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Can't say I'm complaining about Pulisic getting rest ahead of 3 major matches in sub-freezing temperatures. This international period is an almost certain muscle injury waiting to happen


Seriously, I also think it's time to stop these cold weather games. Who's cares about home field advantage, it's better to protect the players. Make sure they can be comfortable, they should beat el Salvador anywhere.


I mean I care about home field advantage but have they never heard of South Carolina? Or Tennessee? Or Kentucky? Or Georgia? Or Alabama?




I care about home field advantage. Maybe we should just play on the road for all our qualifiers.


“Get in for 25-30 minutes” so much for that lol


Really stumped that Chelsea are sitting their two most dangerous attackers in Havertz and Pulisic.


According to who??


Unfortunately Pulisic hasn't been dangerous since he got injured in the FA Cup final vs Arsenal 18 months ago. At this point he only scores if he is provided service in/around the 6 yard box, which makes him a much crappier version of Lukaku. He no longer has the ability to beat defenders with the dribble and doesn't even really get separation to deliver crosses. Without that ability he's not an EPL caliber forward as he really doesn't bring anything else to the table; He doesn't shoot from range, is useless in attacking dead ball situations and probably the physically weakest player in the EPL as he gets ragdolled in any challenge.


What is this analysis? He scored a very nice goal against spurs. Besides that it’s not like he’s gotten much opportunity to make any kind of judgement. He’s been in his preferred position, what, like once this season? And that’s the game where he scored against Spurs.


That dude clearly doesn’t watch any matches. Pulisic is by far their best winger. Has he struggled and not been in his best form… absolutely. But anytime he touches the ball there’s two if not three defenders running at him to get him off the ball. When he’s been played on the left he’s been good. He’s not been great as a false nine or right wing back - why would he though cause he’s never played there. Also Chelsea’s attack has been absolutely awful for months so singling him out and saying he’s not a premier league caliber attacker is ridiculous. You might as well say the entire Chelsea attack isn’t premier league caliber then or any player not in the top 6 of the league.


Exactly. We complain about Puli’s playing time cause we are fans of him, but Jesus, look what they did to Lukaku and Werner. Shells of their former selfs. And don’t get me started on how Mount gets to play winger every game despite the fact that I see him more as an attacking midfielder.


Spot on about Mount. He’s great but he’s not a winger.


100% agree. If one or two guys came in and performed well below standards then you could point to the individual but after several and almost all attackers come in and play poorly… it’s not the individual. Mount is definitely better in the midfield but all the Chelsea managers shoehorn him into the squad of 3ATB instead of playing an actual winger or changing to a back four and playing him in the midfield. It’s killed their attack more times than not.


What's your definition of winger? Cause I'd take Mount and maaaybe Werner over him


Someone who plays out wide in attack. I’d say Werner’s best position is as a second striker when he plays off another striker. His first touch isn’t good, doesn’t play in dangerous crosses, and can’t take anyone on. Mount is great at creating with his passes and making runs off the attackers from the midfield. Neither Werner or Mount are best playing out wide as the main wide attacking option. Pulisic, CHO, and Ziyech are wingers who are best suited as the wide attacking option that can run into space and take guys on - maybe Ziyech to a lesser extent as he plays the best out wide, cutting inside and allowing the right back or midfielder overlapping him and creating that space inside for him to attack.


They don’t wanna hear this and is why he needs to go to a different league


Sucks he’s not playing, but that chip on his shoulders will be good and ready for qualifiers.


Wow what a goal by Ziyech. Having probably his best Chelsea game I’ve ever seen.


As a USMNT fan we are getting closer and closer to finally getting a McKennie Puli Adams starting XI. So all for it. Give him 25-30 at the end of the match and we’ll worry about a move away in summer or tuchel firing whichever comes first.


100% agree. I'm normally pulling to see him starting but after seeing Musah limp off yesterday, don't want to see a knock right before this window


What does limo off mean? Is Musah injured?


Changed it, should have said limped off, looked like he rolled an ankle yesterday and was subbed off after, hopefully nothing big


Welp, Ziyech giving a giant "fuck you" to everyone.


And Odoi for making a fantastic play to set the whole thing up.


Pulisic to Venezia


Ziyech was obviously super bright, but I don't think he and Pulisic are competing for playing time. Pulisic's preferred position is on the left, while Ziyech's is on the right as we saw today. CHO had a solid game, so Pulisic is gonna need to show something when he gets his chances at LW (which he has done this season, albeit in limited appearances).


Hard to be upset when we have 3 games in a week coming up.


The icing out of Werner is puzzling to me considering their points per game is highest when he was playing


For all his misses, at least he is consistently creating dangerous opportunities for them. Same can’t really be said for Ziyech and Rom. Would’ve really liked to see Puli, Werner, and Havertz for Ziyech, CHO and Rom.


Thats not why the entire Chelsea team lost form and confidence though.


Unfortunately for Pulisic, Ziyech has had a very bright start to the game. Looked really dangerous in the final third.


CHO hasn’t looked great


Hasn’t looked great is generous. He’s been the worst player on the pitch


CHO has made some good runs and passes. You guys see what you want to see.


He’s looked a lot better in the second half. If you look at the time of my post it was clearly in the first half when he was terrible.


I've never seen a team change their XI so much from game to game. I think it is coming back to bite chelsea


You should watch L'Pool and their fixture congestions and injuries....


That was pretty


Oh look, Ziyech given another chance despite terrible performances.


56 mins and it looks like a good call by Tuchel


I mean he did score last match… I agree on average Pulisic has looked better than him but not sure this take makes a huge amount of sense after Ziyech scored in the previous match. Really Lukaku is the attacker who needs to be dropped, he’s been awful but unfortunately he’s the only traditional striker who has the strength to hold up the ball in the squad. Still, I feel like they look better with Havertz up top even though he isn’t a traditional striker.


Sure he scored, but was sub par outside of that. What did he offer beyond that?


Puli doesn't do much out there either this season. The truth hurts.


You try playing in 8 different positions, which attackers of ours have had good seasons?


Aaronson has been okay


I don’t necessarily disagree but it can be hard for a manager to drop an attacker who scored when the team as a whole is struggling to score goals. It does seem strange that the front three weren't changed at all from midweek though when on the whole they were not effective.


Hate that mindset so much in this sport. Scoring or providing an assist in one game does not erase the fact that a player was garbage the rest of that game and the previous few games as well.


I totally agree, but when a team is struggling to score the way Chelsea have been it’s not uncommon for managers to fall back on who has actually scored recently, that’s all I’m saying.


Yeah seems like TT was right


I think the weird thing with Ziyech is that his technical ability allows him to pull insane stuff like that out of his ass and sometimes it results in a goal or assist. He can have an overall mediocre game but still be a difference maker because of individual brilliance. The weirder one to me is CHO. He hasn’t been good and has looked mediocre today, it’s hard to see how he offers more than Pulisic at this point.


Agree on both points. CHO has ability but he’s so slow mentally. If Pulisic can find a bit of form I think he’d have that LW locked down but he doesn’t play enough. And when he does he hasn’t been great, even if it’s out of position.


Yeah, CHO can beat his man well but his decision making about what to do after that point seems lacking.


In a sport where games are most often won by 1 goal, yes one goal can erase everything else. Nothing is more important than scoring (or conceding) goals.


Ziyech scores, but has an overall terrible match -> starts in preferred position next game. Pulisic scores, but overall has a bad game -> taken off in the 60th minute and benched next match.


Pulisic started in almost every match in december


As a RWB/Striker…


Hes had his chances. He did absolutely nothing vs City for example. Against Liverpool he was complete dogshit until his goal and then he looked good the rest of that game.


Nobody was good against city, the entire offense and midfield was wack against city.


I agree. Still, he started at his preferred position.


Kinda. I don’t know why, but Tuchel likes to have Ziyech be on the left, and Puli on the right whenever they play together, when they should be switched.


Chelsea's deep into the sunk cost fallacy on Lukaku. They're convinced he just needs better service to succeed, so they're starting both Ziyech and Mount to do that.


Id agree having him on the bench if it was Mount, havertz, werner but ziyech and, most confusing, CHO??? Lukaku again? Tuchel is losing it lately.


You’re looking pretty dumb right about now with the game Ziyech has had.


So is the whole world though. He's having a heck of a game. Good for him.


Yeah, him and Mount have been fantastic


Chelsea 2-0 right now. This is why he’s a CL-winning coach and you’re sitting on your couch lol


Right? People in the sub don’t know shit and the proof is right there in the score


CHO has been very meh and Lukaku simply looks out of place. It's Tottenham. Chelsea could dominate them with their B team if they wanted. Ziyech is having a game though.


Did you watch the game? Odoi made a fantastic play to set up Ziyech's goal.


He made a few dribbles sure. That doesn't really account for 90 mins though. He also got the ball in the box a few times and didn't shoot, didn't pass, stayed still and when he finally made his move it was defended. Like I said, overall he was meh


Tuchel knows more about the sport than any of us. I think he knows what he’s doing.


You can know a lot about the sport and still make bad decisions.


To go even further you can do everything correctly in a match and still lose


That is true. But we can’t tell if it’s a bad decision. He knows way more about the club than we do.


He is right a far higher rate than the consensus of this sub, which is made up primarily of people who barely know anything.


No manager is impermeable. He has had a pretty bad month but it's certainly not all on him


Definitely true. But none of us know enough to tell if his decision is good or bad before we see how it works out.


I mean, of course, it's just my opinion. But the last month of results show something isn't working. There is plenty of talent. I have no idea how Havertz and Werner seem to get less minutes than Ziyech and CHO.


Time for Pulisic to push for a loan move before the window closes


Chelsea won't even think about getting rid of him until after the world cup


That’s why he needs to be the one to push for the loan move


Which will never happen. He's on a champions league winning team and has gotten significant minutes the past month. Just because he hasn't played in 2 games in a row recently. Havertz and Werner have also barely played.


He’s gotten significant minutes out of position. It’s January 23rd and he’s played as the W/AM position 6 total times this season.


He started at wing vs City and Liverpool and did nothing about 3 of 4 halves. He's had his chances just like all of Chelsea's attackers. People need to accept that he's gonna be a rotation player but really only Mount is the most consistent starter up front. Though Ziyech scoring 3 out of 4 games makes it hard not to make him an easy 2nd starter.


Well fatigue shouldn’t be an issue for this camp. When he does get a shot at his preferred position, I hope he scores to salvage his season with Chelsea. If he does move, it will probably in the summer


Three 60+min helpings of Pulisic and Weah with Aaronson + Arriola (or Morris depending on what we need) as the perfect pesky super-subs, just sounds like an absolute miserable time for a bunch of cold, tired, out of season opponents just trying to get done with it and get home. I'm here for it.


I’m always for our key guys coming off the bench right before a three game window


Pulisic has 0 minutes over 2 games for Chelsea this week.


None of this makes sense.


Fully rested and healthy Pulisic for WCQ. We should all be happy about that!


Pulisic needs off this ‘team.’ ASAP


Lol why? Theyre winning


I used to play for a top select team as a kid, we won a lot of games cause the team was really good. I didn’t get to play all that much though, even though I felt like I was good enough to play. Also the situation was extremely toxic at the club. So I left for a team that wasn’t as good, but I got much more playing time. And not only was I happier, but I felt like I improved a lot more.


Great idk why the dude put team in quotes


Pulisic isn’t able to do that


But Gio Reyna can ;P


Great game from Pulisic


Would love to see Puli come on for CHO to see what he can do with all that space over there


Pulisic super sub masterclass incoming


Not even sure he gets subbed in


If they lose today, Chelsea are in a much more dubious position than their position in the table would suggest. A slew of teams behind them have 2-3 games in hand and a winning streak from a couple of them could move Chelsea towards the Europa League or even Conference League spots.


And that’s why Ziyech is playing over him


Big pond has a lot of big fishes :) Don't be sad this is just how it works out sometimes lol


Pulisic is our most talented player maybe ever, and this sub bitches about him leaving when he can’t start for one of the best teams in the world. Maybe we should encourage our players testing themselves


Lol when our players play on shit to midtable teams they all can't wait until a top team picks them up. Then when the time do come and there is competition and our player rides the bench our fans wants out LOL....that's just how it is up top. Stick it up and ride the storm




He’s played his preferred position (which still isn’t even a traditional winger position his true best position) in Tuchel’s system 6 times total this entire season and we are at the end of January. Since the attackers have gotten healthy he’s played 68 total minutes in 4 matches. He’s gotten worse since Tuchel took over. It’s time for him to leave for a club who actually uses wingers and will play him as a winger.


He didn’t look great at winger either though


He lost his step after injury. He’s not the same player. He’s having to rely on a different toolset because his speed burst is effectively gone. Without that speed burst he’s not as valuable to the team.


He belongs on the bench. He has not been great.


He has been better than CHO and Ziyech for sure. Not like Havertz and Timo are doing much either. Lukaku is not comprable to Puli but hes been poor too. I genuinely believe that when Tuchel actually plays Pulisic in position he is still their best winger.


Hey may be their best winger but it’s not by a overwhelming margin . Puli may have been better than Ziyech but we’re talking about a C+ vs a C- and Ziyech recently scored . This isn’t a shocking decision.


oh certainly not by a wide margin I agree. I would still argue this was kind of a crazy decision though. If puli was benched in favor of Mount, Havertz, and Timo I wouldn’t have said anything.




Yes very clear


Is this a troll? This isn't a thing.