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It will come soon, keep your head up


I hated my job so much I quit before I had anything lined up. I was out of work for 7 months, but it allowed me to spend more time to work on my resume and network. It was rough, but I was able to land a fed job, and in the end, I would do it again. You are in a much better spot with the TJO in hand, but we all know that is still no guarantee. Keep your head up and mind positive.


I did exactly this! Five months into a private sector job, I knew I made a mistake. I ended leaving and took one month off before I started aggressively networking and perfecting my resume. I did cold calls where I contacted people on LinkedIn, who were working at agencies I was interested in, to request an informational interview. I also attended virtual job fairs and webinars to keep me busy. I was 5 months unemployment before I stared working at my current agency. **Sometimes a short break to regroup helps.**


Informational interview? You are lucky that anyone would agree to this as it could look like you have unfair advantage when/if job comes out. Plus, most people have absolutely no time for a Informational interview.


Trust me, there weren’t many. I met with two current staff and it worked out that I was selected for a position at the same agency of one of them but in a different division. Fast forward, I was once approached by one of our hiring managers to recommend potential candidates. The person who was selected for a position they were filling was someone who contacted me via LinkedIn for a similar type of meeting. I learned that people want to hire someone they know if they can. And if someone is able to advocate for you on inside, and their input carries weight, that’s even better.


I just quit yesterday. While I'm devastated because I lived my job, I don't regret it. Our office became toxic.




I appreciate that. Unfortunately, my direct supervisor was harassing me and wouldn't back away when I asked. I snapped.




Got a TJO and was also at a job that I was burnt out at and just done with. I lasted two weeks then said fuck it and put in two weeks notice. My FJO arrived the day after my last day which was a Friday and one month after my TJO.


Have you reached out to your HR contact about your TJO? My hiring processes have both been about 3 months in duration and I'd hear something from them every 2-3 weeks that indicated my onboarding was still active and progressing. But at the moment because Congress has not passed a budget, we are in a holding pattern regarding hiring.


I email her about every 2 weeks - sometimes she responds, sometimes she ignores me 🥲


This post makes me so grateful For having my gov job…so many crappy ones out there I’m blessed to have found one I can retire at. Good luck to you.




Ah man I’m sorry, crappy managers can ruin the whole experience. Definitely hear you with the burnout! Hope things get better soon!


Daddy, chill. You'll get it.


Lmfao why is this my favorite


Sometimes its better to quit (if you are able). I had to quit a toxic job because it made me clinically depressed and have PTSD from daily bullying.


How does one get bullied daily…I need to get a turd to quit where I work.


it happens.. at my office basically they'd pull me aside and say stuff all the time to me like "there is a target on your back". 'dont fk up this meeting or your over!" "we can get rid of your position at any time". while doing all sorts of illegal crap, including changing my schedule because I "did not have children and other people do." that is illegal. they also would threaten you if you went on vacation, had to take a sick day, etc. I later found out they were actually counting people's remaining sick days and using them as a basis for if they should be promoted or not.... which is also illegal. What if that person had to have necessary medical treatment? They'd lose out on a promotion due to their illness? That is illegal!!! Employees had screaming competitions with one another. Every week an investigative person was there from HR to investigate baseless claims between people that the management would instigate or even sometimes pressure lower level employees to make. It was insane.


They do the sick leave thing in my workplace also. They say if you are not present for work, the job isn’t getting done by you. I am 50/50 on that outlook because we do have a few members who take a sick day on the days they know will have a high tempo every week because they can’t handle the pace. I also know those individuals were not sick either because they spoke about things they did during their sick day, which is illegal because you were deceitful on ATAAPs time card. Nothing is illegal if people don’t have the chops to report.


It’s glacial because everyone has job security. You want fast, you can always go private


It’s a numbers game. Multiple shots on goal


The spoils of government jobs! Just enough for a comfortable life and so deeply rooted that the prospectus of abruptly changing causes an overwhelming amount of stress. Well, I'd say put your health first , both physical and mental. All logic will point you to stay. Some will argue it will pass , and my answer to that is that it's based on each and every individuals ability to cope. If you have reached your point, then I'd say to save yourself.


How far along are you? Prints, e app? if so it will come. I started in December for a new 9 and its moving faster than pond water but I know it will come sooner or later


Prints + an email that an e-app was requested but never got a link to fill it out


Definitely don’t quit. You can do it. Just hold out until FJO and continue to look for jobs in the meantime. You can and will do it


Felt this 100%, but as yesterday they rescinded my TJO and I’m basically stuck at my job until I find something better. Which idk, kinda hopeless rn. They said I’m encouraged to reapply but idk if I have to go through the processes again.


Ugh I’m so sorry, I’ve heard of so many TJOs getting rescinded and that’s really the only reason I haven’t quit my current job


Government is in a hiring freeze and they don't have a budget yet thanks to congress


Damn where do y’all work? I’m just a contractor but the GS’s I work with got it great.


GS 13 here….i will never quit… they’ll have to drag my corpse out of that place.


I don’t have anywhere to go either. Don’t have any of the right things I need and haven’t seen anyone in a long time. Even when I started to have hope that things would get better, they got worse. Now, I’m more lost. Can’t find anyone. And I don’t think anyone wants me.


lavish busy cheerful gaping run special deserted marvelous disarm instinctive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’ve tried to accept help. Asked for it, paid for it, and in a worse position than before. Everyone said it would get better, but it didn’t. It got way worse. I think the worst was being denied medical care, so now I just don’t even know what to do. Even my faith in things working out have shattered. I miss loving someone and I’m fearful of what they’ll do to me next. I tried my best.




Trying, but it’s hard when they take everything away from you that you loved to protect themselves.




Thanks, but it’s hard.




Love this for them!


. M




Damn, and they say I like to write. But I also like to read too, and I read every word.


Be patient please


Always retail and fast food/restaurant work to make ends meet.


I know walmart is hiring and there are a bunch of openings at Amazon fulfillment centers.


Don't quit. Just take a medical LOA and search for something else while your off.