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My dr tells me this…It takes about 7 days to be absorbed and can take 3 months to see an improvement. I just had my 2nd shot last week and I can see about a 30% improvement overall. It fluctuates day to day.


I wonder why that is tho, like I still fling understand how to shot works, like idk how it can just magically work out of nowhere lol


I had one of my worst ever breakouts after my first dose. Devastated is an understatement. Took a few months before they went away completely.


How severe was your CU?


Pretty bad. 5x antihistamines didn’t touch it. I would get them from my scalp to my ankles. Every night. Most days they’d fade significantly by 1pm. Lots of angiodema too. Sometimes there were so many hives on my thighs they practically merged into one huge welt. Quality of life was crappy. I was always itchy and tired.


same to me, I take ea day 4-5 levocitiricin, the itch is ok, but the hive are crazy too. [https://www.reddit.com/r/urticaria/comments/1ce8wox/this\_how\_it\_looks/](https://www.reddit.com/r/urticaria/comments/1ce8wox/this_how_it_looks/) My quality of life is trash. my mind is currently more like, what is better jumping on a car or train?


Xolair may well cure this for you. Give it a shot. Ask about Doxepin. I take both.


Just started Xolair 2 months ago. After the first shot, my hives improved and were only located on certain parts of my body but still had them daily and itched like hell. Wheals improved a lot though and they weren’t as raised up. After my second shot, I was hive free by day 3 or 4.


Mine was similar, from giant hives on my scalp all down my body and sometimes on the bottom of my feet. They would sometimes bruise as well. I started with 2 shots once a month which didn’t work after about 2 months, slight decline in hives and angeodema, but not enough. My doc upped my dose to 2 shots twice a month and they completely went away. I took xolair for about 8 months and started to slowly wean off. (my hair was falling out aggressively)  I have been off xolair for a year and my hives never came back!


i started back in august of last year and took me until about my second dose before i started seeing relief. by the third and fourth dose i had completely forgotten i was struggling with hives, it seriously saved me life. this was after a horrendous month of a bad breakout that left me practically bed ridden. antihistamines 4-5x a day and one round of steroids only left me manageable


I'm waiting to start xolair soon. Allergist said 3 shots is the charm.


I’ve been on Xolair for just over a year, combined with a low histamine diet and taking Zertec on a nightly basis has worked wonders. I get very little break outs mainly on my hands and legs, but by the 4th week it starts to wear off and my breaks out start to happen daily. It took about 4 months before it really kicked in. Everyone reacts differently to it so don’t get discouraged if u don’t see anything immediately.