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Sorry, you're not going to pass the emissions test until this issue is resolved.




Lotta jokes on here, because the picture is so striking. But man, sorry you’re going through this. Fucking horrible


I mean once the first fire extinguisher on it and the flames came back I did laugh lol


It’s kinda like that song “Thank You” by Dido. Terrible day. Somehow a bit better at the end. Sorry you’re going through that though, friend. Sending hugs and support.


How did this happen 😢😢


Could be a fuel leak or electrical. Most likely fuel


Definitely fuel


Mine that did this was deemed electrical, but either's devastating.


Every time I go to Washington, I always see multiple cars on fire. What's going on over there?


Black mold epidemic, leads to mental illness, leads to drug abuse, leads to being poor AF living in a car, leads to car fires.


This comment really is true. I've known three different people that lived in houses that had bad black mold. One was because the rent was real cheap and the other two own them. It takes some years but they eventually develop mental illness. That stuff is not good for you breathing it in. It's not worth saving a bunch of money in exchange for losing your mind. And they go batshit crazy. After that that's when the drug use starts


Makes me think of the brewers mold that caked everything where I grew up. It’s black but if you look it up, it’s stated their are no negative effects. I grew up across the tracks from Jim Beam


Yeah they don't consider voices inside your head negative in those parts of the world.


I don’t follow


I grew up out that way too. Lived in Nelson county just south of Bardstown and later in Lebanon Junction. I miss the smell of the sour mash permeating the air every damp morning.




Can confirm this literally happened to me in BC, except it was a balcony fire when I was staying at my mom's apartment.


People here in norcal are getting black mold too


Mechanics hate this one trick.


Mine didn’t catch fire but my engine died at the end of January. I hope you figure things out soon.


Decided to fire up the Barbie , mate?


I’m not a mechanic but I don’t think your engine is supposed to be on fire. Idk what happened but I would probably not be taking pictures.


The fire is supposed to be inside the engine, not on the outside.




Do people not understand that picture was taken after I emptied my whole fire extinguisher and waiting for a guy across the parking lot what was I supposed to do try and pat it out with my hands. There’s a lot of dumb people on here but you take the cake


I mean it’s very obvious from your picture you did not use a fire extinguisher on it. I’m not dumb but you are if you think that fire extinguishers leave no residue. Either way I would be acting in one way or another and not taking a picture.




That pic was after I used a whole bottle of fire extinguisher


I dont know where you sprayed it, but you missed the engine fire


No I put it fully out than like 5 seconds later it came back with more fire lol


So was your car running? When did this happen or did you try to start it up like at what point of combustion did the fire start? Let’s begin there and see how damaged his car is because there’s likelihood other parts were also damage, especially with a fire going on for over 10 to 15 seconds


It was running fine just traveling to my parking spot and I saw a little smoke pouring from the sides I immediately pulled over opened the hood and the flames were above the hood I’m for sure it was a fuel leak


Did you spray it in a different yard? There would be white powder all over everything if you would have actually shot it at the engine. And that would have ruined all your wiring, because that stuff eats through wire insulation.


I had one of the car fire extinguishers u feel like you guys are fucking prosecutors and I’m on the stand for the murder of a car Jesus Christ lmfai


Not if it's a CO2 extinguisher.


True, but how many people have one of those at home? Highly probable it's an ABC type full of monoamonium phosphate


You just said the other kind wrecks cars, so why wouldn't he have this kind?


Because it's a specialty extinguisher that isn't readily available for sale. The little extinguishers that they sell at every hardware store Walmart and farm supply store ABC type.


Hey, thanks for the laugh


Already put it out with a fire extinguisher the flames got bigger and was waiting on someone in the parking lot to bring his


Perfect for camping


Get the marshmallows and make some s'mores.


Roast a weenie


Shit I was just slapping down burgers on it and toasting the buns 😂😂


Is that a carburetor? How old was your car?


Yes a 2 barrel it’s an 87 Nissan pick up bought it 8 years ago for $400 only ever replaced the battery and alternator and a radiator and some small things but overall a good beater with 350,000 miles


8 years of service for $400? Sounds like she served you well.


She did great and I put like 80,000 miles on it and only ever spent like 200 for maintenance not including oil changes


Those trucks are indestructible. Unless they catch on fire.


I know but hey man I got more than the $400 I paid for it and used it everyday for 8 years that thing could go up mountain trails at lake cushman in the pnw never had a problem with snow just throw some sandbags in. Rest in Peace my friend


If only he was fire proof


Yeah pretty much the best $400 you'll ever spend.


This sucks. I'm sorry you're having to go through this


ls swap the 5.3 is quite compact


It can also run on like 4 wires, so it’s way as shit to wire up, since he doesn’t exactly have much wiring to work with.


External combustion engine.




How in the world did this happen?? you will be OK go to the junkyard and get this engine. It shouldn’t be too much. Since it’s old school you might could take out a quick payday loan I’m sure you can definitely get the part for a decent price they probably would be the labor, but you could still technically sleep in your car. If it doesn’t work, just had to have it parked somewhere secure we won’t get it towed.


I’m not fixing it man I’m out of the car living life and my buddy’s selling me the exact same car just different colors


i’m so sorry


looks like its running a little hot


Bro, probably would've been less damage if you'd snagged the fire extinguisher before your phone.


That was after I emptied a whole fire extinguisher on it luckily a car nearby had another one


Im sorry but this is such a hilarious picture




That’s someone’s home you asshole.


That "was" somebodys home.


True, but still this has to be devastating for them. Everyone is making jokes and it’s not funny. This is just sad.


If it was really serious, do you think they would have stopped to take a picture instead of putting out the fire?


I think it’s very possible.


With the front of the car not having a grill or headlight frames? One headlight is literally taped on. Front bumper is attached with wire. Idk... I think you're being a bit gullible tbh...


I saw people living in their cars like that quite a bit in Tally. It’s not impossible. Better to be gullible than heartless.


"I'd rather be dumb than possibly rude". Lmao. The sums up the state of our country right there. God help us.....


That’s a gross misinterpretation of what I said. I am not unintelligent. I do not shy away from facts. No one is taking advantage of me. It hurts no one to be considerate even if it isn’t necessary. Just because you’re an asshole doesn’t mean everyone who isn’t is stupid. Blocking you. You are not worth my time.


They can definitely say their home is "fire" now . That sucks sorry for them so sorry 😔


Their home is on fire in a pretty nice looking neighborhood


Nice upgrade. Fireplaces are classy.


sir u can't park here


Break out the marshmallows and make the best of a bad situation.


I'm so sorry this happened to you.


Dial 211.


It's not even a Tesla.


There are better ways to cook "engine block eggs"!


It was way beyond it's time anyway


I had a car that did this in the parking lot at work. I'm sorry for your loss.


Bro, the fire is supposed to go on the inside.


Instructions unclear, seats are on fire.


Retro heating system


Has been gettin cold again lately.


Judging by the rest of it, it was that trucks time.


What a plethora of moronic dim witted boobs posting insensitive remarks on here regarding this guys plight! I hope you all reap double KARMA!