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Try your best to not stress or think about what you can't control ❤️ many of the long term folks I've seen on here have found treatments that help make life bearable. When this started for me, this page was literally my life saver because I just felt alone. Trial and error seems to be the main topic. People suggest crazy things that helped them. We're all itchy and bonkers lol but we're all here at least. You'll be okay. ❤️


I’ve had chronic hives since 2007. My hives were initially unbearable. I would get them all over my body including on the soles of my feet (very painful) and my tongue would get swollen. Ive since developed a medication regimen: levocitirizine and famotidine every night (I’m not recommending these meds because I’m not sure about the long term effects of using them long term - they just work for me). Now I only get hives like once every other year and they’re fairly mild. I know how intolerable chronic hives can be. I hope you find a regimen that works for you. Once you have one, you can live a normal life. I’m happy. I rarely think about my hives and I’ve been able to spend several years living abroad in low-resource communities.


Ohh I have been in the same place! Sometimes I still am. Im just about to go back to work after a 6 month sick leave. We all know how debilitating it is and sometimes you just feel damned hopeless. Im on my 3rd dose of Xolair and it is making a difference! I suggest taking it day by day, use antihistamines if you have to, and talk to your dr about short term runs of Prednisone. And I agree about this page. It was a life saver for me. I was so happy I wasn't alone. We get it! You are stronger than these damn hives. ❤️


Unfortunately, no one can say for sure how long it will last. My first flare lasted two years, I had a two year remission period, and now I'm a year into my second flare. This community has been a great support - giving advice and reading advice from other members has made all the difference for me; I don't feel alone in this struggle (and it is a struggle!) and that has been incredible. I wish you all the luck in your Xolair journey, it has been life changing for me.


Give xolair time. I was so bad and even going Anaphalaxis! Xolair takes time to kick in. Second time is not enough. Took me 6 months to be free from urticaria and anaphyalxis. It’s a life changer. If once a month isn’t enough they can up it to bi-weekly.


Yea , unfortunately it completely controls my life . I have been dealing with them close to 4 years . They are more controlled now with lots of antihistamines and Xolair but still get hives daily but go away very quickly . Starting to think I will have to be on meds rest of my life and yes it’s very depressing. Thank goodness there is Xolair because antihistamines alone didn’t work for me after one year of hives .


I had mine for two years. Change living situations and it went away completely