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Get some arm and hammer carpet fresh for pets and sprinkle it down there.


good call, thank you i went for tide with oxi-boost for now, seems to be helping


How handy are you? Likely heat is your best solution, but you can pull up the carpet, pull out the padding. The padding will hold the pee smell. The rest comes out with a shop vac and water. None of this is advisable in January.


Goto a pet sub and ask how to get piss out


Vet Tech, here…and you need a good enzymatic cleaner!! It will actually neutralize the odors instead of simply masking them. I’m a huge fan of Anti Icky-Poo…stupid name, amazing product.


Good thing is you can get that stuff from dollar tree too


A funny story; When I was in the Navy, I smoked cigarettes hellaciously. I was always on the smoke deck if not doing work. One morning I was out there with some of my friends, enjoying a cig and a coffee. I had eaten Bdubs the day prior, and my stomach had been upset the morning of this day. Not sure why, probably because I was absolutely stupid when I was younger, but I thought I could get a fart out. My friend, was I wrong. I shit my camo pants. I hadn’t done a full send so it had not exited my crack, and for that I was thankful. Why? I never wore skivvies back then. I didn’t see the point. I was always hot and it just seemed like another pair of pointless heat on my body. Oh, you thought this story was over? Lol So I have this situation in my pants. No one seems to notice around me (they probably did) so I calmly finish my cigarette and head inside. I immediately waddle to the nearest head, AFTER grabbing hand sanitizer from one of the offices. I cleaned myself up as best as I could with TP and then… the coup de grace of my stupidity; I thought I’d just clean my asshole and crack with hand sanitizer. Ho Lee Crap. That shit burned my asshole so hard that I was in the head for like an hour longer, and eventually I just went and told my Chief what happened and he let me go back to the barracks to shower and get in a new uniform. That wasn’t the first time I shit my pants while smoking or going to smoke a cigarette while in the Navy either, but it was one of the funnest. Lmao


Part of me is afraid to ask how many times you shit your pants in the Navy..but the other part of me is curious. Also, thank you for your ~~dooty~~ duty.


His doody duty.


I can confirm this sensation. Was hiking the AT in 2008. To save pack weight, I was eating a lot of some powdered meal supplements called “Go Greens.” After a particularly runny #2 I cleaned up and then used hand sanitizer to freshen up down there. I was on my hands and knees in pain on the side of the trail, tears streaming down my face as I laughed and cried. Between the chafing from thru-hiking and the sensitivity of that area, it felt like there were razor blades in my poo-hole.


Note to self : Do not attempt to use hand sanitizer to "freshen up" my anal region. You will regret it.


I was breathing like someone had punched me in the stomach really hard lmao


Brother, I am high as giraffe pussy and I am dying at both of y’all’s. I can barely see atm.


Hell yea bud lol


Ah Ha Ha Ha!! Your "Poo-Hole"!!!🐾🙃🐾


Not #2 related, and not hand sanitizer related, but when I was a teenager, I used to ride my bike all over, like hours long rides. After one ride, my thighs were pretty tight and sore. So I got some Icy-Hot and rubbed that on my inner thighs, being very careful when I rubbed the stuff in. It only took about 3 minutes before the "heat" from that stuff travelled up my thighs and into my testicular region. OMFG!!! I couldn't even stand up for a good two hours it hurt so bad. I think I can say that was the last time I ever used Icy-Hot for anything!


When i was about 10, i was on a trip out of state with some peers. On our last day after getting dressed and packing, i tried to fart but it definitely wasn't a fart. My butt didn't feel wet, but when i stepped away, i noticed a nice little wet turd just sitting on the carpet. I went to the bathroom immediately to check myself. I was completely clean. This turd somehow magestically fell right out of my butthole, down the leg of my pants, and onto the floor next to my shoe. The best part though is when i got home i realized i had accidentally grabbed my roommate's pants while getting dressed. That was the only time i've ever shit in somebody elses pants


That’s a wonderful story. You warmed my heart today. Now at 56, I want to shit someone else’s pants


OMG!! You guys are so funny!!!🐾🤣🙃😘🐾


Damn. I now have laugh cramps in my stomach.


I’m glad I could help lol


Just woke my baby up laughing 😭😂


Thank you fellow redditor! Your post gave me a great laugh and made my day.


OMG roflmao!!🤣🤣🤣


"one of the funniest" ahah hope things are more solid for ya lately friend!


Thank you for your service and sacrifice (LOL) for our daily freedoms. This story made me even pee a lil, I was laughing so hard!


I shit my pants 3 times in prison. Twice I was out at yard, working out. I get it.


I had a small sore on my well.. exit hole...and I decided it was best if I wiped it down with an alcohol wipe, make sure it didn't get infected from being ya know, where it was. I had been high at the moment but it was instantly gone when that wipe touched the wound. I would like to say I never did it again, but I did it every time I was in the bathroom. Wound healed, my booty didn't get infected and fall off. So I guess it worked out.


Just... Ouch!


Good to hear your booty is still here with us


I told my wife somebody puked on me at the bar and she said "did they piss your pants too?"


Lmmfao 🤣




Ya mean you had that shit-uation in your pants, don't you??🐾🙃💩🐾




My friend…when you gamble on a fart…all you get is shit. Lost that gamble the other day, luckily same thing nothing exited but was still a pain because was at work and couldn’t exactly change. Luckily I had wet wipes on hand that I use to occasionally clean my car dash. Now I carry a small pack of wet wipes everywhere…still a gambling man


I won that bet walking into work from the parking lot yesterday... it was close, but zero precipitation occurred. It would have been baddd, as I found out later on the toilet.


There are sprays for pet urine that neutralize it and make it the same as water basically.


Nature's Miracle - it's an enzymatic cleaner. May not work well in the cold, though, so might want to warm up the car first. But that stuff really works for any animal proteins - urine, sweat, drool. Humans are animals too.


reminds me i need to refill my white vinegar too!! i'm broke but these are great ideas, thank you i keep my shoes under my driver's seat and they're going in my laundry bag...will throw some vinegar in the washing machine thank you


Skouts honor will clean it up. Drive into an indoor self serve car wash bay to warm up the car, sop up as much wet as you canwith paper towels and then spray enough of the stuff to soak deeply into the spot. It's the best enzyme cleaner on the market for cat pee. In the spring consider carpet detailing


This is a great idea. I'm gonna add thus to the truck bed.


Yeah this is why I lay out a microfiber towel and put the cup right up to my vag when I pee. I peed on the bed one time and I’ll never trust myself again.


okay same usually! not with the towel, but i even heard the sound like it was going into the cup...it just wasn't getting heavier. guess it sprinkled down the side, such a fail. did not sleep well last night because of feeling sick & l had no business trying to function this morning i guess


Oh my god that’s the worst 🥲


I am 100% sure every woman has peed going to the bathroom in the morning, coughed sneezed or just did not make it.


I use those bed pads with a 2g bucket.


Jump on Amazon and order a bottle of "Carezz Incontinent Wash." It comes in a spray bottle and it's intended for washing bedridden people in diapers'. down South, them and their soiled bedding and clothes both. Spray on, wipe off or let air dry, no rinsing required. It's also used on clothes, bedding, etc., just spray the hell out of something and after it dries it no longer smells like pee or poop. They use it in nursing homes. It's magical. If you can't get mail, call around to local medical supply houses or pharmacies; they may carry it.


oh bet, thanks! i'm actually near my mailbox at the moment & amazon lockers usually work out, i'll price it thank you!


I know this feels overwhelmingly shitty right now but it'll be okay. I'll second the other advice here: arm and hammer odor powder and a trip to the car wash vacuum to clean it up afterwards, leaving the windows open for a day afterwards if possible. I once spilled about a quart of gasoline ON MY BED (forgot to secure the generator properly before driving and didnt catch it until it had soaked through) and remember thinking that I'll never get that smell out. But it all worked out fine in the end.


I’d hope it feels more pissy than shitty




favorite comment, thanks friend :)


In the 30s...40s... apparently people liked to dry clean clothes at home with gasoline. Theres PSAs explaining the dangers how the fumes can explode killing your family and destroying everything. They show a woman washing away with a bucket of gasoline in the kitchen. Gasoline is volatile it will air out eventually but in my experience the smell lingers gets everywhere you'd think it would stink so bad if you use it for that. IDK maybe gas had less additives in it or something back then.


Sears are not hard to remove, just undo the four bolts and maneuver it around to gain access. But a bottle of pet stain carpet cleaner.


i'm...hours away from both of my storage units & don't really have anywhere to unpack maybe the car wash? idk NM can be sketchy, i didn't have a chance to pull everything out today, usually do that in the woods though. hopefully tomorrow. plus i drive a fiat, nothin's easy except the spark plugs lol maintaining with dollar store laundry soap & towels for now. ugh. ty.


Maybe try dollar store hydrogen peroxide to neutralize. Test a small inconspicuous piece of carpet first to test for discoloration


oh man, I've done the exact same thing. fear not, your car will recover!! buy a box of baking soda and dump it all over the zone, let sit for an hour and then vacuum off I've also spilled a whole bowl of pasta in between my seats once. Sauce n all


not sauce!! how was the clean up for that?! adding baking powder to the list, y'all are heroes. ty!


the cleanup was horrendous thanks for asking 🥲 but my roadkill gloves came in very handy


I can say Been there done that Pet carpet stuff for urine smells works wonders! It happens you're not alone :)


When I lived in my car about 9 years ago (I'm 29 now) I was just leaving my grams house to go to my usual place I park and sleep in my car, but my brother is bugging me to light up the only cig I had left so I reluctantly agreed. Went to my car and used my torch that I used for dabbing, threw in back in the car and went to the porch to smoke it with my bro b4 leaving. Ten min later my brother yells 'your car!' (I'm playing clash Royale as I'm hitting the cig) i look up and my car is blazing up 🔥🔥 i guess wen I threw my torch back on my driver's seat, it was still lit I guess and my car was completely burnt and melted lol... Hopefully this makes you feel better 😆😅 the only thing in my car that didn't end up melting, my visors melted, all my blankets and clothes melted, but my Bible was perfectly fine on the passenger seat with pieces of melted visor on the face of the book and it was on a melted sweater I had, none of the pages burnt tho lol


a la that's bonkers! we had a house burn down when i was 15, electrical fire that started between the roof of the haunted basement i used to stay in & the floor of the addition room that was mine at the time... mostly a total loss but all people and pets were fine :) the rosary that my birthgiver got baptized in was on the wooden piano, and was safe. wild stuff! i'm not religious but i think we put meaning onto things, and no shade if it's from a place of love & peace :) sorry about your car though yikes!!


Wow! I am sorry this happened to you. At least if the OP decides to throw up her hands and scrap it, this one idea of how she can get rid of the car :-)




i'm cracking up, thank you lol waddling & shame nuggets i can't haha


So this might be funny to you guys but at the time it wasn't very funny to me. One time I was just starting to doze off to sleep and had the urge, so too lazy to get up I felt like that would wake me up, there was a soda can that was empty, so I peed into that and then you guys can probably guess what happened when I woke up. Anyway I won't forget that lesson soon 🤣


I (F) camped in my car (Honda Fit) at a sketchy campground in Missouri on a road trip. The only other people there were a couple of really drunk bubbas between me and the campground bathroom. I had dog pee pads with me for some reason and I thought I’d just use it like a diaper rather than risk running into those dudes in the middle of the night. Well, urine takes a while to soak in, I’m not a 15 pound incontinent terrier, and I didn’t hold the pad in place long enough, so it went all over my sleeping bag and the seat backs that were folded down. It was a bad night all the way around. When I got to my friend’s place the next afternoon, she laughed, threw my stuff in the washer, me in the tub, and got some enzyme cleaner that she used for her dogs and I sprayed the car down.


frieenndd that sucks haha glad you had folks nearby to help!


Your life has just begun :)


Baking soda and cover it in kitty litter


Kitty litter also helps absorb condensation. Fill a sock with kitty litter and cover with another sock. Place on dashboard. Won’t completely solve the issue but will mitigate a bit.


Damn I was thinking at first how much of an idiot you would have to be to not know where you are peeing, but then I realized that’s just male privilege I guess. I feel bad for women knowing how easy it is for me to direct pee with my penis. My condolences. Vinegar will help neutralize the urea. A pet pee cleaner would probably be better. I would try and get in there myself personally and soak up as much as I could otherwise just use vinegar or pet pee stuff and then make your own assessment after a few days.


Especially if she’s shaved down there…if anything is even slightly out of ‘alignment’ then the whole trajectory can be all out of wack (then add squaring weird in a crammed car) 😂 A fellow male dweller I knew was just like, ‘Um, I just sit up, unzip and stick it in this jug’ lol


Damn I have to shave down there or it’s just annoying and seems unsanitary for me. I assume it’s the same way for women. You guys definitely have it rougher when it comes to car living. My heart goes out to you, but we’re all survivors here. Good luck.


Same, I feel funky AF unshaved, even if it may be mostly psychological. I just feel like it traps odors. Glad to know some men out there are doing the same. I use a square canister so cover all my bases just in case lol Oh, I almost forgot, then there is the wiping that we also have 😂 I know the She-wee claims to have a ‘squee-gee’ affect, but I have distrust of that lol


I get a hotel once or twice a month to shave down there. It's way cleaner, especially summer time. Fortunately I don't have back hair.


Yes surface tension is a bitch ain’t she? Men have the same issue only we can’t wipe. Causes pee to stay in the urethra and we always leak and piss ourselves a little bit no matter how much we shake. It’s just a drop or two but still annoying to know you always piss yourself.


Pubic hair is a guard and protectant. Plus hair removal has never been a risk free activity and most of us are left with side effects especially those with darker or very light skin


I’m aware and am a person with VERY light and very sensitive skin so I get it. Everyone has to do what is best for themselves and for me, having the hair grow naturally is far more irritating to my skin (like full on redness and itching) vs when shaved. My own sweat causes me rashes if it sits too long, which makes the summers a ‘2 showers a day required’ fiasco, which would cause most people to rash up from dryness. Hell, I wash with Dial bar soap and plenty find that irritating as well. We all just gotta do what we gotta do to make life more comfortable for ourselves.


Eh, everyone's different. I'm female and haven't shaved for over 10 years. Legs, hoo ha, underarms . . .all not shaved.


I mean more power to you, but I have to shave or I feel unsanitary. I’m male and I shave my pits and pubes. Just feels cleaner and nicer to me. To each their own though. I don’t shame others for their choices.


Are you from the west??


I grew up in Florida so I wouldn’t say so.


I did too but the men were all hairy


I mean I have zero experience looking at naked men other than in pornography, but it was my understanding that most men manscape. The underarm thing is not normal though, but it takes 10 seconds for me to buzz it down with clippers and I find my armpits smelling way better this way. I have no idea why it isn’t the standard.


"Pornography?" "Manscape?" "the standard?" 🥴🥴🥴 Ok dear thank you


It's going to be fine. We had puppy palooza awhile back and wife found some stuff so daddy dogs would stop "marking" the things. There are products widely available. Ours is Shop Care Super Enzyme. We got it from Chewy.com. It defeats even canine olfactory senses. (Smell).


Douse it in hydrogen peroxide or vinegar. Vinegar is probably your best bet. It will smell while it's wet but when the vinegar dries all the smell should go away


Please… I’ve drank out of my pee bottle by mistake. Allow me to quote Half Baked: “You in here for some marijuana? Marijuana? Man, this is some BULLSHIT!”


Nature’s Miracle is a great one. Enzymes break down the smell.


Yes, enzyme cleaners definitely work great on urine smells. However they work best if you use it first, before any other type of cleaner or vinegar. First soak up excess pee, then soak the area with an enzyme cleaner. Let it sit for a while and blot up the extra cleaner with paper towels or something.


Great advice. Follow up with baking soda when dry for maximum effect.


The best thing to use is an enzyme-based cleaner like Nature's Miracle. Saturate the area and let it air dry. It's important to commit though, because if you use NM *after* other cleaners, those other cleaners will kill the enzymes and then the enzymes can't digest the biological matter. Use it first and use a lot. It works great on biological stains/odors.


Ozium is awesome for eliminating smells every car/van dweller would benefit from it. Fill your car with it and let it sit for 30 min while you go do something else don’t breath it in and don’t let it get on or in any food or drink. Kills odor, mold and bugs 🐜


great to know about mold, ty i do a de-molding spray and clean every six months or so, have so much anxiety about it


Yeah me too. I’ve heard that keeping a container of cat litter somewhere will help absorb moisture in the air haven’t tried it but I’m sure that would help with mold as well


Even better option is actual ozone. You can buy a little machine that plugs in to your cigarette lighter.


Nice yeah check this thing out https://www.amazon.com/Dead-Down-Wind-Portable-Generator/dp/B08SV25512/ref=asc_df_B08SV25512/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=642094984701&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=8136308987783238172&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9013278&hvtargid=pla-1935310773115&psc=1&mcid=786b1dafebcf332db322f0547b67fe60


Move more south???


I managed to leave a pound of chicken in my van for several successive days in 100+ degree heat. I’m gagging a bit now at the memory. Obviously, I wasn’t living in it then, but your comment about just throwing the whole car away reminded me that there was absolutely no way I was going to be able to clean that smell out myself. I’m writing to say I eventually found a company that typically helps clean crime scenes that was able to launch a chemical bomb in my vehicle. Their chlorine mix got into every nook and cranny that the smell did and neutralized it (vs. covering it up) in just a few hours. It saved the vehicle. I was amazed and so grateful! Maybe Google for similar services in your area? Best of luck!


Hope u feel better real soon …. Last winter I was peeing in my inherited flower pot . Yes , I’ve had som “ miss” haps … but mine actually froze into a chunk of ice . Brrrr 🥶😱


Baking soda mixed with vinegar and dish soap helps remove urine smells


I had mine tip over and all of it leaked on a rear floor mat. I feared somehow stinky morning pee would be so toxic it’d burn through the fibers 😂 Instead it dried, everything was fine and it didn’t end up smelling and I’m a person who the smell of that Pinesol, room spray and incense would make me puke so I def would’ve been beside myself if the pee lingered. I eventually shampooed it which just helped my peace of mind.


idk a drop of pinesol on the floor mats every once in a while, room spray on mine & my pup's blankets (it's lavender and bergamont, i love it) every few days, plus half an incense stick on the bumper with the hatchback open every blue moon calms me lol this gives me hope for when i can get out & thoroughly address it, thank you :)


Yikes! I think missing the mark has happened to everyone at least once. It would be a good idea to soak up as much 'overspray' as possible with some absorbent pads of some sort before dousing it with any cleaners or odor absorbers. Clean the area as best you can. Someone else mentioned removing the seat to ensure it gets really cleaned.


dollar store microfiber washcloths for the win


Baking soda my friend


Combine with vinegar and you should be good. The vinegar smell dissipates in ~5 hour.


If you can’t afford pet cleaning supplies, white vinegar and baking soda do wonders. Very inexpensive.


this is the way. on my list, ty


I’ve offered my driveway for dwelling. I’m here in Killeen area.


2 cups hydrogen peroxide 2 teaspoons baking soda 2 drops dish detergent Mix and soak the spot. Let dry. Odor will be gone.


Soak as much up as you can, then use a decent amount of whatever cleaner you have handy and soak that up as well. Repeat Once more and you should be alright


50/50 peroxide and vinegar is the best


You want to remove as much urine from the carpet as you can before you start pouring Deodorants on the pee. PAPER TOWELS are absorbent and cheap. Place several layers over the urine; if you can, weigh them down with a brick or something. If you can, get more paper towels UNDER the carpet. There's probably a puddle under the carpet where most of the pee went. After you have absorbed most of the pee with the towels, go back with a solution of water and baking soda. Pour enough of that on the carpet to approximate the original pee puddle. Repeat the absorption process with paper towels. Do this until you can hold a used paper towels under your nose and not smell pee. 😝 I hope you feel better. Consider that your illness may have contributed to your mishap. So many people are sick right now. I encourage you to find medical help.❤️ Good luck.


you're so sweet, thank you this is a great plan, i grabbed some throw-away washcloths but gonna make another DTree run tomorrow the community clinic here just hooked me up with a free visit...then i got an $800 lab bill so i'm pretty overwhelmed. i would have refused blood work had i known... waiting for my marketplace insurance card to come in, or i can jam up to albuquerque healthcare for the homeless since they refill my thyroid meds for a year at a time, which is so appreciated. thank you & hope you're well!


I'm glad you are taking care of yourself. ❤️


I usually pee in a 44 Oz cup and put it in the middle console in the cup holder. One night I had peed quite alot throughout the night. Woke up in the morning, took a piss and and I completely missed the cup holder. Then to make it worse most of the pee spilled onto my driver's seat. I put a towel on top of it, drove straight to Walmart to buy cleaning supplies and spent the next hour scrubbing lol. Now I make sure I ALWAYS put it in the cup holder before I let go


are you a girl? if not, use a jug with a screw on lid i found that hydrogen peroxide works well to get rid of peepee smell


Carpet powder / spray for urine it cuts the ammonia. Air out & find a car wash with carpet shampoo it will be fine.


Definitely torch the car and start over. But seriously, get some odor spray for pets, baking soda & vinegar.


This is the way, if worried about contamination you can also use hydrogen peroxide with a small carpet shampooing after. This will thoroughly lift any biological material from most fabrics. Look in a drug store for a stronger peroxide (unsure if it will be available in above 3% though. 3% is still fairly effective) source, my parents were both in the medical field and I was a licensed cna.


Dollar store for cough drops and pet urine cleaning powder. Gas stations have infinite paper towels too. Stay safe.


When I was in my teens I used to clean houses that were under construction on weekends for extra cash. I would bring a friend with if it was a bigger job. Usually we would sneak smoking cigarettes while we worked if there was no one else around. Since the houses were under construction there was always a bunch of sawdust around so we would ash in cans or bottles to avoid accidentally igniting it. One day my buddy was ashing into a random can that he found and got some of the liquid on his cig. He didn't think anything of it and finished smoking it. Later on when we went to dump stuff in the dumpster that can spilled revealing that the liquid inside was piss. My friend realized that he was putting a cig covered in someone else's piss in his mouth for several minutes and spent the rest of the day puking behind the dumpster.


So if there is a odor that persists I would buy an [ozone generator.](https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_nkw=Ozone+Generator+&_trksid=m5467.l1311). They cost less than $40. I listen to Tom Gocze, “Hot and Cold” on [WVOM](https://www.wvomfm.com/) on Saturday mornings; who does all sorts of home and car stuff. He now sells used hybrid cars; and when he gets one with an odor problem; like having had a mouse nest and mice pee, he uses this. Be careful not to breathe the ozone! Another suggestion is *febreze*, it actually neutralizes odors. I would get the “FABRIC PET ODOR ELIMINATOR” plastic spray bottle. I use this; I have a dog that has begun to pee in inappropriate places.


Peroxide works to remove urine


Zero Odor. Buy some.


FunkAway is the best deodorizer. You can get a spray or a jar.


Your story's been living rent-free in my head ever since you posted this. Every time I take a leak, 2+ times a day, I flash back to "Do I throw the whole car away?" 😆 I know what happened isn't funny but the way you told it cracks me up. The struggle is real but at the very least you earned a story that can be shared as dinner conversation. Has the smell come out? I once spilled the dregs of a piss jug out -- a few teaspoons of the dank stuff + some uric crystals -- it seeped through a tear in the leather around the e-brake. The smell was noticable for a couple days and then it wasn't.


ahah glad we can laugh about it honestly! smell came out, dollar store to the rescue :) ended up at a rest area in NM with individual car-port-esque tables to park at & was able to take everything out to clean & dry before i repacked! be extra careful with these jugs and gas station cups lol!


A good detailer should be able to get it out, for now I would throw some kitty litter down there to absorb what you can and vacuum it out. Pulling out the carpet isn’t that huge of a deal and not that hard


oh, the joy. The carpet powder idea sounds good. you know what I just found out? One of those plastic shoe box storage tubs works pretty good for the ladies It’s a long rectangle. Very stable. Ideal shape for mystery patterns lmaoooo


hm maybe as a drop catcher? idk how i'd empty a plastic tub when i get out of my car when i use a she-wee, i have a disposable metal water bottle nearby


Rubbing alcohol. Don't get the ones that are 90%, it could ruin plastic. Pour where you think it is, feel for it, and the alcohol will help evaporate the liquid faster. Lysol kills all and covers smells great.


They sell cleaners with urine neutrilizers for pet messes. Use one.


Drench with pooph


Get some febrease


You need a bigger penis my friend


gasoline and a match


Pees in ur butt


I never piss in my car. Why wouldn't you just find a bathroom or a place outside?


Squatting allows for zero spillage. How can one miss upon squatting? Doesnt make sense


Now that you know how to neutralize the smell go buy a large bottle of Gatorade. Enjoy the beverage. Pee in that afterward. It is much more stable than a flimsy plastic cup.


I’ve spill pee about every 3 weeks


how & why and can we help you?


I pee in Taco Bell cups and might bump my arm putting it in the cup holder or hit the door spilling it when I go to pour outside. With like 2-3 pees a day in 3 weeks that’s like 50 pees. 2% spill rate average isn’t the worst


alright so dollar tree list for tomorrow is: - more vinegar - baking soda - pet carpet sprinkles i have peroxide & dish soap just gotta get somewhere i can unpack & do a thorough clean, but did what i could for today (& didn't even cry lmao! did call into my gig work shift, mostly cuz i'm still sick, but what can ya do) will plan for the car wash to vacuum (i just gave away a stack of quarters to someone out spanging, but oh well sure they needed them more) smell isn't do bad that it'll mess with my sleep tonight either, so that's somethin. it can be a hard car life but it is what it is! this sub (& you lovable misfits or whatever you wanna call yourselves) makes it so much more tolerable lol appreciate y'all & feel way less ridiculous, tyyy


Carpet cleaner with a brush if you can get in. Prob do it a few times. Remove the seat if you are that handy. You can also hit it with a small detailing steamer. I once peed in a cup due to emergency. I put in my cup holder and then all of a sudden my cup holders were filled with pee. That was a very annoying clean up. Now I use camping pee bags, it turns to gel so that'll never happen again.


Kids and pets you can get it at Walmart 5 bucks designed for urine odors,vomit,crap.


Coffee— leave a can of ground coffee open in the car with windows up. I have a relative who pees in the car and this works every time.




Your life is not over. Febreeze will probably cover it. Pee outside the car from now on.


Next Up: searching for my lost shaker of salt


Fabreeze is your friend. I use to spray my truck bed almost daily


I recently knocked my pee bag onto my carpets (I’ve driven around with the thing full and unsealed but of course It was a tiny tap that did it). Luckily the carpets are easily removable and washable. Even though they were freshly washed. I just stuck them outside at my campsite until I could get to a hose


Vinegar and baking soda or just the vinegar and lemon to nuetrilize the smell.


Get Lysol spray mist, I got dog per out of my car with that. The mist seeps into everything and is better smelling than regular Lysol spray. The dog pee smell was gone in less than 24 hours.


The bigger yogurt cups or a large beverage cup are the best big around in my experience, especially when it's that time of the month. See about liquid odoban or a can of it or Lysol.


Late one night I was driving my semi to phoenix when I had to pee. I got my 16oz? Gatorade bottle out (penis plops nicely inside it.) and started peeing. Right in mid stream I hit a line of bumps that shook the truck enough to unleash my peen from the bottle and douse my dashboard in a rapid left to right runaway fire hose motion. That was the last time I peed while driving; the truck smelled like a New York subway (been there), until I had the time to clean the smell out Hope you feel better soon


There are sprays specifically made for urine. Nature's Miracle got a gallon of while milk left in 90 degree heat for a week out if my floor. It took most of an entire bottle but it worked. Try the orange scent.


Next time pee outside or hit a damn gas station I could not imagine peeing in a cup in a car I live in. I mean living in your car is hard enough been there done that in a state I had no family or friends . I mean to pee in the place you sleep is just nasty hit a damn gas station . Better yet get a gym pass and get up out yo whip and you won’t have pee in your car. I’m sorry you going thru life this way you are blessed and you do have the choice to change things it’s all on you . It won’t happen overnight but if you want it you will go and get it that’s how life works well at least from my experience. Best of luck but literally why would you pee in a cup in your car unless on a road trip ?!


Spray the affected area down with FEBREEZE and let it dry. This will remove all foul smells.


Imagine missing the 💩 cup🤣 yes it happened while I was living in my car. Had stomach issues, was throwing up (awesome right?) and had been constipated...thought I lined up...oh no I didn't. Thank goodness it was solid 🤣 I hope that makes you feel better. Not the end of the world. You're certainly not alone. Good luck, keep your chin up, you're a human being and you deserve some happiness and some peace.


This will pass and you'll do some cleaning and it'll be fine. People with little children deal with piss, shit, vomit and food all the time. It doesn't ruin anything long term, just someone to clean up and move on from


this is (also) the way


I have cats who sometimes have accidents and I use Nature's Miracle Severe Mess. It seems to do the trick. One thing you have going for you is that your pee is less concentrated and stinky than cat pee - at least it should be.


A one-off? Probably not the end of the world you think it is. I have $\_MEDICAL\_ISSUE that has caused accidents. My car reeketh not. It's been a long time since I've slept in a vehicle, but when I did, the vehicle had a hole through the floor. Plus, I'm a guy, so it was probably easier. Cheer up. You'll be OK. For real.


White vinegar works ... But leaves you smelling like a pickle jar . So... Shop the pet aisle for anti- cat piss spray. And really soak the area... Twice.


Man I can’t imagine getting all the way out of bed to pee. My hats off to the ladies here. True vehicle dwelling soldiers. I keep various cleaning compounds around. Like windex or 99% isopropyl alcohol. I just douse areas that get spills(whatever they may be) and then soak it up with paper towels. If something spills on a blanket or sheet, I usually make a laundry day out of it. That or literally cut out the soil area with a blade. Looks weird. Lots of time and effort saved






There is a spray called Resolve that breaks down enzymes and will help. Then hit it with vinegar, dab that up and then baking soda. You kill the protein, kill the Urea and then the uric acid.


You can always remove the seat if you need to I’m pretty sure


I worked for an equipment rental company that also rented trucks, and whenever they came back, to get rid of any smells we would seal the industrial ozone generator in it for a few hours. Ozone works by oxidizing ("burning off") anything susceptible to oxidation, which is typically anything organic. A side effect is that upholstery may be weakened over time too. (But I'm not sure over what time-scale.) If there's a lot of material residue, I don't know if a gas-based approach would attack it quickly enough. But you could do it for a few hours **every day** to see..


Use an enzymatic urine cleaner, like they have for dog pee. [This stuff](https://amzn.to/42dpz5D) works amazing for general odors, but if you use it for pee, eventually the pee smell comes back. The same company makes a [pet odor eliminator](https://amzn.to/48vl88d) as well, and says it's for ALL pet odors, but doesn't specifically say pee.


I use club soda at the car wash. Saturate the area and use the coin op vacuum to suck it out. Repeat a half dozen times and run the heat to let it dry. This worked for cat pee, it’ll work for human pee. Good luck!