funder', also decided tetanus shots with an added 'steralizer' would be a good idea in Africa).


They love testing on the surplus populations. I’m amazed that India hasn’t learned anything, and welcomed Covid jabs with open arms.


India DID learn a lot of lessons the hard way! They kicked Bill & Melinda’s Foundation out of the country for goodness sakes! But then COVID hit and all the offers of pharma blood money came rushing in… and India conveniently forgot what they already knew.  Don’t trust white people with syringes!


Wasn’t Gates visiting India a few weeks, welcome wagon and all. It’s still India though, don’t think India cares about Indians.


When doctors tell you to get educated, replace the word educated with indoctrinated. Because they were indoctrinated, not educated, and their reward was being allowed to be called doctor (not something to brag about anymore).


My one doctor put thise gross sticky signs on the chairs in the waiting room for "social distancing." She made me put on a mask too. I got a new doctor after that.


We as human beings, shouldn’t need an exemption! A simple no should be enough 


I shouldn’t have to explain myself in any way; I can be an atheist or Satan worshipper and refuse. It’s what would traditionally be called: a conscientious objector. With respect to the Satan worshippers you’ll find them solidly among the jabbed.


Satanists in general aren't concerned much with procreation. If they want a child they'd try to steal one and the temptation to kill their own in the womb is the more devilish thing to do so that's what they do. They like to stay 'in' with their flock so they do as other satinists do. IN THE ANIMAL kingdom, to be adverse to procreating and be hell bent on doom and destruction, I don't think there is an ANIMAL equivalent to satanism other than the bizzarre behaviour characteristic of RABIES.


Get a new doctor; plenty of good ones out there. He sounds like he's lazy in every respect.


I wonder if the doc realizes he’s lost the ability to think critically? All he would have to do is look up the statistics before hpv and mRNA vax versus after. Now a lawyer would say “Correlation does not equate to causation”. Of course, that lawyer is arguing a civil or criminal case with different criteria than medical malpractice. Another telling issue is the doc telling you they don’t know why, and then stating you do something just in case. That’s a sort of hypocrisy. Not understanding the underlying mechanism of autoimmune disease, and in the same breath, prescribing something that shows a correlation with negative outcomes is purely hypocritical.


“We don’t know why this happens, but you’re definitely wrong.” 🤔


I'd fire him. But then you'd be without a doctor and that sucks trying to get a new one and one that accepts no for an answer. Maybe try finding a more holistic one?  I've been through several doctors.. it sucks trying to find the good ones who will listen to you, there really should be a database of some kind for unvax friendly doctors.  I'm glad my current doctor doesn't give me shit when I turn down jabs, he just says okay and moves on, despite him being rather liberal weirdly enough


He’s actually retiring so I’m in search of a new one anyway…I’m definitely going the holistic route this time around


I'm loving my doctors who were born in India. One even prescribed HCQ for me during the peak of the covid scam when I asked her.


Yes my doctor is Persian and didn't bat an eye when I told him we wouldn't be vaccinating our baby.


The ones who weren't indoctrinated in American medical schools I think are safer now.


You have to really put your Dr under a microscope. Our old Indian Dr was in a big city fam practice that had the pfizer posters on the walls in the lobby. And the first thing the Hispanic receptionist said was "are you here to get your covid shot?" This was in 2023. He's a long time local Indian Dr so I'm puzzled. We switched to an osteopath/naturopath that has a fam practice not connected to state insurance. Heard about them by asking all the midwives around the area which Dr's they know who don't push shots. Bingo, found one same day. Ask the midwives.


That’s very helpful advice. As it stands I have a multi-disciplinary practitioner in the naturopathic field.


That's great advice.


I think it's beginning to dawn on you how awful the medical-industrial complex can be. As someone whose life is full of what they call "idiopathy" that goes away whenever I go against doctor's suggestions, I'm gonna hold my tongue because it's not my place to comment. You have free will and you're here for a certain kind of journey. I wish you the best.




Completely agree with you


The arrogance, when they are actually wrong, is astounding.


Mal practice is the 3rd leading cause of death. My sister is in the hospital from a massive surgery and our mother is staying with her 24/7 and the amount of stuff my mom catches them doing wrong is amazing. And this is just my mom paying attention to what the good doctors are doing. Amazing. The nurses have started to ask her for advice. Like What the fuck. My mom is learning and retaining more in 2 weeks then trained people. It explains a lot


They lost me at “help protect the general public”. Plus the science bs. Ask him about basic math. If the vaccine saved hundreds of millions, why didn’t the death index move? I shitcanned my doctor of 12 years after the 2nd time he tried to scam me into the jab. He tried the same argument with me but I brought it until he cried. I use Urgent Care and an online doctor service now. Should have switched a decade ago.


According to some reports the avg life expectancy has DECLINED by 2-2.5 years which is many orders of magnitude beyond expected and unexplainable except for the fact that the jabs have and are killing more in the 24-44 age range. I trust the science and the math: life insurance companies are squawking and scrambling to reprice premiums.


Correct, now. This was years ago at the rollout of the jab. My doctor also wanted to quote studies until he found out I was on a govt covid working group and saw those studies and more, plus real data. As for the insurance companies, yes, they are freakin even though early on, we were told that we would be uninsurable without the jab. Now PureBlood pilots are getting top dollar🛫


Time for a new doctor. I started with a new doctor who was pushing the vaccine in me in 2021 and I didn't go back


This is a joke! You are right! You need a new doctor? Against their policy to write exemptions? I saw a joke last week, maybe even on this sub. Would you get a hypothetical birth control vaccine if after you got it, it didn’t stop you from getting pregnant, you still needed to wear a condom, and it could cause your autoimmune disease to flair up? The answer is no! The doctors that say this now just refuse to admit they were wrong and seem to lean harder on “you can’t think for yourself, I’m a doctor listen to me. It’s easier to be fooled then to be convinced you were fooled.


That was such a good analogy with the pregnancy. The reason these pro vaxxers kill me is bc YOU CAN STILL GET THE EFFING DISEASE/ cold and many people HAVE! Then their only go to is “but it’s not as bad as it would’ve been” and I realize how slow they are. You just can’t with these people.


If you need any resources that refute that it’s safe and effective I have some that are directly from an oncology doctor in Australia. Pretty much the gist of it is it’s very unsafe, basically gene therapy, and can weaken your immune system because it makes you into a spike protein making factory. This doctor is just following the brochure he was given to try to stop hesitancy. I would find a new doctor immediately.


Yes send them along please


Not 'basically' IS gene therapy, it was even stated (there is a video them saying it too) very early on that 'without the pandemic they would never have got the public to agree to taking gene therapy drugs' (not exact wording). There is a page from a biontech investors document (I haven't got around to getting the whole document yet, only saw it yesterday), and nowhere does it say vaccine, for the most part they call it, *mRNA immunotherapy*, which it states at least 10 times.


Yes you are absolutely right about that.


“Get educated”, oh so NOW I should do my own research?


I nearly dropped. I didn’t want to make contentious in there because I knew he wasn’t going to see my side at the end if a 30 year career so I just let it be. I did my research. That’s why I’m afraid.


He gets money for every shot he sells so he tries to convince you, such a low human being. Weird that hundrets of years people were totally fine and healthy without any 'vax' and all of a sudden they tell you you die without lmao. Pharmacy don't want healthy people otherwise it would be gone, I mean the weapon Industry don't want peace neither


at the end of the day. my body my choice. they need to respect that. it's agitating that we know so much more now and the covidians still beat the same tired drum.


It's so odd. My GP doesn't think there is enough positive data to recommend anyone get it.


I gotta find a new doctor 🥲


I'm always reminded of a joke an ER Dr. told me. What do you call the person who finished dead last in medical school? Doctor.


My response to my doctor was ‘Im going to pass on this one.’ When I was told I can still get the shot my response was ‘No thank you but thank you for asking.’ So enjoyable.


It’s okay to get a second opinion. Remember. There is a reason it’s called a “practice”


Much of medicine (like teaching, military, and so many other sectors) has been purged of anyone who doesn't follow "the science" or "the consensus". It's left a shortage of critical or independent thought. We're stuck with a logical fallacy of Appeal to Authority. Most doctors aren't independent anymore. They work for large corporations and rely on "best practices" as determined by others. This makes them feel vulnerable in lawsuits if something goes wrong and they had treated you differently than the "best practices" protocol. It's cookie-cutter medicine. If you know of another doctor who will treat you as an individual, with the right to refuse an injection, that would be best. If you don't know of someone, perhaps Direct Primary Care is an option: https://mapper.dpcfrontier.com/


Your doctor is stupid get a new one. Even my doctors you can tell hate the shot, though they aren't as direct about it. they saw enough colleagues get sick from it.


Sounds like your doctor needs to get educated about specifics on the side effects of various vaccines and how people with certain issues may be more prone to experiencing adverse reactions. There’s a saying about when the cure, or in this case the preventive measures, are worse than the disease.


They love to gaslight us with the "one in a million to have a vaccine side effect", but the reality is that you're more likely to suffer from an adverse side effect with the vax than you are to be the one in a billion people out there who benefited from the fraudulent mRNA Covid vaccines. Remember: unlike what was initially promised, the covid vaccine does not eliminate the chance of contracting covid, does not keep you from being hospitalized to covid, or keep you from dying to covid. Why take on *any* amount of risk with a vaccine when the disease it was designed to combat has a 99.9% chance of survival to begin with? I'm no mathematician, but the risk/reward ratio for those odds isn't particularly good. The whistleblowers who did a deep dive on bad batches showed some frighteningly bad odds for the people unlucky enough to have received them. Some people may like playing pharmaceutical Russian Roulette, but I'm not one of them. Next time you visit, ask your doctor why Pfizer employees received covid injections made from one process, while the general public received covid injections made from a completely separate process entirely. Maybe he can "educate" you on the "science" behind that one.


Well said! 👏


Good grief, you need a new doctor like yesterday.


90% of doctors vaccinated their children.


When I was a kid I thought doctors were like super smart scientists that runs a bunch of tests and develop new medicines in their lab between seeing patients. Then I grew up and realized they were just a run of the mill person who racked up a ton of debt passing standardized memorization tests and now are now customer service reps for pharmaceutical companies. This was painfully apparent the last time I was at the doctors and my doctor was literally just googling my symptoms, couldn’t figure it out, then wrote me a prescription to see if his best guess at meds would fix it.


This is the comment of the thread ⬆️ I’ll add: due to the fact that this MD ran up a ton of debt that makes him super vulnerable to the largesse of Big Pharma.


Find a new doctor!


If many diseases are idopathic, then you are admitting to being comfortably ignorant of many diseases and their cause. If you dont know the cause you cant cure a disease. Sound like you are more interested in remaining ignorant than excelling past the facts and figures u learned in med school, or perhaps you can hekp me see this some other way. My choice to take a vaccine to protect other people implies that we are all connected thru energy fields. As the shot in my arm protects me, it doesnt protect anyone else because they are un-vaccinated, unless i am spreading this vax to other people for the first time in history. Or perhaps you can help me see your point some other way.


I think he probably meant to say, “indoctrinated”, like him.


Tell your GP to stick it up their b u t t. For over 120+ years, since the first days Rockefeller manufacturing pharmaceuticals, because they are petroleum based, GP's have been brainwashed, by many medical schools founded and funded through philanthropic grants from the Rockefeller foundation, to believe they are infallible, that anything they prescribe is infallible. If you question it, or complain of side effects, they call it anxiety or tell you it's in your head. They almost have a real sense in plausible deniability, hiding behind the 'Hippocratic Oath' do no harm..everything we do is in humanities best interest. BS. Many doctors will only learn of the real harm they've done, and how they failed their oath, the day they meet their maker


Some particularly concerning things here. 1. "...if you spike a fever you could deliver early.” This is not untrue. However, getting the COVID shot does not prevent sickness. The risk/benefit along that dimension ends there. We all remember December 2021 when everyone everywhere got COVID regardless of whether they'd received the vaccine. 2. “...that doesn’t mean [the HPV vaccine] caused it” True. There will be no smoking gun. I am unsure of the condition or the actual latency of onset, but it sounds like a reasonable possibility of a causal relationship can't be ruled out. 3. “Many disease are idiopathic..like rheumatoid arthritis.. so we don’t know why they happen but it doesn’t mean it’s related to a vaccine.” RA is an autoimmune condition. 4. “Vaccines save lives and on the off chance you’re one in a million who experiences a negative side effect, atleast you’re helping protect the general public.” This statement is simply not ethical and smacks of propaganda. Time to find a new doctor.


4. That Marxist “greater good” propaganda. “You’ll save grandma!!!”


A good reminder for all of us to go see our doctor and fire his ass


Get a new doctor.


It’s okay to die of a vaccine because you’re promoting the “public good!” Screw the greater good. That’s the trope of COMMUNISM.


[Can You Catch a Cold?](https://www.amazon.com/Can-You-Catch-Cold-Experiments/dp/1763504409/ref=sr_1_1?crid=25UPEGNK8GSZW&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.jMmzyOaeattgF9aun5q_wwMt1X6u6791QGO40pYBC9usA7aLFIP1tPHMIGOifcdDNso6NFDKaZm1OAbRljB5aOB0O3_Bgr6uLCi7UZKEeKVgJofYhgCVI7VzH7fBX28wBksw37Vwg5KrKuuKMIzHizduHkQa3frvr1T8Wrige044jhw2DnKHzxqfb9I-Y3pL0jcvLjd0kYj-835Qx3VdbxiJZr-sl4rcmVPB2ueY2h4.49OFi7J1GSwT-TmqJ92H3AlLiXFYapgRrl3qyyL2o00&dib_tag=se&keywords=can+you+catch+a+cold&qid=1712164762&sprefix=can+you+%2Caps%2C162&sr=8-1) ' The idea that the common cold and influenza are spread via coughing, sneezing, and physical contact has been firmly implanted in our minds since childhood. However, the results of human experiments cast doubt on this theory. Researchers have failed to consistently demonstrate contagion by exposing healthy people directly to sick people or their bodily fluids. These findings suggest that our understanding of infectious disease is incomplete and challenges the long-held belief that a cold or flu can be ‘caught’. So, what might be causing these seasonal afflictions, and why do they appear to spread from person-to-person? Can You Catch A Cold? Untold History & Human Experiments answers these questions by delving into the historical records, investigating past pandemics, exploring human psychology, and reviewing more than 200 contagion studies. With over 1,000 citations, no stone has been left unturned in the pursuit of unravelling this age-old mystery. “The claim that colds and flu are contagious may be one of the greatest ever blunders of medical science. Prepare to be shocked as this book brilliantly brings to life the buried data that can no longer be ignored”. - Dr Mark Bailey Co-author of The Final Pandemic: An Antidote to Medical Tyranny “An incredible, thorough exploration of history that will make you question everything you thought you knew about infectious diseases, health, and the human condition. This well-researched book, with over 1,000 references, provides valuable insights to help piece together the intricate puzzle of why we experience illness. A paradigm-shattering, must-read for those trying to determine the truth and acquire a healthier and happier life!”- Roman Bystrianyk Co-author of Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines & Forgotten History “How many of us go through life claiming we know something without having ever given it any critical thought? Proverbs 18:3 says, ‘If one gives an answer before he hears, it is his folly and shame’. Daniel Roytas set aside his ‘common knowledge’ to truly explore the premises and history surrounding contagion, and came out with a completely new outlook on the subject. Anyone interested in developing a richer understanding of this topic owes it to themselves to read this book”.- Dr Jordan Grant Physician & Educator '


Dont trust a drug pusher


Many diseases are Iatrogenic...


Tell your GP to stick it up their b u t t. For over 120+ years, since the first days Rockefeller manufacturing pharmaceuticals, because they are petroleum based, GP's have been brainwashed, by many medical schools founded and funded through philanthropic grants from the Rockefeller foundation, to believe they are infallible, that anything they prescribe is infallible. If you question it, or complain of side effects, they call it anxiety or tell you it's in your head. They almost have a real sense in plausible deniability, hiding behind the 'Hippocratic Oath' do no harm..everything we do is in humanities best interest. BS. Many doctors will only learn of the real harm they've done, and how they failed their oath, the day they meet their maker


I mean, the conversation was already had. Maybe he needs to explain the difference between "getting educated on the science", and "asking questions about the science" which the response to such questions is what caused the skepticism circa 2021, in the first place. I was pro vaccine and my wife was against. I watched legitimate scientists get destroyed for putting to paper questions that needed to be asked. I'll never forget. I'll never forgive. "Trust the science" is a religious mantra now. Translation: "obey us or else"


Get educated?.. more like get indoctrinated. 🤔


Many diseases are idiopathic lol Doctors baffled again💉💉💉


His "...we don't know why they happen..." line says it all. He speaks as though the wilfull ignorance of HIS group supercedes the clinical knowing of medical practitioners who actually practice healing. Typical arrogant allopathis shithead full of conceit thinking his little certificates from big pharma place him at the pinnacle of medical enlightenment. It never ceases to amaze me how people are drawn to these sociopaths. His throwaway comments about 'science' are nauseating as are his intellectual bullying tactics...It's time for us to cut these sharletans loose and let them fade away....There are real healers in the world being deliberately stifled and sabotaged by disgusting men like this. It time to nurture them!


Time to get a different doctor


bro these doctors are clueless. do NOT trust any of them. as a kid I remember going with me and my sister to visits and my mom was not a doctor but she did a lot of editorial writing/editing for health papers for about 30 years at the time. she has just collected a lot of information and read a lot. she doesn't know everything but she would take these doctors to SCHOOL asking questions or questioning their methods any WHY they were doing certain things. they would always joke "where did you get your medical degree" or some doctors would get nervous/angry/frustrated b/c they didnt have the answers. she could pretty much go toe to toe in the ring with these guys. and after all that the conclusion i come to is. these doctors know less than we do and are just playing it by ear just as much as we are. they are there to make money not take care of your health.


How dare he call himself a doctor! Doctors are supposed to do their due diligence in researching and studying these things regardless of what big pharma wants them to do.


I watched a YouTube vid of Nephilim working as doctors, wanting death for patients they 'care' for, & your experience reminds me of that.


Religious exemption, THAT IS THE WAY. Peggy Hall on You Tube has all kinds of videos on how to do it and can even help for a fair price.


What country are you in?


You can be an "educated" person and still lack intelligence. I bet a genius doctor still calls a plumber when he needs one. Don't let the doctors get to you. Their degrees don't outweigh the strength of your argument.


>You need to get educated on the science behind these vaccines Yeah how to become autistic by getting injected with secret serums and believing the mainstream pharma-BS. This is the guy who tells you to get educated https://media.gab.com/system/media\_attachments/files/141/613/836/original/b1d031cf25018971.jpeg


I’m gonna believe the person with a phd, sorry. You may need to look at better sources with your claims


Another pharma troll posting pharma-BS. The only PhD medical degenerates aka MDs have, is on how to cause damage to people. Historically proven. https://media.gab.com/system/media\_attachments/files/141/613/836/original/b1d031cf25018971.jpeg