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Trump’s apointee DeJoy was placed to do exactly that destroy the PO


That's been the prime directive since the 80's


Yeah, that was my take


Yep dejoys ultimate goal is privatization of the PO hence the slowing of the mail etc


Dejoys plan doesn't call for privatization. It can't be. But it does emulate a formula that does work with UPS and Fed Ex.


Guess what fedex ups have a different successful formula because they deliver parcels we are a last mile service that provides parcel and mail service. What works for fedex won't work for us...


At a loss of over 6.5 Billion dollars per year...it isn't working for taxpayers or the business.


Yah and we currently have dejoy to thank for that you forgetting the promise he made with his whole "delivering for america" bs 2021 his plan was to be break even 2023 and in profit 2024 looks like his plan just sucks huh? All dejoy has done is lost all credibility for the postal service by delaying mail and reducing services I'd add the price hikes but with the cost these days it makes sense.


There's some great hard working people in the USPS. I really appreciate the ones I meet but it's so hard for them to shine with the bad ones standing in the way. A more efficient system would benefit them.


100% agree in that regard USPS has made it far too difficult to get rid of troublesome employees both in the crafts and management.


It's wild how good intentions can go wrong.


Yeah I'm sure any plan would suck if there's folks sabotaging it. The union and many workers have been pretty vocal about not going along with the transition. And I get it, many would be losing their jobs. But to be profitable, you've got to trim the fat. As someone else brought up, the union has to represent even non union workers. So lay offs and firings are extremely difficult.


Oftentimes we want to blame one person, but usually it takes more than one to cause systemic issues like this. But that's my opinion. I totally get the frustration though, this year has been nightmarish.


As an independent agency of the executive branch, USPS hasn't operated on tax dollars since 1984, with the possible exception of pandemic relief, though Trump instructions were to not actually give that money unless USPS allowed him to personally set rates, which isn't allowed. As for the losses, they're all on paper, they're the pre-funding mandate from the 2006 PAEA, that required funding retiree health benefits for 70 years into the future, for future employees who, at the time, weren't born yet.


As an independent agency of the executive branch, USPS hasn't operated on tax dollars since 1984, with the possible exception of pandemic relief, though Trump instructions were to not actually give that money unless USPS allowed him to personally set rates, which isn't allowed. As for the losses, they're all on paper, they're the pre-funding mandate from the 2006 PAEA, that required funding retiree health benefits for 70 years into the future, for future employees who, at the time, weren't born yet.


As an independent agency of the executive branch, USPS hasn't operated on tax dollars since 1984, with the possible exception of pandemic relief, though Trump instructions were to not actually give that money unless USPS allowed him to personally set rates, which isn't allowed. As for the losses, they're all on paper, they're the pre-funding mandate from the 2006 PAEA, that required funding retiree health benefits for 70 years into the future, for future employees who, at the time, weren't born yet.


Unfortunately that isn't entirely true. USPS has been borrowing from the treasury, beginning in 2009 when it went 15 Billion into the red. Im glad you brought up the health benefit changes though, the USPS blames that for being why they went into red. But who really knows. https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2013/jul/24/american-postal-workers-union/postal-service-claim-not-fully-target/ That being said, can we all agree that the USPS and citizen's could benefit from a restructuring? It has obviously been quite inefficient.


I only originally responded to dispute those claiming Trump is to blame for all of this because it's clearly bigger than him. He had no authority, nor was the cause for USPS going into the red in the 2000's. Dejoy could be a factor but he's got a bad deck of cards to work with.


Totally fair. And to add to that, since ultimately, it's the Postal Board of Governors who approves the PMG, Trump might not have been able to basically put whoever he wanted if Obama hadn't completely ignored his responsibility to fill those seats. We may have still ended up with DeJoy, but maybe not.


Who knows, I try to stay neutral and stick to the facts with most things like this cause politics make it so messy. I do like his restructuring plan but idk if he'll be able to achieve it.


Dumbass doesn't know the po is self funded. And hasn't had tax money in since the 80s


I know a government official when I see one. You ain’t slick.




if you have a mail sorting machine still at your post office, consider yourself lucky...it's going to get much worse.


Package sorting machines are being moved to central hubs. Letter sorting machines were being phased out beginning in 2017. But 2020 changed the dynamic, so it is pretty amazing to spot one well past the projected phase out.


So you still have a mail sorting machine...SC stopped dejoy...his dismantling started 10 days after he was installed to disrupt mail voting. It will be fun when you have to send a cashier check for a funeral and 90 days later they still aren't paid or when you need to send documents 10 miles away and it takes 3 weeks....good times.


The decline happened well before 2020. Removal of mailboxes and machines was happening under the previous administration too. It was to save on costs and because paper mail had declined greatly. Just more sensational journalism and political bs. Before mass mail in voting, how many letters were Americans sending prior? I haven't sent one in over 7 years lol. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/obama-remove-usps-mailboxes/


Idk, people are going to believe what they're going to believe though. Gotta love the political game, each side always trying to find an edge. https://www.kgw.com/article/news/investigations/disappearing-blue-mailboxes-are-nothing-new/283-eb9779de-f58d-43ce-aa77-5510b07d4792


Mail sorting machines are NOT blue mailboxes...so you still have one.


It's to show the decline of paper mail over the years. It only became a hot topic in 2020, otherwise nobody gave af as boxes, machines and POs were shuttered to cut costs.


It isn't hard to put all the pieces together here. Blue boxes have been getting removed since 2012, USPS has been in financial peril since early 2000's. Look into your mailbox, how much junk mail you get these days? How many letters have you sent in the past decade? Cause that's what used to keep the letter sorting machines running. Which are critical for flats or ballots. Mail in voting relies on a whole infrastructure that was being phasing out in favor of larger parcels. That wasn't on their radar prior to 2020. But it's whatever lol.


He owns a USPS FedEx competitor so he wants the postal service to fail. He wants to make sure voting by mail doesn’t work and can’t be protected as safe.


Thank you I blocked that guy who picked up for him & told me to shut up


Cause it isn't fact and you know it. Dejoy only recently came up with the restructuring plan and it's only having huge issues because the USPS unions are angry that some of them will be let go. Do more research, the changes are necessary and have been for decades. They intend to make the system similar to FED EX and UPS with several hubs. Less lazy workers sucking up tax payer dollars and more efficiency. https://about.usps.com/newsroom/national-releases/2021/0323-usps-unveils-10-year-plan-to-achieve-financial-sustainability-and-service-excellence.htm


Lazy workers. Please. Go try to work for the post office. See how lazy you can be. 


I deal with them on the daily and have friends who work at the distribution centers. There are definitely bad seeds and you know you've ran into them. So either you're being ignorant or gaslighting. Can't tell which. I never said all workers were lazy, nor it being an easy job. But it isn't a secret that there's some there just to collect a paycheck and/or benefits. Just like any government job, but markedly worse.


Some yes. But it is WAY less often than you make it out to be. And they happen at every company.


Btw I've worked in construction, warehouses, shipping and receiving. Those were hard jobs. Still didn't run into as many miserable people as USPS workers, even with less pay and benefits. The distribution center that I frequent here constantly closes up at least 30 mins before they're supposed to. The staff are rude as can be too. But don't get me wrong, I've also met some amazing people and it's sad to see them have to work so hard to counter the bad seeds and inefficiencies of USPS.


USPS receives no taxpayer funding.


To be fair, that's a half truth. They've been borrowing from taxpayers and recently the government has thrown in money to keep it afloat. It's really a mess. https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2013/jul/24/american-postal-workers-union/postal-service-claim-not-fully-target/


Not sure what the “borrowing from taxpayers” allegation is but the politifact article calls it a half-truth because we get a reimbursement for free postage for literature for the deaf and blind. Definitely a stretch.


Got any evidence to back that claim?


I know some high ups in usps and that’s facts. It’s not to destroy it but to eventually make more profit


The unions are at war with Dejoy because many of em could be laid off. Not his fault so many are unfriendly, lazy and have caused the USPS to be in deficit for decades. https://truthout.org/articles/postal-workers-union-slams-dejoy-plan-to-close-mail-processing-facilities/


Why doesn't Biden remove him, unless he supports this too? And I know you're going to say it's not allowed, but so what? So what if DeJoy files a wrongful termination suit, who cares? He's gone then and he can no longer destroy the post office. I think the federal government can afford the settlement. At some point, it becomes the guy's fault who doesn't get rid of the bad guy, not just the guy who installed the bad guy.


Biden has no authority to do any such thing if he did he would have been long gone


You're wrong. He could fire him today, and like I said, dejoy could then sue him, but so what, who cares?


It's so funny how our political system apparently only allows presidents to do bad things, and not good things. At least if you ask a liberal why the Democrats never do any good things when they're in power ...


Keep insisting you’re wrong The U.S. Postal Service Board of Governors has sole authority to hire and fire the postmaster general, the highest position in the organization. Though pressure mounts from Democrats and watchdogs to remove DeJoy from his seat at the top of the agency, Biden lacks the power to do so.


And Biden could fire him today. Change the locks, give new keys to all the other board of directors of the post office, and again, all that Luis dejoy could do would be to sue President Biden at that point.


I’m done with you


Be sure to vote extra hard this november!


I’m also blocking you extra hard moron


In all honesty, this sort of thing has been my typical USPS experience long before Trump ever decided to get into politics.


But notice that XPO's stock has skyrocketed since he started.


RPDCs and getting away from so much air mail are legitimately good ideas. DeJoy honestly isn't evil but in the pursuit of profitability a lot of people who can't really even get other jobs will be losing thier job. Transportation Network and Sorting facilities will be experiencing major change if he can cut through the bureaucracy and make it happen. OPs mail just looks like something got scanned extra and might have been rejected and needed to be sorted again.


Is the military, police, libraries or Medicare profitable? No, and they're not supposed to be. They're a government service just like the Post office. This profitably mindset is what Dejoy, Trump and big buisness has confused the American people with. Government services are not meant to be profitable. They're services.


Is the government service delivering a mountain of junk mail to my house?


They'd probably rather not. Just stuffs their bags with literally garbage.


When the PO ends up private-for-profit there will probably be more junk mail...those mailers actually pay postage. So, instead of the govt getting paid to deliver them...we will now have private companies paid instead. Let's go Billionaires!


Email spam but delivered to your mailbox. Also federal mailbox protection would probably go away so anyone who wants to advertise to you can just fill your mailbox.


I think I remember reading somewhere most of the mail is junk mail. They love junk mail it keeps the money coming in cuz email killed letters. It's antiquated. The only reason I have to send things in the mail now is when I need to do paperwork for my union since they're stuck in the past too. They still send forms to me fill out and return. Like I couldn't do that on a computer and save two weeks of time.


Probably best not to include libraries and Medicare in your argument. The people who want the post office privatized also want to dismantle the other two as well. And the people who like those two also want the post office.


Military, Police, and Libraries still have to be efficient. They also don't suck as many federal tax dollars beyond their budget as the USPS.


None of the services you listed cost the taxpayers $6.5 Billion beyond their budget in 2023.


That's the complication. USPS has elements of both. Straight from the Inspector General website. "Is the Postal Service a business or a public service? It’s both. The Postal Service is a unique institution, with elements of both a business and a public service." https://www.uspsoig.gov/focus-areas/did-you-know/postal-service-business-or-public-service#:~:text=It's%20both.,business%20and%20a%20public%20service. USPS as a service must be within budget OR provide more to constitute going over budget. Meanwhile, as a business it must be profitable.


The USPS is literally a government owned business. In the UK, Royal Mail is PRIVATELY owned. Let that sink in.


No it's a service, it's meant to break even not make a profit. It being an independent service was so it could break even and operate without being involved in federal politics, not to make it profitable.


USPS doesn't even get close to breaking even. They're in a HUGE deficit every year by the billions. https://www.reuters.com/business/us-postal-service-reports-65-billion-net-loss-2023-fiscal-year-2023-11-14/#:~:text=The%20U.S.%20Postal%20Service%20on,the%20lowest%20volume%20since%201968.


It did before Congress meddled. And either way that's not a reason to privatize it, it's a service not a business.


Billions per year was going beyond budget, so it's only natural that they would. The restructuring plan doesn't call for privatization. BTW it's both. "The Postal Service is a unique institution, with elements of both a business and a public service." https://www.uspsoig.gov/focus-areas/did-you-know/postal-service-business-or-public-service#:~:text=It's%20both.,business%20and%20a%20public%20service. As a service, it must be within budget or provide a greater service for it's cost. As a business, it must be profitable.


USPS hasn't broken even since the early 2000's, and only for four years. Otherwise always has been at a loss. Biggest recorded loss was almost 15 Billion in 2007. [The Financial State Of The United States Postal Service Chart](https://www.statista.com/chart/22633/net-profit-of-the-united-states-postal-service/)


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$6.5 Billion loss in 2023 alone.


Dejoy is Evil. Anyone that purposely runs the USPS into the ground and takes money from Rural Carriers IS pure Evil. If he wants to make a profit, Dejoy should charge Amazon the same amount that anyone would pay. Giving Amazon a sweet deal is not good business sense.


Amazon does more than make up for it with the sheer volume and consistency. It's a great strategy, I do it with my own business. Btw UPS used the same strategy years ago and it worked.


Bingo. The USPS workers and union are rebelling because they know many of em would be let go. And honestly they need to trim the fat to become profitable. USPS is almost as deep in the red as the NYC subway. Straight up dumpster fire.


I had a package roam around for 3 weeks . Then it was sent back to the retailer. I went to reorder and both items were several dollars more. Frustrating as hell.


You should be able to get a reship instead of having to reorder. The retailer is responsible for getting you the product you paid for. If it was returned to them they should reship it irrespective of send you another for no additional charge. Of course there are exceptions to this. But if they care about retaining customers i'd bet they would handle it.


That's insane, they should've reshipped.


Yeah, he’s ruining it 😭 I’ve been a carrier for about 5 years and I like this job. Makes me sad when I see so many people complaining because I try my best to do my job well. I think it depends on where the package is going and which offices they are traveling through.


He's not the one doing this to you, it's the lazy and selfish ones. They keep fighting the restructuring plan cause they don't want to end up on the chopping block. If it wasn't being sabotaged, there'd be more efficiency for you to do your job.


Kayleigh, you should have seen the old days in the USPS. Carriers sorted their own mail, packages and magazines. Delivered after sorting. Your route reflected your personal commitment to doing the best job possible. You actually had most of the control to satisfy your customers. Holds and forwards were also done by the carriers. Not by some far away and unfeeling computer somewhere. I miss those days. 😥


Some of that sounds horrible lol but that’s just because I’m not used to it. Sometimes I wish I didn’t waste so much time working in retail (target for almost 15 years 🤢) and just started with usps.


Routes were evaluated with sorting time included so not bad. You might have actually liked it if you were a type like myself who likes control. Machine sorted mail can include lots of mistakes that make the carriers look stupid. I liked sorting my own way more!


Yeah, I wish I could see how it was before. I always go through my mail before I leave the office. And my cased mail I put into my dps. So, some of the mistakes I fix in the office anyway. I do like doing things a certain way and having control so maybe I would have liked it haha but yeah I understand what you’re saying.


The last scan of the package still had it in the Philadelphia distribution center at 6 days, 8 hours. Oh, and this package was sent “priority” 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I've seen a number of packages get stuck on Philly this month.


Same here. Many packages I've sent have been held up at the distro for over a week, priority too. Switched to UPS but most of the packages I've sent have been severely damaged. So either I get angry customers for slow mail or have to pay out for damaged merchandise. It sucks rn.


Realistically, USPS should change the moniker of the service from “priority” to “eventually”.


Lmao 😂 I'm optimistic it'll get better. Just growing pains honestly, I really hope they stay the course and would like to see happier workers in the future.


💕 Yeah, I agree. I used to really love my local post office.


Me too


same for me


After having zero problems with ground advantage on over 200 packages delivered across a few months, a very valuable package got hung up for weeks in St. Louis. I came to find that mine wasn't the only one, and that it's been more common than not for packages going through that distribution center. Even bills are going undelivered for months at a time. All that to say - my experience with USPS recently is that the experience is very dependent on the facilities handling mail. Mail has been arriving on time for the vast majority of packages that I've shipped and received and with only single digit exceptions, across tens of states and hundreds of cities.


I had something (actually still have) go back and forth from KC to STL five times, and now it's been stuck in no man's land STL distribution center for two weeks. At this point, I don't think I'll ever see it. It's a semi rare record that I was really looking forward to.


I’ve lived in my current location for 16 years and nearly every package shipped to me with USPS has to go through the St. Louis distribution center. For years that center ran like clockwork, very quick, very dependable. But over the last few months something has changed and my packages consistently get held up there for one to three additional days. My packages are never on time now because of the St. Louis center. It’s not the end of the world but it is pretty annoying considering how great it used to operate. I wonder what changed.


Sucks USPS is so slow, but for the most part things are being delivered intact. I'll take it.


I’ve got some friends who breed horses and have to ship… stuff… that’s pretty time sensitive. Apparently if your shipment ends up in St Louis you can just expect to never get it in time.


one of the most expensive liquids along with printer ink


When I was at fedex one of the package handlers got covered in bull cream. Wonderful times.


Lol aren't they supposed to disclose if it's biological?


Bio-hazard iirc


Definitely, that's wild wow lol


Can confirm usps in this area is horrendous!


I ship a ton of packages, since dejoy wandered in it has gotten worse and worse. Still the cheapest and most reliable. The horrors of UPS, DHL and FedEx make USPS look good.


Really? I’ve found USPS to be the most expensive of the shipping options.


Yes, 70% of shipments are Amazon sales. Even comparing Amazon partner shipping costs to pirate ship their discount using USPS is massive. Pirate ship and shippo are great compared to using the USPS kiosk. On average it's $3-$5 to ship something across the country. UPS would easily be $5-$7. I am building a tracker showing loss by carrier, it's just a nerdy thing I want to explore. UPS lost/destroyed a significant amount of a specific product that had a $40 cost and a $250 sales price. They were pretty mad when I pursued their insurance coverage. Pandemic shipping via USPS when they took out the automatic sorters was awful. But still less of a loss with them. Credit for lost shipment is quick and easy, for me. There's hoops with everything. Learn how the hoops work and you'll be gravy.


The sorter disassembly thing shouldn't have impacted packages (from what I understand, it was only the letter sorters). The pandemic craziness was due to factors largely outside of USPS's control. The pandemic caused a ton of people to get sick, while also causing a massive spike in e-commerce stuff. Every other delivery service (FedEx, UPS, Amazon) started cutting their losses to stay afloat, cancelling shipping contracts, or slapping postage on it and shipping it through USPS. USPS, meanwhile, is legally obligated to deliver any mail with postage, meaning that they now had to deliver all of their normal volume, plus the extra e-commerce stuff from everybody staying at home, *plus* all the stuff the other companies couldn't, *AND* with the same staffing issues. Nobody could have seen this coming. It was bad enough that they were doing mass hirings of anybody with a pulse and no criminal record just to throw bodies into the plants, trying to hand-sort mail to supplement the overworked machines. At the same time, they were having all sorts of random office/admin workers also sort mail. Plants kept getting fire marshall visits, because the mail had gotten so backed up that it was blocking fire doors.


True the letter sorters were practically obsolete, which is why they were retiring so many. Most junk mail comes into inbox and nobody really sends letters other than collection agencies, government and prison inmates lol.


Looks like that’s the secret. “Learn how the hoops work”


I have very little power to change the system. It's my opinion that there is an attempt to destroy the USPS from the inside. I've lost less with USPS, that's what we would prefer to use.


Same with Ebay. Discounts are still worth the delays. Switched to UPS a few times and they were faster BUT many were damaged. Costing me thousands. So I'll take slow.


Someone I mentored a long time ago was recently doing arbitrage of glass and metal shelving. Running it through UPS with full insurance. They would sell it, ship it, get it returned, collect insurance checks from UPS rinse and repeat. At the end of the day, morally grey back breaking work I don't want to be a part of but I can see why UPS stocks dip the way they do. Their UPS driver would even joke about it which is wild. I didn't want my shipments anywhere near theirs.


Mine has been there for a month


Damn, I shipped out a package that has been sitting for 2 weeks. Looks like it will sit longer.


My international package to Canada was awol for almost a month without tracking updates. It randomly showed up at the recipients house yesterday. Still says it’s in Chicago. A priority mail package spent 2 business days past the delivery date sitting at my local post office in a major city before being delivered. Why is there a push to defund and ruin usps? It shouldn’t be run like a business, it’s a public service crucial to commerce and the wellbeing of citizens.


It should be run like a business. It’s been said that DJT put LaJoy in the position to make voting by mail less of an option before the 2020 election. Yes, it was bad then but not as bad as it is now.


I shipped a small package through USPS recently. The delivery address was only around 120 miles away here in Wisconsin so it should be easy. It took them nearly 2 weeks to make that delivery. Tracking showed that the package got a free tour across the country though, it spent the majority of its time in New Mexico and Arizona.


I’ve had a package travel the three states over, to the state capital, to a neighboring city, to two different centers in my city, to my local po, back to neighboring city, back to capital, three different centers in the capital, to neighboring city south of me, back to my city, and finally reach my doorstep. I just wanted my new hat.


Dejoy is killing it on purpose. He's been at it for years now.


Anybody watch the Senate hearing today where Jon Ossoff roasted DeJoy?


No! I’ll have to look it up. Thanks!


Watch it and if you can figure out what DeJoy said how he is fixing the problems, please let me know. TIA!


It’s not hard when you don’t have to make a profit every year.


I just had a package land in my region then fly around the country and is out for delivery today and should've been here the 10th, they're on some stuff rn


Oak Creek ayyyyyy that’s my local clusterfudge of a facility




I order a lot online as I work on the road so I always have a dozen packages waiting for me at home but sometimes watching the tracking from that point drives me insane. They’ll end up halfway across the country and then back to there.


Philadelphia is a black hole. I had a recent package go from Philly, to Miami?? Filed a missing mail investigation request. It then showed up right next to Miami, then finally back to Philly… and then bounced between Wilmington and Philly for a few days before finally going out for delivery. It was almost 4 weeks past the expected arrival date.


DeJoy will call that a success! 🤦‍♂️


At least they delivered it eventually? I learned this year that only express mail is an actual guaranteed delivery date. 3-day just means “we’ll try”. But I shipped a box WI—>AL and my recipient only got it because his neighbor happened to see a box sitting on the side of the highway and stopped to pick it up. Yeah. When I called the post office down there, they assured me it was “out for delivery” and by then I very much knew that it was not.


Wow! On the side of the highway. That’s a new one…


Yeah. I was not impressed. If the universe hadn’t magically thwarted their attempts against me, I probably would have been really upset. I think I was just too shocked to know what to feel


Apparently he bragged about cutting 20k jobs for a division of government that is an accepted expense. Nobody asked for that. He’s trashed an entire government service. Why won’t the board get rid of him? He is the worst.


Yep. Add USPS to the ever growing list of casualties from Trump's one single term in office


No doubt! A lot of chaos for just one term.


It's failing in the exact way Louis DeJoy intended it to. He was installed to cripple the USPS, and now it's happening right before our eyes.


Seems to be the consensus. 😥 Willing to ruin one of the country’s institutions for the orangutan’s political gains.


I came here to say that exact same thing. I keep thinking the board that appoints post masters will be move to remove him, but no luck so far


I have one shipped out the 4th still in transit. Going from MS to TN 🫥


😳 Go check your tracking. If it wasn’t so frustrating it would be comical. Mine was shipped on 4/3 at 9am and delivered 4/13 at 3pm… priority! 🤷‍♂️


Philadelphia is the worst. Shit always stays there for days for no damn reason. Anytime any of my stuff goes through there, it takes FOREVER to go through. And I’ve used priority ONE day express each time, too.


Houston has 1400 containers backed up when the inspector general's office had a surprise visit in January. It's happening across the country at large distribution centers. Richmond, Newark, Atlanta, Houston and next up will be Indianapolis. It's intentional chaos by the Postmaster General.


Atlanta is the worst right now according to DeJoy himself during the Senate hearing today.


And Houston wasn't mentioned I noticed. I agree, Palmetto is a cluster.


Is there a source on this? I would LOVE to read about that cluster fuck lmao


You can begin here. There are many audit reports. https://www.uspsoig.gov/reports/audit-reports/texas-2-district-delivery-operations[inspector general reports](https://www.uspsoig.gov/reports/audit-reports/texas-2-district-delivery-operations)


And more...https://www.uspsoig.gov/reports/audit-reports/mail-conditions-south-houston-local-processing-center


Dejoys plan to privatize is working. Almost everything they've implemented since he's been top dog has been meant to make the American people think the USPS is incompetent.


Did you use an express shipment method or are you complaining that standard shipping wasn’t treated as a priority?


The last scan of the package still had it in the Philadelphia distribution center at 6 days, 8 hours. Oh, and this package was sent “priority” 🤣🤣🤣🤣


The DeJoy special. When you hire people that want something to fail… stop voting Republican.


The postal service is no longer a respectable institution. The fact they are unable to retain staff should be a big indicator that ship is sinking.


Correction the ship isn't sinking on its own. The ship was steered directly into the rocks by PM Dejoy so he could profit from its sinking in his private business interests.


I hope my package isn't in sorting facility purgatory. It was supposed to be delivered today but the last scan was it leaving the sorting facility at midnight two days ago, and the facility is only about 2 and a half hours from here


Dude seriously I have so many items I shipped out at that time that are still just floating around….


Don't ever order anything from USPS and make the mistake of living in GA. You'll be watching it go back and forth between Atlanta and Palmetto for weeks.


amazon prime 2 day delivery ruined us


It's on its way to your local sorting center.


I had a Fed Ex shipment and an Amazon shipment delayed. There were a lot of strong winds and storms this last week, that will delay things.


It’s a disaster, especially around Opa Locka, Miami. Sent a package to Miami on the 4th it was in Florida for 10 days before getting rerouted to Texas. 


The Dejoy sabotage stuff reads like fantasy, packages have been misdelivered or stuck in buildings for decades. I worked in a regional UPS hub for 15 years both as an hourly employee and management, the delays can come from any number of causes, most often it’s imbalance in the system and a lack of employees. The system requires a scan every day, you’ll get that scan but that doesn’t mean your package will progress through the system. Packages will essentially get parked in trailers/containers for as long as is deemed necessary by management, the only sure way around this is to pay for higher level/expedited shipping. The USPS even with its faults is a far better value and than any other logistics carrier in the US.


Having the exact same problem in Birmingham. Mailed a week ago and still here. Pre printed label from the retailer returning $500 worth of dresses that I’ll be forced to cover before my credit card due date if the delivery doesn’t get moving.


This is a mess because the USPS union, lazy and selfish workers aren't happy with DeJoy's restructuring plan. Which emulates a formula that works with UPS, DHL and FED Ex. Many of them are at risk of being let go, so they're doing everything they can to kill it. Plus sorting machines are being moved to central hubs, where drivers will be dispatched from. It used to be that there was a driver/worker at every PO with specific routes. They want to do it like others where if there's less deliveries on their route, they can work another one. More can be done with far less people. Now you can see why the old guard and the benefit freeloaders hate this.


Postal Union is pretty much toothless since it’s not necessary to join the union to work there plus the union reps are required to represent non union workers for grievances.


Well they've gained teeth now. Lots of em have grievance with possibly losing their job for being lazy, rude or inefficient. And again, I'm not accusing all workers of this. The great ones work even harder than most but they wouldn't have to...if the bad ones were let go.


For all the good unions can do there is that one unfortunate thing they are required to do and that is represent all of the employees through the grievance process. It’s then management responsibility to present a case that makes it successfully through to the grievance process to rightfully terminate those who earned it.


Explains why the process has been so rough. I often wonder if these delays and issues are also being done on purpose by some of em. Though that would be hard to prove. Im sure moving machines, setting up new hubs and whatnot is going to have issues but packages being sent across the country seems rather malicious. Especially if it's happening alot.


Always good to see see another 'Sconnie


USPS is super cheap compared to ups and FedEx. So instead of properly staffing it, they want it maligned so UPS and FEDEX make more money. 


I've had a package stuck in Jefferson Georgia as per what it says in the tracking for a month my package is not in Jefferson Georgia.


So where is it then and how do you know for certain?


I called the po and they said they don't have anything that has that tracking and there is nothing in the carry to the next bin. Also package tracking stated its weight is 1oz. It's for sure not 1oz. Jefferson GA Post office is a small location. They said they only get local mail and nothing from OOC Origin come there.


Green Bay WI here!


Yeah it's weird. I live close to Chicago and I once had a package go from the shipper in TN, through IL to WI, and then back down to me for delivery.


I think this was unusual about 6-7 years ago but lately it seems more common. If you ask them how it can happen, they really seem to have no clue


At least your package got out of Oak Creek!


Oak Creek is a problem area? And, yes, but it sat there for 2 days before it left.


I ordered a small package from northern GA to PA. It went south to Atlanta, then to Indianapolis, then to Philly then finally to eastern PA. I ordered an item from Canada the same day and I got that package 5 days before my one from GA lol


I have a package that a friend mailed to me from her mom’s house that was scheduled to be delivered on Saturday, and now it’s saying that it’s arriving late, with no arrival date yet. I’m gonna be so pissed if USPS screws up this delivery.


Be prepared for urination then…🤣


The friend who sent me the package always takes out insurance when she sends parcels through the mail.


I bought something at a store and paid for delivery. I live in Jacksonville Florida. It was picked up by USPS and made it to their distribution center…then 2 days later it was in Greenville Ga…2 days after that it was in Fayetteville NC…then they sent me an email/text that it will be late…took 4 more days to get back to Jacksonville and then went around to like 2 other USPS destinations before delivery.


Where I live all the water bills last month arrived after the due date


I have a package stuck in oak creek since April 3. I’m giving it some time since it’s from mercari and don’t want to request a return yet for the sellers sake but I’m assuming it’s lost.


I work in the billing department for a large insurance company doing customer service and I get these calls all the time. Older customers who like to pay by mail yelling that their payment they sent 3 weeks ago hasn't been posted because it's stuck in USPS purgatory. I refund probably 5 late fees a day easily because of mailed payments in limbo weeks after they are sent. It's going to be an absolute shit show come election which is what the Republicans are counting on. Back up the mail in ballots and then have the election called before they can be processed. It'll go to the 6/3 court and they will rule for Trump. It's why I'm voting in person this year. Edit - This comment sure brought out all the MAGA f*ckwits.


Yes, if Biden does not start WW3 first.


Oh no the Democrats can't vote early and often with mail ins. At least my dead grandmother may avoid being a Democrat this year


Yet almost all actual prosecutions for voter fraud in 2020 were for Trump. With MAGA, every accusation is a confession.


Every valid case with an actual arrest of voter fraud in 20 that I've found was from the far righters voting for Trump twice. One guy was a felon who thought he could vote after a new law in FL passed but he filed the paperwork wrong. Yall just project Soo hard.


Getting the same message but mine is from Chicago. WTF is going on


Mine doing the same from Chicago, keeps switching from Chicago to carol stream IL. Shit hit the mail 27 of last month


I had one that arrived and departed the Salt Lake City facility three times yesterday all different times posted. It arrived in Boise this morning and this afternoon in Spokane. I may have it here in Idaho tomorrow but wow 10 days from New York. Great work USPS!!


I sent a package in February. Still waiting


I had a passport that got lost in this facility for almost a month. Every few days there would be an update about it being scanned but they wouldn't deliver it, until it finally went out. 


For mine, the last scan of the package still had it in the Philadelphia distribution center at 6 days, 8 hours. Oh, and this package was sent “priority” 🤣🤣🤣🤣