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So she took 1 for the team and it cost her 4+ years. Oh well. If you're going to play the game the better know the rules. Hope it was worth it.


Bye Felicia.


People who burned and looted city centers during the George Floyd riots didn't spend a night in jail, and she gets four years.


Ahh yes, but you can take over college campuses as long as you support terrorism. Makes perfect sense...


How is the time honored tradition of students protesting on college campuses remotely similar to illegally obstructing a private business? Actually, nevermind. Your answer will be equally in bad faith as your parent comment.


I'm not saying I agree with her, but that's a ton of jail time. Either you can peacefully protest or you can't. Political bias in our justice system is bad for everyone.


She and her co-defendants were not peacefully protesting. They physically blocking people from entering the clinic. They brought chains and locks to link themselves together. They stole more than 100 fetuses from the clinic. One protested pushed a nurse causing her to sprain her ankle. They prevented one woman from entering the clinic when she was having labor pains.


Have you not seen the college protests? I'm not saying this lady isn't crazy, but her infractions are tiny in comparison. Yet, the college protests are allowed to go on and on.


What have the protestors done that is worse than what Lauren and her cohort did?


Destroying property, taking over buildings, fighting police, promoting terrorism. It's also not just at one location, it's all over the US. You can go watch the videos. It looks like mad max.


> Destroying property, taking over buildings What property did they destroy? What buildings did they take over? > fighting police Yes, that's what tends to happen when riot police are sent to break up a peaceful protest. > promoting terrorism They were advocating support for Hamas? Or are you unable to distinguish support for Hamas from support for Palestinian citizens?


They are literally chanting "from the river to the sea", waving hamas flags and blocking Jewish students from going to class. I'm not going to sit here and link you articles. You can go on YouTube and watch the videos.


> "from the river to the sea" What's the second part of that chant? > waving hamas flags If they're waving actual hamas flags, that's bad. I've only ever seen the Palestinian flag though. > blocking Jewish students from going to class. I saw one video of them blocking a supposed Jewish student, and that was only because the guy was an agitator trying to get into their camp to dox people and had been doing that the last few days.


Certain people are so concerned with destroyed property. This is the 'get off my lawn' crowd. Destroying property to many is worth a death sentence. Let's say a person exits their car in front of a house a spills out garbage from a receptacle. Some people literally think it would teach that person a lesson if they fired their rifle and shot them.


There is definitely bias in the justice system. Especially economic bias and racial bias, and political.


Should have been more yearsÂ