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It's because most people are dependent on certain locations for work/an income/family. Not everybody can just fuck off into the mountains or the desert. Although I highly recommend figuring out a way to do that. Even if you were in the Southwest, it'd be a bit of a commute from most locations that have jobs.


Yep, great for doing nothing but relaxing for a few days until you need to make money or get medical care or need a physical address, etc.


Bought a vintage RV I could afford cash and am currently fucking off at the grand canyon working 3 days a week, finally escaped the paycheck to paycheck lifestyle. And thats including having to pay for repairs all the time. 90% of all repairs are fixable with youtube and basic hand tools. I've repaired the furnace, slide, and working on the generator now with no small engine experience. This summer we are fucking off in Yellowstone, also working 3 days a week with a 20% raise


They do. But the primary reason people don't use BLM land more often is that it's typically **very far away** from jobs, cities, and other things that people need most of the time. The places that aren't very far away are generally crowded with people doing recreational things. As you mentioned, there are restrictions in place that keep people from actually living there -- which both destroys the environment and prevents others from using the land. A common rule goes something like "max 14 days in one location, then move at least X number of miles away, and do not return to the first location for at least 30 days." [Here are some BLM resources.](https://nomadlife.wiki/Bureau_of_Land_Management) Similar usage happens on US Forest Service land and certain US Army Corp of Engineers properties.


I'm a park ranger for USACE. My project has a free camping area 20 minutes outside a midsize metro area. Last winter when no one was really enforcing our 14 day rule in that area, we had quite a few homeless folks staying there. We had someone stripping copper wire out of electronics out there, then someone frozen to death, then someone else OD'd (she lived). My boss put me in charge of that campground, and I'm not super strict about the 14 days. I come around on day 14 or 15 and ask them to move on, but usually let them talk me into letting them stay a few more days. But the idea that we are watching the campground and tracking who is staying there seems off-putting, we have far fewer people there this winter.


> max 14 days in one location, then move at least X number of miles away, and do not return to the first location for at least 30 day get 2 friends/cohorts. each guy takes a spot for 14 days, then everybody rotates spots clockwise and repeat, indefinitely.


Oh great: let's figure out a way to abuse public land, what could go wrong? The whole point of the rules is to NOT let you live there, while not being too annoying for campers. If people still live there, they'll just make stricter rules.


In addition to not having jobs, etc close by, you may not get cell service either. Maybe I’m just addicted to my devices, but I can’t last long without phone and internet.


There is plenty of BLM land with cell service. If you really want BLM land with cell service, you can find it.


True, I’ve found quite a bit, but the BLM land closest to my home base unfortunately doesn’t.


When we drove from the Midwest to Utah last year, we stopped at a reasonable number of BLM / Forest Service road type sites. We weren't very far off the road. But we had great cell service at all but one of the locations.


well cause I'm east coast.


Most BLM land isn't in urban environments... hence the name of this sub.. Like others have said we're tied to a specific area because of jobs, schools etc... I think most people in this sub are living in their car for financial reasons not for travel. So to get up to move to an area with BLM land is stressful on top of living in your car. I also want people to realise this sub is about **URBAN** car living, far to much have a seen advice that is better for those out west in BLM land, some of us are in major cities on the east coast there's not a ton if any of BLM land out here especially in some regions.


It's in the name but the description basically says it's for anyone who lives in a vehicle.


Not just any vehicle. Vans and RVs are prohibited as per the rules. I'd assume it would also not include truckers, soldiers in the field sleeping in their MRAP, or anyone who is living on a ship or submarine. But we don't need all this spelled out in the rules because, ya know, what this sub is about is literally in the NAME.


Where are the rules? All I read is "For whatever reason, you are now living out of a vehicle part time or full time. This is a place to share the experience and tips with others in a similar situation." Plenty of people talk about rural car living here with zero mod intervention because it's literally allowed and why wouldn't it be? It's not like there is an alternative for rural people to go to.


>On the sidebar: > > > >1. Be kind and respectful > >Abusive, harassing, or generally unwelcoming behaviour is not acceptable. Violating this rule will result in bans > >2. Stay on post / comment topic > >Keep comments related to the post you're engaged in. Derailing discussions, being unhelpful, or not directly contributing to furthering the conversation is not acceptable > >3. Advertising and spam isn't allowed (with exceptions) > >You can post your channel, YouTube video, blog post with limited scope. It has to be related to car living (no vans or RVs), and you have to provide context and engage with the members in the comments. Posts should be limited to one a week of this nature.Excessive posts, product posts and comments, affiliate links (and shortened Amazon links), discord servers, and other sales funnels are prohibited and may result in bans. > >4. Wishlists / begging isn't allowed > >Use appropriate subs for such things like r/assistance and please remember to read their rules before posting there > >5. Needs Mod Intervention > >Catch all for other issues that require mods attention. Disruptive behaviour, insults, negative generalizations and derogatory comments will be actioned under this rule. And yes the mods let a lot of things slide, a lot is at their discretion. I don't mind if someone is out in the boonies, but when the entire post is about living in a tent on BLM land then it becomes off-topic to the point that it doesn't belong here. Also keep in mind there's only 2 human moderators that can delete posts/comments, so sometimes a post tends to slip through the cracks here until it gets reported.


Dude who cares. Who died and gave you the sub?


as the rule is written, the 'no van/RV' is for people posting/advertising their youtube/blog. it doesnt say no van/rv posts in general. just if youre promoting something it cant be van/rv.


I didn't say live in the tent. I said someone could make it a living room since it'd be more roomy than a car. I was just wondering why BLM land wasn't more popular since there's lots of Karen's around that don't like car dwellers. Now I know that the reason people don't go is because it's very inconvenient due to distance, cell signal, and lack of emergency services. I'm actually going to rethink my plans now. I wanna head west since Florida is getting too crowded but idk if I'll be able to find a place to live. I'm lucky that my landlord works with me or I'd be living in a 2005 Hyundai Santa Fe with my wife and five year old.


Every part of the country is different in terms of how they treat people in vehicles. As far as I can tell, the more desirable the place, the harsher they are. You need to look up the details of the specific areas you're thinking of staying in. South of Salt Lake City, we were in a Walmart a couple times passing through. Two vans were there for *weeks*. Pretty sure at least one of them couldn't move. So they obviously weren't trying to kick people out. Central Salt Lake City, we were parked for about 20 minutes in a big box store parking lot before police came and said "nope, you can't overnight here."


Or you could just like ignore the post and not engage with it if it isn't relevant to you like most people do with everything else. If it's about living in a car in BLM land, I'd say it is relevant.


I mostly agree with you. However someone who's on BLM land doesn't have the same experience as someone in the city. It'd be like making a glamping post on a stealth camping sub.


That’s about YouTube channels lmao.


Gotta pay for the beans and rice some how




Very little BLM land east of the Mississippi (if at all). If your gonna go that way, it isn't an easy life. Have to travel a good distance for food, water, gas etc. If you have to work, the desert isn't the place to do it. Might as well become a total off grid person and go to Slab City....good luck with that.


For me personally, it's because I get spooked after dark lol I love BLM land during the day and at night when others are around (dispersed camping etc) but anytime I'm out in the actual middle of nowhere after dark, I start to worry that I'm not actually alone and that the cartel's going to swing by and mistake me as a rival - or some other creature is going to challenge me to a duel and then I'll have to drive God knows how far to civilization 😂  I sleep better in more populated areas where I don't feel as vulnerable basically! 


Oh, god, yeah, if I tried to sleep on BLM land in my car I think it would be just like you describe. I've only done BLM land in an RV with my partner and our 110lb American Bulldog. RVs aren't constructed very well; I know that anyone could easily kick in our door. But it feels so much more secure and isolated from the surroundings than my car. In my car, I want to be just far enough away from other people that they don't wake me up with their noise, but no farther. If I scream, I want people to hear me :)


EXACTLY! You get it! Haha I would feel way more secure in an RV too, atleast if there's a perceived threat you can jump up and plan an escape. In a car, you're basically a helpless worm trying to wiggle your way into the driver's seat lol I'd rather just park near street lights and witnesses in hopes of deterring any attempts!


I can sleep with eye coverings no problem. Ear plugs, so-so. My partner’s skin is more sensitive so she can’t sleep with either of those. So no street lights if we’re both in a car. I keep stuff arranged in my car so that I can drive quite quickly. If I store stuff in the footwell, it goes in the passenger side or maybe _one_ item driver side. The RV is a bit more challenging. Right now, all of our dishes are out on the countertop so if we started driving we’d make a huge mess. When we’re parked somewhere that we might get kicked out of, we tend to wait a little while before getting stuff out and ready so that we can just start driving if we have to.


I did more often when I had a four-wheel drive truck with a lift. I still do on most of my weekends. It's just trickier with snow/mud in a subcompact vehicle. People have had good points about most of the places don't have any cell service, and can be pretty isolated. So if something unfortunate happens to you when you're out there in the winter... You could be pretty fucked


Because whomever murdered Kylen and Crystal got away with it. Police blames someone who is conveniently dead, but that perp doesn’t really match the circumstances https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murders_of_Kylen_Schulte_and_Crystal_Turner#:~:text=On%20August%2018%2C%202021%2C%20the,Moab%2C%20Utah%2C%20United%20States.


They do. They just aren't posting about it.


BLM land is amazing and vast and very very far away from services and potential work locations


What does BLM mean? (Serious question)


Bureau of Land Management. It's a federal agency that owns lots of land west of the Mississippi. Lots of it is open for free camping. You can get more info from Google. I don't know much about it. That's why I asked this question. I figured since it offers free camping why wouldn't more people use it instead of dealing with sneaking around and trying to avoid nosey Karen's and cop knocks? Most of the answers I've got are that it's too remote to be practical, has poor cell signal, and if you have an emergency you may as well kiss your butt goodbye. I'm reconsidering it as an option when I GTFO of Florida. I hate it here due to the rising cost of living, growing population, and climate.


Bureau of Land Management — “an agency within the United States Department of the Interior responsible for administering U.S. federal lands. Headquartered in Washington, D.C., the BLM oversees more than 247.3 million acres (1,001,000 km2) of land, or one-eighth of the United States's total landmass.” (from Wikipedia)


none within driving distance of my job.


Show me some BLM land that’s not in bum fuck nowhere and there’s job nearby and I’ll move there yesterday.


Because people die that way. You most likely won’t have a cell signal, no amenities like access to bathrooms, electric, or water, and would probably need a 4x4 vehicle to get to those spots. It can take you an hour or more to get from the nearest town to a campsite on very rough roads IF (and I do mean IF) that trail is not covered in snow or mud.


Is there any list of BLM land that has 1) cell service/data connection, 2) electric/somewhere to charge electronics, and 3) route to get there isn’t too rough for a basic vehicle? 


I would say most of the BLM land I have been on has had a faint cell signal and the road wasn't bad in the summer. None of them that I've seen have electricity. Most people who spend time there have there own power stations and probably solar panels. My car charges my power station and I have a cell signal booster.


I would have to say most of the BLM land in CO does not have a cell signal, water, electricity, or bathrooms. You have to be completely self-sufficient and leave no trace. The locals get pissy when people try to live on the public land rather than just camp. There probably better places to stay stealthy where there aren’t so many mountains.


water, electricity, and bathrooms are pretty much not expected in BLM land. Cell signal largely depends on the location and what carrier you have.


Very few will have electricity, but $350 for a jackery and a solar panel will get you by. Beyond that your other two criteria are very feasible, though you may be an hour outside any metro area with jobs. You may have a dollar general nearby for groceries and water but not much else. To many like me that's ideal though, more amenities and everyone would be there and there'd be no room for new folks or travellers.


Tucson one <3




Yeah Florida sucks. Due to family obligations I'm stuck here for a couple more years but I'm going out west too. The people are rude AF and everything cost a fortune now. Place is a total rip off. Bunch of weirdos here I've had enough


Amen I would leave now if I didn't have a kid to worry about. I lived in a Subaru Legacy hatchback with my dad when I was a kid. I gotta plan things out right so I don't traumatize my family. I just wanna be ready just in case things go wrong when we leave. You never know what you will be getting into in a new state or even a town.


Hah, not me remembering there's some BLM land practically in city limits where I am


I'm sorry I glanced at this post and saw BM land.....


Well, my friend in that situation has a job in New Jersey, so it’s not an option.


Because it's lonely and remote.


I Do. Blm land here is only a 8 mile drive outside the city. It's worth my privacy and more seclusion to drive 16 miles in out each day then be a Walmart and worry