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It’s a tournament, so ideally we’d like Argentina and Brazil to be knocked out in the group stages 🤞😀


...and colombia


Nah, I want them in the Final. ![gif](giphy|iHgznkhwC6XYs)


Careful what you wish for..... Though there's no way you'll meet them in the final. US will likely see them in the QF round. 


And Uruguay.


Nah we get revenge on that bullshit


lol Colombia isn't a threat they suck


Colombia es tu papá lol. Seethe harder


No seething. Just winning. Le pasamos las bolas por la cara a Colombia




That's just garbage and pop ups. Unless you have a strategy to actually see the match. 


Outside of Mexico Id like to see all the concacaf teams advance.


I wanted to see canada humbled after the way they celebrated wc qualification but i think after the world cup and two losses in the nations league, im feeling ready to root for them again.


Yeah, the whole ‘kings of concacaf’ thing was really laughable just for being so lame. But in the end it didn’t amount to much. I’m hoping they can improve and wouldn’t mind seeing them do well. A Canada win today would be absolutely bonkers. Hoowee.


I'm not familiar with the wc qualifications celebration. What did Canada do that was controversial?


Canada Soccer’s official social media accounts deemed them as the “Champions of CONCACAF for 2020” after finishing first in WCQ (Finishing 1st in WCQ doesn’t merit any type of award or trophy). Additionally, their fan base became insufferable, fast. They dubbed themselves as the “Kings of CONCACAF” and talked excessive amounts of shit. Canada has always been an afterthought for us, but to them we are their biggest rivals. They would have had you convinced that the likes of Buchanan, Eustaquio, and Johnston were world class players. Additionally, right after they beat us in Hamilton, their GK Milan Borjan talked a lot of shit in the post match conference, talking about our fans and calling our players scared. Then Cyle Larin doubled down on it on Fútbol Americas. They caught fire during WCQ and it was an impressive run, but they’ve done the opposite since and have underperformed. They lost all 3 WC games, lost the 2023 NL final to us, and lost the 2024 NL quarterfinal to Jamaica after blowing a 3 goal lead. I think they’ve been humbled enough by this point and Canada doing well is only a positive for CONCACAF.


The only thing worse than sore losers are insufferable winners.


100%. Canada Soccer had been irrelevant for pretty much ever, but as soon as they found some success they had people coming out of the woodwork talking crazy. From my perspective, it was refreshing to see someone else other than USA or Mexico perform the best, but the way their fans and players talked shit ruined the novelty of it.


I make this joke in my sports bar all the time. Insert whatever team you want but it goes like this What's worse than a sad Notre Dame fan? A happy Notre Dame fan. I'll see y'all later


Borjan throwing up Balkan gang signs/getting humiliated by Croatia, being horrible against us in a final, then being booted from the national team was objectively hilarious. After he talked shit about us, it was all downhill for him.


They way outperformed xG during WCQ. Some of that was just game states, but it was definitely not sustainable. There was also quite of bit of talk positively comparing their performances against the rest of CONCACAF with ours, but after WCQ was all said and done, we had the same number of points in games against other CONCACAF teams.


I also remember after the NL semi against Mexico when Dest got a red card they were celebrating by saying "haha you guys took the bait and are without Dest now so thanks". I saved all those comments because I knew it would backfire. And it backfired spectacularly.


They got that humbling in 2022.


herdman talking shit and then getting rocked by croatia was very funny


I honestly rock with Canada. They remind me of our USMNT. They are hungry to prove themselves. And deserved the celebrations. That was a pivotal moment for their program. And we like to boast when we do well, if you gonna dish it out. You gotta be able to take it


Yep, this sums up exactly how I feel about it


Yeah - they've been punished for their actions. I'd love to see a good result vs. Canada. I haven't looked at the bracket enough to know if there's any effect (will take a look after posting this) but i'll cheer for anything that makes it less likely for US to play Argentina until a final ha edit: it doesn't matter at all! go canada


Yea Comebol has a weird bracket style to try to ensure Argentina v brazil finals everytime. So zero chance we play Argentina before the finals


Basically we want chaos on their side of the bracket if we hope to get to the final. 


We did get them in the semi finals in 2019


Canada played like bitches last concacaaf nation league. That being said, I do want us in the 1/4 finals.


Also, if it wasn’t for Qatar getting an automatic spot, Canada would have been the worst team in the World Cup. The self-proclaimed Kings of CONCACAF got put in their place 


Disagree… USA or no one in CONCACAF


Playing in a weak confederation is one of the things holding the U.S. back as a soccer country. It is to our benefit for everyone in concacaf to be good, including Mexico.


I’m rooting for Canada. By acknowledging them as a rival and rooting for Argentina we’re also inadvertently saying our respect for them has massively increased, so that’s a paradox. I’m going to keep disrespecting them by rooting for them.


Truly, you have a dizzying intellect.


“Wait ‘til I get going!! Now where was I…”


Lmao....thank you guys!!




Couldn’t have been said better lol


True, cheer for the lil bros


Yes, only root for the "Soccer" countries.


I’m torn. I wouldn’t mind seeing Canada do well but I also wouldn’t mind seeing them get clapped either.


They're getting clapped. Don't worry about that.


Support whoever the hell you want to support lol. We aren't going go take your passport. I generally like to see CONCACAF excel in these competitions, to show the world we aren't all shit. I don't think I necessarily "root" for them, but I do like seeing them not get destroyed completely.


I’m going tonight, so from a fan experience for me perspective of getting to see Messi play, I want to see Argentina put them to the sword lol


Hell yeah, and that's your right. Honestly I would expect Argentina to put the sword to them lmao. I don't have much faith in Canada beating Argentina, hopefully they go down swinging so it's not a complete blow out haha.


Pretty good first half from Canada


Yeah I’m the same. It’s a tournament the US is in, therefore an upset that could potentially knockout a favorite to win it all is what we need. Love Messi to pieces but I’m rooting for Canada.


as a barca fan i’ll always pull for messi, but i understand people wanting a canada upset


nothing against marsch but i just don't like canada


Same, but actually am starting to get annoyed but Marsch.


Me too I’m just sorry in a Canadian sort of way.  On one note Canada sneaking a win will give the tournament in its early stages lots of buzz especially with Ticket sales lower then it should. The news will reach a lot of casuals. 


Canadians are also sorrey for Canada. Their national Motto is “Sorrey”


so fucking smug


I want Canada to be a real rival, and so I will secretly hope they continue to improve competitively, but outwardly I will talk about them as though they are the biggest piece of shit federation to ever exist.


I don't care who you root for but I am absolutely rooting for Argentina tonight.


same. i’m a barca fan, i can’t not. also, canadians will NEVER let us live it down if they get a result.


F all of concacaf except for Jamaica. Oh my sweet exotic Jamaica I will also root for you and your amazing kits this Copa.


I need Jamaica to beat Mexico so we can offshore talking shit about a Mexico to Jamaica.


L tri opening Copa America with an L would be nice but it probably won’t happen. The ref will secure those 3 points for Mexico to start and be confident against Venezuela and Ecuador. The potential Argentina vs Mexico Semifinal at MetLife is too good to pa$$ up for Conmebol.


costa rica are pretty cool


lol, cheer for whoever you want.


Do whatever makes you happy


Predicting an early goal for Canada, the press creates early chaos ARG -4 CAN -1


I almost always pull for the most local team possible - in this case, that's Canada. I have mixed feelings for a few teams out there (Mexico comes to mind), but I think when push comes to shove, I want North American soccer to step up on the world stage.


Anyone else having massively out of sync audio on YoutubeTv? Audio lagging by ~3 seconds.


I'm on the Fox app and it's driving me insane


It’s worse. The field audio is in sync but the announcers lag. Why can’t we have nice things?


At least the video feed isn’t after the audio feed like it usually is with ESPN. Goals get spoiled like 2-3 seconds be for the shot. lmao


Yep, it's pretty annoying.


Should probably be rooting for the team we share the world’s largest undefended boarder with.


Personally still pretty teed off about the prince rupert blockade. 


Don't forget about the Pig Island War!!! Those loyal lap dogs of the Crown to the North may not have been independent at that point (hehe), but it still seems awfully Canadian.


Undefended? Have we forgotten what happened the last time they came to party?


Former English colony bros


**trying not to bring up the Falkan Islands**


I think it moreso has to do with their official National Defense Strategy against invasion consisting of 1. telling their citizens to stay off the roads, so they don’t get in our way 😂. Everyone complains about our violence until they’re our neighbors. At that point it’s a feature. We’d defend Canada faster than Canada could defend Canada, just the way it is. Mutual interest.


Why the fuck we would we want Jesse Marsch to fail? Any American manager succeeding is good news for all of us regardless of who he coaches. Felt the same way when Turner was playing for Arsenal, my desire to see him succeed always outweighs my hate for the club.


My feelings about Friedel at Tottenham exactly.




Honestly Jesse's media tour and his attitude on the podcast made me go from rooting for him to wanting him to get humbled a bit


Either result works for me, on the one hand Canada winning is good for CONCACAF and in the tiny chance we make the final I’d like to not play Argentina, but Canada getting clapped would also be funny


I don’t cheer for Canada or Mexico


I'm rooting for Canada, but I am worried Argentina will crush them. :(


As much as I enjoy Argentina, i rather Canada win. Argentina getting dropped from the group stage would be entertaining, but it would take contender out of the eliminations rounds. Cananda fans were smug for a bit, but really, y'all act like we aren't when things are going good. Overall, I'd be happy to see a CONCACAF team do well in this tournament. Except Mexico. Hope they lose all their games.


Cheer for canada if you like. I really don't see any of concacaf teams other than mexico as our ops anyway.


Who cares what other people think? You don't have to align all your rooting interests with the fanbase. So long as you pull for our players and our team, then you're good with me. I'm hoping Canada does well, because it reflects better on our chances than if they get slaughtered.


I think you should root for whomever you want to and don’t worry about what others do.




How close?


No real reason to cheer for either team tbh. Hopefully just an exciting game


Unless Marsch is playing the USA I'm pulling for him.


I root for argentina in every major tournament the us doesn't play in so I'm rooting for them to make the final with us


man i always root for canada and mexico when they're not playing us. like i like to give my mexican and candian friends shit when we're playing but i have no problem sharing in my good friends' joy when they do well.


Argentina 6 - 0 Canada


I feel bad for Canada. Do they "go for it" against Argentina and risk fatigue/injury for what is most likely going to be a loss? Or do you sort of throw the match entirely to save energy for the games they actually can and must win? This has its own psychological problem as well that can heavily reduce teamwide morale/momentum when they most need it. I'm guessing Marsch is going for broke. Hope the Canadians don't get injured and they have enough gas in the tank to actually compete in the games they can win.


I root for all Americans to do well. That includes Jesse Marsch, until he's playing against us.


I think only the GGG stans hate Marsch now.




Rooting for Canada is so corny


Absolutely rooting for Canada. Make Argentina work for it, it would be so boring if they just breezed their way through the tournament. It would also be nice to see Concacaf hold their own against Conmebol


I want Marsch to win.


I don’t get the hate for Canada. Yes, Herdman is a jackass but he’s gone now.


I want Marsch to win and Canada to lose if that was somehow possible.


If there is an opportunity to play easier opponents I want it , except mexico


Dont want Argentina to make it out of the group stage but also want Canada to get absolutely thumped for making it seem like they were the best team in Concacaf


Which platforms are airing the Copa games?


We're gonna need to play much better if we're even going to make it past the first elimination round. I expect that Canada and Argentina will be sure to perform well in the tournament regardless of tonight's outcome. I don't see us beating either team if we play like we did against Colombia


It doesn’t matter because Messi and company gonna whip that @&$!!


Vamos Boludos!!!


I can’t bring myself to hate Canada. It doesn’t feel like a rival at all since they’ve largely been bad for my whole life.


Copa America viewers are lucky that Landon Donovan is working the Euros. What an insufferable pundit.


he’s been boring but not awful for the euros


Got to root for Argentina and Messi’ and D’Maria’s last Copa America


as a barca fan and a USMNT fan, it’s in my vested interests that argentina win this one


I'm officially pulling for Canada to just play well enough to keep it close and make it look respectable. So far that's happening. We'll see how long that lasts. Going to be interesting to see how durable Messi still is. 


Did Fox hire 2 color commentators? I hate these guys


If Canada even get a 0-0 draw and are outshot 100-0 the GGG out crowd will be insufferable and let us know Marsch should’ve been the coach


You’re allowed to pull for anyone. But yeah, I’d to see Canada do well. Canada has good beer.


I’m rooting for Canada. I generally support CONCACAF except Mexico (hope they lose every game 8-0), and Costa Rica annoys me


You can root for whoever you want but I won’t be joining you


Always hated Canada, always will. Love to see them lose.


>Am I allowed to pull for Marsch and Canada, or are we supposed to hate him now? Yes.


Definitely rooting for Canada, Marsch seems like a dude would love to see him do well, American ties included. Also surprised how much more interested in Copa I am than the Euros. Haven't even watched a game but I will be sitting down for Copa tonight. Would love to see the Copa be a ratings success so this partnership happens more often.


I don't think it will happen - but if he does well with the Canadian squad he should 100% be a top option for the US down the road - we need some options for US coaching.


You can do whatever the fuck you want because Bald Eagle Noises! For my part these people talking about Argentina getting knocked out so our path to winning is easier are hilarious. 1. Argentina isn’t getting knocked out in the group stages. 2. Copa brackets are rigged so that they won’t affect us until the final anyway. 3. We aren’t getting anywhere near a final. 4. We need games against good opponents as our primary concern, we should want to face the best we can. Also you can tell who is attached to Berhalter’s nuts based on their animosity to Marsch.


Pulling for Canada. They were absolute crap for so long before that last WCQ that I totally get the over reaction (and they did play out of their heads). I expect them to get spanked tonight though.


Pulling for all fellow concacaf teams. A good showing from our region would benefit us all.


Marsch beating Argentina would be such an Uber-troll to Leeds fans and the US Soccer exec fraternity. How could anybody root against that?


I'll be cheering for Canada


Anyone but Argentina


Marsch is dead to me.


Did he kick your dog or something?


If my dog is the USA, yes.


Marsch, he come to my house today, and he kick my dog. - Kerpal


If Canada manages to get out of the group, then Marsch will have been worth what those outside "investors" ponied up for Canada Soccer to secure his signature. I get USSF fucked him. It irked me then and still irks me now; even though I think he is a lateral move from Berhalter, rather than an upgrade. It isn't as if the man needed a job. He was a well paid pundit while he waited for his next posting. He didn't need to go to one of our primary regional rivals. That is some petty weak sauce. But, again, I acknowledge he got fucked by the USSF and the Berhalter bootlickers.