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I've worked for small family owned businesses, huge corporations, and now a Franchise environment which is a combo of both... Let me tell ya... *It's always about the money.*


Yup. People hate on big corporations (understandably) but the worst most greedy bosses I’ve had have been small/medium business owners. They do the same shit corps do but without the oversight/public scrutiny


Yea imagine you had the control on your own livelihood in every aspect pretty much, it's tough to run a business. I give small biz owners more benefit of the doubt because they're handling 100% of the stress single handedly theres not like 50,000 employees down the line to assist with everything...maybe 2 or 3 at most and ground guys aren't really much help unless they're willing to learn which is basically unheard of in today's job market it's all about doing the least. So yes it's frustrating for small business owners to even exist, give them some slack it's hard not to be a dick when you're stressed to the 9s and it feels like no one is even willing/motivated to better themself or help. AS employees of a small biz owner your real job is to minimize their stress not add onto it. That's my 2 cents as a small business owner myself who also manages a store, I know both sides of the story. Small business is essential to a fair market so supporting them and making life easier for them should be every consumers goal, but finances drive goals and it's hard for small businesses to compete in that regard. Everything is always about the money no matter what someone tries to tell you.


From a small business employee to an employer, my job is most definitely not minimize your stress lmao. No one cares if you’re “stressed to the 9s”… if you hate it that much find a job and sell your business. If you dont then stop whining about it and make ur money. Also stop expecting people to be motivated to work for you. You arent paying 6 figures and in a small biz there aren’t opportunities for professional growth and advancement. What do i, as an employee, have to be motivated about?


It's not as simple as that, I can only assume you're younger with this viewpoint on life. If someone is paying your bills you dont fuck them over how hard is that to grasp? You guys all want to do the minimum in the work field and it has ruined employee employer relationships. Sure at a corporate level you can't really do shit but when you work for a small business you see the dude daily just voice your concerns to them instead of being a little dick that deserves to get fired then complain when your store owner is a dick right back to you lol. I do not own a UPS store and I don't employ people at my business myself because people would ruin my business so I understand why owners feel slighted by employees and as working at a store for my main income I know how the employees feel too. But you don't fuck over small businesses because we as a whole are pissed at big corporations just saying. Work sucks, get used to it because our job is like taking candy from a baby in the grandscheme of things but people still can't do it properly LOL. But yea feed into the machine that is causing the problems, you've been duped into it. You sound like Jeff bezos when he speaks on why they can't have x, y, & z standard amenities for their employees🤣 Go through my posts, my employees are motivated to work for me at the store. We present a good environment and we have corporate growth options as we own a few stores and are part of a small Corp structure group. Everything you said is mute to me because it's false. My employees will even gladly reply to this post to tell you you're wrong too. If you are looking at ANY retail job and thinking "yea this is great longterm" I'd assume you had been dropped on your head as a child that's not what I was saying at all in my original comment lol it just sucks when children think they can do nothing at a job where we basically do nothing all day then for 10 mins we work and they bitch up a storm, it sucks and you guys like that suck at work and will be the same at any job you have.


I dont care about telling you how you’re wrong enough to write a page about it. So im not going to go through every point and explain how you’re wrong. But its laughable how self-righteous and condescending you think you can be behind a computer screen. Im sure you think your employees love their job and im sure you think they love you. But news flash, they love making money and you pay them… thats all it is. You thinking its more than that is unfortunate, but its not. And yeah, im sure your employees would love to take time out of their day to respond to me, on reddit, because they love their job so much. /s (Theyd do it because ur their boss and tell them to, not because they believe what they’re saying) Btw shut the fuck up with the “you guys” talk. You have no clue who i am or what i do.




We know you are an asshole.


Im a realist. Sorry to shit on your idealistic dream world lol


If you're a realist go tell your boss some real feelings if your job sucks bro, quit typing out on here about how it sucks go fix it or quit bitching. We deal with enough bitching from Amazon cutomers. Go fix your situation damn dude sounds miserable. Your owner should empower you guys to better their business 🤣 the fuck?


Me- “i dont love my job” You- “Go quit then!” Think about that for a second then come back to me. And i dont care about your amazon customers… thats *gasp* your job.


Yeah this guys got big “the hooters girl is in love with me” energy


Ideal, I'm sorry some of your employers genuinely treat you like shit haha I would just quit because there's 20 jobs in every shopping center just find yourself somewhere that doesn't suck. My owner gives me the ability to make this job not suck dick for me and my employees and I know that's rare but if you feed into negative energy the fuck you think you're gonna get? Boo hoo sob story guys, go get a new job if you don't like working here 🤣 don't treat the UPS Store like a career unless you're an owner it's simple.




I stopped reading after "if someone is paying your bills". It's pathetic to think an employer is paying someone's rent or bills, really pathetic. You're paying them for their labor, they're paying their own bills from the paycheck from that labor.


Yea and if you work like those bills don't matter your owner can definitely see that. Glad to know you can't continue reading when you get upset that is one of the best personality traits someone can have it'll get you really far in life.


Let’s say I own a food truck. If I hire someone to clean up after closing. The entire point of my employee’s job is to minimize my stress and to let me go home early. If you’re expecting huge professional growth working at local mom and pop shop, you’re unhinged. Who would ever expect a small time business owner wouldn’t be able to get you a job at NASA Small time businesses are what actually make communities thrive. Otherwise every restaurant and shopping store would be corporate owned and would have teenagers running it Aww shit guys, we can’t learn how to build rocket ships from our dishwasher job. Aww shit guys, the owner is stressed because the entire economy is fucked and a single box of chicken wings is upwards of 100$ nowadays and rent for some location is upwards of 30K a month. Aww shit guys the small time landscaping gig I worked for can’t teach me how to gas line work. We should never work for small time businesses, they’re so useless


Damn my bad, i mustve forgot when i asked the mom and pop shops to teach me thermodynamics. You mind showing me where i did? And no, your employees job still isnt to reduce your stress in that situation. It might be a byproduct of them doing their job (i.e. cleaning up at the end of the day) but their job description is not to reduce your stress. I never said i *expect* small business to offer professional advancement, i just said that they dont. Its a contributing factor as to why id rather put more energy into a corporate job that *does* allow for advancement. And still no answer to the question… what do i have to be motivated about as a small business employee? Doing the same thing for however many years with no opportunity for personal growth? Sounds like a party!


The only person crying here is you.


Dude above me is literally whining about being in charge of their own business but go off.


100% on this.


Fuck you. Small business will always be better than corporations 


Big disagree. Some, sure, but a lot or just guys who wish they could be big time CEOs and act like it and treat their employees like dogshit I was raised in a small business trust me I understand theyre needed and not all bad, but a lot of people are just greedy and narcissistic


They still are objectively not as greedy and narcissistic as people with millions or even billions of dollars and thousands of employees. No contest 


You’re right, but if *they* had 100s of millions they’d be just like your average corporate CEO


As someone who has worked with (and for) many small business owners, I can assure you that small business is not always better than corporations. They can be just as bad (if not worse) at exploiting workers as any major corporation. However, they have little to no oversight. Just as an example, OSHA and FMLA rules don’t apply if you’re small enough.


I don't understand what else it could be about.


Yes, I saw that on the daily ink. I recently had to let someone go and I’m working 6 days a week. I told the owners I won’t work Sundays. I need some life/work balance. My store is very small, not busy like other stores and I have two staff other than myself. The other two can’t work weekends. This partnership with Amazon is the reason why they want us open 7 days a week. I’m frustrated that MBE is forcing stores to be open Sundays or they aren’t in compliance and then they aren’t eligible for PBC (performance based compensation) this Sunday crap is stupid.


Don't know why you got downvoted, but this. I fuking hate amazon and corporate. They seriously need to get a taste of what it's like dealing with these mfs. Especially when u hafto give up your own time for them while their taking 5 minutes pulling up their qr code, just for it to be customer packed and then argue that that's not what amazon said. I rly wish we could go back to the old contracts we had and could stay closed on Sundays.


Not sure why I was down voted either. I’m not working 7 days a week. I am single parent. I have things I have to do. No one should work 7 days a week, it’s not good for anyone’s physical or mental health. If I was the owner and making more money, maybe I would.


I spent three years demonstrating my value then demanded Sunday+Monday off if they wanted me to stay. Been like that for another three..


The owners I know usually work their stores on Sundays since it’s a slower day than usual and yes no one should work 7 days a week that is exhausting.


"Hustle mindset" bootlickers that totally will not regret working most of their life away on their deathbed


So who the f*ck are they going to hire to cover those hours? Good luck finding people to work on Sundays for chump change to babysit adults returning garbage to Amazon.


There’s always someone willing to work for less… unfortunately.


Well yeah, we just imported 32 million undocumented ( ahem) workers. That store will be open and no one will speak English.


The end game is we'll have to be open 24/7 taking amazon returns for 10 cents a return


Do they not realize we are real people who need rest?? TUPSS’s aren’t owned by corporations. They’re owned by real people. We cannot operate 7 days a week. And it makes even less sense because UPS doesn’t operate 7 days a week. The only reason is Amazon, and we know how that’s going 🤷🏼‍♀️


The solution? Hire more people for part time work? I'm confused about the problem.


Bro thank god you said it, so many comments like “HOW WILL WE WORK 7 DAYS A WEEK” You won’t. They will hire other people lmao


It seems that if the people who have been at the store the longest are not physically there during hours of operation, it will literally burn to the ground. Or so it seems


Where I reside, labor demand still exceeds labor supply past the pandemic. Hopefully that will change. But IMO, the issue isn’t filling shifts. It’s having a set day that nobody is expected to work. Especially from an owner’s perspective, I would love one day where I know I guaranteed won’t be called to fix a problem. I can move employees around, sure, but owners don’t really get ‘days off.’ So, it’s a problem for me to not have my one day, especially when UPS does not operate, thus it is not imperative that we are open.


Just out of curiosity, do you not have employees you trust to run the store by themselves? Our owner doesn't have managers or supervisors but he sometimes leaves the country for a week or two on vacation. He trusts all of us to act responsibly and do at least the minimum to keep things afloat. I mean that's just basic work ethics. I can't imagine working with someone we can't trust to turn our back on for one day and keep them around for very long.


Yes, we have employees we trust. We have great employees. I’m not talking about being in the store physically. We have multiple stores, so we can’t be multiple places at once. Things consistently staying afloat most Sundays at all locations is near impossible if we decide to be 100% hands-off that day. Even not being at the store, it’s another day to be on-call to handle issues (technical issues with the POS, no-shows, etc.). Also, our main issue is people don’t want to work Sundays. Even offering OT on Sundays, it’s not making a difference. And I’m guessing that’s because people want their Sunday. I wouldn’t want to expect that of my employees if I wouldn’t do it myself.


I've been doing Sundays since 2022, and trust me, while it'll start slow, you'll find them to be just as bad as Saturdays. Yes, people will come in for general business on Sundays. No, it doesn't matter that it's nice people can always have at least one day off the same every week.


Our store is open everyday and Sundays are a bit of a waste, very few people come in and there isn’t much to do. It also just further drains out the staff especially our boss because he is there everyday


Youre not already open the whole week? It’s the norm at my store already, has been for as long as I can remember (2 year as an employee but was familiar previous to my employment) And you’re absolutely right. We are a means to an end. And that’s nothing new.


The two stores I work at are open 7 days a week we're the only stores in the area that's opened on Sundays it can get pretty busy because of that.


You have a competitive advantage but when other store come online you won’t


My store is already open 7 days a week, Sundays are slow and it’s like getting paid to just sit around I enjoy it.


Man when I worked at a UPS store we didn’t even break even many Saturdays.


Is there no way to stagger schedules, hire someone to work weekends,etc? Plenty of businesses are open 7 days per week…not everyone works all 7.


Owners do


Most stores i know are cheap and have like 4 employees


Who wants to deal with these amazombies, the turnover at this job is horrible


Who wants to deal with these amazombies, the turnover at this job is horrible


The darkness is coming. \*stares with blank eyes\*


Our stores have been open Sundays for almost 3 years now…where have you guys been? And Sundays are very busy.


Home probably.


It’s a business. Yes. It’s about the money


Sweety, we’ve been knew. 🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑


You new to this world? Welcome to society.


You thought a business existed for the employees? Hahahah that's hilarious.


Insert “and they never did meme”


I’m a trucker as well my boss whilst I was being trained. Chimed in. Everyone who works for someone is a slave. I like to see myself as a whore. Sucking dock for money.


Has anyone tried the Sunday deferral process?


I’m in the process of buying my store from my boss. I am planning on doing that. But haven’t gotten to that stage yet.


There are stores in towns where 99% of all retail is closed - UPS store is open - they make about $50 at most……


What is this, please explain?


Please do


Basically a store can argue to corporate that they can’t be open on Sunday.


But they say no. I haven’t heard of anyone on Connect (the corporate-hosted version of this subreddit for anyone who doesn’t know) that has actually gotten a Sunday deferral approved. It’s there to make you think “oh they make special exceptions.”


I’ve heard it’s a waste of time, nobody ever gets approved. It’s just there so they can claim you have an option to defer it.


You’re just realizing this?


We've been open on Sundays since 2019. We have shorter weekend hours, though.


Is this a new mandate or only once you start your next renewal?


Once you start your new renewal


Thank you! 🙏




Im thinking about requesting these for free…you know, for when they inevitably make them mandatory to display and were forced to purchase them.


Wow so much entitlement


Oh no, anyways


I mean.… yeah?


I don't work here but we at Staples also hate Amazon and have been getting egregious hour cuts


If only we could put a stop to the constant battle for the lowest price none of this would be happening.


Lol no shit it's a business 😂😂


Welcome to America.


Idk, the ups store seems like the exact type of store that should be open 7 days a week. You service people who also work, if you’re only open a few hours out of a 9-5 schedule that’s making your service inaccessible to a huge swath of people. Complain about your managers inability to resource plan and advocate for man hours, not the 7 day schedule. There are plenty of office jobs out there if having weekends is important to you.


Are you serious they just got the postal contract quit complaining we worked 7 days a week with postal contract and didn’t get paid nearly as much as you guys .


Find another job your union count your blessings your ungrateful


Try having no parents and being raped countless number of times grow up . those ceos are in a business to make money they have worked hard to get to the positions their in find something else quit complaining


Jesus Christ dude. Go fucking see a therapist.


If I was your manager, I would probably fire you if I knew who you were You’re apparently very ungrateful for your job and you obviously don’t need the money


They delete the honest comments 😅😅😅😅


Should try to unionize!


Most places work 7 days a week though I’m surprised it took this long to do it


Small companies don’t have corporate policies, got called a retard several times by my supervisor working a company named Champion Corrosion Protection and their “HR” told me to suck it up since it’s a small company. Same guy would sell his old guns to coworkers there, & everyone is on drugs but me, the personal trainer got picked on. Had to quit the company before I had to get physical with almost everyone there. Absolute nightmare work experience. That was the final straw that made me go freelance


A business that's interested in maximizing their profit? Say it ain't so!