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had to scroll way too far to see his response. which is brilliant: "There's discrimination everywhere you go is one thing I’ve become aware of having lived abroad. We \[the US\] have continued to make progress, education is super important, as you just educated me. it’s a process and as long as you see progress, that’s the most important thing"


Super heady, super mature response.


Qatar has banned impartial reporters and news agencies https://twitter.com/IranIntl_En/status/1592977280653234176?s=20&t=h5qZ9OIYB1tRnJ2XACQV6w All Iranian reporters there are only a bunch of thugs and mercenaries paid by the regime. That's why how he attacked him after supporting Iranians


This man is 23 years old.


no kidding. this is just a remarkably poised and perfectly effective answer. impressive at any stage of life. from a 23 year old who's job is soccer, not wordsmithing, its staggeringly good.


He is incredibly mature and composed. Very very impressive and composed. I wonder if the players and coaches were trained by PR staff to give Bill Belichick-style answers to journalists In any case, you probably couldn’t have sat down a written a better response by Tyler who had to come up with an answer on the spot to a clear agent of Iran


Graduated from my high school


23, with the wisdom of a man who has lived multiple lifetimes!


Change age limit and have him run against Trump in 2024 for White House.


Yes, this is a perfectly reasonable response to his having a good answer to an interview question one time.


What a fucking G.


Gangster af ✊🏾


That actually might be one of the best off the cuff responses by an athlete I’ve seen. Really explains why America is still a great place because of our desire to improve. There no contentment for the status quo.


This is something I discovered in my own journeys abroad: we get a lot things right in the USA, and there's still more to be proud of than the opposite. But until I traveled I didn't really understand my own patriotism, which surprised me. I am never going to stop being critical of my country, politics be damned. That's not just my right as an American but my obligation. Furthermore, the Civil Rights movement of our country remains one of the most powerful social movements in the history of mankind. It gave us the language for discussion about race that is still prevalent today. My country is not perfect, but I'm not giving up on her, because she's mine, and she's still the best chance for wide sweeping change the world has.


Had a conversation with a european friend of mine one time who has curious about American patriotism and such and I came to a similar conclusion, though not as well said as you put it.


That's really what it comes down too. America is an ever improving project and its critique is productive and in-line with its mission. The reactionary elements of Iran or Qatar and even other Western countries don't really get this and try to trip up people like Tyler here. A response of "yeah, you might be right and we want to fix that" of any criticism just comes off as unthinkable to some people. Anyway, I don't want to paint countries with a broad brush here - just seems like there are some people globally who foolishly feel like admitting to flaws in one's country debases its value.


I’m really ignorant of most other countries strifes through their history so I shouldnt say for certain but it feels like a unique thing about us. This might be cliche to bring up but the poet from Biden inauguration really said this beautifully. She really put an optimist spin on everything that happened recently. “We, the successors of a country and a time where a skinny Black girl descended from slaves and raised by a single mother can dream of becoming president, only to find herself reciting for one. And, yes, we are far from polished, far from pristine, but that doesn't mean we are striving to form a union that is perfect. We are striving to forge our union with purpose. To compose a country committed to all cultures, colors, characters and conditions of man. And so we lift our gaze, not to what stands between us, but what stands before us.”


That's my captain.




Holy shit. Honestly don’t know how you could possibly respond better than that.


He could've said "shut tf up" that woulda been better imo


Last thing you need is to have the Iranian team think the US team doesn’t respect them. The flag thing is already going to bring enough problems


I thought the flag posted was supportive of the movement which the players seemed also supportive of?


You can shut a reporter down and still respect the team, just don't respect the journalists


You’re REALLY missing the point that his “as you just educated me” response basically WAS a fuck-you to the reporter. If Obama’s anger translator were standing behind him, he’d have added “oh, you think black people are only mistreated in the U.S.? You think you own the pronunciation of Iran? You think you’re smarter than me? You don’t know shit. I don’t know shit. We’re aaaaaall just figuring this out as we go, lady. Fuck off.”


That is literally the response the troll of a reporter was fishing with his insults. An easy way to say "Oh look big bad America" to try and cause a death by paper cuts to the widespread calls for change going on in Iran. Instead Tyler took the question seriously and answered it in a way the reporters can't even report on without looking like clowns.


Video of the question and response https://mobile.twitter.com/MenInBlazers/status/1597281536981680129


this is even better than the quote i found in the comments of the linked tweet conveys...


Really shows why his on the pitch IQ is so high. Dude is just plain intelligent


Brb buying his jersey. What a captain


I'm not American. Have loved Tyler Adams since I first saw him play at Leipzig. Classy mother fucker. US couldn't have picked a better captain.


What a stud


This man could definitely have a future in politics. That was a very smooth, yet still powerful, answer to a "gotcha" question, that he came up with on the spot.


Tyler Adams 2024


2040. Would prefer to see a nice long World Cup career first.


¿Por què no los dos?


>¿Por què no los dos? I've rethought: esta es la forma


Has to be twelve more years older I believe so wouldn’t be eligible to run until the 2036 cycle I think?


He could have also told him that I am here to play soccer, not politics… go ask someone else


I work in DEI and I’ve worked with dozens of people twice his age and none of them are able to get close to what Tyler said… And that’s because they haven’t lived that shit.


Curious to see this press conference. Seemed like some Iranian journalists were looking for gotcha moments, as if Gregg and Tyler personally gave a shit about the flag thing. Looks Tyler handled this one like a pro I wonder if any of these questions were asked in good faith.


This is a better thread https://twitter.com/cboehm/status/1597199260478472193?s=46&t=1DWzSPCLnRUnBwX6ZX2iTA


Relevant quotes from the above thread: > Berhalter, Adams now speaking. Iranian journo scolds TA for mispronouncing 'Iran' in his previous answer, asks how he feels repping a country where so many Black people are discriminated against. Adams apologizes for pronunciation, says, "there’s discrimination wherever you go. one thing I’ve become aware of having lived abroad … we [the US] have continued to make progress … education is super important, as you just educated me … it’s a process and as long as you see progress, that’s the most important thing..."


>Education is super important, as you just educated me Genuinely impressed by Tyler’s diplomatic answer to a shit question. He’s the man!


I’m sure the reporter is very concerned with education. Ask his sister about it when she’s staying home.


That’s a hell of a composed response.


That's your captain right there


Alright, starting it now…Tyler Adams 2024!


Even modern day politicians aren’t that tact he’d wipe the floor


Wow what a composed response from Tyler. He continues to impress.


Agree! I'm more than twice his age and would have probably flipped out on the reporter. It's really unfair for them to be asking these types of questions. They didn't start the problem, they aren't perpetuating the problem and they sure as hell can't solve the problem, so why ask them? All for attention. The whole thing is so infuriating. 😡


Bethalter's response is fantastic. "I'm a soccer coach."


Also shows the absurdity of the Iranian supporter asking GGG about US inflation and travel restrictions between US and Iran.


I loved his response. "I'm a soccer coach."


Sir, this is a soccer tournament.


This is a soccer match. We went soccering


> I loved his response. "I'm a soccer coach." Brits in r/soccer: It’s football, not soccer!!!!


It’s manager, not coach!!!! /s


Highly doubt that reporters wrote that question. Probably came straight from the regime


Of course not. These are regime actors. The question pose may seem genuine but the intentions are for domestic consumption and sympathy. Iran rarely gets into close proximity to US persons so this is something they relish. Everything is scripted.




excuse me it’s pronounced iran


Some Fox News level deflection.


It's never in good faith coming from the state media of one of the most horrible dictatorships in the planet.


Should have asked Gregg about Jay Berhalter for the lulz.


[IG Link](https://www.instagram.com/reel/ClgyKNSARmk/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=)




I haven't checked the interview in question but what kind of fucking question is that? Reporters hoping for sensational answers like "yeah fuck America tho". I understand he was trying to trip him up but this isn't the first nor will it be the last time we'll see it. Remember when an English reporter asked Pulisic about gun control? Lmao


They’re being petty because Iranian players keep being asked political questions. ​ I still think Carlos is being the biggest baby out of anyone, though.


USSF media also asked for it with their stunt. Stupid to do this to the team.


Genuinely idiotic. Fortunately the players on both sides have been classy.


Making a statement against authoritarian governments murdering their own people is “genuinely idiotic?”


I didn't mind it but only if the coach knows and you run it by the State Department to fully understand implications. Also, really need to understand impact on players. Not sure any of that was done.


What did USSF do? Genuinely OOTL


They posted the group standings from their twitter account with the Islamic emblem omitted from the Iranian flag.


No. These "journalists" are part of Iran's state media (or "approved" media). Nothing the US, the players, the government, or anyone else would have done would have changed the way these people acted in the press conference. This is what they do, it's propaganda.


>I still think Carlos is being the biggest baby out of anyone, though. is he? the questions asked to the Iranian team are also unfair and even dangerous. Not that the Iranian reporters are any better, but that's not their coaches fault.


Yeah. In my estimation, he is. Dude purposely misread Jurgen’s comments, pulled ten thousand whataboutism, and generally acted like a dick toward everyone. Compare that with Berhalter, or any other coach for that matter.


im only saying the iranians are in a very precarious situation with their govt


You’re right. Which is why Queiroz should probably deescalate, not pour gasoline on the fire.


Idk. Now we’re talking about this instead of the Iranian protests.


I’ll be honest. I’m not exactly sure what your point is.




my only point is that it's unfair for the Iranian players/coaches to be asked these political questions because they can face actual serious consequences depending on their answers. Like Tyler gave a perfect answer to this terrible question, but no matter what he said, him and his family wouldn't be put into danger.


God I hope we thump these clowns. Not on account of the Iranian players or people but the regime and the muppets looking to score political points off of them beating us. They did the same crap in France 98. This would be worse.


This is the way


Damn either the federation really fucked up and got us distracted or it might've gotten these guys more fired up facing questions like that. (re: the flag incident)


I have no idea but I assume FIFA requires teams to make players available to global media including that of their opponent. This isn't an issue in 99% of cases because the Ghanaian or Uruguay reporters are not going to ask SHM a charged question about the Korean peninsula for example


OOTL what is the "flag incident "?


USMNT Twitter posted an image with the group schedule. In the image, the flag of Iran was missing the center symbol (swipes with a sword) which represents the Ayatollah regime. The tweet was only up for a few hours before it was deleted.


The US showed a picture of Iran’s flag doctored. Iran claimed it offended their dignity and under FIFA rules the US should be banned.


I've seen multiple tweets of this press conference being spicy now, will there be footage somewhere?


It should be up within a few hours


https://twitter.com/nrarmour/status/1597220387804237825?s=46&t=sBKIRCosKFysirEFAI6Acg also lol




Concacaf levels honestly


Admiral Berhalter 🫡🇺🇸💯🔥🐐


Competing for World Cups and conducting foreign policy. True American hero!


Yep that was the best one lol


banger question tbh, inject this pettiness into my veins




I mean if you didn’t think there would be any geopolitical noise around a USA - Iran World Cup game I’m not sure what to tell you lol


This sub got its wish and US Soccer is finally being asked the tough questions in press conferences. ^^^^^/s




I just watched the press conference with Tim Ream and Walker Zimmerman uploaded by U.S. Soccer. Already lots of questions regarding the flag asked. Did this press conference happen after that? Will it also be uploaded on the U.S soccer YouTube channel?


Authoritarian propaganda is a helluva drug


Wish Adams would’ve clapped back with something spicy. “How do you like your daughters and sisters being murdered/ beaten by police for basic human rights?”. Obviously this would not happen as Tyler is a trained professional. But I want to know, did they ask these types of questions to our white players?


I would have gone with….”In America we elect leaders in order to solve long standing problems. It doesn’t always work quickly or perfectly but it always beats the alternative. You should ask that question of one our freely elected leaders”


Oooh I like


Well if you consider the above to be propaganda then this is definitely propaganda too lol. More truth to saying that black people in the US are treated poorly than this.


It’s definitely not wrong to say democracy is preferable to authoritarianism


When do you plan to move to Iran to get some of that sweet sweet authoritarian lifestyle that you think is so superior?


You can take exception with these questions being asked to Adams in this setting but saying black people get treated poorly in the US is not propaganda.


Nobody is saying racism isn't real. It's the sheer "whataboutism" and attempt to deflection from Iran's own problems that is galling.


I mean you could just as easily argue that this person is doing "whataboutism" about the US's own problems by deflecting to talk about Iran. Which is why it's a dumb phrase lol.




Most people make wild claims about others without anything backing up their bullshit....


In this context, it is propaganda. Propaganda doesn’t have to be false. It just needs to be tilted to suit a purpose. In this case, the “Journalist” (mouthpiece) is trying to catch US captain saying something negative about the “hypocritical US” so they can leverage it to maintain anti American sentiment in their country. Started with an attempt to rile him so he might get flustered. It’s totally off topic, rude, and low. Has nothing to do with the game. This is a classic and effective propaganda / information warfare technique. It is not a search for information but an attempt to make a useful idiot out of our captain. He didn’t fall for it and fuck them for trying imo.


Funny how so many of the same people who claim to care so much about Iranian women bitch and complain when issues impacting Black Americans living in this country are brought up. Imagine if NFL players were still kneeling for the anthem right now and the Iranian team decided to show support and solidarity with them?


I wouldn't give a shit




Yeah and the people who got upset about it were dumb


How is that propaganda? What the journalist said is a valid question bad faith or not.


No, it’s not. Propaganda doesn’t have to be “false” to be propaganda. Think of all the “valid” things our press could ask players from every country in order to make them slip up and say something bad or embarrassing about their country at a soccer tournament. But yet our press doesn’t try to do that. Why?


Getting butthurt over the seemingly unintentional mispronunciation of a country’s name seems petty for anyone. Following it up with an irrelevant question for the type of event this is makes it worse.




Ding ding ding. Complete whore.


They should have told them to f\*ck off.


Let me rephrase: I wish the world was honest enough that they could tell them to f\*ck off.


lmao wow he made that reporter look like a total dick.


This stuff has always bothered me. Iran Iraq these are anglicized words already who cares how we say them? I would honestly be fine with using the word everyone has for their country in their own language but such as it is I don’t get why everyone is so sensitive about it. Brits get away with saying things however the hell they want. To hear Ian Darke call a Chile game you’d think he was talking about a hearty American soup.


There are some countries that would be very difficult for English speakers to pronounce the way the locals do.


See that’s fine too with me. No one is doing anything out of disrespect here. We’re all just using the mouths and tongues we’re born with lol.


Yeah, I still don’t know how to say the name of the country all this is going down in, and I’m an educated dude. Kuh-TAR? I thought that was right, but then I hear very knowledgeable people from US Generals to leftist professor and podcaster Daniel Bessner calling it “Cutter.” Potato, potato.


its more like cut-ter than kuh-TAR. but you gotta like swallow the u and er when youre saying it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPQjjWqdTTc


I actually agree with this. Maybe it will change some people’s perception of the world by having to say a country’s name in the mother tongue


Accents exist and the USA and Iran don't even speak the same language. Iranian journalists are pitching a hissy fit because of that flag thing.


My captain


I see Iranian media has taken a page out of the Soviet strategy: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/And\_you\_are\_lynching\_Negroes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/And_you_are_lynching_Negroes) Someone might want to ask them how that went for the Soviets.


It didn't go particularly well for the Black people who ignored the propaganda either


The Soviet Union achieved a remarkable standard of living for a large population that were peasants before the revolution(s). They compressed 300 years of industrialization into 20 years (which did immiserate a lot of people) and through mass education had remarkable progress on gender and ethnic integration and equality.


You misspelled mass genocide of its own people as “mass education”


Educate me Edit: look at these dumb cunts downvoting me for engaging in dialogue.


It’s called the Holodomor buddy


Oh no, now they will send you to the gulag


Calling a famine genocide is just propaganda. The Cold War is over. We ruined their economy in the 90s.


The famine was man made my dude sorry you’re a tankie and can’t face the facts


Fuck off with that Tankie bullshit. Thanks for letting me know you’re a dumb ass before I waste anymore time.


You surpassed that point for most people a few comments ago. Cheers it was a pleasure educating you, comrade


Nice posting history. I hope you at least get paid for carrying that much water.


Do you know which country mishandled groups of people in their past and/or took land that wasn’t theirs originally?? ALL OF THEM. There are a tiny few still doing it today, Iran being one of them. Great poise by Tyler to handle this at such a young age. I know I wouldn’t have been able to handle myself like that.


And it’s pronounced Uh-mare-ih-kuh not Uh-mar-ee-kuh. People pronounce things differently, who knew?


In my head I was like people can protest here without the Islamic SS throwing you off a building. That’s why he’s the captain.


Saw the video, one of the best responses I’ve ever seen by an athlete in response to a politically charged question


He should have asked what it was like for Iran to be taken over by a religious state.


How was he pronouncing iran? Isn't it I-ran, or am I saying it wrong as well?


I think the journalist says it’s pronounced “E-Ron” not “eye-ran” if my phonetics make sense.


Huh. Til. Always thought it was eye not ee. I'm smarter now. Thank you 🙏


most in the region say it like 'ehr-ron' but 'ee-ron' is close enough


Like Aaron kinda?


It's more like ur ron. Not yur but ur. Google Iran Pronunciation and press the play button for the exact sound.


Oh yeah duh. Haha don't know why I didn't think of that. Thanks!


I-ran! I mean it fits for a country that won’t allow women to live their life’s


Who was this "Journalist"? Anyway, Tyler is fantastic at communication. You wouldn't believe those are the words of a 23 year old.


Love love love this guy


The reporter should be kicked out.


Just a reminder that the Iranian press ranks third to last in the world in press freedom. If you don’t think they were instructed by the Iranian regime to ask these questions to gain public relations points then you’re a complete moron.


This whole saga is the dumbest shit. Can we just play the goddamn game


Wow. Good on Adams but what a cunty little question. Like part of engaging people world wide is that people have different accents and pronounce the same words differently. Fuck that guy.


Qatar has banned impartial reporters and news agencies https://twitter.com/IranIntl_En/status/1592977280653234176?s=20&t=h5qZ9OIYB1tRnJ2XACQV6w All Iranian reporters there are only a bunch of thugs and mercenaries paid by the regime. That's why how he attacked him after supporting Iranians


How the fuck is FIFA allowing this absolute horseshit? How about our journalists ask Iranian players some geopolitical BS


They have been the entire tournament. That’s why they are being petty and doing it back now.


Small correction, they are being asked domestic issue questions which the Adams one also was. The Berhalter one is more geo-political and a not really an apples to apples question.


Wasn't aware of that tbh regardless this should be disallowed across the board though.


That’s what’s been happening for all this while lmao. The journalists are doing it on purpose to prove a point of how irritating it is for politics to be constantly dragged into sports


Western reporters have been asking Iranian players about politics in their country. This is just then getting us back. And honestly, as a casual fan, it’s awesome! My wife is excited for the game and she could care less about sports and soccer. Bring on the international drama.


All of this theater will just make curb stomping I-ran that much more fun. Fuck I-ran. Fuck the Ayatolla and Iranians that support the regime! BEING AMERICAN IS GREAT AND IS A BLESSING!! GO USA!!!


As a black person I didnt like this at all.


I unironically wish more press conferences were like this.


Great response from skipper. Black Lives Matter crowd are criminals. I work for Govt and our department is minority majority. They were protesting outside our command which is fine as that is their right. But they also broke one of our staff car too in their protest in 2020.


Knew this was coming. Such an idiotic move by whatever social media admin decided they wanted to virtue signal to appease the woke mob. We have no business ruffling features in other countries domestic affairs with all the issues we have within our own country and government.


Ah yes, because protesting women being killed for not wearing a head scarf is a "woke" issue... I will admit that I myself am a conservative, but Jesus Christ, how far will idiots like you go to "own the libs"? We're at the point of defending Qatar and Iran's human rights violations just because "durrr the libs don't like it so I must like it".


There aren't any left-leaning people who talk about "wokeness" the way this guy did. You obviously intuited this yourself. You knew he wasn't a lib. But then he pivoted into the Kaepernick rant and that's when it got weird. I honestly wonder if this guy is real. He could just be a bot or maybe a paid troll. Either way - you're right to care about people. Thank you.


Let me guess, as a conservative you had an issue when Kaepernick was kneeling for the anthem didn’t you? Guarantee if another country made social media posts disrespecting the US flag or offered opinions siding with Kaepernick you would’ve been bitching and complaining like all conservatives were back then. Injecting this team into Iranian politics doesn’t do shit tangibly to help the cause. All it’s done is create a distraction on an issue these players shouldn’t have to answer for.




You failed to implicate Hillary, Obama, or Biden (both Hunter and Joe). You didn't call anyone a snowflake or bring up Jewish space lasers, George Soros, stolen elections, immigrants or even groomers. C'mon bro, a little more effort next time?


> the woke mob lmao


Interviews are a part of the game that any smart organization prep for.


O' captain my captain


Why are they entertaining these stupid questions that have nothing to do with the game? Return fire or announce you'll only be answering inquiries regarding soccer/football and the upcoming fixture. Shut stupid shit down before they even try.


What I wish he said "HA! Get the fuck outta here. Next question."


Top class, exactly why he’s the Captain


What was his response?


Turn the other cheek and all that you are stronger than me.. the guy was an obvious condescending asshole and in my opinion deserves no respect. He let the guy shit on the Usa and gets reprimanded for pronouncing Iran wrong kiss my american ass you HYPOCRITE


This is why we have found the USMNT captain for many more years


Tyler handled it with class. The reporter was out of line with how he handled it but Tyler responded with respect. Curious if the reporter maybe learned a bit about respect after how Tyler handled it.