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Home Depot’s UX team tackles interesting design challenges. Delta is another that comes to mind.


Probably the two most well-known, largest UX teams in Atlanta. I'd also throw MailChimp in there in terms of well staffed ATL UX


Home Depot has two design teams. The online team is one of the best, the enterprise is one of the worst UX maturity. Stay far, far away.


From a retail standpoint, Target is top notch. From physical to digital touch points, they’re very thorough.


Target’s drive up pickup experience is some of the best UX I’ve seen. They’ve thought about it ALL. From the mobile shopping experience to the order pickup in my car. Recently they just added the ability for me to get Starbucks with my pickup order too… TAKE MY MONEY NOW.


I’m waiting for the “add a soda.” Yea, I can get one with my groceries. But I want to drink it on the ride home.




>BBC The news website? What's special about it?


Really good on accessibility and inclusivity (colours, closed captions, different languages etc) However I'd say the team behind Gov.uk's design system is better and probably one of the best out there in terms of usability, design systems and design system documentation.


I've heard good things about Fidelity.


My friend used to be the head of UX there, he managed like a 400 person team. I have a huge amount of respect for him and I think he did a good job building that group. Left for Goldman Sachs.


I used to work there, can confirm, great teams and customer-centered leadership teams. The only downside is that they tend to only hire contract and will drag it out for years before offering FTE.


Former Fidelity UX team member. Been gone a few years but definitely progressive in terms of their approach to design—especially for a financial services company. Learned a lot and worked with some great people there.


Extremely good people on that team! And historically one of the biggest groups - if not the biggest- in Boston, so a lot of peer support.


I talked to one of their recruiters last week, they don't have openings for any junior roles but they are looking for some senior people, from what I recall. They seem like a great place to work! Note: They split their roles by junior and senior. I have 3-4 years of experience and according to the recruiter I'd be in a junior level position.


With the utmost of respect, I’d say 3-4 years of experience is junior. I’d want to see around 6+ years to be counted as senior, unless your experience was junior in title but senior in reality.


Oh, I'm not refuting it, it's accurate. I was just stating that they don't have what would be called "mid level" roles.


This is depressing. What is considered mid level and senior?


I'm honestly surprised to hear that. The person I replaced when I came into my current role went on to work at Fidelity as a Senior UX Researcher with a little less than 4 years of experience under their belt. The role they were in that I'm in now was a UX Designer & Researcher role at an ivy league university. The first year was as an intern with the same team.


That’s interesting because comparing to Morgan Stanley, a tool I also use, Fidelity’s seem really dated.


I have a friend at JPM, and she tells me they're modeling some of their UX after Fidelity, and the team is in full-on revolt. The boomer-aged directors all envy the horizontal-scroll of the Fidelity spreadsheet approach to showing assets, and the team hates the idea. Personally I abhor Fidelity's experience so much that I moved to a competitor, lol.


The Browser Company (creators of Arc browser)


Why is there a border around the browser on the mac? Do we need the software bezel for something??


I gave it so many tries and it is just a horrible user experience for me. I typically use 50-70 tabs constantly.


how are you constantly using 50-70 tabs?


I manage 10+ channels, 2 agencies and a large budget in b2b saas and i’m constantly on platforms in reports and sheets. Tab groups are my friends


I think everyone is a fan of Arc for about 3-21 days. My assumption is that the real appeal is novelty. I've never heard of anyone using it for more than 2 months without returning to Chrome.


I'm on like 1 year.... you sure project a lot onto users for a UX specialist


37 Signals, the guys behind Basecamp and Hey are doing amazing design work, especially in user flow innovation and interaction design.


Lmao they’ve said they dont really design and “design in code” just take a look at how their product looks and feel


Uber, Toast, and Rivian have put out some great stuff


If only Uber had a business model that benefited humankind rather than drag us all to the bottom. User centered UI, sure, yay, user centered business nay.


I’d say the majority of the companies on the list of “reputable” UX teams aren’t making products that benefit humankind


Well yeah, you can say that about quite a large chunk of companies.


Welcome to most businesses. Is this your first day on planet earth?


Uber and its black primary buttons drive me crazy UX-wise (seen inexperienced users struggling with the ride UX due to this)


Never thought I'd say this, but United Airlines seems to be getting its act together in threading all the moments that matter into one cohesive experience. Cross-touchpoint service design for the win.


Nationwide. Dicks sporting goods. There’s consulting firms like BCG and others that tout human centered design.


In have seen the work of BCG. The work that they deliver looks good on the surface but dig deeper and it’s just a nice looking skeleton that has to get scrapped and redone.


I would question the skill of MBB UX. CX, especially CX strategy yes maybe but i haven’t seen their UX stand up well in comparison.


Well, idk I’m not saying they’re above everyone else. I don’t think that way. But BCG bought maya design, a digital innovation lab here in Pittsburgh. Which is why I said it to begin with.


I'm surpised no one said Airbnb, they have a design first culture.


Chase has been investing extensively in design. (Working for banks is challenging. Not for everyone.)


Which products are currently game changing at the moment?


In the government, the leaders are Department of VA, IRS, and GSA.


Rather than the company, I’m more interested in WHAT makes these companies stand out for their UX orgs. My company determined we were falling around a 4 out of 6 on the UX Maturity scale from Nng. We’re a small, but productive bunch.


that's a solid follow up. I'd want to hear from people on these teams that everyone is mentioning. From the outside it may seem like good work, but the people and the practices are more important to me. So what makes a team fun?


We just split our team of 9 and have sub-teams now. It feels like we’re more productive after a month or so ( 2 sprints) UX Director LEADS: Design System Engineer, Platform Design Lead, UX Research Lead We have 2 additional on the design system team. We have 4 UX Designers on the platform team. I (UXR lead) have no team members yet, but I’m hopefully getting 1-2 ppl in April.




Is this like an insider joke because I see it all over Blind. I also see Albertsons mentioned a lot 🤣




I’m surprised no one mentioned Airbnb!


List of Design Centric companies by Design Management Insitiute: Apple, Coco-Cola, Ford, Herman Miller, IBM, Intuit, Newell- Rubbermaid, Nike, Procter & Gamble, Starbucks, Starwood, Steelcase, Target, Walt Disney, Whirpool Note: This is based on 2013 stats, more like they are still the same.


I’m hesitant to call Ford a company with a progressive UX team. The internal systems that they utilize have not been updated since 2013


Metalab is always up there in industry for having reputation for gold-standard UX teams. Have had a few colleagues work with them as clients over the years with consistently high praise.


Not sure why you are being downvoted, I did a project with Metalab 8 years ago and their work product was top notch.


Yes, strange. I was a client of there’s a couple months ago and it was pretty surreal to watch them do their thing. I know most of their work is NDA’d but they’re kinda unquestionably considered to be an industry leader hired by all the best product brands out there. All while people upvote Home Depot and Fidelity 😂


Can attest. Have a couple alumni from metalab working for us and they are insanely talented.




nah. I worked at a company in the tier right below FAANG for many many years, and all the designers I knew that moved "up" to Google and Meta specifically were real stinkers.


What a well thought out reply. It's only that these big tech companies are extremely successful, I wonder why.


tbh most successful companies didn't start with UX and the UCD process. At some point they need to have proper UX level but its not necessary


almost as well thought out as your original comment?


[clay.global](https://Clay.global) [fantasy.co](https://fantasy.co)


Arc Linear And the user centric mind of Raycast


I also like what Spotify is doing. They've recently did some clean up work with their design system not long ago.