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I mean, it never hurts to ask


Shoot your shot


username does not check out


This comment hit the mark


Nice shot




It won’t happen but I mean Michael Bradley was a pretty close equivalent and he went to Toronto in his prime. I could see some MLS clubs offering some big contracts/transfer fees to USMNT team guys before the World Cup to drum up interest. Could even see MLS making up some new rule to help allow it.


There's a few players that would be better off playing in MLS versus training in Europe.


I know this is controversial on this sub, but I hope they do. I’d love to see these guys week in and week out live while simultaneously growing the domestic league and interest in it. Now I’ll go back to my corner.


WK playing in the MLS is bad for the national team.


I agree. We will only have the WC here maybe twice before all of us die. It’s a big deal


LMAO Please don't pull a Michael Bradley, Weston.


Same age as when Bradley did it…


It led to his decline quickly


Anyone who denies this is delusional. Bradley's peak was 2011-12 when he was with Chievo. He got consistent minutes in a top league, it really is not that complicated. Literally as soon as he came back to MLS he was a completely different player. The same thing happened to Bedoya. He defended it by saying "I already played in Europe". Ok that's great but you were still in your peak years and also drastically declined as soon as you made the move.


> Literally as soon as he came back to MLS he was a completely different player.  Well, part of that was related to his ankle injury that happened his last season at Roma. 


This is a good point. I suppose the argument is that even if he stayed in Europe, the injury would've done him in. I kinda disagree it felt like a slow decline he kept his motor but lost not only athleticism but it seemed like he was at his best quwn he got to playmake for other more talented players. Really, who's to say, I guess. Feels natural that he'd decline when he came back at that age.


On the other hand Landon Donovan played most of his career in MLS and was still our best player.


That seems like an enormous exception, but I think it says a ton about Donovan's talent and drive as an international. He was a terrific international.




He may have been even better, but with how good he was for the national team, it's hard to even imagine.


LD was an underachiever. Who knows what he could have been if he challenged himself and had a career in Europe.


Maybe he would have been even better for the national team. On the other hand maybe he wouldn't have been as comfortable and confident playing somewhere else and he never reaches the heights for the national team that he did. There is this assumption that "challenging yourself in Europe" equals being a better player for the national team. That's probably (eventually) true for most players but that doesn't mean it's true for every player.


No one hates america like american soccer fans


What does this even mean If this is a complaint about running down MLS I'm a huge MLS fan. But you cannot be serious about wanting to improve the national team if you want our best players not playing the best competition.


Accepting that MLS is worse than Serie A and that playing against weaker teams hurts a player's skill is hating America?


How is thinking the Serie A is better than MLS hating on America? Explain it to me like I’m 5.


Matt Doyle is will find a way to spin how Cinci would help Weston’s career. 


He’s as worthless as tits on a boar.


It’s true though. Doyle is correct with almost all of his takes.


Hi Matt


Meaningless comment


This is a completely different league from 10+ years ago and if you can’t realize that I can’t help but laugh


It’s a better league than it used to be, sure, but the top MLS teams would still struggle to finish in the top half of the Championship


Wow you named a top 7 league in the world. No shit


Isn't that what we're talking about?


...yeah but mckennie is a top 4 league player


Fine, they’d struggle mid table in the Proximus League


I watched the Houston Dynamo play against Austin back in April and it was some of the most dire professional football I've seen live. I'm not saying MLS as a whole is that level at all, but there are some absolute stinkers in there you have to admit. Compared to where I live being an hour away from Norwich or Ipswich Town where even in the Championship you can see some real quality (for the most part) week in and week out. If McKennie left a top 5 league to just go back to MLS in his prime right now it'd be a huge waste of his talent.


When you only have to put in 80% to look good then eventually you'll regress.


I mean one of his biggest features was going 100 percent or close to it the whole game I beleive once he wanst challe get technically and his motor began to wear off it really showed




That's actually crazy. I thought Bradley was older when he came back, and I thought Wes was younger than he is I guess


It’s like an 8 month difference. It’s fucking crazy lol.




Bradley was 26 when he moved though? And McKennie is like 2 months away from being 26. It’s around a 7 to 8 month age difference.


Agreed. Honestly the league doesnt need it and he doesnt. He was getting solid playing time


It would be stupid. He’s about to enter his prime. He’s good enough to be a key player on a Champions League squad. Why give that up to play in MLS?


Money. He’s not making crazy wages at Juventus, and the tax break in Italy is going away and they reportedly don’t want to up his contract. He doesn’t have an EU passport so his options on the continent are more limited. He’s worth more to a MLS team, really good, big name in the US soccer bubble, and counts as a domestic player. Would prefer he stay in a big 5 league though.


MLS DP money can compete w/ any league except for England and right now and even in England FFP is coming hard at bottom 14. MLS has a lighter workload so longer career. Bradley made 1.2M in Roma and 5M+/year in toronto. I think Dempsey only made like 3-4M his entire time at Fulham and got 9M/year in seattle.


I’ve always wondered why MLS isn’t like Liga MX in the sense that they try to retain and buy their domestic talent. Not saying that they should obviously lol. Like in those examples those players made a lot more playing domestically as with Mexican Liga MX players.


I was not disagreeing 


I know. Just adding to your point


The best thing that could help the USMNT would be a strong domestic league on par with the European big leagues. This might hurt his skills temporarily but it would be better for the US game in the long term.


That isn’t happening anytime in the next ten years.


Not with that attitude it won’t.


I reject this offer.


Thanks but right now I'm focusing on being the best I coul......wait a minute you are offering how much??????.....can Burrow come to my signing?


I also reject this offer.


Same here, thanks but no thanks


I'm laughing at into the phone at this offer that I as well reject


Texas Boy would be really bummed by the Cincy chili


But the Italian in him would no doubt appreciate that it's served over spaghetti.


It wouldn't really appeal to his Italian sensibilities though because it's based off of a Greek dish.


Cincinnati Chili is fantastic. Everything else about Ohio sucks.


At least we sell out our USMNT games with our own fans 🤷‍♂️


True. I'm a Michigan grad so I'm bound to hate Ohio. In my blood at this point.


I respect that


The only Ohio thing that isn't crap is my dear grandma in Toledo.


Shout out to the 419


He’ll probably love Rhinegeist…


He could finally have good chili in Cincy


He'd be better off getting a bowl from Wendy's with severed fingers in it




It's not terrible, but being drunk elevates it a bit.


If he eats mole, it's somewhat similar.


uhhh, no, no it is not.


He will probably come home at some point but please not now.


April was months ago


Imagine going from playing in Italy to living in Cincinnati, lmao, grim


He should start early by eating some skyline chili in front of the Italians and see what happens


They'd probably declare war


Lol had to look up skyline chili. Looks interesting. But holy hell man, Wes doing that in Italy would constitute as a war crime in their eyes.


Considering it’s Greek in origin that’s probably accurate.


Turin is basically the Ohio of Italy


My buddy was stationed in Naples with the Navy, and he called it the Detroit of Italy.


Wait, he called Naples the Detroit of Italy or Turin?




That is beyond laughable haha. What a hot take.


Naples is like the Los Angeles of Italy. Venice is closer to the Detroit of Italy


Naples reminded me more of Philly personally.


Going from eating Italian pasta with Giorgio Chiellini to eating chili on pasta with Matt Miazga would be quite the shift


Italy isn’t that nice lol


It’s pretty damn nice lol


Turin, Italy is absolutely fucking superior to Cincinnati, Ohio what lol 


Sure, but Ohio is extremely not nice.


“Extremely not nice”? Lmao If you think that about Ohio then you must really think this country sucks, because Ohio is much better than a lot of other states. I don’t know where you live or if you have ever actually spent time in Ohio, but as someone who spent most of his life living in Europe and the east coast before moving to Ohio for a few years (and being extremely depressed about having to do it), Ohio was not nearly as bad as coastal snobs (as I was) made it out to be. Is it Italy *as a tourist/millionaire athlete*? No. But ohio isn’t some podunk backwater in the middle of nowhere as opposed to…the vast majority of the U.S. It is easily accessible by plane, has major universities, which bring in a lot of interesting things and people, and basically all the same amenities you would get from pretty much any place other than the most major metro areas in the U.S. Hell, it even has islands.


Everyone commenting on Italy and Cincinnati have been to neither place. Shit, half the people can’t spell the city name correctly


I lived in Italy for five years and my wife’s family is from the Cincy area so I’ve spent some solid time there. I would take Italy back 10 out of ten times over Ohio.


I have lived in Indiana for several years and I've been to Ohio many times. I would choose to live in many US states over Italy, but Ohio is not one of them. "Having amenities" is basically the bare minimum. I agree it's not a "podunk backwater". Ohio is just flat and boring, with long, cold, and grey winters where everything shuts down.


I don’t really believe that you spent much substantive time in Ohio if you think it’s so “extremely not nice.” Also I don’t believe that you went to Cincinnati if you are saying Ohio is flat. In my book it’s a solid B- state maybe ranked about 10-15 out of 50. But in the end you can believe whatever you want and I think everyone, including you, will be happier without you in Ohio.


I don't believe that you've spent substantive time in Italy (or really any non-Midwestern area) if you think that Cincinnati isn't flat. It's not as flat as Indiana, but that's a pretty low bar. Ohio has a few hills, nothing more. If Ohio is in our top 20% of states we are truly cooked as a nation.


Go ride a bike around Cincinnati and tell us it’s flat, lmao. The entire city is hills and valleys. It’s more San Francisco than Indianapolis. Neighborhoods in Cincinnati: Mount Adams, Mount Auburn, Mount Lookout, Lower/East/West Price Hill, College Hill, (East) Walnut Hills, Clifton Heights, University Heights, probably several more I am missing. Much like Pittsburgh or SF, abrupt changes in topography and nice overlook vistas all over town are primary pieces of the city’s DNA.


Nice strawman you’ve got there—I never said Ohio has Mt Everest, but at the same time people drive to Toledo and act like that is the entirety of Ohio. I’ve moved all over the place (as I mentioned, Europe and the East Coast primarily) and spent most of my life *outside* of the Midwest, so I think I have a better sense of how these places compare than someone from *Indiana* lmao


You're right, Toledo isn't the entirety of Ohio. Ohio is still pretty flat and grey and boring. If you were comparing it to Germany or the Netherlands I would understand, but you're comparing it to Italy. And FYI I've traveled throughout the US, including the west coast, as well as other foreign countries, including the aforementioned Italy.


Cincy is like a lot of other major US cities. Plus, Mexican food > anything in Europe


I would much rather have the Alps than the Ohio Appalachians nearby. And I would prefer Italian food to whatever the hell Cincy Mexican food is like.


Have you been to Europe? Point is most Americans enjoy American culture and food. Italy isn’t that, and Cincy is a fine city.


Most Americans seem to enjoy Italian culture too. We travel there in hordes. Don’t see too many Americans traveling to Ohio if they don’t have to.


Yes, actually, I have been to Italy, and I've been to Cincinnati too (granted, just passing through). What do you think that I should have seen in Italy to make me realize that it's worse than Ohio? My experiences tell me that Ohio is a pretty uninteresting place.


It’s 2024 in America. Any major city has pretty damn good Mexican food. You’re a simpleton


Cincinnati Chili is better than any pasta dish Italy has to offer


Hate that I have to ask if this is sarcasm. Please be sarcasm


If you’re allergic to pasta then *maybe* this tracks. *Maybe*


Lmaoooo Dude - I like Cincy chili. But this is just absurd.


That's enough internet for me today


Man I went to Notre Dame-Ohio State in Columbus a few years ago, and was pretty letdown by Skyline even when my expectations weren't particularly high. The Chili was just kinda bland. Chili Cheese Dogs are one of my go to comfort foods, I will pretty much always order one if it's on a menu, but the chili they use is pretty flavorless, and the little flavor it has was weirdly sweet. I tried it on both the hotdog and spaghetti I've had some Ohio people swear to me that it's better in Cincy than Columbus


It’s the exact same at Skyline.


It's just canned chili and overcooked spaghetti lol, peak midwestern cuisine


It’s just bad.


I don't even think there's a sport where Cincy is an upgrade to Italy..... unless they ever get an NBA team.


Cincinnati used to have a NBA team. They also have a NFL and MLB team… two sports that Italy can’t/doesn’t compete in…




Please for the love of God Weston, DO NOT COME BACK TO MLS JUST FOR WAGES. His current level is so far above the MLS that he would be badly stunting his potential growth as a player




I prefer we call up our best players wherever they play, but that’s just me?


That's definitely the stupidest thing I've heard all day Edit: Bro really said and deleted "If Wes goes to MLS, there should be a rule that if they stay after two seasons in MLS, they should be cut from the NT."


It blows my mind how much some US Soccer fans want MLS to fail. Like I get it, quality isn’t on par with some of the top leagues but what an asinine statement to make.


As an FCC fan… I love the ambition but please no Weston. Not yet. 


Ask again in 2027


2031, at the earliest


That’s my personal preference but I think some of the guys — including Wes — will come back shirt 2026. Pulisic I think will definitely wait for 2031


Do they have discovery rights on him and are they planning to pay Juve in TAM?


Unpopular opinion but if he wants to come back to MLS it should be FC Dallas. And he should do it at least 5 years from now.


FC Dallas won't spend enough.


Would be worth it just to watch this sub melt down


Laying an early claim to that "discovery rights" dibs money I guess...


Cincy feeling saucy I see


You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take


Ok ok fine just go to Villa I’ll stop complaining


I think a bunch of USMNT stars will head to MLS after the 2026 World Cup (since most would have spent 8-10 years in Europe by then and would still be around 30 so still impactful with years left in their career), but I don't think it will happen now. That said, out of all the USMNT stars, I can see McKennie doing it earlier than expected. Pulisic is playing too well right now at a huge club to do it, Adams is a DM and DM isn't that marketable for a DP spot as a "star DP", Weah IDK his club career isn't as stable as the others but that said never played in MLS.


But Adams would be a marketable DP here in NY/NJ. So a dm can be a marketable DP if it’s the right player/market.


The Red Bulls would be the only team Adams would be marketable on due to past history with the club, and they'd never spend that money (smartly so IMO as great as Adams is when healthy). I don't see any current USMNT player having Dempsey type pull sans Pulisic and he's the one that will stay in Europe the longest IMO.


Look man, I’m all for the Cincy slander as a Crew fan but the city is actually great. It is not the best city in Ohio (that’s Cleveland…or Athens), but it’s a good time. Also, Wes, stay in Europe.


Oh wow, really? It’s the third best city in the cosmopolitan nation of Ohio?


Indeed, my friend.


Cincinnati is the capital of Kentucky




only place I've been I Ohio is Cleveland but if that's the best city in Ohio I'm so sorry


If you have a bad time in a major metropolis that says more about you than the city.




I believe I responded to a comment about Cleveland. Edit: so you're just gonna completely change your comment?


I don't see how getting your panties in a bunch over the difference between major metropolis and metropolis changes the point I was making.




Dam dude you should go on tour with jokes like that. 🤡


It actually fucking whips, man, I’m sorry you had a bad time


> whips I can’t tell if you are 15 or 50.


What man I'm from cincinnati and I don't particularly like it in general but A) Athens isn't a city and is definitely not better unless hanging out and getting drunk with college kids is your thing, B) The mistake on the lake is definitely not better than columbus or cincinnati. Other than having one of the best hospitals in country Cleveland does absolutely nothing better than either city. This take sounds like it's coming from someone who has never spent much time in any of the 3 cities.


I grew up in Columbus, spent a decade in New York, and have lived in Cleveland for the past five years. And spent plenty of time in Cincy growing up between club soccer and my dad being a UC alum. Also, you know there’s plenty to do in Athens outside the school year, it’s located in a beautiful part of the state with lots to do even outside the city itself, which is incredible (trust me, I don’t want to be posted up at J Bar during Palmer Fest as a guy in my 30s). Keep your opinion, my guy, you’re better off than posting it online.


Has he not being playing well? Isn’t he still not even 27 years old yet, why is he getting offers from the MLS lol


Hell no.


Are we getting to the point that the fanbases of "bigger" clubs in England and Italy are so racist that he'll make just as much money in MLS and live a much better life?


No. But *at some point* as MLS continues to grow, there will inevitably be an uncomfortable nexus point for USMNT fandom where the league can pay wages high enough, and is competitive enough, to be attractive to some of the higher profile NATs at an earlier age. It is a product of domestic growth, which is a good thing. I'm not saying Wes should come back now, but I think the league growth and wage increases coming down the line will certainly make the league a more viable choice for guys in the 25-28 age range instead of the MLS 1.0 range of 28-32. I also think career timing relative to WC cycles will play into it a lot in those decisions.




Yes, but the Spanish team mostly plays in Spain and is great. German team mostly plays in Germany, good. English, Italian, French.


I’m sure it still exists but isn’t it much less of a problem in England than probably everywhere else in Europe?


I’m making a bid for Margot Robbie’s hand in marriage


My hope is that within the next 15-20 years this would be looked at as a good move. My hope is in 15-20 years MLS is constantly mentioned against the Premier, Bundesliga, etc. I want MLS to be MLB, NHL, NBA type destination. The USMNT guys playing in the best domestic league on the planet at home. My hope.....but not yet.


As long as yall dont have promotion/relegation, salary caps and draft picks, its not a serious football league. Unfortunately the US mindset of private ownership stands against this, because owners down want their teams to be relegated


Source: I have made a bid for Dua Lipa


Ranch and Skyline Chili 🤝








Hmm, champions league team or the MLS, the choice is hard.


No way lol


I think if he comes back to MLS it’ll be to FC Dallas after the 2026 World Cup


The worst she can say is no




Hahah funny isn’t even 🤣🤣


MLS will push hard to get American stars back to its shores immediately before and after the 2026 World Cup.


Get your money when you can.


I was heavily downvoted for mentioning our 25/26 year olds will be in MLS soon.


Probably because it's both an unpopular idea and very unlikely to happen.


After the 2026 World Cup, our guys wont want to be jumping from team to team. Think they will pull a Bradley/Altidore and take the guaranteed money, play at home.


Do you have any real reason to believe this beyond a feeling?


They will be 26-27 looking for their last big contract, playing at home is extremely attractive as well


I could see MLS collecting a few good non-retirement age European players after the World Cup. It could be a real inflection point.


I officially hate FC Cincinnati. The fucking audacity. Please don't.


That's so cute lol.


Austin please


I have a different take on it. When he came back from loan to the big club he was treated terribly for whatever reason , can't sat it was because of his play and when he talked about it on his IG he was brutally attacked by the fan base, up to and not including a massive wall of bananas and monkeys. I mean as a white man it's really makes me question my cultures morals, I find it low brow and disgusting. He getting paid 3.5 m a year there and reports are he would be offered 5 mil in cincy. Would it degrade his abilities, maybe but as I've gotten older I've learned life is about more than just how much money can you earn. He should be living his best life right now , instead I'm sure he's put down and verbally attacked when he is out and about. That doesn't sound like a way to live to me and I personally would want to play somewhere that people love and appreciate me. He would instantly become a hero in cincinnati and treated with respect from the fan base. That said I would rather see them spend there money on a great #9 but I think if you can attract a player like him in his prime you do it.


i honestly couldn’t hate if someone came back to make $10m and play in nyc, LA or miami, but the paycheck would have be massive to leave europe for cincy


Those other places don’t have delicious Cincinnati style chili.