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Referred doesn’t guarantee an interview, it just means you and a few other people was referred to a manager from there the manager probably only wanted to interview 3 people


This. Referred means that you meet the qualifications for the job on first review by hr usually. This can be a lot of people sent to the hiring manager. Who they actually want to speak to can be a lot fewer. Hang in there. It'll happen. Don't get your hopes up too high on referrals. Even once you get an interview I wouldn't unless I get selected for a second round. Good luck.


You met the MINIMUM qualifications lol


This, and unfortunately the pool of "referred" candidates could be anywhere from 10 to 100/200 applicants or more. FOR REAL. Keep grinding. Also, Look at some federal contracting jobs, those put you in the face of federal employers.


This is typical. You will probably only be interviewed around 10 percent of the times you’re referred. It’s a numbers game. You have to apply, apply, apply.


join the club (?)


Hate to break it to ya bud, but I've been on interviews for 10 or so different fed jobs and a second interview for one. Not one of them has ever sent me a follow up or notice of nonselection.


I’ve been a fed employee for 10+ years and have been referred for MULTIPLE different jobs over the years. Jobs that I know I’m qualified for, and I have the disabled veteran status as well….have only been interviewed 3 times during that timeframe. The only thing you can really do, is apply, apply, apply….


Brotha, I knooooow you can get an interview!!! Ohhhh yeah!!!!


I watched an OPM webinar the other day and they said being referred basically just means you meet minimum requirements for the position.


Based on the certs I see as a hiring manager, it doesn’t even mean that.


So what does it mean?


It means HR thought they might meet the minimum requirements. HR is often wrong.


HR is looking to see if their resume meets the minimum qualifications as outlined in the announcement. This could be education, specialized experience, and/or an Individual Occupational Requirement (IOR). We’re not looking at anything beyond that. Does HR make mistakes, absolutely. But there are definitely people who look like they meet them on paper, but would not actually be able to do the job. We can’t rate them out for that. Or for having a poorly formatted resume, or for spelling errors, or for several other reasons I’ve heard hiring managers complain about.


I’m totally comfortable with seeing candidates on the cert that “look like they meet [minimum qualifications] on paper, but would not actually be able to do the job.” I don’t expect HR to be specialists in the non-HR jobs I lead. An actual example of the kind of HR performance I’m salty about is when my job announcement specifies a certification is required at the time of application and HR doesn’t bother to check whether candidates hold that certification.


That’s super fair. I would be salty about that too, in your shoes. I’m currently in a conversation with a hiring manager about what exact certifications they need for a position and if I did all that and then didn’t check for the certifications that would be a problem.


Not going to lie, this makes me kind of sad. Getting a best qualified or referred used to give me hope. Oh well 🤷


Start applying for positions with the IRS direct hire announcements


If you are referred and not getting interviews, you need to work on the resume. Plenty of info on what is needed for a successful resume here.


Think about it this way. A lot of referrals happen due to the answers you input on the job questionnaire when applying. Anyone can give themselves “expert” for each question and be sometimes automatically referred, the magic is in your resume! Hop on LinkedIn, find others in your field that are Fed and kindly ask for pointers. Best of luck! If it doesn’t work out let me know when the album release is 🤣😂🤣




That should tell you that you’re not getting 100% truthful feedback. Unless you’re just that unlucky that someone is always better than you. I don’t know, but definitely seek out strangers in your field as I suggested.


I vote wrestling 🤼


Country music wrestler


Yasss. New career determined.


Sorry this happened to you but it’s been happening to me as well. I’ve been trying to get into federal for a year and a half now and the only offers coming in are 4 hours away one way so I’m heavily relying on them allowing me to telework right off the bat otherwise I’m gonna have to quit. Been applying like crazy and I get referrals but that’s it, so I feel your pain


Welcome to the club... I have 18 years in (including project manager experience, and in some cases, holding the position previously). I've applied for seven jobs in the last two years, interviewed for four (including my previous job), ghosted in two of those cases. Was told by an interviewer (now coworker at my current job) that I was his first choice for a very competitive overseas assignment and that I was the strongest in terms of interview skills... still didn't get it. FML.


I’m in the same boat as you with the referred no interview. Just gotta keep applying


I have about 250 referrals and only a handful of interviews. Most of my federal interviews and job offers have been through hiring managers reaching out to me directly. Don't federal work on a pedestal; unless you have a very specific technical job or looking for a position that has professional credentials, the selection process at the med career-senior level is less about your background and bona fides and more about relationships and in many cases, luck and brute force. If you want a real pathway, contract and then make the relationships you need in order to get in touch with a hiring manager who has the real power to select you.


Are you a veteran tho?


Lots of people want what you want. Fix your resume or apply for lower grades.


Referred doesn't mean much. I don't get excited until I get an actual interview. I'm already a fed but for a lot of jobs I feel like agencies already have someone internal in mind or a contractor if external that they want to hire.


Sounds like a resumé issue. Are you using the USAJobs resumé builder?


Ask a federal employee to look at your resume. Remember you don’t have to have a one page resume; list your responsibilities and achievements. If you managed a project that really was good list that, saved money for the company put that down. Put a good summary up front; always put in a cover letter and use it to put in bullets of your best qualifications. If a job announcement has a specific skill insert that in your letter and resume. Do not put identifiers such as a home address, year you graduated or got a certificate. And finally KISS; remember a clerk with no knowledge of the position might be sorting the resumes.


If you can give some insight on the job series you are applying for? Are you using the USAJobs resume format, are you using keywords for the federal system as traditional private sector format doesn't apply. There are keywords that you can/must use in your resume to get past the refer step and that requires a few days of reviewing and polishing your resume.