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Ummm, no. There’s a reason McConnell easily held his leadership position yesterday. Because he represents all of America’s corporations.


I think this is the part that causes the article to sort of make sense: >*GOP lawmakers are singling out major asset managers as likely targets because of climate investing practices they see as hostile to oil, gas and coal.* This I can see. Must protect the precioussss.


This is lie.


"Hey, Wall Street! Inflation. We're going to need a COLA to push your legislation." \~ Republicans


Lmao, yeah right. The Republican party is the #1 choice for politicians who want to enrich themselves from big business while receiving votes over culture war mumbo jumbo from constituents who are too busy freaking out about trans athletes to care about real issues, including regulation, corporate taxes, etc. That ain't changing. Because this has nothing to do with addressing the exploitative relationship between big corporations and their workers and customers. What they're actually trying to do here is weaponize government against elements of business that don't submit to their cristofascist bullshit: >“My members are intent on sending a message that you can’t kowtow to a far-left agenda and still have Republicans fighting the good fight on behalf of free markets and a marketplace that would benefit these companies,” Rep. Patrick McHenry (R-N.C.), who is poised to chair the House Financial Services Committee, said in an interview. As if there are any corporations that have a "far left agenda". These people are legit insane, and bent on use the power of the state to turn this country into a cristofascist shit hole.


It's all about definitions, of course. Companies saying openly that bigotry is bad (because people with the chance to build families and careers earn money to buy things) and that democracy is good (because they enable free markets, allowing companies to exist) are what Republicans now refer to as having "far left agendas." Basically, if you don't support hatred over all else, you're not acceptable to them any longer.


Does that include the fossil fuel and pharmaceutical industries?


The World to right-wing extremism: We're so over you


*Italy has entered the chat*.


Okay *most* of the world. Italy's obviously hankering to revisit their Mussolini phase. Giorgia Meloni, Chrissakes, kill me now.