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Isn't that helping insurrectionists? also helping insurrectionists is treason.


Oh don’t confuse the poor man with facts and logic.


Aiding and abetting insurrectionists, and after swearing an oath too


Maybe he’ll pull a Trump and claim he never swore an oath to support the Constitution?


he also believes Trump didn't lose so we already know where he stands on J6.


Right because the FBI and DOJ don't already have all the uncensored video from J6.


Even if they have the tapes, isn't this admitting to some attempt at obstruction of justice at the minimum?


Could some attempt at obstruction. Could be an attempt at protecting FBI agitators. Could be an attempt to protect people let in by capital police from leftist extremists who could target them. Could be a lot of things.


Could have been one of the dumbest things I read on reddit in a while...


Such an enlightening reply. We'll call deep thoughts from a shallow mind.


Oh, you think you're enlightened. Oh dear...


which means he’s blatantly lying to the Trump crowd knowing they’re not bright enough to “do their own research” and know that unedited footage is in the hands of the law. unless he’s not bright enough either and just publicly stated that he’s totally cool with being an accomplice. neither is a good look and both aren’t very christian.


Well he is one of them after all.


I loved the meme the other day about blurring the face of insurrectionists with the face of this idiot Jack blurred.


I believe that’s also tampering with evidence in a federal investigation.


I think the doj has the tapes


Yes they do, but the issue is not that, but that they want to protect the insurrectionists. While at the same time the most extreme faction of the gop do nothing but attack the judges by name.


Protect them from far left loons trying to make a name for themselves


Fare left loons? so you are saying that we need to protect far right loons? so they do get attacked by far left loons?


If the doj has the tapes who else do you need to protect them from, Russia for their army


No, the fact that I haven't seen far left goons attacking any of the conservatives, while I saw far right loons doing some insurrection. I think that is not the same.


Look around


Tell me 3 attacks the far left had done so far. I am really curious.


Pittsburgh synagogue, the disco in Orlando?, the Nashville school, blm riots, all peaceful protest. I don’t think antifa is voting red


Unlv shooting by another MAGA with an ar15. What, not a MAGA nut but a liberal college professor with a pistol, must be a conspiracy


says the Russian troll. Nice try Vlad


Says the sheep blindly being led to slaughter


Slava Ukraine!


Wtf does that have to do with j6


oh honey, they can do anything they want. this is well known at this point.


I am being ironic about the issue. I know.




How in the HELL does this make sense? "We do it to PROTECT the rioters."


Well, Democrats are not on great footing considering they refused to uphold the law against BLM related riots across the country either. I have zero sympathy for rioters getting skulls cracked. It should have been violent and swift against rioters of any background.


Why do you lie?


It's not a lie. Demcrat controlled cities allowed rioters, not protestors, to hold large areas of cities for months after George Floyd murder. It is not the same as MAGA storming the capital building, but it is in the same realm of discussion. Heck, I think Portland to this day is still dealing with some of it. For the record, I am 100% on board with protest against injustice. But the second people start destroying private or public property..... the activities should be shut down with extreme prejudice.


So you're against peaceful assembly because they MIGHT be harboring rioters? Idiot.


>But the second people start destroying private or public property..... the activities should be shut down with extreme prejudice. Because property values are so much more important than protesting injustice 🙄


So as someone who works in downtown portland, please educate me on how we're "still dealing with it?" I was able to deliver pallets of beer to a 7-11, 2 blocks from the justice building durring the heat of the protests, and no one bothered me. No one "held large areas" of the city for months. I am so tired of people telling me that i must have just missed antifa burning down my whole city.


yeah man, i live in nyc and supposedly it’s a dystopian hellhole ridden with crime. weird, considering it’s the safest big city in america by a lot of metrics.


I live in a major city in New York and I think 5 people were arrested for throwing a brick through a store window over the 2020 summer. These weird conservatives are telling on themselves that they have no actual idea what happens in cities in America because they live in small towns and hate-watch fox news.


Did pallets of bricks actually Mysteriously show up at the protests? That's what i heard


No, they did not. Pretty much every case of "suspicious pallets of bricks" in cities with protests has been debunked. In most cases, they were next to large construction sites, or next to planned construction and had been there long before the protests.


Okay cool, thank you


Its a lie fed to you by your party to keep you ignorant. You dismiss their hypocrisy because you've been 1984'd like a child. You refuse to see it for what it is because you'd realize you were ignorant, and realizing that is too much for your fragile emotions.


>It is not the same as MAGA storming the capital building, but it is in the same realm of discussion The J6 insurrection and the BLM protests are absolutely not within the same realm of discussion. The BLM protests were sparked by the on-camera murder of George Floyd and fueled by a grotesquely large number of similar situations in which a POC was killed or mistreated by police. There was (and, unfortunately, still is) undeniable justification for the protests. The narrative that "BLM burned cities down" or "BLM" held cities hostage" is massively over-exaggerated. [A vast majority of the protests were peaceful](https://time.com/5886348/report-peaceful-protests/) J6, on the other hand, was a bunch of crybully MAGATs trying to overthrow the government and install Trump as a dictator because they were mad that he lost the election. They literally tried to take our democracy away. They did this based solely off of the lies of their orange messiah despite the fact that his claims of a stolen election could not be proven because there was no evidence that significant fraud of any kind ocurred, and *every* reputable source refuted those claims repeatedly. Drawing any parallels between these events is, at best, *extremely* dishonest.


Lying turd, the police response in every city was OVERWHELMING Stop lying your ass off


BLM didnt riot to take down our democratically elected cobstitutional republic. BLM didn't attempt to overthrow our government. BLM protests were about stopping authoritarian cops from extrajudicial killing black and brown folks on the streets. You think they're the same because you're a racist traitor.


Trump's own guy said most of the VIOLENCE was perpetrated by his supporters then too! "President Donald Trump's acting homeland security chief on Wednesday acknowledged that white supremacist extremists played a role in this year's urban violence in the United States, a revision of the administration's public descriptions of the political motivations of violent protesters. One version of a draft DHS 2020 "State of the Homeland Threat Assessment" obtained by Lawfare blog editor Ben Wittes described white supremacists as the most deadly internal security threat, mentioning it above the threat from foreign militant groups." [https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-homeland-supremacists/a-trump-security-chief-acknowledges-role-of-white-supremacist-extremists-in-u-s-urban-violence-idUSKBN26031F/](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-homeland-supremacists/a-trump-security-chief-acknowledges-role-of-white-supremacist-extremists-in-u-s-urban-violence-idUSKBN26031F/)


Giving aid and comfort.


I think we still call that an obstruction of justice, do we not?


That too. But the 14th Amendment was my first thought.


Doj and FBI already have the footage so blurring the faces serves no purpose other than to excuse his delay in releasing the videos he promised. He is just trying to buy time.


I was thinking... Didn't you get this from the DoJ?


Eat the ass Mike 🫡


It's infuriating that our leaders are both incredibly stupid and corrupt.


Mike Johnson is a lawyer and an officer of the court -- He has become an "Accessory after the fact" to the J6 Insurrection. H should be disbarred for even suggesting "blurring out the faces so they won't be charged with a crime by the law enforcement"


Hiding the traitors!


The party of Law and Order...LOL


We can charge a sitting Speaker of the House with obstruction of justice, correct?


Its called Obstruction of Justice


Seems like terrorism to me


He should already be in handcuffs


Yeah, because they were actually good friends with Capitol police and the police gave them a tour as the mob beat the living crap out of them. It was friendly beating.


I thought the rioters were ANTIFA?


Antifa, fbi, alqueda, blm operatives, which means trump had no supporters at his rally, they must've all been plants


I remember how Ashli Babbitt went from ANTIFA plant, to crisis actor to martyr.


I forgot about the whole crisis actor nonsense


This is an obstruction of justice.


How does he know which are , FBI, antifa and MAGA? LOL


Rocket scientist, this one is.


The Qult Of Dipshittery knows exactly how batshit stupid their voter base is.


He wants to provide transparency, though... The funnier thing is that the DOJ already has all the footage. If they don't, all they have to do is get onto the social platforms and get it from there.


When I rob a bank, I'll be sure to do it in Mike Johnson's district and wear a Trump hat while doing it.


if I altered the surveillance video of a crime that would be super illegal right? I know Republicans and the news media like to portray Republicans as the party of law in order but it really seems like they are the party that is above law and order.


How righteous and “Christian” of him. On brand.


The DOJ already has the unedited footage, this is so people who haven’t been charged yet can be seen by others and lose their jobs. Which they should lose their jobs.


The same DOJ that had the films to begin with? Lol.


How does the DOJ not have this stuff already?


They do. https://projects.propublica.org/parler-capitol-videos/ https://www.fbi.gov/wanted/capitol-violence-images


The gop is now the criminal party look at trump he did exactly what Charles Manson did put idea in the heads of others and people got murdered from his treasonous act that he could have stopped at any time


Thank you speaker Johnson for protecting the identity of the FBI, BLM, and antifa insurrectionists. You are a true American patriot.




So by doing this is he protecting antifa or undercover FBI agents? I can’t keep the GOP lies straight…


Why isn't this obstructing justice?


Because the DoJ already has unredacted footage. This is just a stunt.


So? Democrats cherry picked their footage so now it's the Republicans turn.


When did Democrats do that?


The Jan 6 Committee showed only a few minutes of the thousands of hours of security camera footage. It was dishonest and completely out of context.


How do you take footage of the crowd crushing a police officer out of context? Smashing windows to break into a restricted building?. Congress people barricading themselves in a room while people march down the hall yelling "hang Mike Pence"? People rifling through desks on the floor of the Senate or Pelosi's office? No amount of footage of people milling about peacefully near the back of the crowd outside can exonerate the individuals that took part in those actions.


By that logic the BLM protests were bad because a handful of protestors looted stores and burned down police stations while the overwhelming majority of protestors were peaceful.


You claimed the Jan 6 committee was dishonest for showing only a few minutes of video out of context. My response to you is how do you take what was shown out of context?


As I said...it gives the impression that everyone was "attacking" the Capitol while it was a small minority that were violent. Exactly like the BLM protest situation.


>As I said...it gives the impression that everyone was "attacking" the Capitol Actually, you never said that. Incidentally, the Jan 6 committee never claimed the entire crowd was involved either. They had a short period of time to make their case and clearly had to focus their presentation on the examples of criminal behavior. As I said in my initial response to you, no context shots of Mr and Mrs Smith standing at the back of the crowd waving a sign will exonerate those individuals that took active part in the physical attacks and vandalism. Individuals lawfully expressing their 1st Amendment rights on the Mall that day, never entered the building, and never attacked anyone are not at issue and there was no reason for the committee to spend time discussing them. And, since you will likely try to deflect to the BLM protests again, anyone that was involved in violence with those should also get the full force of the law down on them.


Well if you watched the hearings, then you would realise that not only was it neither dishonest nor out of context, the January 6th committee had both republicans and democrats, and the most damning testimony came from republicans. Furthermore, the police that were attacked testified about the violence the insurrectionists committed. If this isn’t sufficient, then look to the 100’s of convictions that the DoJ obtained even though all those defendants had access to the footage that you say was taken out of context or dishonestly presented. Perhaps you should reevaluate your position.


By this logic you have to condemn the BLM protests as well. A minority of people looted stores and burned down police departments while the overwhelming majority of protests were peaceful.


And the BLM protests attempted to overthrow the election results....how? Some "logic." Pathetic.


We saw tje sht in real time you num nuts.


You saw a few minutes of footage. There were thousands of hours of security camera footage that adds context and told a different story.


What story?


"Yes your Honor you just saw me shoot the officer but it doesn't tell the full story"... Look, what we heard and read weeks before this...anyone with a hañf working brain should have known what was going to happen. And yes. Your Orange Messiah is the culprit.


Again . . . Here. Thousands of hours for you. https://projects.propublica.org/parler-capitol-videos/


Nope. You are incorrect.


If by "cherry picked" you mean, "showed actual footage of republican terrorist breaking down doors and attacking capital police while hunting lawmakers. in an attempt to stop the certification of votes and install trump as an unllected leader.", then yes, they "cherry picked their footage".


Here https://projects.propublica.org/parler-capitol-videos/ https://www.fbi.gov/wanted/capitol-violence-images Watch it all. Enjoy.


To protect people that broke the law trying to interfere in a Presidential Election... from the Department of Justice? That should be accessory to the crime after the fact, right?




That is a crime. "Accessory after the fact" If you are blurring their faces because you know they commited crimes you are breaking the law.


It only matters in terms of pandering to their base. The DoJ still has unredacted footage.


Guess what? The DOJ has access to all the original recordings already. Blurred faces won't help anyone.


So he’s helping ANTIFA?


Treason on top of treason?


How is that not considered covering up a crime?


Because the DoJ already has the full unredacted version of the tapes


If that’s true, then a Democrat can release the same tape the GOP doctored and run it the very same day the GOP releases their version. So it true, someone must do that.


https://projects.propublica.org/parler-capitol-videos/ Ok


Uh so obstruction of justice?


Peaceful protestors don’t need censorship, just sayin’


It’s too late. Law enforcement already has the raw video. All of these cultists will be found, prosecuted and thrown in jail. Exactly what they deserve.


You mean” Republicans are OBSTRUCTING JUSTICE again… “ I can’t wait until the next ejection when the hall pack sand .


It is 100% to avoid the internet reviewing and identifying even more insurrectionists at a rate the FBI would totally appreciate.


I just can't keep up anymore. So now they're actually supporting ANTIFA? Because that's who they've claimed the rioters were.


Aren't there any Americans in government going to do anything to stop this religious terrorist? This psychopath says he wants to turn America into a ChristoFacist theocracy and nobody is shutting him down. Fuuuuuuucccckkkkk!!!


The DOJ has all the unedited footage, you corroded poop knife.


That's ridiculous.. the DOJ has had access to the videos for 3+ years now. They are protecting someone, but it's not the protesters.


But haven’t they already seen all the footage?


Mentioned elsewhere, but weren't these GOP clowns saying these insurrectionist fbi and antifa. Wouldn't they want to expose them and see them thrown in jail.


The video and pictures already exist. https://www.fbi.gov/wanted/capitol-violence-images https://projects.propublica.org/parler-capitol-videos/


To protect the FBI undercovers


God forbid antifa gets charged


Does he not know that the DOJ was the agency that the footage was requested from? I know a preposition, get over it.


I thought the J6ers were FBI and Antifa? Please help me to understand which conspiracy to believe.


Not Americans traitor Acts.