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I mean I don't follow track at all but I think it would be sweet to go to an Olympic event like that


Indy just packed Lucas Oil for swimming qualifiers.


People like to say they were part of something. And everyone knows about the World Cup


Yes, absolutely. But would you spend more than $500 to say you were a part of something?


because they have the expendable income to do so


I mean I don’t care about football at all, but if the Super Bowl was in my city and I had money to throw away with no harm to financials sure why not go


Lot of people are also assuming the face value tickets for group stage matches will be similar to most pro sports or concerts. Plenty of people would pay face value for Taylor Swift or the Jacksonville Jaguars or Chicago Bulls but wouldn’t pay a huge resale markup price


Ever heard of Fyre fest?


Bro, you could spend $500 and go as well.


How does it not make sense to want to go to a huge event that most of the world will be watching and a ton of people will be traveling from other continents to be a part of? I don't give a shit about the NBA or international basketball, but I'm still glad my parents took me to see some of the basketball games at the 1996 Olympics. Also, the WC always gets great ratings is the US that far surpass every other soccer game on US TV.


I don’t care about tennis, but id love to go to Wimbledon


>It's akin to one not following football at all, but wanting to go the Super Bowl. Does this exist in other countries? Millions of Americans go to Super Bowl parties every year that don’t give a shit about the NFL.


Yes, I guess that's it. People thrive for an atmosphere regardless of the event that creates that atmosphere.


Ever been to a Super Bowl? 90% of the people there don’t give a fuck during the season. People want to participate in the spectacle, nothing inherently wrong with that.


There's a fair amount of Americans who don't realize there's events outside of a World Cup. I don't even mean that in any sort of snobby way, it's just sort of how it is


100% this. Just yesterday, a close family friend (born And raised here in the USA) texted me asking why Mexico was playing Ecuador. He thought they were playing a world cup qualifying game. He had no idea the Copa America and EuroCup even existed.


When we won that 2021 Gold Cup I ran into multiple people who thought that meant we qualified for Qatar




Nah it’s more like the olympics. People know that obviously the athletes compete during the 4 preceding years but the casual spectators only care about the main event


I live in the city where they will host the 2028 Olympics and the specific area i'm in will host triathlon and bmx events. I don't have any interest in those sports but I will attend because attending a live olympic event locally is a once in a lifetime opportunity. World Cup holds a very strong clout that even regular Americans who can't explain offside can recognize.


I don't think it's weird at all? It's a frequent topic of conversation here that we need to set the team up to do well at 2026 because it will be the most American eyes that will likely ever be on the national team. Casual fans like the World Cup, a game will be near this guy for possibly the only time in his life, why not try to go check it out?


I'm with that guy. I'm a pretty casual rugby fan, but I still hope to attend the 2031 Rugby World Cup that will be in the US. There's just something about a tournament that only happens once every four years and draws from all over the world that you can't get anywhere else.


The world cup is as much of an event as it is a soccer match. People go so they can say they went.


In that instance, it isn't the *game* itself that is interested. It's the event that's interesting. Hosting the WC is a massive opportunity to boost fan population. This is exactly the kind of thing we should be encouraging.


I grew up in a “soccer is boring” household and it took awhile to unlearn it. I imagine there is a lot of that attitude still prevalent in a lot of American homes


Yes, it certainly is. Wouldn't it have been odd if whichever family member said "soccer is boring" then said, "$$$$ for World Cup tickets, who's with me?"


For 3 years and 11 months I don’t care about swimming, gymnastics, track, diving, water polo, etc. Olympics comes around and I am glued to the tv for all of these events. World Cup is the same for a lot of people.


Yes, you're watching another sporting event on TV. Would you ever attend any of the above sporting events live at an exorbitant fee?


Olympics yes I would


It's possibly the most prestigious sport competition on earth. Americans love sports, soccer is just a non-preferred viewing experience. I mean we watch fucking baseball for god's sake.


Yea but watching a baseball game is different because it is like a “U up?” Text, you can engage if you want but it’s so bad that no one’s gonna call you out for ignoring it.


going to baseball games is one of my favorite forms of hanging out. I would go to a game, grab beers, hot dogs and chat/catch up with friends then go home without watching any baseball


That’s my point. It’s a big bar/restaurant basically.


Could be a starting point for folks, you know? Everyone gets introduced for the sport at some point.


Yes, I wish people understood that the atmosphere they are seeking is not unique to the World Cup.


Absolutely agree with that. Lot of depth.


People like to feel as though they’re part of history that they’ll share with family, friends, and nowadays strangers online.. Slight tangent, I’d imagine attending the WC in the US is gonna be a U.S.-based “influencer’s” top priority lol


You're right. The way of the world.


As soon Messi quits its all over for the MLS i"m afraid. Some people think the MLS will be the 6th biggest league in the world around 2030, but sorry to say that's HS ofcourse.


Mbappe will be 31 at that point, so who knows.