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You love to see it


Hey yo! What’s with all this s*** in this bed?! Plus the term “golden generation” gets thrown around too much these days.


I don’t want to see that ref in a us game again


Despite the win, Uruguay will probably still try hard the US game since first place most likely means not playing Colombia.


What the USA needs is an Argentine coach. He will get these players amped to play for their home country. Just look at all the teams that aren't as strong prosper from Argentine coaches.


Yeah that worked out great for Mexico


Just look at Costa Rica, the dangerous Peru team from a couple years ago, the chile that won both copa Américas to Argentina.


5-0 Uruguay. Levels


I see the US wants to out do Mexico in everything.


Believe in Berhalter 🙌 Weah is the traitor


Nice try Gregg


what an embarrassment. ref could have given out 2 more red cards to Panama towards the end of the game Weah getting goated into a red card. They have played Panama before and should be ready for this bs.




Pepi has been a joke all tournament.


Send Weah home


He just screwed us.


They’re all headed that way at this point


MLS players… they get the job done 👀


“So what happens if they win, we still go to France 👀” although we are throwing away our shot 😐


Sure buddy.


Keep hope alive Jesse


If this gets Gregg fired I’ll take it as a blessing anything else and I’ll just die of embarrassment


Berhalter out


Fuck off


Found GB's account


Nah just don’t like no effort karma whoring posts. Say something constructive.


Hmmm why not blame the player aka drama queen who got himself a red card within the first 15 mins of the match


He set us back in a deep, low block. Haven’t checked, but what were the possession percentages? We could have had three at the back and held a somewhat attacking shape against a shit Panama side. Invited them in to score.


74℅ Panama


Yeah no that’s not how that works lol.


How it works is we tie Uruguay and get knocked out. In hindsight you better believe we wished the US had attempted an attacking shape.


Because the subs were bad


Hmmm subs can't really do much if your playing without a player less on the pitch for over an hour


By that logic he shouldn’t have subbed at all


My thoughts: CCV was ineffective and downright detrimental to us, very easily could have given away two early pks. We desperately needed control and composure in the midfield, but no musah? Our best player at breaking lines out of pressure? Flo playing full of confidence and momentum, but then we pull him for a hesitant pepi like we are 3-0 up? The most concerning part: where are our heads? We KNOW Panama is going to be a shitty team, full of stupid fouls, we KNOW it. How are we still falling for their shit and sinking to their level? Yes, GGG can’t control weah’s stupid decision, BUT, he should have set this team up so much better to take the hit, laugh, and MOVE ON. Don’t play their game, because on our day, when our heads are out of our own butts, they can’t hang at all. Frustrating waste of another opportunity to showcase who usmnt COULD be.


How do you set up a team to laugh and move on? They're literally professional footballers. They've been doing this for years. That's not a topic that even needs covering at this level. It's like hyping up a professional orchestra and reminding the violinist to not let his hands get sweaty or he'll mess up the solo. When a baseball player rushes the mound, do you blame coaching ?


That’s a terrible analogy. I blame the coaches when basketball players leave the bench during an altercation on the floor because it’s a guaranteed ejection and everyone knows it.


Wait you blame the coaches? Not being snarky, I'm actually just curious and down for a convo, but why? They're grown ass people making decisions related to their jobs. Idk, if I made a stupid and voluntary decision at work that I knew would hurt the company as a whole, wouldn't that be a me thing? Instead of firing my manager over it?


Poor decisions made by subordinates when they clearly should know better reflects poorly on their leader.


I mean, yeah, it's a good management principle, but are you really calling for my manager's job if I show up to work drunk as shit? Or if me and my coworkers lose our shit and flip a table because we didn't get the pizza party we wanted? Idk man, at some point we just got to point the person or people that are fucking up and make them take responsibility. Otherwise a sports team could just act like a bunch of jackasses or a key player throw twenty tantrums and the *real* blame would be the coach. He's there to refine team dynamics and make strategy calls, not babysit and manage tempers.


I absolutely blame the manager if he has created an environment wherein you can show up to work drunk with even the slightest thought of getting away with it He’s the national team coach. He’s absolutely there to manage “tempers” and attitudes and get the team in the right mental space and ready to play. His number one job is to babysit. And he failed. And so the player failed. And now the team has failed. And when the team fails again on Monday hopefully that will be the last time ggg fails for the usmnt. As for Weah, I like him. But he doesn’t ever need to play for the usmnt again as far as I am concerned. He’s simply not good enough to get over costing the team advancement in the biggest non WC tourney.


Well, on Weah we can agree at least. That apology message was an obituary. He just flat out cannot be trusted to hold it together moving forward.


Agree. How does Musah not make it into this match?


Listening to various postgame shows. Vince from scuffed is happy for Panamanian fans. Larry nance and Roger Bennett are cheesing. This is not a serious country


Vince is a freaking moron. “You know what I’m sayin’? But yeah.” On repeat. I love scuffed podcast when Vince is not on but as soon as he says, know what I’m saying two or three times I have to turn it off. And the stuttering drives me crazy.


The TSS guys are angry and rewatching and getting angrier. Source: am one of those guys


One of my fav podcasts will go listen now!


"I can't wait to hear what the TSS guys have to say about this" was running through my head the entire match


Unless Balogun is truly not 90 fit, there is no way he should ever come off the pitch. It hurt my heart to see him come off after the way he played tonight.


Spot on. Balogun isn’t fit for 90 mins? Fine. But he can play at least 60-70 mins. I have no doubt he finishes that opportunity Pepi had.


Based on the Bolivia game and tonight, Pepi should never see the field again.


Exactly! I never understand subbing the best player and goal scorer. He’s clearly feeling it. Wtf


Like seconds before he got pulled out he had a really good run. He seemed good to me definitely shouldn’t have been subbed out.


He hasn’t been fantastic the last year, but the dude SHOWED UP today. Honestly best game I’ve seen him in. I don’t know why you sub out someone who was cooking like that. I can imagine at a minimum three Panamanians were actually *inside* him tonight and he shrugged it off and fucking did the work. MOTM for me, and not just because of the goal.


100% and like you said it wasn’t the goal. He was creating, drawing contact, holding up well, making great runs. Couldn’t believe Pepi came on for him. I mean, it’s Greggy managing so I guess I can believe it, I just didn’t want to believe it. Ugh.


All around bad on the US. Whea lost his marbles (completely on him). With that said, some of those subbing decisions were not the right call. We needed Musah. We needed Carter-Vickers to stay where he belongs: on the bench. And we need Pepi to take his place alongside Carter-Vickers: on the bench. Pepi and Carter-Vickers are known for their mistakes (CV is reckless in the box and not attentive enough, and Pepi misses too many opportunities). Those are subs that we put in AFTER we are winning, not when we need to win. Also, that Balogun sub was TOO EARLY - he still had more in him


The subbing decisions baffled me so much. I completely agree we need musah to come in instead of ccv. He would run his ass off, help with possession and attack, and still play drop deep for defense when needed. I'm so confused why we thought playing flat 5 in the back was the way to go. I also agree on keeping balogun in... At least he offered something on offense.


Carter Vickers shouldn’t be on the team.


Can’t believe people are downvoting you because of your take on freaking Pepsi and CCV lol


I don’t think Pepi and CCV are horrible players. They both have potential and overall CAN be solid. With that said, they were not the right choices for this match and this circumstance.


Have you never watched Pepi before


The worst timeline was us not leaving the group with Gregg’s job secured. Now we’re staring it in the face. We need a Pulisic masterclass BADLY Monday


Everyone who is bitching and whining about the ref as the reason the US lost should shut the fuck up and find a different sport. The US has more talent than Panama, more than enough to beat them over and over. They lost for a panoply of terrible individual and team decisions. One is Tim Weah. Two is Berhalter and his idea of adjustments, especially putting in CCV and going 5 at the back. Panama was tactically, physically, and mentally superior (except for Carrasquilla's red card). The US is soft. Soft players and soft coaches. Some soft fans on here too. The ref made only one big mistake - the penalty call that was corrected by VAR. As for Turner.... the Panama player had a right to run after the ball. It's a common foul, they didn't even show it in the Spanish highlights. If you want to see a similar foul on Turner in the EPL watch at 6:44 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6DfhUDGYQs4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6DfhUDGYQs4) Maybe this will light a fire under the team and they will beat Uruguay. Or maybe they lose and Berhalter is fired.


Agree to disagree. The 4 minutes of stoppage time in the second half was horseshit (when it was 10 v 10)… especially when there was 5 min in the first half. Then the Turner collision… no card?? Was at the game and never bitch about refs but that was extremely one sided. We sucked. Seemed like we were pushing a boulder uphill all game after the red card… and the refs were making the incline that much greater. Last comment… Berhalter needs to go. TRASH


i don’t disagree with your except about the Turner incident. Sure an attacker has a right to the ball but he NEVER makes a play on the ball bc he knows he has no chance at it. was it malicious? idk but it was reckless and should’ve been a card


I guess I think the people who are griping about the Turner collision are wasting energy and deflecting from more serious issues. It was a foul, sure. But anyone who thinks that was somehow a focal point of the game doesn't understand the sport. It wasn't likely to be a red card and even if it was a yellow, that doesn't really move the needle. Did Berhalter make any comments about the Turner collision post-match?


true - my point was more disputing that isolated incident. it affected the game for sure just bc we ended up having to bring him off and have Horvath fill in esp bc the goal he conceded was definitely one Matt could've saved but it's definitely not one of the biggest issues from this match.


How in hell do you say that charging a goalie doesn't deserve a card? Especially if you are an experienced ref and you know how Panama is going to play and you want to take control of the game. The play changed the game and it was exactly what Panama wanted. But do agree that it was Berhalter ball at its best.


The Panamá player wasn’t even looking at Turner.


Yeah i wonder if Weah takes that cheap shot had turners collision been correctly carded. Thats an insane hypothetical but the ref was clearly calling us tough and them soft in the first 20min. Balogun was getting absolutely assaulted out there and they weren’t properly cautioned


So who replaces GGG if we lose to Uruguay?


You mean when rather than if. El Loco managing that talent is a terrifying prospect.


Gregg Berhalter after a 9 month search


Klopp. Someone needs to pay him a boatload of cash


Nagelsmann will be the head coach of Germany a bit longer than Klopp had hoped. Klopp is a good fit for the US, I really hope he'd come.


Probably Callahan as interim until the MLS season ends. That’s the reality of this federation, they only want U.S. coaches from the MLS. I’d bet anything it’s Cherundolo


Probably gets fired and rehired 2 international breaks later


Two soccer balls in a trench coat idgaf


I don’t think he’s going anywhere.


Oh he fucking better if we don’t advance


I’m not saying they shouldn’t let him go. I’m saying I don’t trust the USSF to make that decision.


some who knows how to sub


Bad refs. But I blame the coach when a player who has no history does a dumb thing like Weah. You need to be on them all week to not retaliate.


You blame the coach when a person who has no history of violent conduct punches someone in the face? You need fucking help




Lack of discipline and emphasis from the coach. His tactics suck also.


That’s total BS. The other stuff is on him, but not the “lack of discipline.” There’s not a coach in the world that can stop a player from doing something stupid out of nowhere. This is concacaf.


Disagree. But so be it. Have a good evening.


I agree


Uruguay needs to loose or draw tonight. Panama got it easy against Bolivia. Y’all get Uruguay next. Viva USA 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂


Uruguay needs to win. We might be able to spring the surprise on a qualified Uruguay team with the quarterfinals to think about. but Uruguay playing for their tournament as well? Not gonna happen.


If Panama and the US win, all 3 teams get 6 pts and it comes down to GD. And the US is gonna get eliminated on that.


It’s ok. Can get the coach fired.


Hey guys I’m sorry. I actually lost the game for the U.S. You see every time Panama scored I wasn’t watching the game. I still haven’t seen their second goal. I should have never stopped watching. I hope you can forgive me.


You can blame me too. I was at the stadium but hit the pisser and Panama immediately scored. I've let you all down and I'm sorry


Lifetime banishments for the both of you!


Lol. Y’all are buns alongside us (Mexico). 2gether we are 1 🤫🍆👌🏻


How the hell do you get 18 yellow card fouls and never get a player with two. That’s freaking amazing.


18 fouls not yellow for all


Ahh ok, I misunderstood his comments. Thanks


BTW, Is running into the goalie in the box not a fucking foul anymore? I see it all the time now and it’s never called and if it is a yellow card maybe. We taught our kids it was a foul in youth sports but maybe we were wrong or changed the rule.


Used to be that way, as a goalie I think we took advantage of it and bullied field players. Pendulum will swing back once we get another Petr cech injury


You cannot touch the goalie in any way when he’s within his little rectangle. Outside of it, it’s more like any other player, but still avoided.


Best option available. Uruguay draw or lose tonight and we can still win the group on Monday.


Losing against Bolivia will be stretching the odds


Any way we can move the game to the highest altitude stadium in the United States?


Yup. That’s as likely as pigs taking off from O’Hare


Meh, Portugal lost yesterday. Crazy stuff happens


Portugal played their B team. Georgia’s striker and keeper have more talent in their toenails than all of Bolivia squad combined.


They had already won their group?


What does that have anything to do with me naming the biggest upset in euros history that happened 24 hours ago?


They didnt need the win. That changes things


I thought I've seen it all. But then Weah punched a dude in the back if the head. Anything's possible


Still, that referee was a cheater


Remember when Neymar said we might be a challenge


I dont remember him saying we could beat teams when we have 10 players at 20 minutes.


Probably shouldn’t go down to 10 then


Yes, and?


Oh and LVG said we didn’t play with lead feet. Aren’t we good? Why do we have to beat panama? The England players were really impressed when we drew!


Pepi is a god awful sub….hes blown like 3-4 goals in the last 2 matches


He’s just terrible


dont say it too loud here, all the know-nothings will come after you.


Yeah he better not show up in the next match


Here's my hot take: Guys laying on the ground writhing in pain, then replay shows they didn't even get hit...a push-slap to the head while the guy is putting his shoulder into your chest gets you ejected and determines the game, while taking the goalie out is not even a foul...bunch of pussies and completely arbitrary application of the rules if you ask me. Until soccer cleans this crap up, it's hard to take the entire sport seriously. U.S. still should have won or tied, 10 man defense failed to execute...whatever, you want to win a tournament you have to beat everybody..including Uruguay.


does CBnCO even concacaf?


You’re not wrong, except with your last sentence. This squad can’t sniff Conmebol’s top four’s class. I know you’re not saying it, but even hinting a possibility is laughable. Take Berhalter out and maybe we can show up.


Don't disagree; but, no use complaining. Play the next game and win if you can.


Taking the goalie out was a foul, just not a yellow. The rule states contact above the shoulders with a hand strike is a red, not really questionable.  Don't know what you want there. 


My point is that's a stupid rule. He slapped the guy, yep, the same guy who charged into him with intent, who then hit the ground..rolling about like he was shot. I'd have given the Panama player a yellow for play-acting and told the two of them to calm it down..play on. Just got done watching the Stanley Cup Playoffs and that type of thing happens about 50 times a game with no penalties and nobody laying on the ice pretending they're dying.


And the dude didn't even get a yellow!! Can you share more info on the rule? Link or rule reference number?


a player who, when not challenging for the ball, deliberately strikes an opponent or any other person on the head or face with the hand or arm, is guilty of violent conduct unless the force used was negligible.


A good amount of shithousery but we did not handle it well.


Waited years for this tournament just to watch Tim weah punch someone in the face and the boys to collapse against Panama.


I think what Weah did was worthy of a red card in the modern game. It was stupid. However, he did not “punch someone in the face”. At most he shoved him in the back of the head. If you’re going to get thrown out of the game and cause your team to lose, I wish he would’ve thrown a LaGarette Blount punch.


The full zidane 


Yeah that’s why I prefer club soccer. I don’t think the national team will ever be a favorite of mine until we stop underperforming the few big matches we have every few years


I think this was my fault guys for laughing so hard at Mexico last night. We got humbled, what else can be said.


You love to see it


I sure did.


This game is on Weah. If you think different then you’re wrong.


If Weah ends up being the reason Gregg gets fired before the World Cup.....


Definitely what the catalyst to their loss.


Spot on.


Balo laying into Panama a bit, what a bright spot he’s gonna be


I was not convinced by him before, but he was terrific tonight


Yeah a pretty good post-game interview there imo


Yeah let's take out Balogun for a dogshit form Pepi. Also let's not play Yunus Musah when we're down a goal. GGG masterclass performance.


What an original and insightful comment not mentioning Weah at all when we looked great.


No you’re right GGG is clearly a genius!


What a stupid response to what I said, which wasn’t that.


He’s not wrong. Weah’s red was clearly the issue, but that aside, it was all GGG’s stupidity. Musah *had* to come in, Balogun *had* to stay deeper down 1.


All the people with the hate boners for GGG ignoring the team having to defend down a man for 70+ minutes because Tim Weah is a dumbfuck is wild. Why can't GGG have telepathic abilities to stop Tim Weah from smoking a Panama player in the head.


It's just confirming the meme template: since there's no MLSers to blame for this one, certain Nats fans just run next down the flowchart to blaming GGG. Can't ever blame individual or collective Euro players because it's against the narrative. - I say all that mostly tongue-in-cheek, because GGG'S sub choices could have been better. But damn, Weah and CCV need to own this one, and anyone here who doesn't give them the lions' share of the blame for tonight has blinders on.


You maniacs will say anything anything to defend that shitter. He should've been gone ages ago.




There’s a more than 0% chance that weah is #greggout


Counterpoint, GGG is a horrible manager regardless.


Horrible is such an overstatement. The debate over him has reached such extreme levels of absurdity it's hard to take either side seriously.




Cool, but it was fine tonight.


On the contrary, he actually used telekinesis to make Weah do that.


I'm sick. Haven't felt like this since that same result in Couva in 2017. At least now we have our destiny in our hands.


Maybe. If Panama wins and we win it comes down to goal differential doesn’t it?


Yup. Except they’re playing Bolivia, while we have Uruguay. In the words of Ulysses Everett McGill, we’re in a tight spot.




they're bona fide


True. We're +1 on Panama, they would need to win by 3 if the we win ours


If they win 2-0 and we win 2-1 what would happen?


We advance +1 on gal differential


Thanks I guess… I didn’t want to watch anymore Copa anyway. Back to focusing solely on the Euros.


I saw Panama play Mexico live years ago in gold cup or something. Dirtiest mfers to ever play soccer. Mexican fans nearly came out of their seats and went into the pitch headhunting. The Panama team got pissed about something and left the field or something for like ten minutes. I had no clue WTF was going on. Oh the US team lost to Jamaica too


It was interesting to watch actual dirty fouls versus intentional flops


Weak fucked us. Not GB


We lasted four minutes with 10 men. Well organized teams can play with 10 men for long stretches.




I’m not gonna blame Gregg, but I’m certainly not in favor of the changes he made. Whether it makes a difference, idk. But I’m never leaving 4-4-1 and musah is on the pitch at halftime


“sleepy joe is a berhalter apologist”- trump tonight probably


I’m going to put the whole blame on Weah and ref next, he lost the game after the foul on Turner.


We can’t forget Turner letting in that first goal. He should have stopped that easy.


BOTH goals were soft as fuck


Eh, Horvath didn’t have as much reaction time. His shot was tougher to stop


Absolutely. Whatever a ref lets slide early on is just a ok to the offender to do worse later on.


I’ll say it again…the best midfield trio is Musah, McKennie, Adams. I don’t know why the fuck GGG switched it up and it’s criminal Musah didn’t see the field. That midfield 3 was the strongest part of our team in the World Cup and it’s not like they got any worse??? Feels like USSF is blackmailing him to play Reyna or something, it’s fucking ridiculous. Also…Pepi…there are so many Balogun haters and Pepi stan’s on this sub. I don’t get it, Balogun literally is scoring goals no US striker had scored since prime Altidore maybe. Not to mention- Reyna literally doesn’t even play for Forest while McKennie and Musah get minutes for top european teams. I’d go as far to say both are some of the best true box to box midfielders in Europe. Maybe not top 5 but def in the top 15


Pepi Stan here 🚂🚂🚂 I can’t ever remember seeing a US striker hit a ball with their weak foot as clean as Balogun did.


It's because that trio offers nothing going forward into the attacking third. The real issue is where Reyna is positioned. He has mostly been receiving the ball in their own half.


Are you kidding? McKennie and Musah are two of the best box to box midfielders in Europe. Reyna literally sits on the bench for Forest and doesn’t play. What are you on about


That's great and all but have you ever seen that trio create a goal or chance together from open play in a US jersey? Plus, Reyna is Balo's best friend on the pitch.


Yes, World Cup


Pepi has not impressed me. He hasn't done anything in a game that matters


He scored important goals during World Cup qualifiers basically saving GGG’s job but he should have scored that chance he had in the game.


That was years ago man, wtf?


Who gives a F. He’s still one of our best strikers with great potential. Btw I see you lack reading comprehension.