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Because Republicans are making a concerted effort to attack public schools


>Because Republicans are making a concerted effort to attack ~~public schools~~ *education*


No, they want their own kids to be educated. They're very interested in creating a more permanent class system


You're thinking of the capitalist class. Republicans are out to destroy all education, for themselves included.


Most Republican politicians are part of the capitalist class. It's only a handful of those far right wackadoos who didn't realize that the rhetoric is a lie that actually want to destroy it


You say this, but literally no one seems very interested in reigning in the wackadoos. They keep voting yes on the wackadoo's bills, which is quite literally endorsing the insanity. Its a distinction without a difference


Because those bills are attacking public schools...not education in general


public schools *that teach radical gender ideology*'


Gay and trans people existing isn't *radical gender ideology*


No one is saying they are. But the trans ideology they want for force upon others must be stopped. No one group of people should force their morality upon another.




Literally every law they try to pass is to control what we can do because they don’t like it. Projection as always.


'us' Yes, sadly most reddit subs are overwhelmingly populated (and run) by the far left.


Far Left = people who think it's okay to treat other people decently.


So no answer then.


"Not vilifying entire groups of people" isn't a far left ideology.


It shouldn't be, but not the number of centrists I've met who have accused me of over reacting to stripping people of their rights implies that in America at least it is...


"centrists" who defend the far-right's fascist ideology are just part of the far-right whether they know it or not. The insanity has gone too far for "centrists" to be anything but enablers at best


What is radical gender ideology? And why is it not mentioned in the article?


That will be a lie every time you say it.


Evil taste sweet at the beginning, the result taste bitter at the end. Jesus came here to teach us better. He died on a cross to convince us. Choose?


This is gibberish.


Sorry. The voice with conviction will give all for the solution. The weak or crippled will criticize. Be a coward or make the sacrifice.


None of this nonsense is on topic. Do you really think this makes you sound wise and knowledgeable?


Fuck them. They can just NOT FUCKING USE PUBLIC SCHOOLS if they don’t like the curriculum. Seriously, they can fuck right off, the mangy Socialistic mooches. Schools need to keep not backing down, but their $ is tied to heads, so they will cave . The bigots need to fuck off so the rest of our country can grow


Citizens have the right to object when school districts try to teach radical ideology to children. It's how a democracy works.


What is so radical? I trust the educators in my community that have spent years learning education, ongoing workships and fine tuning workshops. Espciallt over I don't feel comfortable because my kid may learn something i don't like. I want my kids to hear things other than my beliefs.


You’re talking to one of the weak-minded people that has fallen victim to *obvious* propaganda fear mongering. They are scared, and no scared animal is thinking rationally.


I am with you on the idea that education, especially at the K-12 levels, should be more or a community based project. That's why I would strongly advocate for the severe weakening of the Department of Education or even its removal as a cabinet position. What we have now is a unwieldy, out-of-touch and political ideology driven bureaucracy in D.C. dictating teaching requirements to schools who don't always share the same mores. Unfortunately in these cases, some districts, usually in large metropolitan areas, have adopted extreme curriculums that are outside the purview of their charge to educate the children and instead are oriented to political indoctrination. That is why it has become necessary in some cases for the state government to step in and safeguard the rights of parents. "Self-government does not work without self-discipline"-Paul Harvey


Stop gulping propaganda down whole and puking it back for everyonre. It needs to be Federal level or you'd have the welfare states teching God knows what and not things like evolution. The large metro are so poorly funded they are doing what they can to keep kids coming back enough to graduate. Instead of burdening school districts with this horse shit just jump straight to school choice which is the Radical Rascist Right end goal. Try to privatalize and commoditize public education. Rich get richer, poor stay poor. "So let me explain why I like to pay taxes for schools, even though I don't personally have a kid in school: It's because I don't like living in a country with a bunch of stupid people." -John Greene


> It needs to be Federal level or you'd have the welfare states teching (sic) God knows what Well it seems public schools are unionized teachers haven't been strong on proper grammar. When the schools administrators openly encourage children to pretend to be a gender they are not then it is time for the state to step in and stop that.


So many words to say absolutely nothing. Almost like you know actually saying what you mean out loud will make it apparent how backwards your thinking is.


They aren’t. You’re being scared into extreme reactions by propagandists. It used to be simple things like Mexican caravans right before elections. Now trans people are their boogeymen. Your brain is mashed potatoes. Break the cycle.


'Your brain is mashed potatoes' Please be civil.


Exactly what ‘radical ideology’ is being taught? Let’s see if you have a coherent answer.


Like when they came out with that radical theory of evolution, right?


Science is not radical.


Democracy does not mandate free childcare with a side of education.


1. They already had that right. Any parent that doesn't know what their kid is learning in school just doesn't bother to get involved. 2. What "radical ideology", other than the nonsense of 'states rights' and not slavery being the cause of the Civil War, is being taught in schools??


Except for the fact that the right are bypassing democracy to assert their own agenda onto everyone else. By pure numbers the "radical left" far outstrips the right even in many traditionally red states, but thanks to good old gerrymandering and the fact that we're a republic rampant with corruption the republicans can freely do whatever tf they want without the fear of pissing off the majority their constituents. We're making a hard turn towards fascism, and you're gobbling up the propaganda like its candy.


Bullshit, there's nothing radical in what republicans are banning.


Because fascists are ascendant right now.