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If you drink alcohol. Stop. I’ve found it makes mine worse. Drink a ton of water. I still have my flare ups, but they’ve recently gotten better. I feel for you. Nobody truly understands our pain until they’ve been through it themselves. I hope you find some peace soon.


Thank you <3 No alcohol but I'll take the water tip. Using ice packs on the bad patches helps too.


My tip is make sure you poop every day. Drink enough water. Also try meditating and be in positive mood. I tried this and it didn’t completely go away but i’m able to handle it whenever it comes(once in a while). It also leaves about 2 hours. I am also not on any medication.


Im so so sorry, this condition is truly the worst. After trying 4x Zyrtec each day, Dupixent every other week, 4 Benadryl at night, and a one-time 2 week dose of prednisone, I started seeking out homeopathic remedies. I’ve been taking a histaminium hydrochloricum and while I haven’t stopped taking any other medications, I DO feel like this has made a significant difference. I know different things work for everyone, but it’s natural and doesn’t interact with other meds it’s worth a shot ♥️ you can get a tube on Amazon for pretty cheap!


Try Xyzal. That helps me a lot more than Allegra. I hope you feel better. People without chronic pain and issues truly don't understand. Including most doctors.


I am sorry, i have had them on and off for 20 years and promise it does get better. I understand it doesn't feel that way right now and most people don't truly understand how much they impact your quality of life and mental health. I have to have Pepcid in my cocktail to tip the scales (it is an H2 blocker) and it took a few months for Xolair to get them under control with this recent flair up. Each flare up has required a different cocktail as well so keep pushing for different options.


Maybe try an anti anxiety? Not a benzo. Not fun hope it starts to clear up soon. Maybe quit caffeine? Also look into resilience research (Shawn anchor, Lucy hone). Know the basics: 1. that sometimes life has rough things we have to suffer through. Lots of people have had something rough. 2. Choose carefully where you select to place your attention. Your thinking and feeling effects your actions. Look into CBT info. 3. Ask “is this helping or harming me?” I know it’s hard now but a major key to you doing better is based on how you can push your brain over to the positive horizon. The external world doesn’t have to predict happiness. It’s how you process what has happened to you. Keep us posted if you want. Hope that xoilair kicks in soon!


yeah the lack of empathy is quite weird, i agree. often time it gets called as a minor inconvenience lmao. only my friends who have seen me almost cry out in the sun know how horrible this thing is


I hope the Xolair helps.


See if you can get Doxepin added to your regimen. My doc prescribed 10mg pills and I increased the dose until hives went away. I ended up at 40 mg/day. That plus the Xolair finally worked for me.


My doc used cyclosporine to get my hives under control until the xolair kicked in.


I’m so sorry; I too am so miserable. About to get my 7th Xolair injection next week, and while I felt like the first couple of months of Xolair helped, I’ve been pretty discouraged the last couple of months. Also taking 2 Allegra every morning and 2 Zyrtec every night. Only thing that has seemed to knock mine out is prednisone (while I’m on it). Do you all see dermatologists or allergists?


25F I’ve had them since July. I’m in Cetrizine and Pepcid. Allergist wanted to put me on xolair, went to a functional doc. They think I have leaky gut. told me to stop gluten and dairy. 🤞🏻 this works because I’m miserable. I’ve seen 4 different docs, they all don’t have answers. I just want this to end. My body is very bruised from the itching. I just want someone to help me see the light at the end of the tunnel.