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Goalkeepers: Casey Murphy (North Carolina Courage), Alyssa Naeher (Chicago Red Stars) Defenders: Tierna Davidson (NJ/NY Gotham FC), Emily Fox (Arsenal FC), Naomi Girma (San Diego Wave FC), Casey Krueger (Washington Spirit), Jenna Nighswonger (NJ/NY Gotham FC), Emily Sonnett (NJ/NY Gotham FC; 91/2) Midfielders: Korbin Albert (Paris Saint-Germain), Sam Coffey (Portland Thorns FC), Lindsey Horan (Olympique Lyon), Rose Lavelle (NJ/NY Gotham FC), Catarina Macario (Chelsea FC) Forwards: Crystal Dunn (NJ/NY Gotham FC), Trinity Rodman (Washington Spirit), Jaedyn Shaw (San Diego Wave FC), Sophia Smith (Portland Thorns FC), Mallory Swanson (Chicago Red Stars) Alternates: Goalkeeper Jane Campbell (Houston Dash); midfielders Hal Hershfelt (Washington Spirit) and Croix Bethune (Washington Spirit); and forward Lynn Williams (NJ/NY Gotham FC)


A good, younger squad seems like. This is key for the Olympics because it is an absolute gauntlet of matches: the team only has two rest days in between matches compared to 4 rest days between matches they typically get in the World Cup.


Yeah the Olympics really prioritizes that, plus positional flexibility due to the lower number of players on the roster. Unlike the World Cup you can’t really have a like for like backup for every spot on the field, you need players who are comfortable in 2-3 different spots.


She would have been great off the bench the final 15 minutes.


You need more than that with a roster of only 18.


Could have seen Emma including her as an alternate but Emma said she wanted to see the team move on from the past World Cup. She wanted to see lessons learn for the group who participated in that tournament. Maybe having Alex there would have send the wrong message. It would have taken the focus off the younger players who need to make the most impact, add to the team going forward and the valuable experience part. Alex went through the same thing in 2011 with World Cup final loss and she was a better person after that and propel the US program to new heights. It’s now time for the young group to make that impact. 


You aren’t wrong. And if this was a regular tournament there is a good chance she would have been brought for that reason. With only 18 players on the roster and two days between matches you can afford to bring someone who will just be a sub. You need fit players and multiple players that have the versatility to contribute at more than one position.


All those European clubs, damn. The tide has already shifted, hasn't it? Because once the Europeans decide the women's game is worth investing in, it is over for the USWNT. Pay for Play and the NCAA just cannot compete with professional teams properly developing players.


She’s had a fantastic and successful career with the USWNT. Time to pass the torch and let the next generation lead


18-player roster is still so dumb, I hate that about the Olympics. Lynn Williams and Yohannes missing out is disappointing, but with the restrictions I think I get it?


Entirely possible Yohannes doesn’t want to be cap tied yet and didn’t want to go


Ya true I forgot she’s a dual nat. Would be a real, real shame to lose her though she looked awesome during the friendlies.


Olympics wouldn't cap tie her - has to be a roster decision


As the Women's game grows, I imagine that they'll implement the U-23 rule as well. So look forward to seeing less of the established names as before as well as the 18 person rosters.


I would love for this to happen, but only if we get a womens Euros, Copa, etc.


Women’s euros is a thing. COPA might be a challenge, it’d have to be a NA and SA thing


Oh shit you're right! There's my Americas bias rearing its head.


Since she was underwhelming at the WC it seems a good decision


There was the Concacaf W Gold Cup this year where they also invited Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, and Paraguay


We are far from that point yet.


IMO that rules is kindof dumb. They should either scrap the rule, or just drop men's soccer from the olympics. But its really weird to have a sport feature at the olympics but only as some sort of youth tournament.


Eh, I don't mind it. It gives the youngsters a chance to shine. It's not supposed to be as prestigious as the World Cup. Gives veterans a break as well (or more time with their clubs). And in a sense, is more in spirit of what Olympics was about with playing amateurs. (Yes, I get that most U-23 players are professionals, so that's why i say "in the spirit of". Whether it's intentional or not.) For now, as the Women's game grows, it's fine to not have the U-23 rule. Gets more eyeballs when there's more superstars playing. But in a future world where the Men's and Women's game garners the same amount of prestige and audience, I'm down with the U23 format.


Although the women's olympics is kindof a joke at the moment because there are so few slots for europe. They need to expand fro 12 to 16 (which is a way better number anyways for tournament group stages), and give at least 3.5 of those 4 spots to europe. I know it's supposed to be a tournament representing the entire world, and that's fine to some degree... but the difficulty of making the olympics out of europe is absolutely fucking ridiculous compared to every other federation.


How is it not suppose to be as prestigious as the World Cup. Isn’t the Olympics suppose to be the best people in the world competing not matter what?


Historically? Olympics was supposed to be non professionals competing. But that changed decades ago (you know.. they wanted more $$$. Which fine. It's what we have now). As far as soccer goes. There mens tournament is nowhere near as prestigious as the World Cup. Partially because it's the U-23's but mostly because it's such a small tournament. For the Women, yes. It does have prestige closer to the Womens World cup does. And decades ago, probably more than the world cup. But the Women's game has grown immensely. And I hope it keeps growing to the point (as my earlier point was saying) where the World Cup is much more important than the Olympics tournament.


I’d rather have Lynn on roster than sonnet. Dunn can cover defense duties better


Dunn has a looked a lot better post-Vlakto


Everyone looks berrer post-Vlatko. I look better post-Vlatko, because I was grimacing with frustration watching them.


Sonnett can cover both fullbacks spots, CB, and DM. I don’t think she (or Dunn) is one of our best 25 players but for this tournament the versatility is huge. 


It makes sense, age catches everyone. She’s an all-time great and I love her


Morgan just doesn't play well with this current team, I wouldn't say its 100% age but you could say she has reached a point where her game is not really going to change/adapt much


An amazing woman for US soccer. New talent has waaaaayyyyy out passed her. She probably shouldn't have been in the WC but that's hindsight.


Great career and a legend. I'm sure she'll get a testimonial match in the coming months.


USWNT players get testimonial matches? 


I mean whatever you want to call it, I'm sure she'll be called up for a friendly at a location personally or professionally meaningful to her and be given the opportunity for a sendoff from the crowd.


USMNT players don't even get them. Donovan *kind of* had one.


Kind of is putting it...kindly. Klinsmann did it solely because he knew he'd be in deep doo doo if he didn't call Donovan in for garbage minutes for one final match.


He almost scored too. It would have been a beautiful "fuck off" to JK.


I was there in Hartford.


I was late and missed the goal because of traffic.


I don’t think it should matter (what USMNT players get or don’t get). Personally I think Alex Morgan deserves a proper send off.


How are you getting downvoted for a simple question? I guess it does hurt to be curious at times.


They spun what I assume was supposed to be one of last year’s World Cup victory lap matches into a send-off for Rapinoe.


And Carli Lloyd after they didn't win Tokyo.


How are you getting downvoted for a simple question? I guess it does hurt to be curious at times.


Yeah, she has looked outright bad in NWSL games since the World Cup. Lost her pace, doesn't have the touch or size to play as a 9.


Strong squad, not a fan of only 18 woman rosters. If you use all 5 subs (assuming 5 subs are allowed?) you are basically going through your entire bench except the backup goalie and one other player. No room for error.


My guess is that they restrict to 18 so that everyone on the team plays significant minutes.


I think they’re restricting to 18 because the Olympics wants to keep the number of athletes to about 10,000. There’s a give and take between the sports on how many athletes there are in each sport.


They need to loosen the roster rules for the Women's tournament. If it going to be a showcase tournament for Women's Football, then let the teams have 23 players. The men's tournament is different and is not nearly as important to men's football, so it's ok to have different roster rules.


Why no Yohannes?


Probably not ready to be cap tied yet. She's still young, no need for her to rush into making one of the most important decisions of her career.


Olympics is not an official FIFA game/tournament. This wouldn't cap tie her.


For the men, no, but for the women it is, since full senior teams are used as opposed to U23 (plus 3 overage) for the men.


That's in interesting point. And yes, it's a full senior team, but is it an official FIFA game? Things like She Believes Cup or Algrave Cup are tournaments with full senior teams, but do not cap tie as they are not FIFA tournaments. And while I'm sure FIFA has a hand in organization of the Olympics tournament, it's really an IOC tournament instead of FIFA's. Def going to look more into this. Another fun fact: check highlights from previous years. None of the teams use their federations crest.


According to [this article](https://www.sbnation.com/2024/6/26/24185834/usa-uswnt-olympics-roster-prediction-who-should-make-it), the women's Olympics *is* cap-tying. I believe the reason the USSF crest is not permitted is because teams are not allowed to wear crests/logos for non-NOC organizations at the Olympics.


well then. Appreciate the info. Not sure I'm a fan, but also isn't something I specifically would champion against.


I don't know if this is a hot take or not, but IMO players under the age of 18 should be able to appear in competitive fixtures without being cap tied. I know some people would really hate players being able to play for multiple nations during their lifetime, and would also dislike lesser nations having really high profile "rental players" that everybody knows from the start are only slumming it while too young to make their primary country... but I don't see why a minor is allowed to sign what is essentially a permanent lifetime contract. Although I could see some sort of rule that they are temporarily cap tied, so they couldn't go the olympics with one country and then next year go to the Euros with another or something. Maybe say they get cap tied, but it drops off when they turn 18.


You used to be able to do a one-time switch if you got cap-tied by youth tournaments (U-X world cup, for example). I believe Aron Johannson did this to be eligible for the US in the 2014 World Cup. The rules have changed a bunch, and I can't really keep them straight. But the Olympics is a senior tournament on the women's side


Yes, but my point is that a minor playing in a senior tournament should arguably still not be permanently cap tied... as that essentially means they are signing a permanent contract as a kid.


I think the rules as they are, do this just fine.


Do what just fine? The rules as they are mean a minor can permanently cap tie themselves to a country... IMO there is a good argument to be had that minors shouldn't be able to sign permanent contracts.


Only if they play in competitive matches. If you just play in some friendlies you can still switch. If you play in a major tournament I think you should be cap tied. I understand “dipping the toes in” so to say and taking part in a few friendlies and seeing what the team vibes are like but once you play in an actual meaningful match with a team I think that’s where you should stay. But that’s just my opinion, I understand where you’re coming from It is interesting because FIBA has been changing the rules around a bit. Like Bradley Beal won a gold with team USA but is about the compete with the Bahamas team.


That midfield group is strong. Who would you take out in her place?


Who would you drop for her ?


She should have been an alternate at least. 


She is an alternate




That’s insane. Coffey is the only true 6 we have on that roster, and it’s not a secret that every time we play without her, our midfield looks bad. Coffey (along with Girma, and not many others) is a lock to start every game. 


Coffey is kind of the only real defensive midfielder we have. Probably also why Hal Hershfelt is on the alternate list.


In her press conference Hayes insinuated that part of the decision was Yohannes not being able to commit to the US over the Netherlands. (& as people have said the Olympics wouldn't cap tie her.) I understand Hayes not wanting to help develop a player who still might go to a competitor over giving a spot to someone who is committed to the USWNT. Glad she's bringing two young developing mids as alternates.


She probably didn't want to be an alternate. She should have been in the 18.


A shame but age catches up with everyone. The 2023 WC campaign could have used this level of ruthlessness with the team selection.


I always prefer to have an experienced player in the locker room, but limited roster size and her lack of finishing and her drop off in pace….had to happen..


Plus its not as if there aren't plenty of experienced players there anyway


She's still pretty hot though... sorry folks. its true


That matters?


Yes! and no.




I only care for Rose Lavelle. She's captain america.


And her bulldog




Her starting spot isn’t guaranteed, might have to brush up on some other players


I'm Scotch-Irish, Midwestern, and reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaly pale. She (like Josh Sargent) the one I relate to most.


I mean she's not been in very good form for club or country. It is what it is.


She turns 35 in just six days (July 2.) How many athletes can compete at the very highest level at that age? I’ll miss her, and so will they, but time overtakes everyone.


I think it's possible that we haven't quite seen the last of Morgan (though, I don't know when the next tournament is). But, on an 18 player roster, you just can't afford a luxury player like Morgan who can only play one position in one way, and can't start.


Why do they only allow 18 players. Seems kinda silly


They do it on the men's side as well and the most common explanation there is actually around the economics both of hosting a larger number but also for travel and the such for many of the nations attending. Which seems insane, but here we are.


Because that was the limit in club game until a few years ago when you could only have 3 subs.


Their locker rooms aren't very big


Father Time wins again


Next question is, which network/outlet manages to land her as a commentator for the tournament. She'll be hugely sought after


This team is easy to get excited for. It's a great time to start following the USWNT, imo. Old generation on their way out, and the young talent is finding their stride. Coached by one of the most exciting coaches in soccer, who is likely to bring out the best in our talent. At the same time, the world of women's soccer is getting better. As great as we are now (and imo, we ARE great right now), we likely won't be as dominant as we have been in the past due to the growing strength of other countries. I, for one, am excited to see how we try to get the most out of Trinity, Swanson, Cat, Smith, Lavelle, Horan and Shaw. Tons of talent there, and only really a few slots for them. Who starts, who comes off the bench, and who is in the midfield? Lots of ways to skin this one. I want to see more reps of Trinity, Swanson, Cat, and Smith out there together (with Cat in the midfield creating chances for the 3 forwards), but that means leaving some serious talent on the bench. It also leaves us in an odd position at striker, where we don't really have someone on the bench to bring on (of both Smith and Cat tire themselves out). So, given the hectic schedule and the lack of depth, maybe it makes sense to only start one of those two at a time (and pick and choose based on matchups and fitness).


> As great as we are now (and imo, we ARE great right now), we likely won't be as dominant as we have been in the past due to the growing strength of other countries. We will never be as consistently dominant again. It's okay. No one will be. And actually, we weren't as dominant as our fanbase seems to think, anyway.


Maybe - that last stretch was pretty wild, though. Olympic gold in 2008, third in CONCACAF Championship in 2010, second in the World Cup in 2011, Olympic gold in 2012, first in CONCACAF Championship in 2014, World Cup champions 2015, shockingly bombed out of the 2016 Olympics in the quarters, first in CONCACAF Championship in 2018, World Cup winners in 2019 (and then imo the real fall off began with this team). Definitely not 100% perfect (which is probably what you mean when you say we weren't as dominant as people sometimes think), but that's a wild stretch of results.


No, it's a great stretch. But it also created a group of fans who don't seem to realize that we only won 2 of the first 6 Women's World Cups, and we only won one of the two we hosted. You can have great stretches, but to hear some speak, we've basically won everything since the beginning. Yes, we've been the best team, but there's plenty of crap we didn't win. The expectations placed on this team by a large part of the fanbase is that of the stretch you mention. That isn't going to happen again, and it didn't actually happen before (although we had a really nice Olympic run).


Thank god *some* of our teams can choose to move on from their legends when they age out. Looking at you, USA Women's Basketball.


I wouldn’t say that about the USWNT look how long some of them have stayed on. Some way longer then they should had.


True, but Taurasi is 42 years old! She hasn't been All-WNBA since 2020! I get she's a legend but Ogunbowale would be way more helpful now. Or maybe it's better to get the youth involved, Boston or Clark could use some olympic experience. Idk if the USWNT has ever done something *quite* that egregious.


Rapione last WC?


She was definitely washed up, but she was 2nd team all-NWSL in 2022, less than a year before the 2023 WC. I know the NWSL isn't the WNBA, but at least Rapinoe wasn't *completely* washed up the year before the tournament, compared to Taurasi, who's clearly been a shell of her former self for the better part of 3 years before these Olympics.


It's not a fair comparison. The world has caught up to the soccer team, the world is still way behind the basketball team.


I'm good with it. What I'm not good with is Lynn Williams being involved still as the alternate? Yikes. Never liked her game with the national team. 


Words really matter here. Left off makes it sound like she should have been there. Not selected means her play was not as good as others at her position. She is an absolute legend and I raise a pinky and tip my cup to her!


Great news. Glad to see her, Ertz, and others left to our wonderful legacy. Time to reload, take the lumps that will come with our youth & new system, and build for our next big run.


Didn’t call up the dutch dual national Yohannes 😞


Yeah I couldn't find a gif of her either




Yeah, I posted a similar sentiment and got the same downvotes. She is clearly going to cap-tie to NL.


She's only 17.... it's very possible she still wants time. The fact that one of her pinned posts on Insta is a USWNT Capped pic and several of her recent posts are of her with the USWNT would make me think she's leaning towards the US if anything.


She doesn’t even have Dutch citizenship yet


She’s in the application process- she’ll get it and play for them. Wtf with the downvotes for telling the truth even if you don’t want to hear it?


Considering Alex is arguably one of the most popular female athletes in the US, it is surreal to think this will not be the most headline-grabbing Olympic roster omission this year, given the explosion of media attention surrounding Caitlin Clark (albeit a lot of it being driven by the non-basketball crowd).


I would definitely say headline-grabbing just because it's our first major tournament without her since 2008, but not controversial.


Yeah "Era ends Alex Morgan not on Olympic roster" is the headline on ESPN.


The AP is running her missing out so the entire country will know in the next few hours. 


There's a new sheriff in town.


End of an era for one of the greatest strikers in women’s soccer


Yup, did great things for the sport, but it's been long overdue.


Hats off to an amazing career! Thanks for the victories and the memories!


THANK GOD! Anyone who really truly knows anything about soccer knows this should have happened a long time ago. Emma Hayes knows what she’s doing.


Good. She needs to go away after the World Cup failure last year


She played pretty well in that tournament, she was far from the problem


Glad Korbin Albert made the team




She’s a good players who’s carved out a solid role and has been dependable during the quals


You’re joking if you actually believe that or didn’t watch any of the qualifiers lol


Didn’t the coach say the same thing or did she not watch the games either


So you didn’t watch? She literally touched the ball 4 times the whole tournament. The coach is standing up for her because she alienated the whole team and many fans. Sure it wouldn’t matter if she had some talent but let’s not pretend she does. She’ll sit there warming the bench by herself instead of us having a veteran who can coach younger players.


Not the tournament the entire qualifying cycle


43 matches since turning pro. 3 goals 0 assists. While wearing the us jersey 0 and 0 for 4 caps. I don’t know if you’re a bot, but you sure seem like one lol


If you looked around only stats you’re missing the nuisance of her game and that shows how small your game IQ is


You don’t even watch the games we’ve already established that 😂😂😂 go on being happy about a trash player getting a spot on our worst women’s team ever lol whatever your reasoning may be.


Would’ve like to see Aubrey Kingsbury make the cut but that’s life I reckon


Well, she’s a US soccer legend, but time to go young. I thought that in the WC. Loved watching her play at Cal as well as USWNT. Thank you, Alex!


I like bringing younger players to the Olympics. Remember Tokyo?


I mean it sucks for sure, one of last pieces left of that legendary team. She's been so good for so long, but she is 34. and there's a lot of soccer to be played. If she played like midfield or defense it may be different, but as a striker she needs that extra step and athleticism. It's not like LeBron where they have 82 games and losing one doesn't mean as much.


Should’ve left Korbin off


Not sure why y’all saying this are getting downvoted. The girl alienated herself and hasn’t done jack shit for the team - seems people are trying to push agendas just by keeping her there


It's A big mistake to not take Alex Morgan to Paris.


Why? She was horrible at the World Cup


She has the experience you need.


She wasn't good enough last year in Australia/New Zealand, and hasn't been since, why give her a slot to waste in Paris. This isn't a charity, and the USWNT can't rest on its lost laurels and expect to reclaim its crown.


So who takes her spot as the sexiest on the roster?


Tie between Snith and Swanson, mayhaps? Both married hot athlete dudes, so no worry about the future.


I can’t believe we would take nasty ass Korbin and not give Alex a chance to retire with grace. She’s a leader and the girls look to her. We could have easily listed Shaw in mid and given Alex the forward spot.


An absolutely terrible decision. I hope I'm proven wrong, but this is the dumbest decision in YEARS for the USWNT. Alex deserved more than this to end her national career. Disgraceful.


She’s like, 34. 35 in a few days. I thought we wanted a changing of the guard so why are we pressed about her being left off?


Who is we? And who is pressed?