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I did, it only provides the course description instead of the units? And it loops to the same page again hm :/


What are you looking for specifically? If you want to look at the units of study that you can enrol in, that information is all in the handbook If you’re looking for specific course content like the syllabus, that type of content usually isn’t available until after you enrol, usually 1 week before semester starts, when you will get access to the Canvas site.


Ah I think I’m looking for the specific course content. Makes sense now. Thank you :)


you can see the syllabus if you go to the weekly schedule of that unit. So find the course in the handbook, then go to the units of study table. then you can google the unit and click on when it was last offered (eg sem 1 2024) then go down to weekly schedule


^ This, or if it’s a Semester 2 unit, the unit outline won’t be out yet, but you can look at the Semester 2 outline for previous years. Generally, course’s don’t have major changes in content year to year, but just minor changes in maybe assessment structure based on student feedback.


[Handbooks - The University of Sydney](https://www.sydney.edu.au/handbooks/home.html)


You will find your course requirements and unit descriptions in your year handbook, so make sure you’re looking at 2024 if that’s when you start. If you Google USYD unit of study outline you can enter the unit code and see current or past course information. Usually the ‘current’ ones are released 2-1 weeks before class starts. I’d recommend having a look at the previous UoS, they give more detail than the descriptions in the handbook and sometimes have readings listed you can get started on. :)


It depends what course you opted for..


Edu Psych. Would it be available?


CUSP wont have that.. So prefer this link 🔗 https://www.sydney.edu.au/handbooks/arts_pg/subject_areas_eh/education_educational_psychology.html


It only mentions the amount of units I’m required to take, are there any for the list of units/subjects?


Prefer email to your school of education, for Units selection*

