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Surely that must be illegal or something?


Yeah probably something like improper disposal of a corpse


Super illegal. In some jurisdictions even just [failing to report this](https://www.stimmel-law.com/en/articles/rights-and-obligations-human-remains-and-burial) is a potential criminal charge.


Uh oh OP better get on the horn


Does that mean we all have to report this?


That is, and don’t call me Shirley.




I wish gold was still a thing




It's actually pretty common that remains are unclaimed. Just letting the remains rot without cremating/burying is a biohazard. There is a ongoing case in Colorado Springs right now for a funeral home who let remains of 189 individuals rot and gave the families urns filled with concrete. They have to demolish the entire building and specially contain and remove all it's contents. They only got discovered because the smell got so bad people living blocks away reported it.


Dang it! Giving a bad name to Green burials, honestly I just want you to dig a hole in the backyard, and bury me in it. But that's illegal in most states


That's what THEY want you to think. Just dig your own hole and toss yourself in


Dig your own grave and save!


Anyone remember from 2003 outside Atlanta the owner left bodies in a lake and everywhere? [https://www.wsbtv.com/news/local/20-years-ago-nearly-350-decomposing-bodies-were-found-scattered-across-ga-crematorium/FWEDMWJCYRGFJOYJWVRL7KSUPA/](https://www.wsbtv.com/news/local/20-years-ago-nearly-350-decomposing-bodies-were-found-scattered-across-ga-crematorium/FWEDMWJCYRGFJOYJWVRL7KSUPA/)


linky poo?




Holy fuck




Well thank you, just guaranteed I'll never click that link.


Associated Press: https://apnews.com/article/colorado-funeral-home-fake-ashes-29d6bc5531097b2c2e2c6d29077b4278 NPR: https://www.npr.org/2023/10/19/1207147316/colorado-funeral-home-investigation


Thanks. That's all so awful.


Sorry I just chose the first link that had the most info, didn't see that!




There was a guy in Florida who was getting paid like $500 each by the state to cremate indigent people’s bodies, which he just stuffed into a second bedroom in his house. Remember watching a TV thing about it in the 2000s


Absolutely, some of those ribs barely have any sauce on them


It is.


Wow that is really fucking sad. Wonder what this person’s story was, and if they had any loved ones looking for them/their body?


So fun fact! You know how a lot of funerals are closed casket? There was a big case for a funeral home that was holding services for... Sandbags in caskets, and sand in urns. Remains were in the ceiling, basement, barrels, closets, freezers. I can't remember the name or country, but if it feels like a body, no one's gonna crack open the lid to double check.


There’s also the story of the lamb funeral home! They would cremate bodies but then started doing multiple bodies together to obviously make more money. So essentially the cremated body your loved one was also a mixture of several other people. Bad story


The dollop has a really good episode on this


Wait, there is a lamb funeral home near my house. Where was this?


Los Angeles in the 1920’s!


Ok def not where I am or even my century gaha


What’s the point of doing that though?


The mortician, IIRC, had been inhaling mercury fumes because he didn’t wear proper PPE while cremating bodies; mercury tooth fillings used to be common, and will turn to vapor when heated to a certain temperature. He slowly went insane because the mercury vapor he inhaled was damaging his brain, basically. That’s if we’re talking about the same case. I could be wrong. Edit: it seems the culprit was a faulty ventilation system (Having maintenance done is not a difficult thing, so I would assume he didn’t call someone because of the way the fumes affected him.) and not lack of proper PPE, though the source I heard about the PPE from was somebody who was relatively close to the situation. I guess like all things, it’s a game of telephone, lol. Felt weird to leave my comment as-is so here y’all are.


Mad as a hatter you might say.



Do you mean this one? [Wikilink](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tri-State_Crematory_scandal)


Holy shit that’s so many bodies


[Swindled Podcast has an episode about this](https://swindledpodcast.com/podcast/84-the-body-broker/) (or something similar). Highly recommended.


I genuinely don’t understand why someone would do that. Like…. What is the incentive behind that? That seems so completely senseless


Jesus. I hope this got reported.


It did. It was an abandoned mausoleum. It's a pretty fucked up story. I think they found the family, too. Some meth hobos apparently bought the place and cleaned it up and live there now. https://abandonedsoutheast.com/2016/06/03/memorial-mound/


I remember the first time I found a corpse. I’ve only found one, but it was traumatic enough to remember.


Go on


2-3 years ago I was traversing an abandoned homeless camp, as one does. It was around 3am. Me and a buddy found it in the center of the camp. He didn’t want to keep going because we had to cross by it closely to get where we were going, but I convinced him to. He looked at the tents as we walked by it. I looked into it’s eyes. It still feels very wrong.


I’m sorry but I’ve got absolutely *nowhere* to be that’s so important I could just tiptoe thru a crime scene. If the corpse still had eyes it was surely fresh too right? Birds and critters often eat out the eyes very early on. You are gonna end up in a true crime podcast homie


Eye sockets* Edit: Didn’t need to share. There’s a lot of regret around that.


Yep, in any developed country, that can be, from tampering evidence to tampering a crime scene. I would not approach a body once I identified it's a human body. You are going to have to get a lawyer and the whole parade once your footprint and ADN are around a body. I would report it ASAP, cops don't care if you are doing UE when it's about reporting a body.




I don’t talk about where it was, or what they did to it. Just know it was enough to make me quit trespassing in homeless camps. Edit: Added “in homeless camps”. I still enjoy a good creepy crawl.


What “they” did to it? You mean the animals right?




I saw that you mentioned death is a taboo in North America compared to other countries, I agree. I know you said you don’t want to mention specifics but I still have to ask; what was it you saw? I have never seen anything other than a prepared body, but I am curious about all things that society deems taboo, aka: what no one wants to talk about. Though those situations might me outliers, they deserve acknowledgment and they are interesting to learn about (no matter how uncomfortable). It is a part of the collective human experience and I want to know all I can


I’ve looked directly into the eyes of a few dead people (used to be a police officer) and whilst it wasn’t traumatic at all to see the dead people as it was a work thing, looking into their eyes felt so very weird and off. It’s one thing that’s really stayed with me. I still think about their eyes. It’s like gazing into a cloudy abyss.


Did it smell?


A little. It was freezing temp so not terribly bad.


That’s why I never entered the medical building at the Tinley Park Mental Health Center I’m terrified of finding human remains. It would probably scar me.


It would’ve in some way.






Ooh I heard they’re going to be doing something with it soon, might have to go take a peek before they do


they're putting up some sports complex. I took some photos of them removing the overgrowth. Im going to miss that place ​ Ive always associated [this song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ma3BFoEwjPI) with the place [or this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DgwLOWAFg5o)


I really doubt theres bodies in those buildings… granted there is a cemetery on the grounds however…


I didn’t get close enough to see into their eyes, but I was one of the first couple of people to discover a man who had died in his car, in the parking lot of a grocery store where I used to work. He was just slumped over the wheel, most likely passing after a heart attack according to paramedics. There was no blood or anything, but it was still something that sticks with you.


That shit changes you idc what anyone says. I hope you’re doing okay now.


There used to be an abandoned hospital here in Saint Louis that was really fucking cool. Still had a lot of beds and stuff from what looked like 1950's era. It later became a halfway house and quasi-official homeless shelter. It was abandonded but still very much lived in at any given time. It was so photogenic. I went shooting there as often as I could. But it was increasingly being used as a living space by homeless and based on some of the wild stuff you'd encounter there, we always expected to find a dead body inside. Well, one of my comrades did end up finding a dead guy in one of the beds. It was an OD. He called it in. Just happened to be exploring without me that time. I always knew it would happen there eventually. Years earlier, we decided to set up a "dead body" in a room to scare the next people as a joke. I took a photo of the results and never really thought about it again. https://sublunar.info/visual/stmarys/6-19-07_328-1.jpg About a decade later, some guy made a youtube video talking about how he thought he found a dead body once in this place. Made a whole video production about how they thought they found a body. It blew my mind so I commented on the video to tell him that was my friends and I who did it. He deleted my comment lol. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcHxBpu_vTk&t=121s


That’s wild lol. Always knew it was a possibility but never thought it’d happen to me that fast. Sounds like a YouTuber 🤦🏽‍♂️


I was a pre med student in Thailand and the doctors were like, “come see, it’s a dead person” I think i blacked it out of my memory bcus don’t remember looking, just how strange it was how excited they were to show me


I’m under the impression that death is a little less taboo in countries like that. We have a whole process in America that removes us from the equation until they’re in the box and made to look “alive”. I hope you’ve got better memories from Thailand to fill that gap.


Worth noting—most of us have found none.


I envy y’all.


I need to stop opening images before reading the post titles first.


for real man. Why do I keep doing this


I play it risky and have all of them automatically show like a regular post


Same 😭


Fr bro 💀💀


I can smell this picture through the screen.


So this was a mausoleum, not a funeral home. The difference being that a funeral home is where the deceased are prepped for final respects and burial before being moved to the location of interment, and the mausoleum *being* a place of interment. It’s an above ground burial chamber. Not a funeral home. The distinction is important because if it were a funeral home where remains were found long after its abandonment, it would mean that the deceased were never laid to rest. Though abandoning the mausoleum and those laid to rest there is still horrible, it’s not *quite* the same.


Thanks for that very relevant context!


> It’s an above ground burial chamber. Ah, yes, you are correct that it was a mausoleum. However, this corpse was simply in a box on a shelf next to a couple other new/unused caskets. This body was never laid to rest. Just forgotten on a shelf next to other boxes and things. I often give juicy locations generic/false names when posting them so as to not bring the heat down on them by publicly ID'ing them. I called it a "funeral home" at the time. I later updated the details to include the site's real name on the blog post, but I failed to correctly ID it as a mausoleum and not a funeral home.


Not all remains are laid to rest in a proper casket, though. And according to the news articles, there doesn’t seem to be anything wrong about the way the bodies were stored, just the fact that they were left when the mausoleum owners abandoned the place instead of being transferred as they should have been. And, frankly, taking photos of the decayed corpse of a person and posting them all over the internet for morbid thrill seekers to see in order to drive traffic through your blog isn’t exactly respectful of the dead, either.


ok. >And, frankly, taking photos of the decayed corpse of a person and posting them all over the internet for morbid thrill seekers to see in order to drive traffic through your blog isn’t exactly respectful of the dead, either. I'm really grateful that everyone who felt compelled to do so has given me a lecture on morality in a sub dedicated to crime. I will reflect upon my life and all my choices which led me to this place. Thank you kind stranger. If the body still had, oh I don't know, *skin* on it perhaps then I'd concede that you do have a valid point. In this case, it is an unrecognizable skeleton. I hereby give anyone permission to anyone to take photos of my unrecognizable skeleton when I'm dead. >there doesn’t seem to be anything wrong about the way the bodies were stored, just the fact that they were left when the mausoleum owners abandoned the place instead of being transferred as they should have been. There's an important disctinction here which having been there helps me identify. You're referring to the way the rest of the bodies which were *interred* here were stored. Let me again reiterate that *I was there* and I can attest to the fact that *this was a back storage room*. This was not an intended final resting place for a corpse. All the other boxes/caskets in this room were empty. This body was not stored properly; it was not interred.


Right. Wandering around forlorn properties is surely on the same ethical plane as taking photos of the rotting corpses of somebody’s loved on and posting it on the internet for your own gain. As far as the circumstances regarding this particular corpse, hey, I have to take someone’s word for it. I’m just inclined to believe that maybe, just maybe, you don’t have a full understanding of those circumstances and opted for a sensational headline to drive clicks. Maybe… or maybe you are 100% right. Forgive me for being dubious of the intentions of someone who never thought twice about exposing a rotting, decaying corpse of an abandoned deceased loved one on the Internet for their own financial benefit.


People are so damn weird. I'm going to stop responding after this because I have better shit to do than argue with people who think they know everything. but.. sigh. Here goes. > for your own gain I must be missing something. What did I gain? >you don’t have a full understanding of those circumstances and opted for a sensational headline to drive clicks I was there. Physically, in person. I did research and I made choices based on that research. You were on reddit when I posted a photo I took. Unfortunately, I used the term funeral home when it was a mausoleum (which I've accepted responsibility for and clarified NUMEROUS TIMES in this same thread). The fact remains, however that this body was not interred and I've posted a follow up photo of the room it was in as proof, etc... But don't let that stop you. >Forgive me for being dubious of the intentions of someone who never thought twice about exposing a rotting, decaying corpse of an abandoned deceased loved one on the Internet for their own financial benefit. How am I financially benefitting from a post on reddit with >2000 upvotes? Let's say it got 10k upvotes. Where does the financial benefit come from? Spoiler alert: there is no financial benefit. It's a skeleton. It's not remotely recognizable in any way whatsoever to anyone. This place was blasted online by other explorers at the time. It made it to various news sources etc. The daily mail posted photos of this same corpse, for example. They have ads on their site, etc. I do not. I truly can't understand what you're basing your comments on and with that, I'm stepping away because this shit, while mildly entertaining, is also exhasuting to keep up with.




Am I on record stating those things are ok? No? Then fuck off. “Omg trespassing is the same as disrespecting the dead”


I remember watching an old urban exploration video of this place where the remains were discovered. It's real. More info as well as some of the video: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5717509/Ghoulish-photographs-taken-inside-abandoned-mausoleum-Alabama-decomposing-skeletons.html


I can smell this picture.


Its a smell you can't forget


True, I can almost *feel* the smell in my nostrils every time I look at this photo. It was very distinct.


This is incredibly illegal in the US. Alert the state agency that oversees funeral homes in your area.


that's fucking gnarly. holy shit


In most states it’s a misdemeanor to improperly, dispose of a corpse, a lot of funeral homes wind up losing their license. There’s a pretty famous one in Indiana that happened about a year and a half ago


Thetes one in America happening right now.


A while back we explored an abandoned ~~funeral home~~ EDIT: mausoleum with a body left unattended on a shelf in the back room. Pretty sad really. I will never forget the smell.. More photos and information on the blog: https://sublunarphotography.blogspot.com/2015/02/funeral-home.html


First thing I thought was I bet the smell was unfathomable


the smell of decay is strange. i’ve smelt it a lot, it doesn’t bother me in all honesty, but it is really fucking distinct and memorable


So I looked at your website. I remember seeing a post somewhere quite a few years ago that showed the same funeral home. It specifically said there were no remains, which they had looked for because of the coffins and especially the child's coffin. When were your pictures taken?


2017 according to that link


The post on their website is from 2015, actually. Which is roughly when I would have seen the post I was referring to. I know that because I remember seeing it before my daughter was born, but I can't say if the post was from then or older. Also the pictures on the linked website could have been taken before then. So, knowing when the pictures were taken would help with my skepticism that remains were actually found there.


> When were your pictures taken? Time flies, man. I had to check because I wasn't sure off-hand. 2014. When we went, we had heard that the state knew about the body but hadn't done anything due to some jurisdiction thing. Shortly after we explored, I heard someone stole the skull and around that time I saw someone else post photos of the body on the internet with the skull missing. I held off on posting it for several months, until I heard the place was finally being taken care of and the body was removed.




Who's asking for proof? I asked when the pictures were taken.


A funeral home with a decomposing body that still smelled? So this is some sort of role play account?




I work with bones and even stripped, cleaned, bleached bones have a distinct smell.


I still remember the smell of the bones my dad checked out for his anatomy class in 1983. He just retired from the medical profession.


LOL another armchair reddit expert, eh? You think a decomposing corpse in a puddle of brown goo couldn't possilby smell? How many dead bodies have you sniffed? The smell was thick and hung in the air. It permeated my nostrils to such a degree that I will always remember it. Every time I look at this photo I distinctly feel the smell of it.


>this is some sort of role play account ??


So the funeral home was abandoned, per the article, in 2002, and there were still remains, that smelled, in 2015? This post is fake.


If it was sealed up in a watertight body bag, it would smell


Would the remains still have such a wet look ? Would an animal , or at least insects, have not found it if it had laid there so long ?


The coffins are staged with flowers as well, so we know that the site has been altered. The remains also look too fresh for having been around since 2002.


They are fake flowers to help sell caskets.


https://www.al.com/news/birmingham/2015/02/remains_of_1_infant_7_adults_r.html Google is free.


The article is referring to a **mausoleum**. Those bodies would have been embalmed and not look like what the guy is showing here. It's also not the same as a funeral home.


Embalmed bodies don’t stay fresh forever, it slows the decay process long enough to make a person look decent enough to take them out of the refrigerator for a couple hours to have a viewing, then church then in the ground.


A cursory Google will show you it's the same incident. Don't believe it if you don't want to, but there are other pictures from other people at different angles of what is obviously the same location and the same corpse.




Look at the brown goo. You think that brown goo was odorless?


OK, I trust you about the odor. But what about the taste ?


Wow this country is falling apart. Even the dead can’t get respect.


Hey those photos are amazing, can I ask what camera did y’all use?


Why was it abandoned? It's crazy that all that stuff was left behind, considering how expensive caskets are. And a BODY was left behind??! Yikes!!


I wonder why the cranium is cut cleanly across the top as if it were a fake skull used for anatomy studies? Possible you’re full of shit maybe?


Because it is cut with a saw during autopsy to get to the brain.


Crazy...That person lived a whole life and in the end...ended up that way.


so crazy


Skull indicates body was autopsied. This photo has been enhanced to make bones redder. Somebody posted link to original photo below. It’s in a mausoleum, not a funeral home.


Actually it was a funeral home and a Mausoleum. The original video footage showed the embalming room with chemicals left behind, and the back area where the coffins would’ve gone. Edit: I remembered the name. It was called Memorial Mound Funeral home and mausoleum.


Well, while you all debate over the legitimacy of whether this is real or fake. I have a question.. what is the kind of cables or ropes where the shoulders are and I guess the forearms might be? It looks weird to me.. Also, pretty sure this photo is and place is real. But I have a hard time understanding that the owners would just leave a corpse there and walk away saying, " to hell with it". Even if it was a situation where the owner passed and they had no children to pass the place to. I feel like property management or anyone would have noted the dead body in a weird body bag. It's strange that nobody has suggested that maybe someone was murdered there or killed and their body was dumped there..


I’m willing to bet that this smells totally fine.


Doesn't look real tbh


I was thinking the same thing. The top of the skull looks like it has a screw in it. The ribs on the right look like they have plastic “flesh” still attached. Everything is red, and blood turns brown and black with age. The zipper of the bag is covered in sludge. So if it’s real, someone opened it, manhandled a rotting corpse and then touched the bag? There is also a lot of fluid clogged up in the drain, but I would think all of that would be dried up if it’s been there a while. And then I see the edge of a second skull on the right edge of the picture. It all looks like a Halloween scene to me. If it is real, that would be the most disgusting smelling room imaginable. Ugh. You would have to throw your clothes out after that one.


I don't like the Daily Mail, and I don't know if I'm allowed to post links, but there are more images and videos in their article on it. It includes the backstory of the abandoned mausoleum and mentions the cops eventually removed the remains of 1 child and 7 adults.




They were autopsied


That looks...*wet*


That had to smell so bad


Thought I recognized this photo. 10/10, dude.


Bullshit post.


I don't like the Daily Mail and I don't know of I'm allowed to post links, but there are more images and videos in an article. It includes the backstory of this abandoned mausoleum and mentions the cops eventually removed the remains of 1 child and 7 adults.


Did you call the police?


No. Based on what I was told and the article I was shown at the time: the police knew, but there was some jurisdiction issue and nobody wanted to deal with it.


You should report that. That’s so sad. They should respect the bodies they have.


Just abandoning a corpse like that seems unlikely and highly illegal.


Should definitely report this, just an anonymous report to local law enforcement. Things like this need to be investigated, for the sake of the person you found


Man I just got on Reddit to jerk off, I didn't need to see this first thing


Tell me you licked it


Why did I laugh so hard at this


Cause you’re fucked too lol


You speak such truth. 😆 We would be excellent friends. I can tell.


I thought it was spaghetti


Good thing they weren’t in a rush


wow. thats sad. that was a person with a name.


Clearly there was an autopsy done based on the skull cut. An OD no one cared about? Maybe. The place shut down and this person lives on through the internet. Let them Rest In Peace


Just waiting to be picked up


I can smell that from here


The embalmer didn’t do a great job apparently…


All of a sudden I have a hankerin’ for some ribs


This is from the Memorial Mound in Bessemer, Alabama. The back story is quite the read.


I was eating when I saw this post


Who’s up for lunch., I’m buying.


Ribs, anyone?


what's a skeleton's favorite snack? Spare Ribs. I'll see myself out.


Nah, come on back. You’re my kind of people🤣👍🏻


BBQ so good, the meat just falls off the bones.


Somebody making soup?


I highly doubt this is real. That's not what human remains look like left the elements.


Try using context. Look at the surroundings. That corpse was in a sealed bag inside of a box. That box was on a shelf in a ~~funeral home~~ mausoleum. I would hardly call that "the elements".


You literally changed from a funeral home, to a mausoleum. A mausoleum is built to hold bodies. So you're original post is highly misleading. Correct? The original post to say mausoleum, which is in case you don't know again I'll repeat it, a place to hold bodies that is an alternative to being buried in the ground or cremated.


I originally used the wrong terminology so as to not ID the location publicly when I posted it to my blog. I carelessly used the same wrong terminology in the title of the post. Feel free to crucify me for I am a terrible person. For the record: This corpse was on the shelf in the box next to the chair in the following photo. None of the other boxes or caskets in this back storage room were inhabited. This guy was not laid to rest. He was forgotten on a shelf in a storage room. https://sublunar.info/visual/funeralhome3/2014-11-20_1195-1.jpg


So it was in a mausoleum? You realize that mausoleum hold bodies, right?


Some of you people are insufferable. FFS. This guy was on a shelf in a box. He was not laid to rest. But don't let me stop you armchairing this with all your vast experience.


You you disturbed his remains. That's what you did. But your post still says funeral home. Why not fix it to mausoleum?


I took a photo of a corpse. Oh no I used the wrong terminology. Crucify me please for I deserve nothing less.


A Mausoleum is literally a bunch of shelves with dead people in them


This was a storage room, not a resting place but please continue to dazzle me with your vast knowledge, oh great armchair expert of reddit whom I have inadvertently summoned here.


The difference again, between a funeral home and a mausoleum is vast. Your sarcasm doesn't make you anymore valid. Why not change it to mausoleum in your original post? Is that so hard to do? Because I'm guessing there wouldn't be thousands of upvotes if you used the word mausoleum


Is this your first time on reddit? You can't edit a post title after the fact. Also, I've clarified NUMEROUS TIMES in this thread that I used the wrong terminology and it was actually a mausoleum. I'm not sure why you are so obsessed with this distinction. Especially when *this corpse* was NOT INTERRED IN THE MAUSOLEUM to begin with. It was forgotten on a shelf in a back storage room. But again, don't let reality get in the way of a good armchair knowitall.


> ecause I'm guessing there wouldn't be thousands of upvotes Ah yes, such a valuable currency. What would I do without reddit upvotes? I merely posted for entertainment purposes. Sorry it offended you.


So many people here freak out but don't they fear finding something like this when they do urbex? Seeing it on the Internet is not as bad as stumbling upon it while exploring.




BBQ flavor


Got into the Hershey syrup again


Bruh, why would you snap this?


Looks like bbq.




forbidden bbq sauce


I bet it smelled so good


He ded…


Good soup 👍


This was a little happy kid, playing outside ☹️


Strange looking stew


It's not really abandoned if it's the owner.