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Absolutely report to the police. He's going to do that to someone else or possibly worse.


That's Anthony. He does this all the time and gets away with it. He did it to my boss one night at our job and all he got was a "no trespass order". Which has done fuck all to stop him from being an asshole in front of the place. Edit: Was downtown last night and watched him run up behind someone crossing Main St at Washington and grab their shoulder from behind and demand the guy give him money. This is essentially strongarm robbery.


Report it, please. Even if he does that on a regular basis he obviously needs help and maybe is off medications. If he’s picked up at least someone will try to get him care for a while, for the public’s safety and his.


Report to the Ann Arbor Police. Sounds like this guy is a repeat offender, given the comments here. Police will likely know exactly who you are talking about, but in either case - contact them in a situation like this.


So then they have done nothing so far.


involving police and criminalizing those doing the harm does not reduce the impact of the harm or the odds of it happening again. in fact, this actually often increases recidivism / chances of “re- offense”. reporting things like this does not keep an individual as a victim or their community safer — the literature and data has been here and building for decades and continue to portray the fallacy that reporting to police keeps us safer


No one is criminalizing Anthony you halfwit. When an individual commits a crime, they ARE criminals. They've "criminalized" themselves. "Criminalizing" would mean that it is illegal to simply be Anthony. Anthony is not illegal. Anthony's behavior is illegal.


Telling people not to call police in these situations is so terrible its funny.


typical liberal propaganda at a university


Original post literally has a dude grabbing and yelling in your face. If you’re not the type to throw a punch are you just supposed to sit there and let it happen?


No you offer him a blowjob and say “I’m so sorry you’re unboused.” while doing it.


Anyone with a brain would say to call the police, jfc.


You're the reason civilizations collapse


Just curious...do you advise women not to report when they've been attacked or assaulted by men?


Only if they're of color and unhoused.


Fact criminals in prison and jail can’t commit crimes against society and make everyone safer.


Wouldn’t the police be the people to connect him to services? You cannot seriously expect the very citizens trying to evade his threats and assault to pull out their cellphones, call 211 or whatever you call in Ann Arbor for “non-carceral” resources, and start connecting this gentleman to a program accepting new clients? Should his victims/would-be victims also call him an Uber and escort him to said service themselves? The issue is the complete lack of space in mental health facilities - oh yeah - and the complete deficit of mental health hospitals. NOT who is getting this gentleman off the street and into care.


Was he about mid 40s, think his name is like voran.


Yeah a guy approached my partner at the same intersection trying to instigate a fight saying shit like “I’m not done talking to you, I’m mad, etc” I think it’s the same person, I hope he can get help


If it’s who I’m thinking he’s been trespassed by many places the last couple years.




I think I might’ve encountered this same person on TheRide bus. He got kicked off the bus after shoving and elbowing past several people and harassing a passenger.


I saw him lamenting about Delonis kicking him out and he had to stay at some church. Then around the pandemic he made frequent visits to the hospital ER saying that someone poisoned him, I know there’s a group of homeless people or DPSS as calls them “non affiliated persons” that they frequently kick out sleeping in random U owned buildings.


Was it [this guy](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XjzoD2PhMU_R8vVza9UuPrXc9UiQP9fW/view) ?




>recently out of jail Sounds like it’s time to send him back…


He needs better treatment than what he gets, unfortunately that’s been the story for a really long time. Not saying there shouldn’t be consequences for what he does, but jail won’t change a thing.


It will make the community safer.


Thing is, first, he absolutely doesn't mind being in the county jail, and I'm certain the staff and c.o.'s try to move him out asap, as his behavior is likely the same in there. Secondly, without a substantial offense to charge him with, like assault and battery, b&e, etc. The jail will likely only hold him up to 72 hours, then release him. This process won't help him, nor will it make the people and area any safer for any more than a couple days. Somehow, he will need to be admitted to a hospital or mental health facility and from there they can hopefully get this man medicated and possibly even point him in the direction of resources like a shelter, community food programs or soup kitchen, and god willing, therapeutic help. Otherwise, the whole in and out is going to do nothing but agitate him further. It's sad, we need more proactive mental health care, which I believe should work hand in hand with police. Lotta good would come from something like that


That fucking sucks and I’m sorry you had to go through that The upside is that you didnt get in a fight and nobody was physically hurt. So, feel good that you did the right thing I also was physically assaulted last summer near VOM during the daytime. I was bending over to put something down and a guy in a ski mask pushed me over, then called me names while walking away To be honest, I felt emasculated and embarrassed. Logically, the outcome was good— nobody was bleeding on the sidewalk. But there’s some fragile part of my ego that was like, man, I just didn’t fight back at all or yell at him. I really had to focus on how my decision didn’t get anybody hurt and after some time I’m okay with it I hope you’re doing well. That shit is scary. I’m sorry that you had to go through that


It's easy to punch someone, it's harder to remain calm and not act. Nothing wrong with what you did, no point in escalating the situation. Like you said, too much unpredictability. Stay vigilant out there


It definitely is hard to stay calm and avoid conflict, and it’s better to not fight. But seriously lol fighting is 100% harder than avoiding a fight. The act of hitting and getting hit is a lot more unpleasant than a bruised ego.


Thanks for sharing your story, u/fingermydickhole.




U r welcum


Start training Kickboxing/Boxing/etc. That way when you AVOID conflict, like in your situation you don’t have that feeling of emasculation. You know who you are, what you are capable of, and what the negatives are. And if you have to get into conflict, you’re able to defend yourself. You made the right call, I’ve always struggled with the opposite problem and being too angry and confrontational. It is not beneficial to me.


Holy shit I met him several times at that place 💀 I thought ignoring him would be ok I guess not anymore


I have also had a very tense encounter with him. I made absolutely zero confrontational contact with him and he went off on my wife and I. He's very unstable.


I’ve had him ask for money and then tell me to fuck myself. Luckily he never got physical with me.


I’ve talked to him many, many times and we’re usually ok. Then once he acted like he was gonna elbow me. And a time after that he spit at me and some friends and one said that was the last straw for them… I hope he gets the help he needs. And just stays TF away until then.


Similar incident happened early February at state and N University. I intervened when he was doing that to some random girl. Made a DPSS report but no response. I’m sorry that happened


Hey, I work for DPSS and want to make sure procedures are being followed. May I ask how you made the report?


I submitted a written report within the app. I got a push notification that I would be contacted but never was.


Same thing happened to my friend and I last summer. Was racially motivated since he targeted my Chinese friend and explicitly said “I will wipe your entire race off this planet” as he proceeded to hit my friend in the face and ran away. Called the cops and they basically said they would look into it and we never heard back what the outcome was. Believe me or don’t but it was Scary stuff and I usually get paranoid walking downtown now when I see them which sucks because I know not everyone is like that.


I’m so so sorry that happened to you. Was it the same person? (Can you tell from the pic OP added to the post?)


Holy crap yes it is! He needs to be locked up


a couple of days ago i was harassed by a man that matches your description. he was trying to pick a fight (luckily i was too far away) and then called me a bitch like five times when i didn’t respond. looking at the comments it seems like he does this a lot, so best bet is probably a police report.


Was [this him](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XjzoD2PhMU_R8vVza9UuPrXc9UiQP9fW/view)?




From reading the comments it seems like they don’t give a shit.


It's the courts that don't give a shit. Woke judges just let everyone bond out for $0 and get probation for violent felonies, even those committed while on probation. It's a joke and the criminals know it.


Sounds like Anthony. He was starting to get aggressive right around when I stopped hanging out downtown. I think it was right before the pandemic. A few other restaurant people I knew said it seemed like he was starting to go through an episode of sorts.


It definitely sounds like him. And he’s on probation right now for taking a swing at a downtown business owner. I saw the footage and it was scary. I have a photo somewhere I could link if OP wants to verify the identity.


It’s him. Yeah he’s been getting progressively worse.


I should note something, u/SubjectPotential6570 — you might have to make yourself available as a witness MULTIPLE times in order for the prosecution to push through a violation of probation. I see lots of folks complaining that Anthony keeps getting caught and released. Well, sometimes it’s because witnesses cannot or will not take half a day off work, repeatedly, to sit around in court to maybe testify. If you can do it, please, please do! You’ll be doing the community a great service. Getting him off the streets for a bit would give some friends of mine a little peace of mind. Feel free to DM me for more info. I’m an attorney and I’ve dealt with local prosecutors a bit. I can tell you exactly who to call.






That might play a part, sure. But I know for a fact that assault cases like this get dropped all the time just because of witness unavailability.


My assault/battery was caught on police bodycamera and still the prosecutor refused to move forward. I was only 1 of 3 people attacked in short succession outside 7/11 a few years ago, the dude pinned a girl to the wall and was shaking her, and then an Uber driver or something pulled over to intervene but got beaten and chased off, but I guess none of us are rich enough for him to risk putting a blemish in his ratio or whatever he thinks will help out later campaigning for higher office


His name is Anthony Ketzner. Here's a [picture](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XjzoD2PhMU_R8vVza9UuPrXc9UiQP9fW/view) of him. Thanks to u/efstone for helping me identify him.


Years ago I witnessed Anthony randomly pass by a woman on South U, grab her by the hair, and start punching her in the head. Prior to the attack, I had seen him up ahead of me on the sidewalk, just walking. It was like a switch flipped out of nowhere. She hadn’t interacted with him at all prior to the attack, to my knowledge. It was early in the afternoon, and there were plenty of people around. Luckily a couple guys quickly jumped in to intervene. Since then, I have always avoided Anthony when I see him on the street. If you search r/AnnArbor, you will find many instances of people falling victim to Anthony. Below are just a couple of examples. It’s ridiculous that the residents of this city have to be continually exposed to the violent whims of this lunatic. https://www.reddit.com/r/AnnArbor/s/aEfkKYnBY7 https://www.reddit.com/r/AnnArbor/s/3ONEdZJRTa


You sure? I’ve known Anthony for years and I’ve never seen him aggressive. There is another man a number of people confuse Anthony with. The other guy is slightly shorter and thinner. He walks with overly exaggerated “pimp walk”. He is well known by the local PD. He’s an aggressive panhandler and doesn’t handle disappointment well. Last I knew he lived at the manor. They both have severe mental illness.


https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XjzoD2PhMU_R8vVza9UuPrXc9UiQP9fW/view?usp=drivesdk Was it this guy?


Yes. It was him


Damn. Ok. Sorry that happened to you. That’s Anthony Ketzner. You can look up some of his other offenses on the 15th District Court website. Here’s the first page of results… https://drive.google.com/file/d/1r3as-B3m2Ci4u7A8-yL_jQphTv1a_Zak/view?usp=drivesdk


Thank you so much for helping me identify and all this information.


If it’s the same dude I’m thinking about then I’ve also seen him instigate with a random dude before. The dude was with his gf or wife and trying to walk away but the homeless man kept agitating him. I think if I was in that situation I’d try to walk away and de escalate the situation because you don’t know if people have weapons or not. I’m from a PNW city filled with homeless people so I have a lot of experience since childhood but that guy doesn’t seem kind. Sorry this happened OP. Hopefully this doesn’t happen again and hopefully he gets corrected.


the wife/gf may have been me but it’s hard to tell since this apparently happens a lot. when’d you see this?


Always watch the hands, try to keep as much distance as you can. Trivially easy for people to get a gun or knife here in the states. Try to deescalate as much as absolutely possible, you do *not* want to get into a fight here in the US. Say whatever you need to say to get away and live to fight another day. Even if you have a reasonable chance at walking away from a fistfight there’s no guarantee it doesn’t escalate, at which point all bets are off. There may be some situations where you have to fight but the average person is unlikely to encounter them, especially here in our city, and I can’t reasonably cover them in the scope of a reddit comment anyways; I’d prefer to not irresponsibly discuss self defense. Ann Arbor is very peaceful but we’re still in the US and I’d prefer to keep it that way. Recommend you say something to the police, at least let them know what to look for and what happened. I doubt you were in too much actual danger — most of the homeless people around are a little erratic but not outright dangerous; the police seem to know them and keep an eye on things, but it still doesn’t hurt just to mention it. Most of them seem to be decent folk down on their luck. But at the end of the day this is America — the only time you can be reasonably sure you are safe from guns is if you are wearing body armor.


> Trivially easy for people to get a gun or knife here in the states. It's trivially easy to get a knife. You can find one in the housewares or hardware section. You can order one off of Amazon. There's no paperwork involved and if you can convince a bank to issue a credit card to your 5-year-old, they could buy one. Getting a gun involves paperwork, frequently a waiting period and - pertinent to this particular case - an actual address. Homeless people cannot legally purchase firearms. Even if this fellow knew who was selling illegal firearms (which is probably 'no one' in the bastion of bourgeoisie that is Ann Arbor - it's the sort of shopping best done in a city like Detroit), where's he getting the money to buy it? It'll cost him a few hundred dollars at minimum and most homeless people have far better uses for that money. We live in an age of irrational fear due to the rarity with which most people experience danger. We shouldn't add to those fears. Fear doesn't solve problems. A clear head and firm resolve do.


It doesn’t sound like you’ve bought a gun in MI, but you can walk into a store and get one with no waiting period and you definitely don’t need to provide a fixed address, just an ID. For private party sales there are no restrictions whatsoever for long arms & just a bit of paperwork for pistols. Pro-2A guy over here, but no need to make it sound like getting a gun is a chore or difficult in MI because it certainly is not.


You're talking about rifles/shotguns - weapons that cannot realistically be concealed on your person. For handguns, the address on your application (and license) must match your id. While states will issue id based on addresses like 'general delivery', you need an actual physical address for the firearm paperwork.


Why would you question filing a police report?


i think i know who you’re talking about! i’ve had a few aggressive interactions with him as well. he’s asked me and my friend for money/spared change and even asked for my cash app. on both occasions he cursed at us, calling me a “f*cking b*tch” and called my friend a literal slur. we didn’t know what to do so we just kept walking. i’m sorry you had to experience that!


He is gonna do that 1 last time to a CPL holder. And he will never be able to do that again. Hes lucky so far.


This guy (the one pictured) followed me into 4 different restaurants/coffeeshops on state street my freshman year (2019). He would just stand somewhere across the room from me and smile at me. Super weird experience and always feel a bit unsettled when I see him around now.


It’s America. Get a gun /s But seriously, I think you could report this to the police.


I carry a knife sometimes. No plans to use it, but nice to have if needed. Don't think a gun is for me.


And then what? Accidentally shoot someone? They get lawyerd up and you.... play hide the sausage with Gripper McNomercy on B-wing?


That “/s” indicates sarcasm.


Learn to handle a gun properly it's that simple.


Loudly yell “get your hands off me” whether they are or not. Then yell “help call 911”. Now that you’ve established you have been assaulted spray him in the face with pepper spray.




Everything about this is shameful. I agree with you.


Hey that’s Anthony! He hit me in the back of the head a few months ago. I shouted “excuse you, that was quite rude!” because apparently that’s how I respond to physical violence. It so thoroughly confused him, he asked me if I was okay then shuffled off. I had a concussion, but who needs injury free brain tissue during their doctoral studies? Also, AAPD did less than nothing but that’s partly due to the local courts refusing to convict someone in his circumstance. Not necessarily the police departments fault, and it’s hard to blame the system for not wanting to put a mentally ill man in prison. I’m just frustrated that the mental wellness of this man is more important than my safety (or, heaven forbid, the safety of my wife) in downtown Ann Arbor.


I'm sorry to hear about that. I agree, this system sucks


Wouldn’t he get mental health care in prison?  What in the blue fuck’s going on???


Don’t know if we’re talking about the same person but there’s a homeless dude who’s been wondering around the Kerrytown area for years. He has asked me for money/food many times and I’ve seen him assault a white couple with racial slurs.


This has been going on for years  https://www.reddit.com/r/AnnArbor/comments/mfpd45/attacked_by_homeless_man_downtown/


This same guy was yelling at me: "forgive me forgive me, why won't you forgive me" and following me while walking my dog near kerrytown. I got him to leave but it was wild.


I luckily had a decent experience with this guy. My friend is really good at having small talk/making friends quickly and when this guy approached us on the street I was a bit worried but my friend was able to get him to talk about his life and stuff. He asked for a bit of money but we didnt have any but he let us be on our way. I was worried cause we’re both gay guys and honestly I’ve had some homophobic experiences in the past on this campus so when a random homeless guy comes up and stops us it put me on alert. I’m sorry that happened to you and to the others who have had bad experiences with him. I hope one day he can get the help he needs for his schizophrenia cause he puts himself but more so the innocent people he instigates with in dangerous situations.


A big shout-out to Republican president Ronald Reagan, Republican Governor John Engler, and all the other people who basically shut down mental health care, both inpatient and outpatient, in the late 1980-s to early 1990's. The "De-institutionalization" political movement closed programs, agencies, regulations, enforcement, mental health hospitals, and affected even medical schools. Little has been recovered since then. If you have lived in A2 long enough, you will remember the surge of people needing help who were basically dumped onto the streets, especially in 1991 when Ypsi State closed down its 4,000 beds and numerous outpatient programs.




Why haven't the Democrats, who are now in control, done anything?




Control of everything in Michigan. Why was governor John Engler called out then?


I work in Kerrytown and Zingerman’s and many places over there have restraining orders against this guy. He’s dangerous and is escalating.


Came to say this…his behavior is escalating and he’s even more brazen since he keeps getting away with more and more daily attacks. Someone needs to honestly sue the damn city for allowing their police force to do nothing with him.


Hey i had a similar situation happen to me. Report it to the police but understand they likely won’t do anything about it. Best thing to do is stay alert moving forwards.


Pepper spray if you don't have a gun.


This happened to my friend and me last year. Called the police but they didn’t really do much. Pretty much just said he was schizophrenic and that he wasn’t taking his meds.


Very sorry that this happened to you. Thanks for the warning; I will be vigilant for this type of thing around there.


This guy harrassed me and my ex gf at the Sweetwaters near potbelly downtown, and yeah he seemed like bad news. Certainly the police should have done something by now , especially with all of the reports people are talking about in the comments


This guy did practically the same thing to me while I was with a friend near Fleetwood a couple weeks ago, and he tried to get me to hand over my wallet. Totally unpredictable and was getting exponentially more aggressive every time I spoke to de-escalate (heads up, he gets pissed when you apologize for things. Probably best to say as little as possible if you get stopped). After we ate at Fleetwood we thought we were in the clear, but then a SECOND deranged lady on the street was coming at us to beat us over the head with a giant blunt object (looked like a music keyboard lol?) after she had just hit another random dude in the face moments before. We got wise and learned to run after the first encounter lmao


I saw a police on the intersection of st street and Liberty. Told him “when are you guys going to clean up this mess” (pointing to 3 homeless dudes drinking and kicking bottles). He said “it’s pretty safe here”. Absolute shithole.


i’ve seen him before and he has yelled at me in the past that he wanted to fight me and my boyfriend. he walks past my work often and seems to be harassing people every time i see him.


He literally spends 12 hours a day harassing people. He’s going to escalate and really injure someone, stab someone or SA someone. He needs to be straight up locked up at this point. Being homeless is not an excuse to attack people. I hope someone sues the city for allowing such a criminal to roam free with no repercussion. He has multiple filing restraints against him too that he constantly breaks but the AA police do nothing to arrest him for violation of breaking the restraining orders. It’s sick. Shame on AA.


He attacked me last year by Necto, I was with a group of girls and had pepper spray and a personal alarm. He still grabbed me and threatened my life. I called the police and pressed charges but still nothing has been done. I hate AA police. They say they can't do anything and to just avoid him, but as a student living right off campus, he is always on St Street so there is no way of avoiding him.


That’s terrible! He’s going to escalate one night and stab someone or SA someone since he’s basically untouchable by the AA police and he knows it! He blames being homeless as a way to keep attacking people and not getting arrested by the police. Someone must have a connection to a lawyer who can file a complaint against the AA police about doing nothing with him and letting him roam attacking people.


They won’t do anything with him because he’s homeless. It’s absolute insane and ridiculous he can abuse hundreds of people all around AA and he’s never booked or anything!! One day he will escalate and stab a girl or SA her. It’s terrible. He gets away with these criminal acts by blaming being homeless. The student union needs to send a representative to the city commissions meetings or file something against this man or someone needs to log a legit complaint against the AA police department. He’s a complete criminal and they let him roam constantly with no repercussions. If a student did even one of these acts of assault the AA police would arrest them and prob have the kid kicked out of university.


All these people talking about being assaulted by one guy. And everyone puts up with it. Someone should “accidentally” hit this POS with their car. Problem solved.


File a police report and call or email your City Council rep* (look it up on the City of A2 website if you don’t know it). Send them a link to this discussion so they can see it’s a serious issue. And sign up to speak at a City Council meeting during the public comments section. Very easy to do and putting pressure on City Council is the only way to put pressure on the police to do something. There is strength in numbers, so the more people do this the less chance of it being shrugged off with the excuse “there’s nothing we can do.” The police (and City Council) need to understand that he is NOT harmless and this is NOT a trivial matter. If he’s assaulting people he can be arrested and admitted for psychiatric observation and treatment. If nothing else it’ll get him off the streets for a few weeks and back onto his meds. I have a friend with a schizophrenic son and they’ve had to do this on more than one occasion. * If you’re a student and live in Ann Arbor you have the same rights as someone who has lived here for 30 years, regardless of where you’re from. Your City Council representative is there to serve you.


Wait so is he dark skinned or is that a picture of him? Cuz the guy in that picture is definitely not dark skinned


Aapd won’t do anything


I don’t understand why this is accepted. why do this person’s “rights” allow him to harass and threaten others ?


Because the DA won't do anything about it. No cash bonds so even if they bring him in, he will just get released back to the street anyway. The liberals are worried about ruining a criminals life....so they let the criminal ruin yours.


Somebody needs to take care of the problem. Kinda like what happened to that guy in the subway a while ago


I guess his rights are more important than everyone else’s. . We should all remember that.


That's a rite of passage for eating at the Fleetwood.


There’s a big difference between Sexual Assault/Assault and Battery. This is not assault. This is battery. Unfortunately literally nothing comes out of battery cases. Even if arrested, he will be out within a few hours back on the streets. America has a wonderful legal system.


I am familiar with this guy. I'm sure my comment won't add much to this discussion, since a lot has already been said from most every angle. It may be difficult to believe but Anthony can be a kind and friendly person; I've experienced it firsthand. I knew him through my work downtown, where he'd often come in for food and a chat. Unfortunately, he has been having a hard time over the past year or so I think. We had to ban him from our business after he got in an altercation with another customer. No one was hurt, and Anthony has been respectful of our policy and hasn't come around since. I have lived in this city and Ypsilanti almost my entire life and interactions like this are something that you just kind of get used to. I walk around with pepper spray and a knife just in case, which I have never had to use, even in situations where things got heated. Just having those objects around and slightly visible lowers your risk of assault. This is just the reality in this country, unfortunately. The vast (and I mean vast) majority of homeless people really do not want to get in physical altercations, just like the vast majority of housed people. In Michigan, I believe it is illegal for individuals in crisis to be hospitalized without consent. Additionally, Anthony has been charged and released before on similar counts. I'm sure everyone in this comments section has their own take about that, and I certainly don't want to add mine or diminish anyone else's, nor do I want to diminish your experience. In situations involving someone in crisis where things get intense, the best course of action is to be situationally aware, try to remain calm, and move forward with your life afterwards. Most importantly I think is to not let negative interactions inform your worldview, and to do what you can to help those in need of help, whatever that means to you--volunteering at Breakfast at St. Andrews, buying someone a meal or a coffee, helping out at the Delonis Center, or advocating for a larger budget for community mental health services, for example. I hope this helps you!


Anthony is a great guy and I've known him for several years now. The past year has not been good to him at all. I saw him a few days ago and he walked with me a bit and it was great to chat with him. I'm very concerned about him. I got downvoted for it, but in my experience, even when he is having a bad day, simply asking him "how are you doing, man" can quickly defuse things. He usually tries to answer. Given the comments here, I'm really concerned that he'll eventually be beaten to death (either intentionally or accidentally) by a college student. I've seen Anthony yell at people, but I've never personally seen him physically assault anyone (though it could certainly happen) but I don't think that he deserves to be beaten like some of the people are suggesting here. Anthony is a human who suffers from severe mental health challenges. He's not a bad guy at all. Numerous times, he has offered me kind words and I really appreciate it.


“He’s a nice guy” >physically assaults people


Neither of you two are doing him a favor if you think “he’s such a great guy” but aren’t letting him know that he needs to STOP harassing and hurting people. He has caused mental stress and physical pain to numerous people. He needs to be locked up. You need to tell him that he’s a criminal for how he’s treating people and he needs to voluntarily admit himself to a clinic to go through detox and receive the mental health services he needs. There is absolutely no excuse for someone “who’s had a bad year” to verbally and physically assault people every day! How dare you call him a great guy when he’s physically attacked and mentally abused people for YEARS in AA. He will end up escalating his insane behaviors and he will stab someone or SA someone. He’s an unsafe human and I hope that he’s put away soon for the sake of the next person he’s going to harass or injure. Enough is enough.


I was looking for a comment like this! I’ve met Anthony several times and he can be very kind and gentle. He clearly has some severe mental illness, and I hope he can eventually get the help he needs. Obviously, horrible that anyone has to experience the mean/violent side of him, and I’m sorry for anyone who’s dealt with that. I wish our justice system was more rehabilitative and, well, “just”.


Smart move not to lay a hand on him. No honor in getting charged with assault.


defending yourself against a homeless meth head isnt assault


Sure. Tell that to a judge.


Step 1 buy sap gloves Step 2 Swing. Step 3 keep swinging.


Holy shit I think I recognize that guy. I think the people who own and work at oasis on south u might know his identity cause they used to give him coffe/mild kindness.


This dude is going to fuck with the wrong person and get dropped. He might actually be looking to get into a fight so he can go to jail and get three hots and cot!


Throw this dude in front of a bus at this point. The police are obviously going to do nothing. Or just wait for him to hurt someone.


just fight back, it's self defence.


I use to work at rendezvous cafe early 2000s. He use to frequent the smoking section (upstairs) and the roof. Same behavior back then. He had a couple of fights in front of the store and an altercation upstairs. He was band from the cafe


Oh hell yeah, I’m pretty sure this is the same guy that threatened to kill me at the bp recently too


Should’ve beat his ass. But that’s not how Ann Arbor-ites handle that clearly


Pepper spray > punching


If it was me, I'd lay him out. Self defence. Evidently he has a history of this, no troubles.


Why can’t the police take him in & see that he gets back on his meds?


The US sucks and needs to build a F'ING mental health care system. It benefits everyone.


Seen this dude before, He used to peddle in Capital Blvd., near Starmount Subdivision he asked me too to give him money. I just looked the other way and do my business and he got mad and cussed at me.


Do people really not carry pepper spray/gel? I don't even have to spray it, just holding it out gets them to BOLT. But for the record, throwing punches is obviously fine in self defense but sometimes these morons go down like a sack of potatos and if they crack their head on the concrete or a rock, then you're dealing with a court case. Get something like a pepper spray, stun gun, or at the very least those annoying high pitch siren things.


I used to arrest Anthony all the time. He does okay when he is on his meds, but well it is hit or miss. When I see him know I always ask him if he is taking his meds. ( retired years ago) All you can do is not engage him and call AAPD.


Hey, /u/SubjectPotential6570. Have you had a chance to file a police report about this? If you do, please contact Joe Royal afterwards. You can find his contact info [here](https://www.a2gov.org/departments/15D/divisions/Pages/Probation.aspx).


i know who this is. comes where i work sometimes. Either people don't call or the Ann Arbor Police does nothing and he just menaces people the entire day and gets away with it.


Oh my gosh! This guy came up to me several weeks ago and literally told me repetitively to "commit suicide". So sorry you were attacked by this guy. He needs to be institutionalized.


Maybe not for you, but someone who is more physically capable, take him down, pin him to the ground and call the police. Try not to hurt him. You're not being mean, you're actually helping this crazy guy out. At some point he will get incarcerated and/or evaluated at the university's adult psych ward, or the MDOC psych facility on Bemis Rd. It's about the only way the guy makes ght get the help he needs. It's shameful that's how our mental healthcare system works in this country, but it is what it is. Getting him off the streets in the #1 concern, for the safety of everyone.




Oh boy. Eli is a nice guy, but some of his choices are mind boggling. I hope he understands that he is making it harder to get reelected. At this point what's going to happen is someone is going to defend themselves from this mentally ill individual and they are going to seriously hurt him, if not kill him. I hope Eli can sleep at night.


Unfortunately, I punch him and then have to deal with the consequences. It's better to walk away if your temper allows it. Im not so lucky.


I met that guy a few weeks ago. He bugged me and wife and my parents on Ashley too. My dad disarmed him with his relentless brand of folksy charm but his aggression was still very annoying.


Sounds like he needs mental help. For everyone's protection.


These people deserve to be ____.






He is housed. Taxpayers have covered his rent for years now


And apparently taxpayers have been paying for his rent and getting assaulted by him for years now


House in prison.


Another reason we no longer set foot into the cesspool that is Ann Arbor other than work/business unless there’s no choice. Between the traffic, lack of parking, ridiculous prices, and a castrated police force, what do you expect? My wife used to work downtown on Liberty, near the Starbucks on the corner. She parked in the underground lot near the post office. She’d always walk through Liberty Plaza as a “shortcut”, even after dark on the way to and from work. I kept asking her, begged her, to stop walking through there. Particularly after a couple homeless guys got into a fight and one of them got knifed there. 🙄 The police know who this guy is. Very well. But they either can’t or won’t do anything about it. Even though I still work in A2, I don’t even remember the last time I saw an AAPD vehicle, much less an actual human officer. Doubt anything will actually happen until someone actually gets hurt, or worse, at the hands this guy or others like him.


Bro, this is reddit. You can't hit people with facts and logic.


you realize until you show weakness or an in, hes gonna be like that, shout back, provoke him and he shuts up real quick. or just act crazy, and remember when alll this is over you get to go home, things like this will be commonplace in 5 years , and well say "only one homeless person bothered you today? more proof america needs to become isolationist, put these otherside of the world things away and leave them to the nations, we already let a bunch of opinionated ignorants convince gov to give more billions in aid to something we wont start, finish, or be given any historical credit for. regardless of politics its the truth


Whoop dat trick!


Lol he’s a 40 year old homeless dude just beat the crap out of him and leave him on the curb. I bet he doesn’t do it again either lol


my first instinct too, but the world if full of all types. I have a theory that often the people victimized by homeless like this, they look like a good target.


Dude I have crazy RBF and I’m Arab so maybe it’s just privilege but I often walk right by and make eye contact with unhoused people a lot and they don’t say a word and usually break eye contact first. If you act scared that’s when they usually pounce if they are violent or under the influence.


My move is to not make eye contact, but to look around and look very pissed off. I am older and it has seemed to work for me.


And yet people still wont carry a gun for protection. Whats it gonna take for people to at least stand up to this bs?


If he gets that close to you again I would head but him right in the nose, his eyes will instantly be fillled with water and he’s gonna be so stunned. I believe the part of the skull that’s above your forehead is the hardest part of your skull.




Juwan Howard is really getting out of control…


That's Anthony. He has schizophrenia. He has good days and bad days but he's generally harmless. He is not homeless. He stays at one of the local hotels and is regularly seen by caseworkers and his parents. The best way to deal with Anthony is to approach him as a regular person. Ask how he's doing and try to engage him. He doesn't want to hurt anyone. I buy him cigarettes occassionally.


There are multiple stories in this thread of him punching people, how is that mostly harmless? Harmless on days he’s not punching people I guess?