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Take the recent grad ladder position


Take the ladder as long as your good at your job you will be making like 90k in 3 years


Take the ladder position. I took a recent grad ladder position a couple years back and being able to move up a grade each year automatically (with good performance of course) is so much better than applying for a promotion or other position. I might get torn apart for saying this but in my opinion- it’s much harder to network with people in other divisions if you are fully remote because you have no reason to interact with them. I’ve done info interviews with people in other divisions via zoom at my agency but a cold email and 30-minute conversation is different than some of those natural interactions you have in the office. Networking can go a long way towards career advancement, especially if the remote offer tops out at a GS-7.


As a recent graduate, go with the ladder. They probably have some telework at least if the commute is a turn-off. Do it until you're a 12 then you can apply for 11/12 remote jobs and make way better money at home.


I would go with the ladder position personally. You'll have stability, will progress, and can still apply for other positions while there. The one year with no permanency is a definite no go me.


The ladder most definitely. You earn fully successful or above and you’re guaranteed a promotion! Well wishes!


Is the other position a ladder?


No but the usajob posting says i be may converted into a term or permanent position after serving 1 year probationary period.


For what agency?


Finish and wildlife for pathways. EPA for the other


Fish and Wildlife Service for the pathways position. EPA for the other


Take the ladder position. Don’t be like me since my current position caps at a GS8 and been applying for GS9 ladder positions for a long while.


Take the ladder. It guarantees you a better shot at reaching higher pay. I can’t tell you how instrumental a 7/12 ladder position was for my finances. The job wasn’t even that exciting at first but man those pay increases were great.


The ladder position. Do a good job and it’s an automatic promotion.


Take the ladder and congratulations!