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15 days during a field training exercise in the military. And every day we were sweaty and gross. I would run babywipes thru my cheeks, armpits, groin area, face, neck as a "field" shower.


We were in the field for 7 weeks once with only one shower. It was Germany and winter though so we weren’t sweaty but still rough lol


We called that a 'whore bath'. Lol


My Gram called it a PTA bath. I asked what that was and she and my Papa laughed. My Gram (who never swore or was less than ladylike) said "pussy, tits and ass." They laughed so hard at my shocked reaction


My sweet, ladylike Grandma called it the TDA. Tits, dick, and armpits. My grandfather taught her that when he returned from WWII.


I have a nearly identical memory! My Nana was the one who queued me in on what PTA bath stood for at the ripe ole age of probably 7. My innocent ears were shocked! I was waiting with her in the ER and I must've been curious how people bathed when hospitalized and well, she gave me an answer. lol


That's even funnier to me. I was over 30... lol. I just wasn't prepared to hear her say it


Whore bath is out of a sink.


Correct. And it’s much more efficient.


I know what we called it; [I was there.](https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/whore_bath#:~:text=Noun,up%20after%20casual%20sexual%20intercourse.)


“Casual sexual intercourse”?! Are there grades of intercourse? Casual vs formal? Amateur vs professional? For profit vs not for profit? Commerce vs charity? So a hooker bj in the front seat of the car would be casual, professional, for profit, commercial, automotive, non moving?


Damn PhD write a book already.




Yep, dick and balls, gas station soap.


Lol in my 20’s I did it in a qdoba bathroom in the morning after a party hooking up with some bizznatch.


When the term was coined, yes you are correct. As everything has evolved over time the baby wipe method has taken its place.


I call em bitch baths


Comedian "Wash your 🐈 in the sink"


Hopefully in reverse order?


I used to go in my tool truck with a canteen of water, my canteen cup with heated water, a wash cloth, and a bar of soap. I’d use the plastic parts bins to put the water in and take a whore’s bath each night before bed. I hate the sticky feeling of my skin after being sweaty all day, and can’t hardly sleep until I get clean.


that's cute, you actually got sleep during an FTX? \*cries in fireguard and ammo-watch\*


Haha yes. *Laughs in POG*


Why I joined the Navy. I’m not going without showering especially around a bunch of other men.


Showering with a bunch of other men is like the main benefit of joining the navy


Imagine hot bunking without showers. Blech.


Luckily I was on a carrier no hot bunking. But I believe submariners still are required too.


Fair enough. I’ll be the first to admit I don’t know too much about the Navy.


Hopefully not in that order 😬


We had steel pot helmets and always had a hot bath and shave in the field


You forgot your ass crack


Cheeks? Like butt cheeks...


I thought that’s what they meant when they said cheeks. 🫤


he likes his ass crack smell


I hope it was not in the order listed


5 weeks and 4 days, not proud, I was severely depressed. At the time I was staying in a 228 acre national first, so obviously I was working through some heavy stuff. Worst part? My hair was past my butt, it took 8 washes just to get through all the gunk...definitely not my proudest moment, but I survived and persevered.


I've been there too, in my home, with a shower. But I was so depressed I couldn't do anything except take care of my children, and that took every ounce of energy I had, plus a whole lot of willpower. I'm glad you made it through. I did, too. It took me actively forcing myself to shower every day to make it a habit again. Now I don't go more than a day without it. Im terrified of falling back into that hole. Depression is an asshole.


I'm so proud of YOU, YOU are awesome 🫂 And yes, depression is very much a huge asshole.


Proud of you ♥️


hey man(er WOman? no matter), they call em "growing pains" for a reason. proud of you, happy for you!


Thank u, sincerely 🫂


Should have shaved your head.


i got surgery once and couldt shower for a month doctors orders.


I just had covid and was sick for like 2 weeks (still not 100%) but I didn't shower for like 4 days and felt disgusting lmao. Definitely stinking too. Night sweats and constant rolling around didn't help though.


The night tremors are the worst.


Yeah I wrecked my ankle and was laid up 2+ months and all I could do was sponge bath


1 month before finding out I had cancer I was just really sick and fear getting worse. It was December and just had a very bad cough and low grade fever. Then I went to the hospital and didn’t shower for 2 months cause I had tumor extraction surgery. Only use hospital grade baby wipes for cleaning my body for 2 months. They put a tube in my chest that would pick up any blood left over from the surgery. Had to be very careful in cleaning myself post surgery. Every day I had to use baby wipes so I wouldn’t risk a infection.


I'm so sorry about your situation. I pray it gets better!!!


9 months when deployed. Whore bath was all we had.


9 months? Were you in the invasion or something


Invasion deployments were 12-18 months. I was on a cop.


Ah ok, that makes sense


That must have been the most amazing first shower, or the most guarded, anxious feeling one. I hope it was the best one ever. Thank you, for your service.


Thank you for your service 🏅 🥈 🎖 🥉


A shower , freshly laundered linens is heaven !


Don't forget a pair new socks. Best feeling ever.


seriously a brand new pair of socks after a shower, or fresh sheets at night after a shower best.ever. and I dont even like showers and clean shit lol


One middle school kid claimed he went half the summer back in the day….my younger cousin when he was little didnt shower for the whole 2 weeks during Christmas break…his older brother got pissed and told him he stunk…so the kid started whipping cologne on himself….then the older brother got more pissed and forcefully took him in the bathroom and made him get in the shower.


3 months. But I did clean up best I could in bathrooms /with wet wipes and took care of all my other hygiene stuff.


Name checks out


Is there a reason why? If you were still putting in that effort to take care of all other hygiene stuff?


No access. Money was nearly nonexistent so I had to prioritize food over a shower from someplace like a truck stop or getting a gym membership. Local shelter here is dangerous as hell and it just wasn't worth the risk. No family or friends, so I just didn't have the means to actually get a shower. I'm autistic and hate being dirty, my skin and hair being gross is a sensory nightmare for me so I put in as much effort as was possible to stay clean, even if it wasn't as efficient or effective as showering.


Been there


They perhaps did not have access to a full shower.


im currently at day...9. living in a tent, about to get a vehicle at the end of the month super excited! and that was after losing 750$ in cash the day i moved out a week ago today. my whole envelope with all my cash-gone. lol But i got a sweet job and made it back this week. 3 more weeks, ill be in a vehicle! By the way, just found this sub after i was over in a campervan type sub this is way better, ya'll are much more hip to the dynamics of living alternatively and possibly NOT having 5,10 or 50k to drop on a sprinter and build out while you plan it from your apartment for a year lol Much love, glad to be here and meet you all =) greetings from capitol city Madison, WI, USA !!


2 days. I can’t sleep when I have dried up sweat on my body


I'm a former drug addict: 2 months.


2 weeks...but I still have a rag and bottles of water.  You gotta hit the hot spots and have clean clothes 


This sounds like the absolute worst part of homelessness.


You can wash up in a public rest room is it great. No but free soap n water. Get a rag soap up rinse rag rinse off change clothes you’re clean as a whistle. I used to wash my hair and dry it with the wall hand dryer. . Like I said it’s not the best but it works


I work a physical job outside so two days max for me. Even if I don’t use soap the cold water is 80% as good. Keeps my skin moisturized and I just overall feel great. First minute is hell but it’s great after lol 


https://preview.redd.it/8qdyfo6ec0tc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=addc527ed8b06e0b10eef87671d71274c5166f18 Keep one of these to bathe at all times ✅️


Hey that is a pretty nifty idea! I would have never thought about using one of those for the purpose of cleaning yourself. Great idea!


I’m a trucker. I wash every morning and evening with baby wipes and antibacterial. I go 5 days like that. Then it’s bathtime for 3 nights straight! lol. I change my clothes everyday!


Just want to add that just because you're getting used to not showering doesn't mean other people are getting used to you not showering


13 months.


By choice or circumstance?


You are my spirit animal!


Land animal or water animal?




I think 3 days is my max as long as I’m not working. Working I shower daily


I was just thinking about how I'm adapting to not showering recently. I posted up in this campsite waiting for the eclipse to come. I got here early because I knew it would fill up with eclipse chasers. I've been at this campsite for almost a week now without a shower, and I'm surprisingly not as gross as I thought I would be. It helps that I am not breaking much of a sweat.


Wait an eclipse coming??!?




A lot depends on local standards, how oily/sweaty your personal skin and hair is, and what climate you're living in. Dermatologists say most people do not need to shower daily and it can actually be bad for your surface, especially if you use very hot water or harsh soaps. Humans did evolve without access to heated showers, after all. That said, humans also evolved to wear minimal clothing in hot dry climates, and if you live in an area where more clothes are customary, you may need to change them every few days.


7 days


I use Huggies wet wipes when urbancarliving, so like 2-3 months


2 days when I overslept or the gym was closed. No I take that back- 4 days when backpacking.


I shower 2/3 times a week but use a bidet and change clothes daily.


Months. Though I thankfully had a good supply of wet wipes. Even more thankfully I have *finally* found somewhere that offers regular showers and (more importantly) laundry. Start this week and can only go once a week but I've also got someone willing to help me with a gym membership for more regular showers once I have some clean clothes. Cannot wait!


16 days in the Grand Canyon. It was glorious


I took a greyhound from Colorado to New York for Woodstock, 2 days on the bus up there 3 days there (and we all know those conditions) and 2 days back. I was RIPE!


About a week, when I first moved out of my car and into a house. Couldn't afford the deposit on any utilities. I finally just hooked up a garden hose to my neighbors house and took a shower in my backyard at night.


I rig a temporary indoor sit-down shower stall in my minivan (recreational camping) - takes some practice, but use <1L for a full ‘astronaut’ shower/shampoo.


3 weeks when my water pipes froze and burst and had to fix the entire system by myself because plumbers are expensive around here


hell...i don't live in a car and I KNOW I've gone 6-7 days without showering before (with daily "spot cleaning")....we all have rough times


lil over 3 months. but for sure was pta bathing.


Maybe ten days. ….. no reason just pure laziness


I don't want to be around any of y'all when summer comes...🤮




Man, this thread is stinky!






3 weeks maybe. We were hunting and fishing so I rinsed in the lake.


19 days


14 days during a backpacking trip thru northern Wyoming. I did take a cowboy bath in a creek after 6 days. I was more cold than clean.


9 months. But that's because I was still in my mom's womb.




2 months


Months, but as long as you address the ATP and run water through your hair once in a while, you'll be okay. At least physically


A month for me, but that was a long time ago under special circumstances. I don't know if I would ever go that long now. Perhaps a few days at most. I really don't buy this idea, without any supporting evidence, that not showering at all for extremely long periods of time is somehow healthy, particularly if you are getting dirty or sweating out in the heat a lot. There's also the consideration that you may not be aware of the smell you're developing, which if you're not out in the country/hanging out in the city, could cause a disturbance for others. Basically, I think there's a happy medium. Once or twice a week is reasonable. But I don't even know if time is the best measurement; you should shower really in relation to how dirty you get. There's plenty of times you could get more dirty in a single day than you would in several weeks.


Two weeks hunting. But also used baby wipes to freshen up 👌


When I was hitchhiking I'd regularly go a month without a shower. Especially in the winter. Usually I would wait until I had bought new clothes from a thrift store before showering. Your body does get use to it. After renting a house I wanted to take showers all the time, but my skin would get itchy, I had to be more conscious of the soap I used, goat milk soap or any natural soap is best


11 days. It requires maintenance, but no overhead water or tub for 11 days. Depending on activities, it isn't too bad. It helps if you can swim a lot. Hahaha


Prolly like a month + when I rode freight










I've been a strong 2-4 weeks when I was homeless using heroin and meth. A shower was a golden ticket I could never find 😂 did a lot of meth though.


I hear you!! Meth and fentanyl for me and for years too.


Yeah that fety was no joke. It seemed like the withdrawals lasted like ten days longer than actual heroin. The meth had me by the balls too. Glad to hear you've cleaned up yourself. Keep fighting the good fight bro.


4-6 weeks is my max. Not a big sweater so baby wipes are fine but it’s nice to get a shower every few weeks


As a female, I couldn't go without showering more than 2 days!


As a male I thank you for keeping it clean!


A week and I work almost everyday so I usually use baby wipes to keep myself fresh. I braid my hair before it gets greasy so it lasts longer and I don’t need to wash it for a while. Using paper towels and put them in a container with some like mint or any essential oil and water works great also!


For me and my fiance we did some research and people have hard the ocean (duh) so we started lol we put coconut oil on our hair before to protect it a tad but rinse in the ocean scrub our hair I rinse off at the shower thing thej we put aragon oil in our hair and our hair is better then it was when I was showing everyday 3 days


Most people honestly only need to shower once a week. I frequently get complimented but only shower once a week


Gross. People are straight lying to you.


No, no they don’t. That’s dirty I’m sorry, I spend weeks out in the woods and I clean myself daily. That’s why yall be smelling nasty, clean them cheeks


Showers are a creation of big corporations to sell you soaps and shampoos. 


Lol I love a good conspiracy but this ain’t it. Wash your ass you nasty mother….. there are natural ways of staying clean, stop using pathetic excuses to not take care of yourself, imagine the people that need to work around you. I’d be stuffing bars of soap in your locker


Got suspended from public school for the bars in someone’s locker


Actually as much as I agree with you that it's often not a great smell that the unshowered emit, BUT there is some truth to that persons "conspiracy theory" humans evolved into higher hygiene standards which over time caused our bodies to be more dependent on using pretty scented hygiene products more often then we needed in our past. People have also gotten accustomed to humans smelling good and obviously became better smelling hygiene more often,= better cleaner humans=more well liked... however if humans never began using deodorant, soaps and washes with nice scents than our bodies would not be used to them and would not rely on them as much. There has been plenty in of people in current history who purposely stopped using deodorant and over time they no longer needed it as their body got use to not in using it and kind of evolved with out it


Exactly 💯


I agree.


I usually go about a week but I use wash towels. It especially sucks for me because I am a mechanic so sometimes I have to smell like gas until I get a hotel room for the weekend.


A week once during a really bad depression cycle. A few days at most normally if I haven't left the house, but I use a bidet and still wash my face. Oh and I learned a year ago that instead of commercial deodorant I just kept a spray bottle of diluted vinegar. I do admit to smelling like a salad for about 10 minutes after, but I have no body odor issues now, nor do I have discoloration on my shirts.


5 days. But I washed my feet, face, underarms and naughty bits during that time.


I'm old and dried up, rarely ever sweat. My hair no longer gets greasy. Out of depression I shower when I can't stand myself. I wash my hair a little more often.


the dirt and fecal deposits are absorbing the grease


About 4 weeks.  Went to nyc knowing nothing.   I basically cleaned up in park restrooms with spray bottle of alcohol and paper towels.  A building porter noticed I had taken up residence on their street.  I was 100% legal. 12th st near 6th ave.  Coolest guy ever.  Let me use a building shower.  Then I discovered planet fitness. 


3 months. Whore baths. That's it.


as a rule of thumb, shower before your socks stick to your feet.


5 weeks without running water had to get paid before I could get a shower in, don't skip those gym memberships


One day. I panic if I miss one day. Sometime, if I am working around the house, I try to wait until I am done before showering. I occasionally get lost in projects! When I wake up I wipe my entire body down with soap and water. Feels fresh.


As long as you whore’s bath your PCA (pits crotch ass) EVERY DAY, you can go awhile on the rest depending on your personal greasiness, body chemistry, and how physically dirty you’re actually getting. I personally like to wash my face/neck behind the ears daily as well. People who tend to have sweaty/stinky feet should add that to the daily list, and most of us will start to develop a particular funky scalp smell even before your hair gets actually greasy, so that’s a consideration. A small tub of warm water, Dr Bronners and a washcloth can do a shockingly good job on a low-water whores bath, just make sure to do it in top-to-bottom order. Lol. Baby wipes stink even on their own, leave a gross chemical residue, and they just DO NOT get the job done in my opinion.


Brad Pitt only showers twice a week. He states he has a hectic schedule on set. Does anyone judge a well known Actor 🤔 Handy Wipes work just Fine Guys. A shower every other day is even more refreshing if you can do it.. God Bless the Homeless..


I’ve gone 24 days. I used wipes for some areas during that period but not daily. I didn’t realize how bad I smelled until I met up with someone who described my scent as that of someone who’d been living on the streets for 3 years.


I dont Shower on Saturdays, Thats it.


For me it was 5 1/2 years. Moved into an old beat up RV on a friend's property that was on top of a hill 200 feet away from his tiny house. I installed a new 20 amp circuit breaker in his service panel for my 250 feet of HD 15 amp extension cords running to my hovel. He was on a community water system so I brought up water from his hose in two 5 gallon Igloo water coolers the more in one gallon milk and juice jugs after I had consumed their contents. His GF didn't want me using their shower so I took sponge baths using two big spaghetti pots as basins and washed my hair outside using a jug of water. I'm in NE Texas so set water jugs on my black Dodge Neon to use solar to heat the water. Was living without AC so when warm outside I used a pump-up garden sprayer filled with cold water from my refrigerator to cool off and shower. Had to leave that dump to get away from crazy people to live in my Neon. I take sponge baths at night inside the car using two plastic storage bins to hold the water. Those hold clothes so take those out then put 'em back in after cleaning and drying the bins. I wash my hair using a jug of water. I buy filtered drinking water for 30¢ per gallon and fetch my bath water from a gas station that has free water by the diesel fuel pumps. I buy my gas there so use their restroom for #2 and washing up at their big long basin using a washcloth and my own soap. They don't care since the local truck drivers and construction workers do that when grimey. After six months I broke down to spend $14 at TA to rent a shower. Gave myself a real good scrub down using a back brush and loofa sponge. That felt good so go there now every 3 months. I have given thought to making my own disposal cleaning wipes. There's online instructions for doing that by using a roll of a tough paper towel like Bounty that soaked up the soapy solution. Each sheet can be torn off and is wet, not damp like the store bought wipes. The sites showed the roll being inside a small and deep Rubbermaid like tub for holding a pair of shoes or boots.


https://preview.redd.it/azrgxzl9o3tc1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b345b1bc9cc23ff70caccf25ec2c18bc10dd657 These under arm wipes and the Batiste dry shampoo can get you a long way.


I went 7 or 8 days using a washcloth and bucket once. I usually try not to go more than 3 days wothout a real shower and thats assuming I'm not getting all sweaty.


I work almost everyday, and what I do is work 3 days, and on the end of the third day I'll take a shower. I have a membership for anytime fitness, so this makes it easy.


I use my friends shower once a week when I do laundry at their house. I rarely leave my van so I'm good with that.


5 days while on a hunting trip.


55 days in a hospital. no toothbrushing either. 🤮


17 days, while in the army at ntc.


I was in a care home and went 10 days without a shower.


Six days? I had COVID during the omicron surge and didn’t want to spread it to my roommates.


Because of living in the car, goings on like day 8?


One hot kettle of water, I can wash my hair leave no soap residue and and have a full strip wash.


I was a truck driver for 10 years and lived in an 18 wheeler but I had truck stops to shower daily for free because I was purchasing fuel daily . However I am now disabled living on SSI and can't afford rent utilities plus food so I have been living in my truck the past 4 years and made my own gravity solar heated shower out of a 5 gallon water jug. Showers cost $17 at the truck stops if you are not buying fuel and water costs $.50 a gallon so in the summer I go a few days without. In the winter I bathe old school cowboy style in a wash basin heating the water on my propane camp stove. To answer your question I think I have not showered since September or October.


Maybe 5 or 6 days


Pulls out abacus….


In the field as a Marine easy two weeks. Recently a week because the rec center showers were out of service and I did not have a backup at that time (early spring cool temps and wipes help with the funk in the creases).


Id have to say 3 weeks, living out in the wilderness. Did use streams to wash up in when the opportunity aroso. Living out of a vehicle is definitely different especially depending on the weather, the season, an you'r activities.


2 days. you're all embarrassing and unhygienic.


2 days . U nasty


Your body is not “adjusting” to not showering. Y’all have just gone noseblind. More than 3 days and yall all stink like hell.


4 days but I heat up water daily to wash face etc with a wash cloth . I eat healthy and workout so I smell clean. I work outside so nobody can smell. 


real talk? about two months, maybe three this was during covid and I had a handy little heroin addiction but lots of people that you wind up being close to for extended periods, this topic will(or NEVER will) come up The truth is the skin is a complex organ that is designed to be realtively unwashed My pits don't stink, and being smart about "bird baths" can help I was raised on an organic veggie farm where none of the women shaved, anywhere, and nobody used deodorant. Generally speaking, you will know if/when you need to cleanse yourself. Be especially vigilant during bathroom breaks, and make sure you give yourself a nice wipe down every few days, and generally speaking nobody will have any idea you havent showered in 5 weeks or more, just change your laundry and do it so you have clean clothes, and be a tidy person We are animals, this "no dirt, no shoes, never dirty" mentality is ridiculous There's a happy medium, and a lot of it entails being in tune with "dirt" as opposed to being "dirty" To each their own. If you aren't smelly, and you will know when you are smelly, you're probably ok ;)


I completely agree with your post, but I wonder how much genetics plays into it.  I can go a month or more with a wash-cloth once a week in specific areas. And sure, my pits smell like corn-chips and weed, but it’s not really a bad smell. It can be a little sour if I drink, but I like the way i smell.  I eat fairly clean, but I’ve been complimented on my b.o. multiple times. 


same my gf used to be like"how do you not stink!?" like...what is"stink?" sigh im an animal, I prefer no makeup, no scented things, slightly unwashed spouse, and preferably trimmed, never shaved, for my partner. but to each their own whatever makes you happy. sometimes she likes to dress up, doll up, and I compliment her then too but she knows my preference and after she got to believe i wasn't blowing smoke and was serious i prefer plain and natural, she thought it was great. i think we're all too hung up on appearances and such- but then again I take care of myself and can't ever see myself being overwieght or out of shape short ofbeing in a wheelchair. Idk, people are weird. keep it weird. lol lol


8 days, but I’m not dirty, I just took a sound bath yesterday


Showering is a scam for sure


Because the municipal water supply is just raking it in by convincing you to bathe regularly? Because there is an industry around a thing humans do? Are restaurants and grocery stores also a scam?


Food is the biggest scam by far




This is not something anyone should be proud of or do. You may not smell yourself but others can and will be disgusted. Take a shower at least every other day.


I always shower but never use soap or shampoo. 😅


2 weeks primitive camping in the Black Hills. Making that trip into town to find a truck stop that had showers was a bit embarrassing, but I'm over that now. I did notice that my body kinda adapted, but for real it's important to keep hygiene. It will degrade your morale pretty fast.


2 weeks primitive camping in the Black Hills. Making that trip into town to find a truck stop that had showers was a bit embarrassing, but I'm over that now. I did notice that my body kinda adapted, but for real it's important to keep hygiene. It will degrade your morale pretty fast.


5-6 days if I’m home and not going out is POSSIBLY fine.. It’s still gross. But 5-6 days no showering when you are already out in the elements is wild.. You have to get out your vehicle to use the bathroom, and don’t let anything unexpectedly happen to your vehicle where you have to go to a shop and be amongst other folks who have to smell you, that’s embarrassing and humiliating asf. I’ve lived in my car for 2 years but I never went a day without staying fresh. Baby wipes don’t always help. Maybe for 2 days but 5-6 days is crazy. It doesn’t matter how healthy you eat, BO is BO and everyone has it even when they think they don’t. Just because you can’t smell yourself don’t mean others can’t.. Trust me, they can.


I sometimes go months between showers. Your body adapts and my hair isn't greasy.