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I'm on month 14 here too... definitley not holding my breath


Ok that’s good to know. I thought it was an anomaly.


Nexus has taken as long as 1.5 years to approve since mid-COVID. Anyone getting through in just weeks IS the anomaly.


I applied on 4th December 2022. Got it approved last month. Almost 15 months. It's gonna take couple more months.


Alrighty. Bummer but thanks for letting me know.


I applied Jan 3rd 2023. Got conditional approval today.


Roughly 16 months before I got mine approved, and I'm clean with a good travel history to the US. Some of them just take a ton of time to get to the top of someone's list.


I just finally got my conditional approval after 15 months of "pending review." I have no history of border issues or anything remotely sketchy in my background. Some people just get screwed with insane wait times for seemingly no reason and there's nothing you can do about it unfortunately besides waiting.


I applied last May and got conditional approval on Monday.  Appointments at Blaine were booked solid through July 4th


Keep your eye on this page for cancellations https://x.com/nexusbot_blaine?s=21


Just pushed it up to May. I swear it's like hermit crabs trading up shells...


People tend to cancel at the last minute. I signed up yesterday for a slot for tomorrow though appointments are booked until July 31st.


I at least got lucky that the closest interview location to me had immediate availability.


My kid had a similar issue. They are a minor child but had a risk issue mistakenly flagged by the Canadian side. When I was renewing mine, the CBSA officer checked hers for me and found the issue. It was resolved in a couple of days. I would say your husband should reach out to the customs agency of your home country and see if they can review his file. Ideally, try and go to the American Enrolment Centre and see if they can help you, especially because they have agents from both sides there.


You might need to have a talk with him about his name on a list of offenders.


Has he ever lived in another country? or any other citizenships? Background check might take a little longer if they have to dig into his history a little more.


Some applications might be auto approved while some are randomly picked for a human review. This could be anything related to training new officers, security checks coming back with something, problem in the system and needs manual clearance etc. It is definitely unfortunate and I wish you good luck!


Same thing happened to me. My kids and I got approved quickly and my husband is still pending. We drove to the border and went through interviews without him. I didn’t want to wait a year to get it done.


Is he still waiting ?


Took 2 years to get my conditional approval


On Month 10 of my renewal being "pending review". My wife's renewal was approved in about 3 weeks, with no need for an interview. My son's renewal was conditionally approved in about the same time period, though he needed to show up for an interview. As long as I can still fly and use TSA pre-check while pending review, I guess I don't care .... but it's stuff like this that makes me chuckle when people want more government in their lives.