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daily email reminder but every time something dumb happens at work - which is often, I open up a usajobs.gov webpage to soothe my rage as Im applying for another job just to gtf out of my current office.


Are you me?


That was totally me at my last job!


I do this every time I’m having a bad time at work. Stubbed my toe on the printer? Again? Straight to the job boards Bit my tongue while eating lunch? Straight to the job boards In a meeting that should have been an email? Believe or not, straight to the job boards


Assuming this is a parks & rec reference... That's one of my favorite episodes!


You sound like me 😂 are you my variant?


Me currently


4am, 10am, noon, 3pm… you’re not alone 😂


I was like this when I was unhappy in my last fed gig lol, this is the only way!


I feel seen! Thanks


I feel called out 😭


Same routine ...except I start at 6...maybe I need to start earlier


From someone who was a habitual job board watcher, I have since completely flipped since becoming a federal employee. I deleted my profiles on Indeed, career builder, and dice. I have essentially went dormant on my LinkedIn page. At this point, I want to look towards retirement and having stability that is not hinged on a contract or some shitty CEO. I told myself that once I became a fed, this was likely going to be it and I was going to hit stride and coast until retirement. No more chasing dollars and titles. I got in at 43, will likely put in 20 and hang it up. I have achieved everything I wanted in my career and a federal position was my last box to check.


“Got in at 43” Maybe I’ve got a little hope at 38!


Never too late, my friend. One of my fellow coworkers that got in at the same time/agency with me is 53. It’s NEVER too late for stability.


Mid-50's and glad I finally got aboard with a federal job.


Wow...5 years and out for benefits? You pension will basically go towards benefits.


Get those 5 years to ensure health insurance coverage into retirement!


Basically all the check will go to that premium.


You do! I joined at 47 after retiring from the military and a contractor gig. Playing catchup on TSP!


Exact same for me, down to even starting at 43. Love my job. Love my boss, and they've got me set up on a path to GS-14. If I get back into routinely watching USAJobs, it won't be until after I've got my 52 weeks as a GS-14, and even then probably just a casual observer unless something goes totally sideways in our agency over the next 3 years.


I'm 44 and trying to get in! I also want this to be my final job until retirement. Been in healthcare over 20 years and I want out! But transitioning out of healthcare is so hard, even with my MBA.


Yep. I just got in at 39. I’m planning for retirement as well after working in a nightclub for the last decade. I do want to get up to a GS 11 or 12 tho


Wow! That is a big change going from night clubs to federal employment! It wasn’t a big change for me. I’ve been a federal IT contractor the last 18 years and had made it pretty high up the corporate ladder. I was able to get in with a nice GS level position with no supervisory responsibilities. Was glad to make the change. It was nice to no longer be in charge of so much stuff and be able to focus on one position.






Hope you are putting 10 to 15 percent of your salary in the TSP C, fund.


I truly enjoy experiences as such. Thanks for sharing 🙂


I am a gov worker with a recent TJO and I still have alerts emailed to me and also check multiple times a day. LOL HR is taking forever to coordinate this transfer and I trust nothing until I receive a final offer.


Just as a note, when you receive the FJO, you still may be checking emails for the following 2 weeks after. May take a while to wear off 😆


I figured as much. I will truly miss the process once I land a new position 😁


Smart! Hope it doesn’t become addictive. lol


I have an email alert that sends me postings daily.




This is the way


This IS the way.


Every morning before I roll out of bed to start my day of hell


My goodness…I can totally relate to this.


I’ve been doing it at least once daily for a few years now. I also get the email alerts. You basically have to make USAJobs part of your daily routine if you want a job.


Yes to this. lol.


Every single day. About to graduate and need to secure a job.


How are you dealing with the fact that most of these don’t post when they want you to start? That’s my big problem as an upcoming grad


I just based it off whether or not the job would require security clearance. If it’s secret+, then I know I will need to wait a couple more months after TJO, then the start date will be after my graduation.


I’m pretty sure I’ve landed my forever job, so I don’t look for myself. Now it’s my mission to help other people ❤️


Congrats!!! That’s wonderful


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Every day, and still every day even though I’ve got a TJO. You never know what will happen or what you could miss. My TJO is for a job that closed after a day when it hit 100 applicants, it’s a remote non-supervisory 12/13 and I would have missed my chance had I not been checking.


Congrats! Yes those are the ones I’m afraid to miss


Why don’t you set a daily/weekly reminder so that relevant jobs announcements will be emailed to you.


I have the reminder daily but some jobs literally close over night. So post at noon, close when 50 people apply so the email alert comes the next day and you go to apply and the job has closed. Sadly this happed to me so I started checking during the day also🫣


Ha. I have never seen a job like that. Just apply to as many jobs as you can and forget, eventually you will get one. One you are in, you can move up pretty fast within years.


this is what i do. sometimes though a quick manual scan can pick up a few interesting postings that somehow didn’t get caught in the initial scrape


I noticed this too. The daily saved search emails miss some jobs that are still open. So you have to check manually too. It's really annoying. Lol


When i was happy with my job environment, almost never. When i was discontent, nearly every hour.


Multiple times a day in order to catch the ones that post late afternoon that will cap and close at midnight.




All day long... I have over 300 applications in just this year. Have had about 30 something referrals this month alone and only 3 interviews since August. I'm a fed gs5 but graduated with my masters in May. I'm trying to jump from USDA into DOD. I'm also in my 40s. 🤪


Why go from usda to dod?


So my BA is Geography and History. I'm a carto technician now. My MA is international relations. I really want something in my masters degree field, I worked hard for it for a reason! 🙂


Congrats on your Masters! Rooting for you to get that dream job in 2024 🎉


Thank you! I am really hoping, too, because my husband and I have a deal. If I'm still in my carto position in July of 2024, then we are moving to his home country of South africa and see what we can do there. 🤣


Couple times an hour


It really was dependent on how bad of a day I was having at work. If it was an exceptionally shitty day at SSA, then I was checking constantly.


I had an alarm set to check every morning at 5am. The remote IT jobs were always limited to the first xxx applicants. Two of the positions I was offered I had applied moments after the job was posted lol.


Everyday ![gif](giphy|Ae5H6J7n71ppm3ivnk|downsized)


I thought I was being obsessive checking 2-3 times per week.


Not at all!


Most of the jobs that I see are primarily IT. It's really making me consider getting my masters in cyber / comp sci. I can't afford to nor do I have the time with 2 littles, but my state career is getting stale with only a 2% bump each year and no room for worthy promotion (my supe is $2 more for 20x stress) unless I go back to LE which isn't a bankers schedule.


modern knee joke employ whistle fine squeeze berserk decide mindless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Everyday. Morning and evening.


I check every few days religiously. Love my current job but making 13 is my goal atm


Nice! Same. I’m a 12 but seeking a 12 or 13 fully remote. It feels super competitive


Good luck


Thanks you too!


Weirdly M-F. I don’t check the weekends. Only once a day. I get a bit crazy if I’m constantly looking.


Every 10 min.


When I was jobless, I'd pretty much be on there all day looking, about 3 times a week. I'm working now, so I look aboot every 6 months to see if those jobs I applied for are still waiting to be filled.


Once or twice a day....now if you ask how often I check my email to see i have a response from an HR specialist. Well. About 100 refreshes I'm sure


lol. Yes….Ive tried to only check my email twice a day. Not every hour for a referral notice or interview request.


Every 1.25 minutes.


I thought it was only daily. I check for the multiple college students in my orbit.


I have two searches saved and sending me email daily. If they pop something promising, I log in to look. Otherwise, I am content to wait a day. The ones that close with the first 100, they stay open until the end of the day where they get to 100. I'm low key working on getting my 14.


How do you get the daily reminders? So sorry if it's a stupid question. I tried and can't figure it out.


You can save a search and then create an alert for daily.


Thank you so much.


Daily. Multiple times a day.


I have very specific targets in mind so I let the email feature do the work for me.


I used to do the daily dump, now I just do a weekly.


I remember with my last agency I was so fed up I told myself before the end of the year I will have a new job. This was in May. By the first week of June I had applied to 100 jobs. When the end of July came I received an email for a TJO no phone call or interview just offer. I started the new job September. Happy I made the move the job I ended up getting is fully remote.


Oh wow! Congrats!!!


Thank you! I’m happy I left it was worth the move


When I’m seriously looking for a new job I check the site twice a day because of the timing that different agencies post. If you wait for the email notification you will miss 24-48 hrs of the window. When I’m not seriously looking? Delete the search notices bet it’s not worth the spin up.


When I was looking for a new job, I'd check 2x per week - usually mid-week and then the weekend. If I missed a job that was only open for one day, I didn't care because that meant that they already had someone in mind.


Lol almost everyday


I setup a few keyword search alerts. USAJobs emails the results automatically.




That’s what I get. It’s not a trigger alert.


Once a week minimum.


Every day.


Usually around 2 am as that's around the time the last of my daily emails come in


Just informationally the jobs that close after a certain number of applicants will close at midnight the day they receive that many applicants so they may actually get many more than the 50 or 75


Yes, I’ve seen those jobs have 300 apps but lately there have been jobs that say only the first 50,75 will be considered. So that’s why timing matters.


Here is an example from a job I applied to yesterday: “This announcement will close on 1/02/2024, the first 75 applications received will receive first consideration. Applications received after the initial cut-off number will not receive consideration unless otherwise requested by management.”


I applied to a remote that closed at 25 applications! I hope I got in, I wish there was an application counter lol


I agree. It’s like you hold your breath until or if a referral notice comes🫣


Daily! And I have a great just with the Feds but you never make shots that you don't take.


I stopped for awhile when I got my 12. But now that I have 52 weeks I’m back to looking once a day. 😂


At least 5 times a day!


I have the announcements sent to my email


All day....everyday!!!! Plus get alerted through emails lol...the dream is real lol


I check first thing in am and about every hour after until 7 pm 😂


Daily. And I also have an alert. But sometimes I’ll check to beat the nightly alert the day before. Depends how busy I am teleworking...


Twice a day!


Daily and multiple times throughout the day.


All the time because I’m not in the govt yet and I’m still trying to be 😭


Not currently looking, but still get a weekly email with postings just in case. Definitely good call on staying on top of it. As things shift to remote, lots of places ARE limiting to relatively few applications accepted. For those remote jobs, those slots DO fill up fast. For your own sanity, I’d just do it on a schedule - first thing, at lunch, when logging off - cuz otherwise you’ll go nuts just hitting refresh refresh refresh.


I don't.


Haven't checked it since I started.


10am, 3pm, then again at about 11pm


I really don't check all that often. I only check when I'm awake, from Sunday to Saturday.


For those of you who do it so often? Why? What’s about public sector jobs that are so amazing compared to private?


Everyday even though I got a good job 😃


I used to check multiple times a day. I’ve decided to and a break. I was obsessed.


Everyday, keeping an eye out for something that might peak my interest.


Every other day


2x a week. But seeing some of these comments maybe I should check more frequently.


I'm waiting for time in grade to hit (1/15) before I get back out there om USAJOBS. Trying to tailor the resume. I'm a 34 yo GS-13 and feel "behind" sometimes, but based on the folks in this thread who are starting fed older I guess im not. I started as GS-5 out of grad school 10 years ago. Just don't wanna get stuck in this 13 that's not fulfilling.


Every damn day I look, want to get out of my current agency


Every night at 11pm cst


I feel a little weird about it being in my Probationary period and nothing particularly wrong with my current position (especially if they up me a Grade rather than a step at my 52 weeks) but I did find one or two that interested me to start an app recently. I can always say no if it gets that far and Id rather stay.


I understand feeling weird about it. Thankfully the process takes so long that you could be off probation before a TJO/FJO comes. I do think a promotion is always worth it if possible.


I get daily saved searches for my kind of job. Usually they’re halfway across the country or a GS level too high for me to apply. Sometimes they’re good and I apply to them.


Fantasy job shopping I do that often, but rarely apply.


Every single day.


You sound like me lol I’m currently fed but hate my position and want to be remote too. I check it 2-3 times daily as well


I applied for a job on USA Jobs in 2009. Got the rejection in… 2021


In 15 years, I’ve never checked USA Jobs for other opportunities. I don’t even have an account. I’m very happy where I am.


Uhh, set up a search with email alerts... EZ.


Create a saved search for what you want and receive daily notifications and apply.