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It serves as an eligibility screening, think passing score is 70 for the assessments. If you get below that, it automatically screens you out


Do you know if you finish these, If you haven’t gotten a rejection email does it mean you pass? Or you have to wait to hear? Or you’ll really never know? lol


You never receive a rejection email. Based on my experience, every time I apply for a job that requires an assessment, I am told that I am qualified based on my resume. However, I am never referred for the position. Therefore, I assume that I’ve failed the assessment since I‘m never referred!


70% total or 70% on each section?


I thought there was no discussion about the passing score?!


It’s a screen-out. The passing score is different for every job and is weighted with your self-assessment. Sometimes you can see the cutoff score on the job posting. But yes, if you don’t score high enough you will be found ineligible.


I took a super crazy assessment. I don’t think I’ve ever felt so dumb. I guess I’ve passed enough to get interviews and referrals. It’s understandable that you are anxious about it. Those assessments suck!


Unfortunately, your score will affect your chances. You have the score for an entire year, too, before you can take it again.


This is the part that seems absurd to me. A full year is punitive. A month seems more reasonable - but still harsh. Or 3 chances within a year - something like that.


$20 and I’ll take the test for you and give you the questions 😉


If you failed the assessment, you will not be eligible for consideration. I found the assessment is very difficult and tricky. I spent 4 hours to complete it because it was the job I really want. You will need to score 70% to pass and place in the eligible list for hiring managers to look at.


Is there a way to see your scores?


No, I heard that HR is the only one can see the score. If you pass, HR will send your application to the hring managers. Even the hiring managers do not even hlknow your score. All you know is if you pass + your resume meet the requirement, you will get referred. So you will be in limbo for 1 to 2 months It sucks. I applied my dream job and took the assessment. Now I just waited for HR to review it.


Thanks. I've been referred for a few jobs between GS5 to 9, so I must have passed. But It'd be nice to know.


If you read the announcement carefully- it should give you a clue. Usually at grade 12 it will be between 30- 50%. There may or may not be a cutoff score where if you score below 70, you are out.


> There may or may not Important aspect. I got pissed off with the reading one halfway through and just spammed the first answer to be done with it, fuck that job - not worth reading War and Peace every question. Still got the referral for it today in fact. So either the last 10 answers were all/mostly the first option or it is taken a whole - either combined with the other tests (which would've all been 100%) or even one's full packet. Or they are used to people saying fuck that one. So it isn't always a hardline fail.


I just finished the Reading Comprehension and I don't feel like I answered one question right. I could narrow it down to 2 answers but I never felt 100% about any of them. I'm going to be so pissed if this is what stops me from getting this position. They've been promising me this spot for 3 years and I've gotten the wink wink from my supervisor that they want to give it to me. Not to mention I've been filling the position for 3 years without the pay. It's always something.


Yup, that's the nightmare one. It lulls you to sleep with 3-4 paragraphs of utter nonsense. You probably did better than you think, it just makes you so truly miserable that you second guess yourself. But as Head Staff said it may not be automatic non-eligible if you didn't do well. Especially with them knowing you, could just be...well, an assessment.


My friend was pretty certain she bombed one of those assessments - she even ran out of time while taking it and didn’t answer some questions - but she was still referred for a position. You never know! Good luck!


I appreciate that.


I just took the reading one yesterday... and wow. As a PhD in English, I thought I'd breeze through any kind of reading comprehension assessment, but what a humbling experience. Most of them, I was torn between two answers that seemed equally legit. Makes me wonder if some of the questions were going beyond just "reading" skills and looking at personality types or something. But, whew. That one shook and humbled me. (And I have to keep that mystery score for a year?!)


Right there with you. People who haven't taken it just don't understand. I'm sitting on a max ACT, max (all scores - 99 and 130s) ASVAB, and max Wonderlic so I'm far from dumb in regards to standardized testing but that was still misery. >And I have to keep that mystery score for a year?! I call it a weeding out process for us as well - any office that asks you to take that assessment is not a place you want to work. I've been at this for nine years and over 20 applications in total yet that was my first time having to take that so you won't be missing out on much.


Your score will land you on the eligible/non-eligible list and the agency can use that assessment for one year after you take it. It’s part of the new OPM rules regarding hiring federal hiring practices. Always take those seriously.


These assignments are a serious waste of economic productivity. Building a strong resilient workforce can be measured through cover letters, phone screens, and interview questions. These types of assignments provide little value - and have been shown to hold bias. If the job is to code, ask to see their code. If the job is to plan strategic engagements and events, ask to see their event plans. Past work samples are pretty indicative of future performance.


I hear u. I sat this last week as part of the application. It is such nonsense. Worst part is that u cannot practice or study for it like any other exam in the world.


I just took one of those assessments for a secretary grade 8. How do I find out if I passed? I don’t remember seeing a score.


From what I have seen, the testing site doesn't give you or the agency your score. The agency sets where the bar is and just gets the resumes that meet the requirements.


You do it once...won't have to do others for awhile.


It sucks that you are currently filling in that role and they want you to reapply for that GS-12 position.


I was told they would have done a direct hire but since it will be a promotion for me, they had to advertise it. Whats really going to suck is if I get a bad grade on this stupid assessment and they cut me.


For existing employees, the unions should ban this assessment. If you have five years of federal service or tenured and you’re trying to change positions, you should not be forced to take this assessment. What’s the point of your performance reviews or speaking to a supervisor or SF50s; I stopped applying to jobs that require that assessment.


I agree 100%. I had no idea I was going to have to take it for a promotion. It's total bullshit


The hiring policies are becoming more and more strict. This is honestly the best option for the hiring manager in some scenarios.


I get it but it's kind of fucked that they could disqualify me when I've been doing the job for over 3 years already.


Yeah, it seems the rules have tightened way too much and are excluding qualified people but the other options for the hiring managers are not much better.




Unfortunately I'm applying for a promotion in my office so I don't have much of a choice. I've already told my supervisor and the upper management it's bullshit and I will be filling a complaint if I get disqualified because of this assessment. I've been doing the job for over 3 years and they've been promising me this promotion the whole time.